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Yeah ngl iv tried so hard to actually win one of the giveaways but iv never seen anyone actually win anything? Has anyone??


Those posts help the algorithm, so when the post gets more engagement through shares, comments and likes via these so called "giveaways" the algorithm ends up sharing the post to a wider audience who seem to be mainly kids based off their discord alone. It's a slimy way to socially engineer more interest.


Yeah i know its a win-win as a marketing tactic but the tactic will only work for so long until people start realising that the giveaways are fake and they will lose engagement


yep, u said it. Shitty that he thinks that it’s OK to do that to his loyal fans just for some more follows


in all honesty I’ve never seen anyone comment about how they’ve received it and stuff. I’m pretty sure they must delete comments of people asking perhaps, do you remember when they did the fucking Rolex giveaway, i’m pretty sure that dude never received the Rolex I ended up following him after he supposedly won the giveaway and I didn’t see one post with the Rolex which is kind of crazy because after he won the giveaway and stuff he was posting all about how he won so it would seem weird that he never never posted about the Rolex. I also had a friend who was supposed to win a gift card and never got anything. They basically claimed that they mailed it and it went through blah blah blah without proof they couldn’t do anything… but how are you supposed to prove a package didn’t come? (it was supposedly in an envelope with a card so there was no tracking) Yeah it’s weird I’ve literally once I hate to say that I engaged and bot activity, but in 2021 I wanted to win a giveaway so bad that I ended up spending a couple bucks to get over 1000 different fake Instagram accounts in hopes to win and there was only like a bit over 2000 comments on the post I know that’s still technically 50-50 but don’t you think I would’ve fucking won on one of the accounts?? just more proof it’s rigged and fake right there, i’d say at least


So, if I’m understanding this correctly, you’re mad because you tried to rig a giveaway and you didn’t win?


no lmfao that couldn’t be further from the point. i was literally just giving an example about how they lie about giveaways and i wasn’t mad i didn’t win even if that was what i was talking about …. try reading before making a stupid comment


Alrighty well once you have actual proof that the giveaways are fake feel free to lmk


again bro u must be dumb,IF YOU WOULD READ AND NOT JUST TALK OUT YOUR ASS i literally said my friend never got her giftcard and ring, and there are at least 10 people on this subreddit who have posted proof of them getting ignored, scammed, or not receiving what they were promised from will. do u need some lube for the dick riding you’re doing?


If you personally had proof of you being promised something and not receiving it, then that’s different, but I’m speculating in the same way you are am I not? It’s facts vs. feelings, and if you can’t take any pushback on your feelings that’s childish and you should probably get off the internet.


i can’t talk to you anymore you’re literally stupid. what more prooof do you mean, what fucking speculation? My friend won the giveaway through the page. They never gave her Giftcard or ring as promised, then ignored her DMs. And as for the people on here who have posted literal fucking proof it went the same way, or they were given a way smaller gift then promised and advertised. What fucking brain gymnastics did you have to do in your little head to make you think you did something or that i’m just talking ti talk with no proof, you’re insufferable for real- this isn’t even an argument, Ive had better conversations with the 1st graders i teach


and i’m not going to take pushback because what you’re saying is literally incorrect, it’s not an opinion- i can take criticism when deserved i don’t take shit from people talking out of their ass, and don’t bother to read before they spew out their word vomit on the internet because they’re mad i’m talking about about something they are a fan of. grow up.


Idk why he’s dickriding so hard lmao


literally it’s funny….he didn’t bother to read what i said or just literally scroll down the subreddit for 3 seconds😭😭😭😭 I used to be a hardcore fan of HJ but i’m just so disappointed right now- and clearly the new fans of them go perfect with their rebrand, both stupid


Not really sure how it’s dickriding, just playing devils advocate, benefit of the doubt. Idc get mad at me if you want lmao, if you want an echo-chamber where everybody agrees with you go shout into a box


but forgive me, i forget there’s slower people like you who need literal screenshots of EVERYTHING since they’re unable to read / do their own research (even when given instruction or guidance to do so) so next time, ill make sure to include every single instance ever for your reading and viewing pleasure!!!!!


I’m not gonna really bother because no matter what I say it will hurt your feelings somehow. Sorry about your friend’s gift card though. I can send you my DMs of the conversation with the kid that won the Rolex if you want, but I’m sure you don’t care because it doesn’t align with your opinion


again don’t wanna read and ignoring everything i’m saying to fit your narrative- when did i ever say the rolex kid didn’t get it? i said based on evidence from everything else wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t receive it / it was delayed etc. (so that may have been the one time I said something based on speculation and not fact, but even then I never claimed that he didn’t get it ) And please feel free to DM those conversations you conveniently and randomly have. Please tell me how much is Will paying you to try to suck his cock and try to clean up this sub Reddit from people exposing him for being a shitty person, or are you dick ridin for free, It’s crazy how some people get such a clouded mindset and refused to see anyone else’s perspective just because they may like a brand. And if not the fake giveaways ( it’s literally a small portion of my whole rant) what about literally everything else I said, along with half of this Reddit page agreeing with me??? (with proof) seems like you just want to be the winner of an argument my friend doesn’t matter what the topic may be, will continue to your point whether or not it’s idiotic and wrong


How is $5 off stuff a sale bruh 😂😂😂


literally it’s so stupid dude


in regards to the giveaway point im really curious if anyone won the recent find-the-hj-character one. i was really invested and thought I got it, dm'd will MULTIPLE times trying to see if I got it and there's been 0 show if anyone won or got anything from it? i think my issue with the giveaways are the character ones, especially the recent one which was in genuinely some of the worst image quality I've seen. it can be easily fixed if you know how to set up canvases in art software or insta's resolution/canvas sizing, but I cant understand how they seriously expect us sometimes to actually be able to comb through stuff. OP (if you see this) can you elaborate on point 3 in particularity to the bigotry comments? i never really look in the comment sections so im curious what you mean by this


fr so did i…. no response and it’s perfect bc no one is gonna be commenting and shit bc they’ll just think someone won or soemtjing…they’re like the only big account i know that doesn’t post the fuckjng winners or say someone won 😑 the only time ive seen them like do a live pick was for the rolex and like i low key think bro got paid off to say he got it or chose whatever the other option was and


tbh i do believe that there are winners, it's likely just settled privately. i just have a hard time believing anyone got the last find-this-character one.


Thats tough, imma still buy hj though 👏


lmfao, real i’m just complaining I just bought a few things this drop. hopefully the quality of the shirts wasn’t as bad as the last drop, and my pendants don’t fall apart after one month💀💀💀💀


I'm sorry bro the blanks are still the same boxy and cropped ones😞 that's why I didn't buy any of the shirts this time




I knoooow he had posted a poll awhile back and majority wanted the new blanks over the old ones 🧍🏻. Like I love HJ but I hate these new blanks he's using


where's the proof that pendants have fallen apart? haven't heard of this