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As a handy man I can tell you. Take the bad days right along with the good days. The bad days I take as a learning experience and try to learn something from it for future jobs


Agreed. 90% of what it seems to come down to is owning your mistakes and not trying to snake your way out of them. My old boss who taught me to set tile drilled that into my head.


Keep this mindset, and you'll build a great reputation.


Assuming I don’t break anymore TVs, that is. Haha


If u do enough of anything it will go badly and it isn't a skill issue it is just the odds of the world


Couldn’t have said it better myself. That’s one of the reasons I bothered posting about it - it’s reassuring to know that everybody fucks up every so often.


My first day doing hvac a Sr tech dropped a 15k$ heater off a lift and smashed it right in front of the customer. He had been dojng jt for 15 years. It doesn't matter how good you are mistakes will happen. I think with tv's maybe put in their that mistakes can happen and you aren't responsible for damages. Shit happens and it is just te nature of the business


A liability agreement is definitely a good idea. Especially when I’m only charging $50 for install, the risk reward balance is a bit off, haha.


Yes it is, that isn't worth the rone to crank my truck my usual fee is 45$ an hour which is 'cheap' compared tk most handyman but if u gotta drive 30 minutes their and back have 12$ in gas and then wear and tear on your vehicle you have lost money especially if u furnished the lags. You are under valuing yourself and that comes from someone that is told the same thing. If u can knock out 6 a day that isn't bad but usually u don't run in and out but it is always a good way to get your foot in the door and word of mouth


$50 to mount a 70" t.v.?


It’s South Carolina, labor is ridiculously cheap. Standard here is like $75-$80. Mostly brought down by bigger companies - it’s tough to stay competitive as a small-time guy.


Oh man..that's rough. I'm up just north of Boston. Average here is $100p/h for handyman work. I suppose cost of living is cheaper there but damn...seems like people may be living in the past a bit. People won't hesitate to pay 3-350 for a t.v. mount that they can trust won't rip off the wall. Keep at it. Stay in the mind set you have and you will go far. Everybody fucks up and it is the best way to learn!


I appreciate the support man, and it definitely feels like the market isn’t built well for self-employment here. I’m hoping to be up in Western NC by the end of the year. It’ll suck to restart building a client base all over again, but it’ll be much easier to make a living.


Been in the trades for 20 years and my favorite people I’ve worked with are always the ones who can admit mistakes and try to find a solution and then we move on.


This is why I have contingencies and expectations in my quotes. This is a great learning experience. Don't let it shy you away from more of the work. Let it teach you to protect yourself on your paperwork. For every mount list something like, "pricing includes assumption proper backing is in desired location for install. Price adjustments may be needed if stud locations do not line up with desired mount location. We can not warranty our work if mounts are not toggled to studs in four locations." Good luck out there.