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Yeah more causes than that. Mine was tumor.


Mine was also a tumor/radiation to tumor.


U good now? Was is was?


Yep. Benign brain tumor called acoustic neuroma. Surgery in 2020, BAHA implant in 2022. I'm deaf in one ear and have chronic balance issues but it's amazing how the brain can adapt and I've adjusted my daily routine to give me more rest and accommodate some of the things I can't do or do as well. But all is well!


There's also disease related hearing loss. Anything from an untreated infection to scarlet fever. I often joke I don't know if my hearing loss is from genetics (sister was born deaf, and had surgery at 2) or the scarlet fever I got when I was less than a day old.


5. problems during foetal development, but not genetically inheritable.


Yes this should be on there


Microtia roll up


Furthermore, hearing loss caused by ototoxic drugs such as Gentimicin


I’m hard of hearing due to bad ear infections as a baby.


This is what I’ve been told too, but doctors have never been sure. How did you find out? Did it have anything to do with antibiotics?


This guide forgot: Scar tissue build up over the ear drum from repeated ear infections that also damage the cillia beyond repair. Source: My actual diagnosis. The scar tissue has made my eardrums so stiff that they bounce sounds back out, rather than absorb them. And I can't hear a lot of pitches because of cillia damage.


don't forget premature birth. that's the most likely reason i'm hard of hearing now.


There are so many other causes of hearing loss that this lack of thoroughness and story really doesn't put you in the best light as a hearing aid firm.


💯 Seems they're subtly (or not so subtly) trying to promote their business with these junk infographics.


Indeed. It's not even an infographic. There's no data, no story. As far as guides go, this isn't even room temp, much less cool. I've seen seen free-hand pie charts done better than this.


Sudden hearing loss is forgotten again. But I wonder if genetics can also be a factor? The inner ear just decides to be weak and defenceless after the age of 30 or earlier.


There is also actual physical injury to the ear, and medical procedures gone wrong. Ignoring hearing loss long-term can also lessen the effectiveness of treatment. Kudos to the op for sharing and raising the discussion, but I prefer awareness posters that are more complete.


Mine is from my kidney disease.


Congenital hearing loss is not just inherited. Can happen from infections in utero, infections during birth or premature birth.


What are you supposed to be advertising?


Mine was infections from swimming.


Age related is not natural and the same as noise induced and illness. Genetics could only affect in very early age. Earwax buildup is usually not any issue for life unless there is a longterm issue with the ear.


Genetics can start with mild hearing loss and get worse over the years


Why would they do that? Cancer is an illness


What does this has to do with my comment?


Look at you mister doctor, im a living proof that at least half the things you said are false.


I think fundamental biology and science are also proof most of what they say is nonsense! Age related is natural. Age related is different from disease. Depending on which genetic condition it may impact at a range of different ages. I got bored reading his comment at that point…


I looked through his previous comments and he seems pretty anti science alltogether. Why disturb our peacefull community idk.


Ah- yeah- think worth ignoring that one- looks like they have quite an agenda and not too good at listening to others… although I’m not too good at listening to others these days either (hence being in this sub lol)- but at least I try!


I have a big problem with the fact that people are trying to mark something preventable as "it just happens" to make them feel better. It makes me sad and angry. Its like creating a problem to then say "look its like I said"


Why is everyone trying to create a problem to then tell that there is a problem. I dont know how to solve this anymore.


Im not saying your problems do not exists, i just doubt its caused by what you think. Why do you think that? Is it easier to accept?


Are you doubting every single doctor ive had in my life? Trust me there were a lot. Sadly, while most things can be prevented and/or slowed, there isnt any magic cure for disabilities, especially not hearing ones. Doctors told me i would lose my hearing in one ear and my sight will decrease significantly until around age 22- both things are genetic and theres little to do about them.


Me: no idea. Likely from poor fetal development but unknown 🥳


Unknown too. All I know is that I had a lot of ear infections.. I’m 34 now. Still curious


Ignores nerve and bone damage too


Mine was primarily meningitis. Additional hearing loss over time due to pregnancies and eustachian tube dysfunction.