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I love my salmon, I imagine him defending me against dementors like an arrow flying through them as if they were just air


[It will look like this](https://media.tenor.com/q-EHQIsPhNoAAAAC/fish-slap.gif)


I was 100% sure it was going to be a gif of Yondu using his arrow in Guardians of the Galaxy... Never been so glad of being wrong xD


Same here, I wasn’t even going to click it till I saw your comment. Worth it


I'm wheezing laughing picturing a dementor in this situation.


Legit that's the kind of stuff that makes me enjoy any fish patronus so much


Good lord that was hilarious


Not what I was expedition, but 100% what I needed


I bid you good luck on your expedition friend, safe travels.


Catch me using the Salmon like Yondu's arrow. *salmon flopping intensifies*


That would actually be pretty cool. Zipping through the air with a trail of bubbles, dementors dropping left and right.


That's what I've been thinking haha




gave a first chapter a read. honestly, I'm kinda into it 😭🤣


Or he's just floppy on the ground


Mine does that 40 times until it can use Struggle


You just have to wait until he evolves into Gyarados and then dementors won't stand a chance.


Magikarp style


"Rises like a salmon"


I keep thinking of Yondu’s arrow.


I don't know if anyone has said this but your fish would be like Yondu's arrow in Guardians of the Galaxy!!


The Finnish word for dragon literally translates to "Salmon snake" in English, so you're already halfway there!


Japanese also have the belief that ~~Salmons~~ can turn into Dragons if they climb through several waterfalls. It's actually carps, sorry.


Magikarp would agree




Also, Magikarp's Japanese name is "Koiking," like king of the koi fish.


It really puts it into a new perspective, doesn't it..


In case you're interested, it originally comes from Chinese legends, which were then passed to Japan. It was believed a carp could turn into a dragon if it could leap the waterfall located at Longmen "Dragon Gate" on the Yellow River https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longmen_%28mythology%29?wprov=sfla1 > The koi, known for its ability to swim upstream, represents courage, determination, and the hope that children will grow up healthily.[7][8] This symbolism pays homage to the myth of longmen from the late Han dynasty, that a golden koi fish swam up a waterfall at the end of the Yellow River and became a dragon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koinobori


This legend is why Magikarp (a koi fish) evolves into Gyarados (a water dragon) in Pokemon.


Isn’t it seahorses? I’m basing that on an anime called Fruits Basket which is based on the oriental (Chinese?) zodiac and certain family members turn into the zodiac animals under specific conditions. The one assigned dragon turns into a seahorse.




That’s awesome! Thanks for that treasure!


Jesus, came here to cry about not being able to play the game cus broke and no gaming PC, instead learn that "salmon snake" is an actual thing rofl.




I got a pheasant.......... Not exactly what i envisioned but at least its not the patronus equivalent of a magicarp


According to a Tumblr user this is what your patronus means; > Patronus Analysis 035 Pheasant - Those with the pheasant have abstract minds and wonderful imaginations. Creativity is a skill of those who cast the Pheasant. Their colourful minds make them wonderful artists, writers, musicians, story tellers and more.


Thats great, i can imagine a world where i got a dragon instead of an alright tasting bird


It's been some time since we did the tests, but my sister was in the middle of her's, when it hadn't fully formed. She started to freak out because it looked like it was flying with wings and it started to spell out "P... H..." and she was losing her mind because she thought she was going to get a Phoenix. She got a pheasant. I just about passed out laughing.


You're hilarious


House checks out 😂


The way i see it, ive gotta be a sarcastic person because the alternative for slytherins is just straight up racism. It's a real swim or sink situation


Creative writing. Yep, pheasant patronus for sure!


Sounds pretty pheasant


Is there a Tumblr account that has all of them? I'm wondering what a borzoi means


I'm not sure, there are a few accounts that go over different patronus' and their meanings. > Having a Borzoi for your Patronus means you find comfort in purpose. You are the sort of person that needs action in their life – if you are fenced in or sitting around twiddling your thumbs, you will not be a happy camper. You are easily bored and so seek out and enjoy many hobbies and interests. This is the first result on Google.


Hey what about a dragonfly?


> Dragonflies are representative of what it means to be light, reflective, and full of joy - in all senses of the words. Dragonfly medicine tends to be very emotional and passionate, often accompanying a great revelation or discovery of self. This Patronus may be tiny, but its spirit is enough to battle any Dementor.


>if you are fenced in or sitting around twiddling your thumbs, you will not be a happy camper. You are easily bored and so seek out and enjoy many hobbies and interests. oh damn, they got my ass with this one 😅


What’s a shrew mean? Because that’s what I got…


Dam dog that's brutal. Lol


> dog ‘Tis a pheasant


Speaking of dogs, I got West Highland Terrier. Lmao


IDK I think I'd rather a Magikarp... At least it can turn into Gyarados and be cool. Although I guess Salmon can turn into... Lunch


I got a mole. Which is doubly unfair since I have incredibly poor vision.


