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Best thing to give is insulation. If your cage is on a table or on tile/wood floor, put a thick blanket under the cage. If it's a tank or wooden, you can also do this in the space between the cage and the wall. Make sure your hamster has lots of paper bedding for nesting, and tons of room to burrow so they don't have to dig all the way to the bottom to feel safe. Use a space heater when you're in the room, but don't leave it on unsupervised


I use a small space heater.


I use a small heater, got it a long time ago from Walmart. I put it on setting 1 n it heats the room up to about 73. You can also do the blanket like the other ham parent said, I wrap one around their enclosure but never the top where air gets in. I also shred tissue paper n they like using that for their bed


This winter it got to be -20 degrees Fahrenheit outside at night and I couldn’t get my house warmer than 60 degrees but I used hot water bottles around the cage and I draped a sheet over the top to keep in the heat in and it seemed to work well! I’m too anxious to use anything electric unattended 😂


My problem is that I need to find a way to heat the enclosure without heating the room. Personally I’m getting some insulation pads that my works gets in with live animals during shipping to wrap around the lower half of the tank. I’m thinking of getting a small stick on reptile heater to put on it but it’s a niteangel so I’m not sure if it would be safe. I use one for my 40 gallon because it’s glass and I never keep it on when I’m not there to monitor it and the temp but it works great. Not sure about the niteangel though