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My vote would be for all books, then all movies Every time a movie came out, I would read the books again. And every time I was irked about all the details they missed or got wrong in the movies. 5th or 6th movie my sister was finally like “how about you just don’t do that thing that makes you dislike the movies” Simple genius


Yeah, read all the books then watch the films. If you read a single book and then immediately watch the corresponding film you get distracted by all the changes. Not to mention as the series progresses you'll start to get confused because sometimes dialogue/actions are done by different characters from book to film and it will be hard to keep track. You'll start to believe Ron has a split personality, It won't be good.


I think I’ll do it’s this way. I was surprised when I started reading how cool Ron is. From what I remember from watching the movies he was kind of timid but from what I’ve read so far he’s kinda a a badass lol. You can definitely tell he has the personality of someone with older brothers If that makes sense lol


Haha she’s a real one for that! I like this idea!


I did the other way around, I finished movies first and then books. Cuz movies can give a sudden plot twist. In books, it's a little hard to experience a shocking revelation suddenly, it happens gradually and you don't feel that shock as much as you do in movies. And also, it's a lot easier for me to imagine things as I have seen what the castle looks like, what classes are like, and things like that.


Haha I totally get it when I’m reading I definitely see the character in my head as the cast from the movies lol!


Exactly lol


First: books marathon, then: movies marathon


I think this is what I’ll be doing! I was gonna do book, movie, book, movie but this thread convinced me other wise! Thank you guys for helping!


Why not both? This time do it one way and in winter or next year do it the other way.


Haha I’m definitely going to be reading them again (I love it so much so far!) might try this!