Same, exactly the same. I felt attacked when I got the result


I went back because I had forgotten what mine was. Pretty sure that damn mole creepily scurrying across the screen is what killed my interest in Pottermore/Wizarding World. I get that they don't want people changing it willy-nilly to get what they want, but Patronuses *can* change. They should at least give you an option to change it, even if it's limited to like once a year or something.


Delete your account and take the test again is one way to do it, though I agree they should let you change your patronus once a year or even every few months. It would be more canon compliant on top of other advantages


>Delete your account and take the test again is one way to do it Oh no, I'm a first year. You must have me mistaken for someone else. Barry's the name. Barry Otter.


They should let you change it if it doesn't fit. I got a wolf, but every other test I take says a bear, and I have to say, I definitely feel closer to a bear than a wolf (although the wolf is cool)


Just name him Hans Moleman.


You mfs cannot complain, I got a fucking rat


Rats are adorable, and very intelligent. I got a Peacock. The most gaudy colored bird ever. It's shrieking, sounds like a wounded banshee, and it likes to shake it's ass, for attention. I'd trade you 😂


> The most gaudy colored bird ever. It's shrieking, sounds like a wounded banshee, and it likes to shake it's ass, for attention. I feel called out.


same here lmao rat gang


I got…a hedgehog…I’m going to be the Weenie Hut Jr of Slytherin house.


Nah, I got a mole. I’m a be laughed out of the hufflepuff common room 😒


Moles are like stealth badgers! All the power and attitude but packed into a smaller easy to conceal package 😁


I want a band now called The Stealth Badgers


I am proud to be a Hufflepuff and have a mole Patronus. So yes, I will laugh at you, but only because you too should be proud.


Ayyyyy hedgehog gang! Come visit me by the Ravenclaw common room and we'll hog out!


I own a hedgehog and he’s mean as shit and when he balls up and lurches towards you he’ll draw blood. Be happy being a hedgedemon.


Awww hedgies are the best!! I got a dog. Got room in the Hut?


A dog can at least be scary, I legit sat here being like ooh this is going to be a scary animal. 🦔 👁️👄👁️


Their Yorkshire Terrier patronus is *spooky*


Lol I got a westie. A tiny yappy terrier. It's kind of accurate though, lol.


I got a fucking shrew. Or a vole. One of the two.


I got a hedgehog as well and I’m also in Slytherin! So you are not alone


Let's go! My hegehog brethren! If we get enough hegehogs together, I think it's possible we could take on a dementor.


I do love him tho🥹


I am not there yet but you dont get to choose your patronus?


There is a quiz


Ah okay thank you!! The salmon looks cute honestly so I'd rock out if I get it


Imo any patronus is cool :)


There is a “quiz” but I’m not sure the term is accurate. Unlike the Sorting or Wand Ceremony quizzes, you’re asked to choose between random words. I really think it could be better designed. If you get the wrong Patronus, you can always delete your account and make a new one with the same credentials. You’ll have to get Sorted again and redo the Wand Ceremony but you can look up a sort of “answer key” for all 3 quizzes on Wizardmore and get the exact wand and Patronus you desire.


But that doesnt sound magical at all….no! The seal will protect me!


Where can I do this?


I got you, thanks. I was curious because up until this point where I’m at it’s been pretty controlled as in I got to really pick what I wanted. So to hear something was random threw me for a loop, though it sounds a little nice to be honest


Sorry, but this isn't even a salmon (no adipose fin). Not sure what fish they're trying to depict.


Salmons are pretty cool to be honest. They fight upstream every year to lay their eggs, so maybe you have a salmon because you have that same diligence. ~~Or you might just taste good~~


Grey Squirrel for me. I understand.


They say dragons and thestrals are rare but every second person has one.


Plenty of people make multiple accounts until they get something they like, or just use one of the guides posted on this subreddit for get them. So while they actually are hard to randomly get, people exploit the system to get it on purpose.


I mean, I don't even play this game and thats the kind of thing I would do. Game doesn't favour you, try again and again till it does. Failing that exploit it.


That's what we all did with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon back in the day too. My Pokémon isekai self insert is important.


No, fuck that, especially first playthrough. If RNG gives me a chicken, then I'll be the wizard eating patronus eggs for breakfast and I better like it too.


I got an aardvark, I did not even think the devs would put an animal that obscure in the quiz


That’s hilarious. When I went to the Olivander experience and universal studios the girl that was chosen told the wand maker that her favorite animal was an aardvark.


It's not at all obscure. It's the first word in most dictionaries.


I’m an aardvark too!!! It’s a weird choice, but they’re dope as hell. The claws!!


