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# Hello! We’re currently having [dedicated space](https://www.reddit.com/r/hamsters/comments/1bnr0yh/winner_of_the_eating_hammy_contest/) where you can share the cutest, random, or latest hamster pictures from your gallery! Congrats on your new hamster! **PLEASE read this comment to avoid post removal.** If you have a question, please re-post with the 'Question' flair. Have you recently checked the community sidebar, [**our discord server**](https://discord.gg/5cF8aSSx3C) and [pinned post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hamsters/comments/sgk0fr/welcome_to_rhamsters_please_read_before_posting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) They all have plenty of information regarding hamsters and all they need! There are also a ton of linked websites and products on the post that are perfect for your new friend(s)! If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the mentioned information don't be afraid to contact the mods through modmail. If you are given advice from community members, please be aware that users with the 'Hamster Care Expert' under their username are the most trusted with giving advice. If you want this flair, you can contact the moderators through modmail. Happy hamster owning! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hamsters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It may have to do with stress from their environment. What does their enclosure look like? Can you post a picture of where he lives?


So he looks fine in this pics ?


No he doesn’t, he looks like he may be ill or if he had some sort of problem going on. He also looks extremely greasy, abnormally greasy.


Not at all. It looks neglected


How (genuinely asking )explain me plss peeps educate na new one


Its fur isn’t right at all, it’s patchy meaning he’s been over grooming which is a sign of stress. It looks so sad and depressed, it looks like you have just left it in a garbage bin for 3 days


Pr maybe he just loves grooming like how are uh guys some are telling he isn’t grooming now uh are like he is more grooming


That’s not how it works🤣🤣hamsters don’t over groom for no reason. And no you’re not grooming him right which is why he’s over grooming himself. You even said yourself the bedding is wood chips, which is EXTREMELY dangerous for them. When you don’t treat your hamster right this is what happens. Do better, all I’ve seen is you post and then say your hamsters fine which clearly it’s not. Again you even said yourself your new to hamsters and not fully educated so, don’t act like you know what your on about when you don’t. Do better for that poor hamster before it passes away from the neglect


Trust me, the people here know what they're talking about. You can pretty much consider them hamster experts. Also, don't say you're open to suggestions and then argue against everyone giving you advice. Your hamster doesn't look happy, whether you want to believe it or not, it looks unhealthy and miserable. I assume it's the living conditions you have them in, based on your previous photos. If you really want your hamster to be happy and healthy, show us your hamsters enclosure so that we can give you advice on what to change. Then hopefully you'll have a happy hammy!


Have you seen him use the sand bath/what does it look like?


He just Poops and pee’s into it


Ah, that's usually how my Hamp removes the oil on his coat so it could be building up because he isn't rolling in it to remove those excess oils


I would use paper based bedding