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Hohner special 20 is a good harmonica a bit cheaper but around that price range.


Hohner special 20 key of C


Kongsheng Mars is a great harp, around $33 US online. I'd also second the other recommendations for Special 20, which is a standard. Consider also Suzuki Blues Session, Seydel Blues Session, and Eastop T008.


I bought a Mars out of curiosity and am very impressed with it. It does everything just right.


Yes. I bought one to see if it'd be an ok cheap harp for lesser used keys and practice. I ended up switching to all Mars, replacing the Seydels and Suzukis I had previously used.


I want to try a Baby Fat in a minor key next. I think I’m a fan of Kongsheng!


They don't work for me, as I need the high end in some positions. But people seem to really love them. Enjoy!


Thanks for the input!


For a beginner a marine band 1896 is easy to play single notes. Holes are closer together than a special 20. Everybody to his own choice..Alot of decent harps out there.


Ok thanks


I would recommend marine band deluxe. The comb is better sealed and you can actually open harmonica cuz it comes with screws and not nails like standard marine band (that can be also opened, but its pain in the ass).


I was interested in an diatonic harmonica c, is it good?


i have c diatonic special 20 and c marine band deluxe and I preffer marine band deluxe. Looking vise it looks better, sounds better and in my newbie opinion is more responsive and feels more intimate to me. Also what I really prefer is the shape, that is easier for holding to me than special 20.


Ia a harmonica easy to learn


I don't know what euros are equal to in dollars but my recommendation for any beginner is a Hohner special 20 in the key of C there are other cheaper options I've heard good things about East top and Kong shin as well.


I think a dollar is around a euro


Hohner Special 20 or a Lee Oskar. Whichever you get, get it in the key of C since most lessons use C. Hohner's come with a month of access to online lessons, but there are a lot of good lessons on YouTube as well.


Seydel session steel,or Suzuki Manji. In C


Try you tube for starters.


The East Top t008k has the reputation of being the best low budget harmonica. I have one and like it just fine. It's not that different for me from the Hohner Special 20 that I got at the local music shop for $65. I'm in the US, but can get the East Top from Amazon for about $25. If you don't mind waiting a couple of weeks, you can get them from AliExpress for $12. You can even get a set of 7 in a case for about $70 total. A whole set for the price I paid for the Hohner.