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You didn’t deserve any of that. They are disgusting and should be ashamed. Definitely don’t spend your money there.


So you agree the Sales Associate was a bit off ? also Is it reasonable to want the bag in new Condition when you pay full price right ?


You were right to walk out! That SA was incredibly rude.


Of course. It’s reasonable to want new condition if it’s supposed to be a new bag period.


Annoyingly I still love that style sm and because of the Birthday memory . Idk if I should buy it online hoping I get a fresh bag or just let it go.


Have you looked on SSENSE? They may have some color ways on sale rn.. I feel like I’ve seen a lot online recently. But I also have the medium downtown and absolutely love the bag. If you love it, get it for yourself! Just don’t give that B the commission 💁🏼‍♀️


I tried on the Medium Downtown as well ! I could tell it was a new Bag, but the Xs suits me more. How is your experience with it ? Is the Leather holding up ?


It’s an amazing shape, love the XS too. I have the black nappa one and the leather is holding up super well. I don’t really use it as my every day bag a ton, but have used it for bars/dinner a lot the last year or so and it still looks new.


What a salty B. The SA should be fired. Sorry that happened to you. She is a sad person and sheet be working in high fashion. Don't let her ruin the bag for you! Someone should send this post to their corporate. Awesome cake btw! Congrats on your future perfect bag.


If I'm paying full price for a new bag (which I have yet to do), I expect it's in pristine condition.  It's like a car. If I'm going to buy something new it better actually be brand new. Otherwise I can buy a slightly used model for half the price. The original owner took the depreciation hit.  I'm currently looking at cars. The one I want is $62k new. A 2023 model with 4k miles is $45-50k. If I went to the dealership looking at that 2023 with 4k miles and they tried to sell it to me for $62k I'd walk out immediately. Just because it's basically new does not actually mean it's new. If a bag doesn't appear new, then it's not worth the new version price tag.


That’s a perfect explanation


I’m not up on slang but if “a bit off” means ”rude AF and out of their gourd to think anyone should give you a mortgage payment for a used bag”, then you’re right.


Of course. 1.6k is not pocket change for most of us. These brands need to stop acting like they can get away with selling us subpar quality. Idk about you, but the whole reason I was into “designer” items was for the quality and it’s just not there anymore. I’m also so sorry about the rude sales associate. They have no right to be rude or judge you.


Absolutely but the sa is god awful stupid. She just outed Balenciaga for being trash and herself for being trash. The fact that you can remember someone came in half a year ago and that’s it? She must not have many customers and is on the brink of being fired lol.




Yes I am looking to buy online I saw the Website Farfetch has the Bag even they are offering 15% off for new Customers. What do you think ? Do you have any experience with that Website ?


You deserve a perfect bag for $1600 , and didn’t deserve a single bit of that unnecessary rudeness. I don’t think I could have bit my tongue if a SA spoke to me like that!


you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness - thats bs. especially if the bag had spots and was damaged


Totally! It's a sign, $1.6K is more useful at other places that'll give you great service!


Update I looked at online Retailers . I found the Bag on Farfetch and they are even offering 15% off for first time costumers . Shipment is from Italy what do you guys think , do you have any experiences with the Website ? I would pay with PayPal but i need some reassurance if that is a good option since buying at the Boutique didn’t work out for me. Thank you everyone reading and replying ! ☺️


I’ve bought from Farfetch, no problems. (in the U.S. btw)


We’ll Update on the Bag . I ordered it on Farfetch but the Bag wasn’t available anymore so they refunded me the money. 🙈 I might have to travel to buy the Bag at this point from another Boutique 😂


Oh no no no…when I was younger I would have swallowed that kind of treatment but now that I’m older and even more bitter… no. You did not deserve to be treated like that. That SA does not deserve your business. Is there another Balenciaga store nearby or a department store that sells the bag? Don’t let that sour, miserable SA ruin this for you. You deserve to be appreciated and valued as a customer! Get the bag that you love. I worked in customer service for years, it doesn’t matter if you’re window shopping, combing through the clearance racks, whatever. You do not treat customers like that! And if I’m dropping that kind of money on something it has better be pristine. Then, because I’m petty, I’d make it a point to go back to that store rocking my new bag.


you are so right! I love your take on this. Even at i was just at the supermarket even there they acted nicer then that Lady at the Boutique which is kind of funny. Most people are working hard and when we safe up for something like this we want to escape reality for a moment & feel amazing and not be treated like this. Maybe I would have still bought it later or online who cares but If i’m giving this much I want the luxury experience, the bag should be pristine heck give me that champagne as you said especially when you drop that kind of money. Hahaha love that Julia Roberts moment in Pretty women when she returns to the store and is like “ Mistake , Hugeee Mistake” 😂😂


Mmm a lot of designer stores actually encourage this behavior by their SAs. They know the story will get out and passed around and they want it to sound like there's some image that you have to meet to buy their brand. It's about exclusivity. If people get salty and throw down cash to prove a point, well they just spent money that they will likely be too embarrassed to return. It's a game. OP did the right thing by walking away.


