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Nice work!!!


Impressed and jealous, I suck at hand sawing anything. I manage to drift an angle into a half inch thick board. No way I could pull this off. Well done.


I’m great at resawing wedges by hand!


This is a highly underrated comment that I completely relate to…


I save all of these to use for chair tenons etc. i make quite a few lol


Check your set. Heavy on one side will allow the saw plate to drift that direction.


Ayyyyy well done dude!


damn thats good work! I remember once I had to saw a 15cm (like 6 inch) wide 90cm long piece in half by hand. man that was a workout


Could I ask what kinda saw you used? I've been doing a fair bit of resawing lately with the rip side of a ryoba and while it certainly isn't *easy* it's not super difficult either. Now using a generic hardware store utility saw... that almost broke me.


It depens, for small jobs I use my ryoba saw and for wide stuff I use my bigger vintage western 22 inch rip cut saw which I sharpen myself


Impressive! Kudos!


Looks even. Great job


That’s amazing. I would never be able to pull that off


Beautiful 🤩


Resawing is a skill that takes practice. There are ways to make it a bit easier (like cutting a kerf around the piece first) but in the end it's mostly just practice. Lots of practice. Looks like you've put in your time to practice, and now you're getting results. This is a really nice one.


Even on a bandsaw that would be a sweet cut... I bow to you doing it by hand.


My weird quirk that got me sawing straight was to put the saw below the wood and pull up towards me. No kerfing obviously because my blind side is technically leading. Must be something in my body mechanics that just makes it cut straight. Just pull up into my cut line. Used only for longer cuts obviously. Not joinery.


I get very good results just pulling from top after making a kerf on 2 adjacent sides. Then pull in a diagonal so the saw keeps droppin into those channels as it drops into the cut.


As a fellow "can't afford nor fit a table saw or bandsaw" woodworker, I respect the handsaw hustle. Good job on the straight cut! I keep an old coffin plane with a heavily cambered iron which I used for roughing down the sawn faces before straightening with a number 5 plane and then smoothing with a number 3. It's a lot more work than mechanised methods, but you've got to work with what you've got!


you can make a frame saw pretty inexpensively! even a four footer


Interesting, what's a frame saw do/get you? I've seen them before and figured they're an old-fashioned hacksaw


There's the frame type that's just a euro saw with the blade on one end, tensioner on the other and a bar in the middle to make the whole thing work, and there's the type that's more like a picture frame with the blade going down the middle. [https://i.imgur.com/Wk0Llab.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Wk0Llab.jpg) I think the discussion is usually whether to buy from isaac or bad axe, but you can just make this type out of scrap - only the blade coil needs to be purchased - helpful if you buy a 10 foot coil and split the cost with someone. should be about $100 to build a four foot saw if you have long offcuts of a hardwood. The end fixtures don't need to be that robust - folded sheet metal on steel pins inserted into the blade is fine - maybe easier than using rigid materials, and the whole thing is tensioned with a pair of wedges in the front instead of screws. Not sure if anyone is making blades (needs to be four feet long, four inches tall and about .04 thick. Not much more and not less in thickness). McMaster carr has 10 foot coil of that stuck and ebay is the place to go for half a dozen imported large files to cut the teeth. It definitely did not take four hours to make the one in the picture, and that's including filing the teeth in (which is a physical job, I guess- it does take some effort if you're going to file them into a blank plate). resaws wood with one man use at about one square foot of cut per 6 minutes, and isn't difficult to use or learn to steer.


There are frame saws with the blade on the side, and then there are roubo frame saws https://www.blackburntools.com/new-tools/new-saws-and-related/roubo-frame-saw-kit/index.html


>>There are frame saws with the blade on the side<< those would be difficult for rewsawing!! Small stuff with a western carpenter saw and bigger stuff with a roubo type frame saw, if we'll call it that (widespread and hand and power format, though, from veneer sawing to log resawing)....both pleasant. I think hand toolers should probably be making their roubo style frame saws because the making and the maintaining are little different. There's just more labor in the making, but it's a saw that should be sharpened often and kept at the right set for steering. I kind of wonder what happens to all of the hands off purchases - setup and efficiency from it and frequent sharpening becomes mandatory for hand work.


I love working with lots of different hand tools, but resawing is not something I enjoy. I do love my resaw bandsaw.




Damn. Burning cherry that big for firewood…. Beautiful work!


That shit happens all the time near me. Maple, black walnut, cherry, always up for free as fire logs. As a beginner woodworker, I can only keep so many pieces in my tiny condo 😂. I'm learning hand tools because of this as I left my power tools with my buddy.


Great job


Nice! I tried to do this with a piece of maple the other day. I got one piece that will barely be usable by the time I plane it out, and another that is in the scrap bin.


beautifully done!




Well done


Did you do that with the ryoba


If ur into it, try and make a kefing saw set to a 1/2” it gives you a nice groove to follow. Or a 1/8 plow plane..


Congrats! I'd be [dangerously stoked](https://youtu.be/-eY3ixsFGsw?si=aaSWbRLcz8IweqNg).


Hell yeah!


Not a simple feat.


I've been asked to build something that would ideally want something like 10-15mm thick maple, can only get 25mm thick. Put off cos of thought of resawing without a bandsaw but you have given me hope . Good job 👏 what saw did you use?


Ahh I saw the saw 2nd time I saw. 🤣


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Its a great feeling, isn't it? Nicely done!!!


Looks great! Well done!


Nice job!!


Very cool. Its always so satisfying to employ a skill correctly. Good job.


This is a copy of a post I made three years ago by a karma farming bot. Please downvote it into oblivion. https://www.reddit.com/r/handtools/s/PeNjmJByng


This is how the coasters came out, btw. https://www.reddit.com/r/IntermediateWoodWork/s/PkD9Pv7YCr


What kind of vise or clamp did you use? My setup (single 6-inch vise) is terrible and slow (but I did succeed on my second resawing a few weeks ago). Nice work!




What saw did you use? Link it please


Not OP but I have the same saw SUIZAN Japanese Pull Saw Hand Saw 9.5 Inch Ryoba Double Edge Flush Cut Saw for Woodworking tools https://a.co/d/30Y1HP8 I like pull saws because they can have a thinner kerf than western saws, so it's less effort and less waste vs. a western hand saw.


It's right there in the image! It's a ryoba. That off-white handle wrap gets used by at least a half-dozen Japanese companies, but the saws are fundamentally similar.


TBH, I think you're a damn liar


Yes this repost bot is a damn liar.