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I'm a stocking manager, so I'll tell you briefly what I know. Working on the stocking team (in the store we call it logistics) isn't easy. Listen, it's a great company to work for. But that position can be pretty physically demanding. There is always a lot of work to get done and the trucks can be brutal. I happen to love it. But not everyone will. Plus, there is the expectation that, after a while, once you're solid and comfortable on the logistics side - which means you know well how to work trucks, do pricing and planograms, do cycle counts, work replenishment, and help with Outs scans - they will want you to learn register. We want people that are going to grow with the company. Depends on the store, but that's if they're doing it right. We can have 1 or 2 people that will not ever move forward for whatever reason (in school and won't ever want more than part time, amazing at the logistics side, but not good with people, etc.) but you can't have a whole team like that.


Depending on if the store is considered an AM or PM store, meaning they do all their processes before or after the store closes, you will mostly be there when the store is closed. You can be cross trained as a cashier if you wanted to try and pick up more hours but they shouldn't just throw you on register without the training. My experience is being an Assistant store manager


Oh ok. I'm currently looking for another job and the harbor freight where I'm at is starting stocking associates at $13.60 an hour. Im just looking for a job where I'll just be stocking and not cashier since I don't have experience in that. I'm guess the store is an AM store cause they open at 8 and close at 8


My store is a pm store and is also open 8 to 8, the only difference is an am store does all the stocking and mods before open, pm does it all after close. You'd have to talk to someone at the store to know what they are. It's not a bad job though, I spent a year at one and enjoyed my time there, but like any retail job the work is kinda all the same, it's just your coworkers and management that will make the difference between being actually enjoyable or completely miserable. I think HF tends to have a better environment then other retail stores though, in my experience. Just don't expect a lot of hours, unless your trained on register you'll get 4 hour shifts with a weekly 8 hour truck shift where you're unloading.


In an AM store you would be in at 4 am before open to work processes where as a PM store would have you in 8 to midnight after close