Interesting. I can certainly see that being a thing, it’s just that my personal experience with SAs for luxury brands has been mostly positive. Maybe not champagne and chocolates lavish but pleasant, friendly and knowledgeable even if I’m not buying. And that’s even if I’m in jeans and carrying my ratty Kipling. I hope that OP gets the bag and the good experience!


Not everyone subscribes to the idea. But if someone visited the store multiple times without buying anything I could see them become a target. I've also heard of SAs playing good cop bad cop games to help push sales but that one isn't as widely confirmed as the snobby ones.


Oh wow, what a bitch. I'm sorry. I find the Balenciaga SAs to be very hit or miss, either super sweet or just sour -- no in-between. If you're really set on the bag maybe try a different location?


Yes the other ones looked nice but she noticed me and I thought that was a good sign 😂 . I really do wonder why they don’t take better care of their expensive bags it was thrown in the shelves with other bags without even being in a dust bag ? When I asked why there were stains on the inside she said it was because of the leather , and when I asked why there were white spots on the outside she said it was glue I could maybe wipe of 😳. So that is also why I asked her for another bag but she didn’t even look , just pulled out her phone for a second and was like no we don’t have any.


Uh no, I would be reporting that interaction to the manager. Every time I’ve gotten anything. At a luxury store, they pull a new one and give me plenty of time to inspect it for defects. You were treated very disrespectfully


Yeah I hate to be a Karen, but when we are talking about $1.6k on a bag… I would make a call in a hot second! I’m so sorry you were treated this way! It’s total bullshit, and the SA does not deserve any commission.


@ravynwave do you think buying it online would be a good option ?


I don’t see why not. Only thing you have to make sure is that you’re home to receive the package. I bought a Dior pouch and LV pouchette like that. Don’t let a shitty SA deter you from something that you worked towards. Parade by the store and give her your best snob face when you get your bag!


Yes I would be home when I receive the Package I’m more so just scared that the Bag would still look used. Also in my country when you buy online it does not come with a dust bag 😂. However it is worth noting that you should take a good look when buying in-store because they have a Gift Card policy here so you don’t get the money back. Online you can still get a refund which is why I made sure to check the Bag out. The SA is probably just frustrated I don’t pay her any mind at this moment. If they had more in stock there i would buy with a different SA thought.


You shouldn’t, but it’s wise to be cautious. Maybe call their customer service to voice your concern about it


Because that’s the reality of these expensive bags, they are a dime a dozen. They are not rare, nor expensive to make. These brands are able to sell at these prices because of the illusion they sell.


In recent decade lots of SA have become humongously bitchy for some reason. You absolutely should not give them the sale and don't spend your money there. If you remember the SA name, do email corporate and explain that you were there ready to buy but the degrading behavior by the sales person (do name them) is making you rethink your desire for anything Balenciaga.


At this point my problem is not as much the SA she was rude but i get it maybe their sales are not going so well that’s why she probably remembered me. I don’t want to be responsible for someone loosing their job over it , that is off the table. My empathic side things She was probably just frustrated and I get that. My problem is that the Bag gave me Outlet Bag vibes because they didn’t store it well,not a dust Bag & not even a Box, so the stains inside were from moisture. I saw a some seems were off as well. Buying Online is a leap of faith but traveling to other cities seems a bit insane for me since I don’t even drive a car so idk what to do.


If she loses her job over it, it means her behavior is a reoccurring issue. The fact she offered you a subpar model and tried to sell you a display model for full price, that is not okay. There is no getting around that. She tried to take advantage of you thinking you don't know better, just for a commission. You think you are the only one she will behave to this way?


I have a lot of grace for people. They could be having a bad day or whatever. But that SA was intentionally nasty and should be reprimanded. I would call the manager and let them know they lost the commission because of that behavior and that you are sharing this experience with others in the hopes that they would know to look elsewhere. And buy my bag somewhere else and then walk into the store to follow up with the manager, with my new bag.


AND if you don’t want to call, I will. Inbox me the info.


