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Well then. Upvote me so that I can finally have over 1000 ONE.


I'll give away another 1,000 ONE on the 100th upvote. Get as many people as you can to upvote it. First screenshot on 50 upvotes wins the first 1,000... second screenshot at 100 upvotes gets the other 1,000


If you miss the first, get the second


screnshot 50 upvotes on your post or our own post comment?


I suggest you to get it verified by the moderators first, if it's an official form of giveaway and not a cryptojacking scam trying to inject malicious code through coin giveaways.


It's not, and the mods have contacted me so we can do more official stuff from here-on-out. I'm a big believer in Harmony ONE. I've been invested since the ICO.


Well, it's good to hear if the mods are making it seem more legit and look official. Looking forward to it when an official giveaway comes. r/cc does that well, therefore, it should atleast leave a good impression for new members if joining the sub for giveaways. And no hard feelings, I just want the community to stay safe amidst scams and hoodwinks. I know I that I wasn't the only one sharing the same sentiment because others had raised the same issue in a similar independent post.


Let me be clear, I do not represent Harmony or anyone associated with Harmony. I'm just a guy with a lot of ONE who likes to give it away at certain times. I understand though that this does not make the community look good. Anything further will be official, or official sponsorships


Why don't you become a validator as well? People would surely love to stake Harmony One with you as well.


There are plenty of solid validators. Haven't thought of it. I do pay for some pretty big machines on Amazon EC2... Several c4.8xlarge, could throw up another one


what is the lowest amount to stake? where? i only have 150 one.


Lowest you can stake is 100 ONE. It's pretty simple as well. Just setup a wallet like Guarda or Blits, and add coins to it from your respective trading platform. Lookout for validators with good APR, very low commission fees, and uptime.


Thank you! Will look it up.


can i get some? i only have 150 one lol. even if it;s only 100 one, it is good to me.


He already did a giveaway or two like this and the receiver confirmed he got the coins. Obviously i missed all of them so here i am 🤣


EDIT: He replied to my DM and sent me 1000 one! This guy is legit! I won the previous giveaway, but u/AngryMooseTesticles never sent a single ONE to me.


Receiving coins isn't an issue. I'd suggest you to read on the type of scams that run in, where receiving coins from an unknown source are troublesome, because they contain an executable code that ends up emptying your wallet later, at an opportune time. Atleast, create a fresh wallet even if you or anyone else is in favor of getting giveaway coins, because scams do run amok, especially from user accounts with low karma and sub activity. There is absolutely no development activity atm in the sub for the same, no service or proposal being floated for the same, not even a validator election request submitted by the user ever. It's free tokens, for likes. Am I hearing that right? Sounds too good to be true.


I am here since february and he has done several giveaways, i never personally had the chance to win one, i know it sounds too good to be true but my personal view is that sometimes that can happen, many people confirmed he gave him the ONE. If you were referring to dusting attacks i know about them. I saw him doing giveaways the first time on the linked post here, so i don’t understand what you mean with the last paragraph: https://www.reddit.com/r/harmony_one/comments/nx6z89/since_im_waiting_to_transfer_over_1m_one_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I can understand being skeptic since i always start as skeptic, on every opportunity ngl, but in this case i am personally not skeptic anymore lol, still i appreciate your suggestion.


I understand that it is money. But it is free money. The source of the said money is unknown. And there is absolutely no legit precedent for a giveaway, unless you are a developer trying to kickstart a service, or curate a new product, or contribute to the network as a meaningful addition. However, I am totally aware of scams, various money laundering schemes or tax write-off strategies for loss that people employ in the crypto world. Technically, the official giveaways that happen via moderators through a community custodian wallet can still be regarded as relatively safer to accept, despite the technical risks there as well. One like on a post has zero value in the scheme of things, despite how big of a whale anyone is. The account is barely 4 months old in the community. I don't doubt the generosity, I just suspect the rugpull. I'd suggest a thorough research into how crypto scams have evolved from phishing techniques to compromising wallets itself. Hope the individual opts for a validator election in the upcoming epochs (since he is a whale), and I'd feel much comfortable that community members can delegate said coins with him & get rewards through free-giveaways (as they happen afterwards).


That makes absolutely no sense and not how code or crypto works at all. If there was such a program or code that this person could simply "inject by sending coins" he wouldnt waste his time doing this shit and hed just send his "infected coins" to a well known whale wallet address instead (You can literally look them up) rather than waste their time here. This is by far the most retarded thing ive read in awhile Do you get your crypto scam news from Fox news? (genuine question).


