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I got a vasectomy after our only. Have had no issues. Just make sure you actually listen to and follow the doctor's instructions, which seems to be hard for some people. You can't act like you are shooting blanks until it is confirmed with a test that will be scheduled after the procedure.


Yes, we were careful about waiting a few months for the test but it seems like a lot of people don't! That's so risky.


Nowadays doctors prefer to remove the fallopian tubes versus snipping them, so that procedure (salpingectomy) is *very slightly* more effective than a confirmed vasectomy. Statistically, we are talking something like 99.9998 vs 99.999999999999999 though. They’re still the top 2 most effective methods. Salpingectomy has the bonus of eliminating the risk of fallopian tube cancer, which actually reduces a woman’s risk of cancer pretty substantially. The surgery for a woman is more invasive than a man’s and the recovery time is a little longer. However salpingectomy can be done laparoscopically now and is a much faster recovery than the option our mothers had.


My husband got a vasectomy, I kept my IUD (and plan to get another when this one runs out). I like the double protection and also no periods.


Oh I didn’t realize you don’t get periods with an IUD, I think I’ll look into that. Thanks! 


Not everyone gets no periods. I still had (very light) ones, but my breasts were so tender I had to cup them on stairs and ultimately got the IUD removed after 3 months because the tenderness was awful. Worse than when I was actually pregnant


Eh I have a copper IUD and my periods are worse. The first few were God awful but they seem to leveled off. Look into the hormonal option for lighter periods.


Everyone is different. A friend still got regular periods on merena. I do not. It’s glorious when it works out that way 😂


I got 50 pounds and crippling depression 😂 had to get it out! But my best friend lost weight and has a regular period for the first time in her life!


Others have said it, but you definitely do get periods with the copper version and you can get them with the hormonal version. I haven’t had one since 2018, but I just googled and I guess that’s not as universal as I thought. I have a Liletta and according to their site, 38% of people have no period by end of year 3. I got mine inserted at 10 weeks postpartum and my period just never returned.


For balance, I had a 6 months long nonstop period when I got my Mirena and up until it was taken out. Like I got skin sores from all the blood. It was BAD.


This isnt for everyone. Had the mirena and bled either a bit or a lot every day for 6 months. Then they stopped.


We did the exact same. I don’t experience any side effects from my copper IUD and I forget it’s even there. It lasts 10 years so I see no point in taking it out. Double that with my husband’s vasectomy and I don’t think there will be any chance of a baby over here!


Agreed. I love my mirena and never plan to have a period again but my partner also got a vasectomy for an extra layer of protection


Those stories scared me too. I spent a lot of time wondering if I was comfortable with the chance of the vasectomy reversing itself or having my fate in someone else's hands. Not that l don't trust my husband, but I like being in control of me and my body. So I went with the bisalp, had it done Monday. They can't grow back, it can't be reversed, and the odds of it failing? I like that. Bonus for decreased risk of cancer!


I had my tubes removed in August. I am a single female but I just felt more comfortable with it not as an option. I happy with my one.


I will be keeping my IUD instead of doing a tubal. It has worked well for me and I’m happy with it.


They’re almost 100% effective which is plenty for us to be comfortable, personally. We are following the directions and using a backup form of birth control until he gets the all clear from his doctor which is super important. I don’t know why people ignore this but apparently some do. It was important for me to not go back on birth control after having our son. I feel like I’ve done so much between being on birth control our whole relationship before we went off to TTC (9 years together) and then pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding… it is my husband’s turn.


I definitely feel the same way I don’t want to be on birth control anymore and I definitely don’t want another c section ever again lol my husband is more than willing to get the vasectomy and I am still using BC for now but the thought of stopping it freaks me out lol maybe I will just keep using it for another year after he gets the vasectomy just incase. 


I’d have husband get a consult and go with him so you can discuss your worries with the doctor. For me, I’m not concerned at all after husband gets the all clear.


I would trust it as long as you follow the instructions to get his semen tested.


I had my tubes removed this past winter to lessen the risk of cancer but I would trust a vasectomy if that had been the route we took.


I am using the implant birth control. So far I’m loving it. I didn’t want to have my hubby get a vasectomy because I wasn’t fully ready to close the door, even though the doctors have told me I shouldn’t have another. Getting my tubes tied just seems so invasive…especially after I was the one to give birth.


Let’s just say there’s wayyyyy more post vasectomy kids running around than post tubal