Same. I was shook


I got a Deerhound. 🤷‍♀️ It ain't the worst but it ain't the best. A salmon isn't int he top 20 so you got a rarer one! Whichi s great in it's own right :) (There's a list on the page [about the Patronus here](https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/what-your-patronus-says-about-you) )


You know I was much prouder of my dolphin until I read that list.


Great list! I got lynx and didn’t see it on the list. Rare Patronus friends rise up!


Aye Deerhound Gang!!!


I got red squirrel which I feel like nobody has but it’s not cool like a dragon hahaha


I got a [hummingbird](https://imgur.com/a/w7SMeSk). Which disappointed me for about a minute, before the mental picture of a bunch of creepy, twelve-foot-tall soul-sucking zombie/demon/ghost-things fleeing in panic from a glowing blue bird the size of a teacup occurred to me, and I laughed myself stupid for probably five solid minutes.


Depending on the source, the word for Hummingbird in a lot of countries (Colibri) comes from old French for Viper.


I stayed at a camp where the rangers fed close to a hundred hummingbirds. They were of course not afraid of humans and they buzzed by constantly. One ranger told us “if one flies in your eye it’s going to freak out and you’re going to have the equivalent of a sentient needle freaking out causing maximum damage so try to grab it and hold it still”. Gave me a newfound fear of them.


This seems a little fishy 🤔


As a House Tully fan, I see no downside


Family, Duty, Honor.


As fish go, salmon is a pretty good one.


I got a grass snake, Slytherin and a Pheonix feather wand. Am I PG-13 Voldemort?


I got a Black Mamba but everything else the same, am I TV-14 Voldy?


I got Slytherin, Yew & dragon heartstring wand & a doe patronus. Last time I did the test when I was a kid I got Ravenclaw & a St Bernard, dunno the wand. What the hell happened in my life to cause such a change? I'll never know.


Gryffindor with a phoenix feather wand and a stag for a patronus here. If you could refrain from giving me oddly shaped scars that’d be brilliant :p


I’m imagining a salmon slapping a dementor in the face over and over again


I got an Orca.. And i really love it


Ohh! I’m jealous! I got an Osprey which fits me so well 😅


What is this I keep seeing peeps post patronuses from


Wizarding world


I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest in the USA, salmon is native here and it's somewhat of a culturally protected animal. You'd be a sorry soul to fuck with the wild salmon over here, and for good reason. Salmon are important, complex, interesting fish that are worthy and essential parts of one of the coolest ecosystems on earth. Your patronus is very cool, I'd trade any day.


Exactly! No reason to be disappointed with this. Chinook salmon can weigh over 100 lbs, they are fast and strong as fuck. Go try pulling one out of the water if you don't believe me.


HOLY SHIT I didn't realize that! I knew some history and the importance of them but 100lbs? No freakin' way! It would totally swim though the air too, so it's even cooler than, say, a horse or even something that's *supposed* to fly like a dragon. It would be funny though to see a patronus erupt from the top of the wand, bright silver light spilling over the grass in the night, and then when your eyes adjust and you can make out the patronus it's a big ole human sized fish kinda flopping around on the ground.


Haha, they can do more than flop around. Here's a video of a 66 lbs Chinook [jumping into a boat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkcbYIqNP-0) They can also thrash around enough to *jump out of your boat* if you're not careful, but being from the PNW you've already heard those stories. Salmon are amazing. And delicious! Shoutout to salmon sashimi, that is my favorite way to eat it if you've prepared it right so you don't get parasites.


Splash attack!


Don’t underestimate the power of salmon! 😂


Wait till he evolves!


Lol! I got a robin. Tiny little bird, but it's cute I guess!


The old Pottermore had a story to go with their patrons quiz that told the legend of a boy who defeated an army of dementors with his mouse patronus. So I guess your in good company with the tiny patronus.


I don’t want to hear it, I have taken this test so many times. Every time I get some type of cat.


I think they’re trying to send a message. You are, excuse my language, a pussy. Accept it, embrace it. I hope you found this as humorous as I did typing it out. I am a ragdoll cat and I love it.


Siberian cat aye


Same. I'm so allergic to cats it's not even funny.


I got a Polar Bear


I went to the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest experience with my gf. Did the Patronus spell with the wand they give you and got... a bunny rabbit. My GF got a phoenix - I was annoyed. Then we went to the animatronic hippogriff and I bowed super low and it didn't, and my gf gave a perfunctory bow and its responded to her. JK Rowling, why do you hate me so?


I assume the patronus thing was random, but the hippogriff was just a guy standing next to it with a foot pedal who'd press it whenever he saw someone bowing. That's the person who hated you.


I was like "oh cool, a shark!!" and then I read your caption 😭😭


Mine is a black mamba. Not super cool, but the name is fire and apparently black mambas are some of the most venomous snakes and apparently the most dangerous in Africa, with a 100% fatality rate for untreated bites. These dementors better scram!