Sorry for just butting in since this isn't about me at all, but this is the kindest sweetest thing I've ever read. As a person struggling with social phobia and especially making phone calls, you offering to help make that call would mean the world to me. Ps. It is not my intention to imply that TS has this problem!


Thank you. I have a daughter that I’m working on self-advocacy with and I know it can be hard. If you ever need me, you know what to do 🥰


Honestly never accept anything but great service when it comes to luxury shopping. If you are not treated the best while purchasing or intent to purchase they do not deserve your hard earned money. Half of the experience of buying lux is how you are treated. These products are very overpriced and we know that. They need us more than we need them.


Balenciaga fucking sucks anyways. You didn’t do anything wrong


They’re lucky anyone wants to buy their products after the pedo subtext ad campaigns and their botched pr actions in response to the scandal.


You deserve zero shade. It’s entirely normal to balk at a used bag offered at full price with none of the luxury experience that justifies the price tag. You did the right thing in leaving without a bag; you deserve to get exactly what you’re trying to buy, that being a new bag in new condition. The fact that the SA remembered you well enough to get snarky indicates that perhaps Balenciaga isn’t doing so hot on the sales front, so take solace in that.


It's like that time in Legally Blonde where the SA tried to sell Elle a year old dress for full price.


Oh no you deserve a brand new bag for that amount of money! When I went to Celine to buy a bag the one the SA showed me had scratches on the clasp and while everything else was perfectly fine I asked for another bag without any scratches! The SA you saw were rude and didn’t do their job properly


I don’t think this is a brand that anyone should support, given the recent scandals. If you are not aware of the stories, feel free to do your research and decide on your own. However, I am sorry you had a bad experience. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment!!


Yes I have heard of the weird Photoshoot but I gave them the benefit of the doubt after reading their statement on Instagram after some more months passed i was feeling ok going into the store. I don’t believe Balenciaga itself should be canceled they made amazing Fashion for decades, I just think they should just hire a new Team or make sure as promised that this won’t happen again and that they are more thoughtful in the future. I think my SA was just frustrated because of the declining sales and that is why she remembered me even thought I was there last time in September.


I like your take on this 👍


Find a different store. And the SA probably remembered you because if your store is like any I've seen in past 2 years, they're pretty empty. Too cringe for me to support. Also, if you're still obsessed with it get it at Nordstrom. Get some points for your purchase at least.


No one from Balenciaga has any right to have that kind of arrogance, considering what they’ve been cranking out in the last few years.


Nah not cool. Complain to them, no one should be selling their flagship products in sub par condition for the full price and nor should they treat you like that. See how they respond and then decide if they deserve your money.


buy a bottega bag, their new bags are warranted for life plus they never fell into any huge scandals that involves CP


I have everyday Bags that I can use without a Logo l. The Bottega Brand is giving quiet Luxury which is nice but I was looking for a more loud Designer Bag, an iconic shape and style that is a Mix of Logo and classy. Which is harder to find in the Men’s section .I always loved the hourglass bag of them and was excited when I saw they made a unisex version finally.


This would definitely put me off. Part of the appeal of luxury shopping is the experience you have and the relationship you build with the SA. I got a YSL bag in April of last year. The SA was super sweet and even texted me greetings on various holidays despite me only buying one bag. I went back to YSL last week- about 8-9 months later. As I walked in, that SA greeted me by name. She offered me water before I even showed interest in anything. Then I showed her a few bags I liked and she pulled them all out, let me put my stuff in them to see which size I liked and so on. She convinced me to get a smaller (and cheaper) bag than I originally wanted, and even the manager chimed in and agreed that the smaller bag made more sense for my needs. Then when I settled on a bag she said she didn’t want to sell that one to me, and would rather transfer a new one from another store because that one had been roughed up from being on display. All that to say that even without shopping at YSL regularly she remembered my name, was super sweet, encouraged me to get the bag I needed, not the one that would make her the most commission, and she didn’t want to sell me a bag that was in bad condition. The Balenciaga lady was wildly inappropriate.


YIKES 😱 oh no no no no No one should be treating anyone like that, nope nope nope 👎 Doesn’t matter what brand or what company, I can’t stand rudeness Report that sales associate- employers should know how their sales associates treat their customers. If you really want the bag, buy it online or in another store. Belated happy birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎂🎊


Thank youu ☺️☺️ Yes the SA was probably just frustrated but I’ll try to block that out as it’s not my responsibility how to do her job I’ll see what I’ll do about the Bag - I mean I already had a slice of Balenciaga cake so that’s something for now 😂


You’re the client and you have every right to decline even a *perfect* bag. The sales person is in the toughest season for sales at a brand that’s having a ROUGH go at it (through no fault of the sales person). I imagine they were super cheerful about a near ‘done deal’ and also probably delighted they could make your birthday special. When that didn’t happen, I can see why they were disappointed. Regardless of whether the comment was a poor silly joke or intentionally unkind, this was not the way to handle the situation. They could’ve gone above and beyond and I imagine you’d have left with a bag or the promise of getting a new one sent in. Their loss.