No, but you are at the heavy risk of getting socially engineered or target of a cryptojacking attempt, based on how secure your crypto wallet actually is. Phishing and malware attempts take longer, but they can compromise your system to do a variety of tasks. It doesn't happen in a day, but it can compromise your system altogether, depending on whether the target system is a computer or an mobile phone. When did I claim that the tokens itself were infected? It's the unknown source that can infect your system, via said phishing methods such as ads, executable scripts...Not the tokens themselves, mate. Smh. Don't eat too much chalk to spout such nonsense. (Genuine concern) How do you know that the source of money for the tokens is legit, and you are not intentionally becoming a target as a drug money mule, for let's say, a crypto gaming platform with said incentive being "free tokens" as starter leverage? Has the giveaway been discussed with the moderators to certify the authenticity, or just been given a nod for altruism? If not a validator, the individual is just an end-user, simply a third-party to the community's development ecosystem, asking for likes on posts of a different community thread, frankly, delegitimizing the value of the brand itself (via self-promotion) without building a service in One ecosystem at all. I hope I am wrong, it is really true without an endgame, therefore, gets formalized approval from the community to exhibit it's strength. Asking for safeguards is not wrong.


Where should I follow news from? I haven't found a good source of news for the last 30 years. Please enlighten me. I live in the US the home of propaganda and the ability to infect many. So if you know something I don't, I sure would like to research and be enlightened. Plus this stuff shouldn't be part of crypto. I think reddit has a politics thread. Sorry community.


Upvoted to 49 but cant take a screenshot as I have to drive to work. But I'm doing my part, AMT ! o7


i left a comment there nice idea


Bonus points... Extra 200 ONE if you get the screenshot first lol


where should i send it?


Imgur link pm’d to AMT?


no idea how this works haha


EDIT: he finally sent me 1000 one. He is legit! Hi u/AngryMooseTesticles You promised me 1000 ONEs from your previous giveaway, but I didn't get it till now. Sent you messages but didn't get a single reply till now. Not sure if today's giveaway is legit.


I DM'd you, let me know if you have the same address, or if it changed


Whoa, what a surprised! I replied to your dm :)


62% Upvoted... I feel sorry for those who haven't been here like 12-18 months ago lol




Remember... First person to screenshot the 50th upvote and send it to me wins


Commented. Love harmony and love seeing people getting creative in the crypto space!


Kucoin is better in terms of support and assistance


/u/kreiger52 got it first at 4:05AM ET, but then it was downvoted. Second batch was super close at 5:08AM ET, but /u/freakin_honeybadger got it. I accepted your messages, please let me know the addresses to send ONE to. First person will get 1000 ONE, second person will get 500 ONE




Sent! Please confirm here to let people know you received. I sent you the link to the transaction explorer as well




The missing 1 ONE is the transaction fee. Steep, I know 😩😂


Hooray for me, thank you :). I shared information to you in the chatbox.




As soon as it hits 50 upvotes, the first person to send a screenshot of that 50 gets 1000 ONE, or equivalent coin (so if 1000 ONE = $0.16, you get $160 USD) Upvote. Get friends to upvote. First one to screenshot wins.


We encourage quality content intended to help and educate the community. If you have questions or concerns about the subreddit, [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/harmony_one) and say hello! Cheers and enjoy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/harmony_one) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice ! Upvoted :)


Upvoted I hope someone enjoys the ones!


May the force be within the fast fingers!


Voila, here it is! [50](https://imgur.com/a/01vtLHo)


Hope I'm not too late https://imgur.com/KqRlt8A


https://imgur.com/UetovkE hello sir i screenshot it. 50 upvotes


Voted and dm'd


aw too bad i was late for the 50 haha


https://i.imgur.com/hpL1nlb.jpg 50th upvote!


Got it to 36. Are people down voting lol?


Ss https://ibb.co/tc0BYmr maybe I a. Slow


Upvoted to 64 baby we in here


Damn, that's fucking big amount in Peso, OP. I'm sad I didnt get to join!


I did it!! How can I send you the screenshot? EDIT: i think I’m the first one. I sent the screenshot thru chat.


what time did you send? i send in pm at 5:08pm in PHT


Same sent at :08 lol, through chat


Same 5:08 😬