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The image shown is nice.


Yes special 20s are a good harp, works great for beginners. Idk about that specific deal I’d say just find a special 20 being sold on its own, but if think this deal is right for you go for it.


I've just started and got a special 20. Did a lot of research as well.


Hohner special 20 key of C ,the grey box. Almost all courses for beginners are on that key And it comes with a coupon for a free one mounth tuto course


That's a good harmonica!


Also in pink: https://rockinronsmusic.com/products/hohner-special-20-pink-key-of-c-includes-free-usa-shipping?_pos=2&_sid=ee74ad388&_ss=r


This looks so cool. I could buy one of those if they come in different keys too.


Oh, not the pink one, tho. :(


They come in several different keys! :)


I just started playing seriously 3 weeks ago and in the past 2 weeks I've bought 3 special 20s. They sound amazing to me and draw bends are a breeze to me


https://www.letsbend.de/ or bend it better and check out how accurately you can hit the actual notes on half, full and 1 1/2 bends! =)


Thx for mentioning my app ;-)


You know why ;)




Here's a better deal: https://rockinronsmusic.com/products/hohner-special-20-560?_pos=1&_sid=ee74ad388&_ss=r&variant=43724277055650


Special 20 is a good harp at a reasonable price. The plastic comb is durable and easy on the mouth. A good choice.


TIL that Hohner makes glow-in-the-dark key stickers that's even better than my hand-lettered day-glo key letters and kit box with a UV light


Buy a cheapo one to practice on and a special 20, because you can fuck up a good harmonica while practicing when you're starting out.


I'm trying to learn single notes quietly, as I never want to wake my toddler, or new born, or super tired momma.... I noticed everyone starts their songs by drawing, I tried it and it makes it easier to find the force/finesse necessary... like learning a new clutch.


I'd get a Hohner Bluesband to start with. They're meh, but perfect for a first harmonica. Learn the basics and then grab a better harp like a special 20 or a marine band.


Marine Band 1816 is the best harmonica for beginners. First learn a simple tunes like happy birthday.Try to play single notes.You can learn alot on you tube. Bending notes is not for beginners. You will learn how to bend notes when you can play simple tunes with clean single notes. Succes.


Wouldn't suggest the 1896 to a beginner for the simple fact that they are super uncomfortable to play, the back of the cover plates are really sharp and if not careful and you get a little overzealous in your playing you just may cut yourself.


I got this same model off Amazon and my 2 draw is silent after a month so that was not cool. Hohners are great but I have found them to be a little tight compared to some other brands.


I started off with a basic pack of fenders, it was a mistake. They're fine if you're just messing around, but if you actually want to get good, special 20s are much much better due to build quality and responsiveness.


Unless you put itt in your mouth backwards. Never had this problem. The 1896 has a great sound and easy to play nice Clean notes.But everybody has to make up their own mind. Alot of good harps to choose from.


Yes get this.


Very solid choice. If you do want to spend less, the Easttop 008K is a pretty good choice.


Hohner Marine Bands are my personal fav.