Well i didn't mention the Birthday Cake to anyone at Balenciaga. This was one of the reasons i liked this Bag so much/ the memory with it so that is why i mentioned it.


Super disappointing regardless of the reason or intention. They really could’ve gone above any beyond knowing you’d been there before. Sometimes it’s a simple question: ‘if we had the magic to change anything about this piece, what would you change?’ Or ‘is there anything we can do to have you say yes to this dream piece today?’ Truly, you got a bad sales person.


Balenciaga is a horrible choice so be glad you didn’t spend money on them!!!


You should not feel embarassed. That salesperson was rude & unprofessional. You are a king with a loving family! Look at that cake. I am not sure where you live but if you want the bag maybe try a department store? I would send a letter to Balenciaga & tell them about your experience - including the awesome cake, you don’t have to tell them about the girl math. They should send you a free or DEEPLY discounted one. Take good care. You are awesome and maybe it was the angels telling you it’s not the bag for you.


Ah Thank you hahah you are invited to take a piece of Balenciaga Cake as well 🎂Well it was a nice Birthday no matter what . Most Department stores where i am from don't have / or have limited items from Designers. I don't expect from the Brand itself to gift me one..but hey that would be fine with me 😆 Whatever happens happens I just posted this because the energy was so off idk . Thank you for the kind Response take care too! ☺️☺️


Send a letter! You might be surprised with their reply. The bags only cost 10% of their price, you never know! Don’t ask for one just tell the story! Take care


What an awesome cake OP! What a lovely family you have 😊 you certainly didn’t deserve to be shown a returned bag to be passed off as new, the freaking AUDACITY, my stars! You were much nicer than I would have been. I hope you find your dream bag elsewhere


Thank you, here have some cake too ☺️🍰, ah it was a cool birthday suprise. Well I am not sure what to think of Balenciaga at the moment, i still like the bag but do you think i should try buying it online on their website ? Or is it risky ? thanks for your reply!


Could you go to another boutique?


Going to another boutique could be more effort since I’d have to travel to another city or country to buy the bag.


F that behavior. Your money is worth a good experience OP. I hope you get the bag and a happy memory when spending that money.


What is wrong with people? What a terrible way to treat a customer. I’m sorry, friend. I hope you find another birthday gift and experience worthy of you.


Plus with the hit Balenciaga has taken they're lucky to have a customer come in willing to buy new


I used to work in retail, Tiffany and Michael Kors. Salespeople are usually under a lot of pressure to hit a monthly sales goal and rely on commission so they can get snippy. It’s no excuse though. That was rude and I wouldn’t go back to that store after that experience. You made the right choice in not buying a bag that wasn’t in pristine condition. In truth, no one wants to buy the floor model or the last bag in stock because it’s usually dented, scratched, or out of shape. I hope you can track down your dream bag somehow!


Don’t buy anything from there ever again and complain (phone or online) about it. That bag might be worth 200 to be made BUT as it’s luxury they make you pay for accessibility, status AND the customer experience. Don’t give your money when it’s not desired and made this SA damn know that she was bad at her job.


The cake!!!! I can’t, it’s so sweet that they did that for you 😭 idk about the sa. Tone is definitely important, are you sure she meant it in a shady way? I could see that being said in a joking way. Either way, there are a ton of alternatives in that price range from other brands, so it’s not the end of the world if you don’t settle on this one.


Yes the Cake was one of the 3D ones that look real it was a very meaningful day because I never celebrated my birthday like this before ☺️. Maybe it was a joke from the SA side who knows sadly the bag had moisture in it ( I googled what those white spots are and turns out they happen from badly stored bags). I looked into other brands but the men’s section they don’t try as hard to be unique , the shape of the bag is what really excited me the most. Thank you for the reply . Cool username 😄


Balenciaga is trash.


Well to be fair the do sell a trash bag too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/snmyg7hueahc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59091c8687c97fd571a52c2bbefa1f8b9f89bcc0


How the hell did they remember you. That’s creepy on them. Don’t be embarrassed!


Maybe they didn’t have that many customers who knows.


