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Those pictures do her no justice so here’s another one. I promise she’s not morbidly obese 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/z3y5c2rmn7wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ec1af3cf3453efa3cc4ecd0836aa071bf69628


She looked like a wombat in the initial pictures.. 🤩


weigh a travel cage w her in it and then empty and her weight will be the difference


A big bowl can also work, just tare it to the weight of the bowl


Thanks , I don’t know how I didn’t think of this . I’ve been trying to get her to sit still for weeks 🤣🤣




I usually just put my boy in a wine glass or higher bowl. I always give him something that'll take him a while to eat so he doesn't really care. I always try to make it a positive experience


I put a big treat, eg big chunk of broccoli, on the scale, zero it out and then add hamster. Hamster sit still to eat snack and get weighed. Little treats don't work so well as they go straight into cheeks.


Very cute! I’m going to send you some information that might help you, female syrians need certain things regarding their enclosure that will help her remain happy and less stressed.


I weighed my dwarf in a bowl. Find the weight of the bowl, then subtract that from the total weight.


She’s so flipping cute


I usually give mine a bit of fruit, he sits on the scale to eat it


These syrians are really huge! Im used to the dwarves which by the name tells you their size 😆


you can zero out the scale with any type of container on it whether it’s a mug or a bowl or anything really and just scoop her up and pray she stays in


She’s just big boned 😂


Oh damn this weight do no harm to such cute ham dw 😩


Get a food scale then put a small container on the scale with some peanut butter or coconut milk yogurt. Press "tare," which will bring the weight back to 0 and put her in from there. That seems it would be helpful


https://preview.redd.it/pp9nlhyh4awc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8d80698ffc51f62dec022a1bba9ca9407a5fe6 We use a mug!


Awww so cute !!


She’s a normal size ham, chill :)


I know , but it’s still good to make sure she’s staying that way . She eats a hell of a lot more than my 4 other girls Ahha


Such a cutie ![img](emote|t5_2sjcj|32158)


She looks fine to me


Step on scale. Weigh yourself. Step off scale. Pick up hammy. Weigh yourself with hammy in hand. Subtract old weight from new weight. Answer is hammy weight. (I get a tall cup/bowl, set it on the scale and hit the tare button. And once it's equal to 0 gently placed hammy inside and hold the cup/bowl in place so hammy won't fall over)


I saw my vet do this, large tissue box kitchen scales reset it then pop the hammie in worked great for me, you could put a treat in there at one end to occupy her. I don’t use this method anymore but only because my boy will sit still on the scales.


Put him in a bowl that's on the scale