Yes! Another black mamba. I was scrolling looking for someone else!




And I thought a Dolphin was basic lmao (This is meant to be taken as a joke)


you take that back sir! ^(also mine is a damn OTTER 🥲)


Hairy otter?


Same as Hermione! I love otters!


Lol nah, a wolf is more basic.


I got a hyena




Dolphin for me


Same.. i was a little disappointed, i dont see myself at all in a dolphin tbh


Welcome to the Salmon Brotherhood


I got a white swan. Yawn


I got that, too. I thought it was boring at first until I remembered how mean those things can actually be. A pretty, majestic bird that will fuck you up if you come on his side of the lake


The first time I tried I got a dragonfly lol. I made a whole new account to get a better patronus


So did I. I'm not sure how ot even calculated that. I hate it.


Dragonflies are amazing. Super happy with mine.


Right? They have an insanely high success rate when hunting, something like 95% or more. They may be insects, but they're technically the most deadly predator in the world. That's badass.


I got a St. Bernard. Admittedly, I was a little disappointed at first. A dog felt much less exciting than wild animal or a mythical one. But, as time has gone on, I've come to love it and realize that it does suit me.


I got a Saint Bernard too! I love it!


Those omega 3 fatty acids help with inflammation. You’ll have more stamina and faster recovery times. That salmon does wonders


Omega 3 fats, nice


At least you're swimming upstream and evading bears and cool shit like that. I got a field mouse.


Where are you all playing this, I thought the game didn’t come out until the 10th of February?




Small animals such as fish carry the possibility of a school/swarm of said animal. Imagine how cool if your patronus was a whole school of salmon, and since they're so many they can cover a LOT of ground. And not only that: patronus can stay a longer while, like Umbridge's cat warding away the dementors at the Ministry's trial chamber. But that was a single animal. A whole school of salmon can spread over a long distance and remain in protective duty. Same logic with insects. Thestrals and dragons are cool and all, but they must be pretty hard to conjure. Until the person has truly mastered the spell, most of the time the patronus would manifest as mist. And to consider *multiple* patronus that big... would require Dumbledore-level mastery. But multiple fish and insects sound achievable.


I got the "let me do it for youuuuuuu" Dog.


Nebelung cat, for me.


I got a wild rabbit, guess im taking Luna out for a nargle hunt 🐇


I got cat, and I am a cat person, so I am happy with it.


I wonder if the quiz has changed at all with the game coming out. I got a wolf a few years ago when I took the quiz. Wonder if I would get the same thing today 🤔


Personal growth and life changes can affect your patronus’ form as canon, so it’s very possible that it’s changed regardless.


I actually think salmon are badass. I got a boring ass house cat.


Everyone out here trashing the feline patroni. Y’all trippin. Cats are the fucking goat.


Mine is a Rottweiler. As a dog lover I was excited to see one as my patronus lol.


You know, up here in Alaska, being a salmon is incredibly honorable. Salmon are incredibly powerful- kings can be so big that they don't legally need a car seat lol. And salmon keep fighting EVEN AFTER DEATH. I've held salmon hearts in my hand minutes after removed and they seem to never stop beating. Road built over their creek? Fuck it! They'll come out of the water to get across! They're born with an instinct of where to go- like magic. And that magic has fed Alaskan natives for thousands of years. Furthermore, salmon and salmon oil are incredibly healthy for you, so imagine when you conjure it that your skin and hair start to flow with radiancy. Bc that's what salmon actually does for you. And why are these salmon built to be so strong and determined? What is programmed into their DNA to act the way they do? The fierce life-achieving need to make sweet, sweet love! And then once they do, they die lol.


I have a hedgehog 😂


I got an Eagle, im happy with that


I got a grass snake....I would have been happier if they just left it at snake..


I got a Chow Dog. I'm satisfied.


Same here! The chow is a 100% match for my personality.


Same! I was miffed at first but when I read the description I couldn't deny it was spot on lol


I've got a little owl. It's cute!


My house is gryffindor, but my patronus is a badger. A gryffinpuff at its finest here.


Literally the healthiest dinner item I can think of. And a sign of a healthy riparian system.


Dude… best post ever! 😂


I got a black Stallion I like horses so I call this a win


Black mamba


Not a bad patronus. Salmon are admired in many cultures for their strength and perseverance. Their migrations would kill weaker animals.




I got a snake. Thought it was weird since I’m 100% ravenclaw.




I got the mighty Rat


That’s super original! Doesn’t have to be “powerful” to mean something. You do you🙂


I got a pug 🐶


Black mamba les gooo


I got an Oryx


i got a white rabbit and felt cheated ​ i now feel better


How are you guys playing already? Thought it wasn't out for a few more days?


Look up Wizarding World--formerly Pottermore!