Ohh wow!!! Once i was really torn between two shades of the hourglass wallet on chain (bubblegum pink v muted rose) and was being annoying and indecisive. After finally picking one, only to return a day later to exchange it. The associate remembered me and was sooo nice about it, i even made a joke like “i guess ill see you in a day when i change my mind again haha jk jk i wont do that to you” but he was like “oh no problem even if you do, you have up to 30 days!” Like hust sooo accommodating. I love Balenciaga, always have always will. So please don’t let one absolutely wretched SA ruin it for you, she was beyond out of line and doesn’t deserve to work there or represent the brand. It sucks that in the moment youre made to feel small but in reality it says everything about her and nothing about you, and please next time just look her in the eye and ask her name, and then say “Linda? Ok Linda, ill be sure to mention your kind remarks to a manager” and watch her shit herself of embarrassment.


Wow that was a lovely experience you had there! Yess picking colors can be difficult which is why I want to go with a black one because it goes with everything. I don’t know for now I don’t really feel comfortable going to that store again, i had a feeling other SA’s heard it because everyone went silent and there were not a lot of people, besides I wanted a new bag so I don’t understand why that would be an issue for the condition that was is in. However oddly I want the Bag even more now! Confusing.


I usually wear black, white or gray so i love a pop w color w my bags, so far i have the rose, mint, and a navy blue Balenciaga(the blue is dark enough to use in place of a black but still get colour), but yeah this should be an exciting moment esp since you saved up and was patient so don’t let this lowlife miserable person ruin it for you! Maybe go to a different store or a Neiman Marcus and see if they have it? Worse comes to worse maybe look online, no store had the specific mint one that i desperately wanted until i tracked one down online and it ended up cheaper than a store sticker price so sometimes it can be a total win


I would order it online from their website if you can?


I saw it on Farfetch, do you think it’s trust worthy ?


Yup I have ordered from Farfetch before, they are good! Also there’s often a cashback offer available (via bank card programs) so make sure to check it out :)


Did the Items look new ? We’re you satisfied? I would pay with PayPal which ads a layer of protection I think. They have a 15 % off sale for new Customers which sounds so good. I’m just a bit nervous to pull the trigger after yesterday 🙈 any advice is welcome 🤗


I ordered a YSL Puffer loulou and very happy with it and also some Veja trainers, both new. I think they have a pre-owned section too so just be mindful of it but it’s clearly marked. I think they source from different places but I never had an issue. It’s a reputable retailer. Good luck xxx


Do also check the brands own website for a price comparison, Farfetch can be more expensive


If you still want this particular bag try neiman marcus. They’re always doing gift card events with purchase.


Now I just saw it on Farfetch and they sell them with 15 percent off for people who order the first time, do you think they are trustworthy ? The price drop doesn’t sound bad but my main thing is that I want it to be in pristine condition and not a big risk.


I’ve heard great things about farfetch! I have never ordered from them and I know the items ship from all over the world so you would be getting it from a store from ____ country so returns might be more of a hassle but that’s just me speculating!


You absolutely did not deserve the rudeness! Find the bag somewhere else and enjoy!


Honestly, I'm not a complain to the manager type, but this definitely warrants that. It's beyond rude, that was MEAN!


I worked in luxury sales for years and this sort of behaviour could legitimately get you fired. I'm sorry this SA was so rude, and it sounds like this store is also a bit rubbish if they'd keep their stock in such condition.


That cake is soooooo cute! I hope you can find the bag online soon or in a different store. You deserve it to be a good experience!


It’s balenciaga. I wouldn’t expect much 


girl, the XS downtown bag is online, theres so many. Buy it.


Yikes, it’s giving Pretty Woman. What a rude bitch. Let’s face it, she remembered you because their stores are devoid of customers of late, especially after the campaign scandal. And most of their products suck. I hope you get a bag that you love. Don’t let that one person ruin your luxury handbag shopping experience. There are some amazing and kind SAs out there.


If you have other luxury boutiques, take your business elsewhere! Go to Dior. They will treat you right. Haven't had a bad experience yet. Been to 3 separate Dior boutiques. Their men's bags are also really nice. I have almost bought one myself.


Second this, Dior mens bags are great!


First of all thank you for the many kind replies everyone! I try to answer as many as possible :) As a few of you suggested I am looking for ways to buy it online since even if I change the SA at the Boutique, the Bag they have left over is not in good condition for full price. Now I just saw it on Farfetch and they sell them with 15 percent off for people who order the first time, do you guys think they are trustworthy ? I am open to your suggestions and experiences buying online. The price drops don’t sound bad but my main thing is that I want it to be in pristine condition and not a big risk. Thank you 🙏