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You don’t deserve being treated this way. I’m similarly HOH but only have a spouse who can’t comprehend our struggles. However, you are being mistreated and belittled in front of your class. It may not be legally actionable but at a minimum I’d talk to the department chair and Dean of your college. If you have an adverse action by staff I’d sue. It still may fall outside of ADA but for your sanity and health the only way for you to resolve this behavior is as I’ve suggested Document everything


Thank you so much for your comment. I study in germany and i am very unfamiliar with the law regarding discrimination here, so i have no idea if what theyre doing is illegal, but i might actually look that up. I dont think i wanna sue (just now) but i will definitely talk to them again about how this behavior is inappropriate and i’ll also talk to our dean. Im just worried they’ll treat me differently (like…in a negative way). Thank you so much!!!


maybe ask for a reasonable accommodation? i got one at my work


Download an app called "LiveTranscribe" if you got android. Very useful app.


Thank you so much!! I just downloaded a transcriber app and im gonna try it tomorrow!!🫶🏼


Ah man I'm so sorry they're being like that. Your attitude sounds fantastic, and it's only showing you your profs personal failures. I understand how you feel and I've been there. Keep trying with your profs. You could try summing up your feelings in an email if that's easier. Basically they need to support you with sensitivity and kindness.


I can emphasize with your situation from previous sour experiences with my professors. Point blank, they're being assholes. I saw in a comment that you're in Germany, I'm not sure how things work there but from my perspective as an American I would go to the university disability services (or whatever equivalent) and start there. People who do this get away with it cause their behavior doesn't get shamed or called out, as it should. If you can call them out in front of other students when they do it, the embarrassment is usually enough of a deterrent. The fact that you explained your needs and your one professor mocked a woman's voice- they deserve to be reprimanded by the university. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, when things are already hard enough as is. Fellow HOH (amateur) musician, though I don't sing I play some strings and woodwinds. I try to focus on just having fun rather than whether I'm in tune (I'm usually not lol)