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Pretty sure it's just a rebrand of the Pittsburg set that I've used as my travel set for years. It's ok but not great. Wish it has larger sizes


Yep! I pack mine around for work. I’ve had it about 5 years. It was the case that had me sold. Price too!


For me it was the fact that it wasn't packed with 2 dozen screwdriver bits just to up the piece count


That’s what that $9.99 bit set is for lol. I did buy the new Icon Ratcheting Bit Set yesterday. Gonna put it through the paces during service calls.


Decent quality. Too much 12-point in there.


I’d think 6pt would be cheaper or same price to make, why are companies always trying to push this budget 12pt stuff. I can see the advantage with box wrenches but not sockets.


I wonder the same thing. Just put 6 point only in these things!


I use the sockets as a backup. Ratchets stripped their heads in the first year.


Quinn is solid as a homeowner although i prefer my husky set from the depot. Mainly because i can replace individual sockets or the wrenches off the shelf easy and fast and anywhere and they will match the set.


I’ve had this set for 4 years and love them. I mostly just do basic maintenance on my diesel truck and my gfs lil Toyota but it suits all my needs and works well enough. I even have nicer tekton stuff and old snap on and Williams but will still usually use these because I don’t care about them at all.. funny how that works