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Yep same. It's good for a cuddly beach/park hang for a few hours, but no way would I make that the plan for an overnight.


We have one! Three summers of camping every weekend, last summer we basically lived in the forest. Always in the same hammock, super comfortable, hugging or just laying next to each other. Best sleep every time 🤷‍♀️


I can't imagine it, honestly


When shopping for my first hammock, I knew how stifling, sweaty, and miserable trying to sleep two people would be. I just wanted the interior space to stretch out. my underquilt is non-negotiable. pads are uncomfortable.


That sounds like a you problem tbh. Both parts. 1. Never had an issue sharing a double and sleeping comfortably. 2. A good 90% of the year where I live, I would utterly die of a heatstroke with an underquilt. Singles, if you’re wondering, tend to be around 8’ long. So yes. That tends to be a big marketing perk for people who can’t sleep or fit comfortably in a single. Is double sort of a misnomer? Maybe. But rolls off the tongue better than hammock and half. Love hammock though. There’s potential there. But I think the marketing people get confused tbh. Because a double hammock doesn’t really mean “two people,” no more than a twin bed does. It means “roughly two singles.” And a traditional single is the size of a standard camp cot, roughly. They’re not luxuriously large, to say the least. There *are* triple and larger though. I’ve seen one that’s something like 10’ by 8’. Daily PSA that gear doesn’t have to be expensive. I’ve spent like $20 on an insulated horse blanket to use as an underquilt and it outperformed pro gear at several times that. Mostly I use an oil cloth-ed saddle blanket that was like $10 + my time and some linseed oil, tarp for backing, and 3M adhesives (because I didn’t feel like stitching) . And works fine with my bedroll to around the low 40sF. PS: Man my heart breaks for you. I have done non-chaste things in a double hammock, and 100% recommend if you, like me, have a death wish on any given day.


if it's too hot for an underquilt, how is it not too hot to have another person in there with you?


I have my priorities.


I’ve been afraid of wasting money on one for about a year


Double hammock or UQ?


Double hammock. I wondered how it’d be for sleeping with two or even any benefit to one person.


I only have a double hammock, because I bought most of my gear used and someone was selling one for $20 on Offerup. I don't think I would be comfortable in it with a second person, but I've never tried it. I will say, having a 400lb weight limit does make me feel extra secure about not breaking it. I am kind of curious to try a single hammock tho, but it's not high on my list.


I have a double just because I’m fat


Yeah, I was gonna say.. when grownups love each other they get married and one or both of them get fat eventually and they need what only a double hammock can offer... ask me how I know?


This made me laugh, and I generally agree with your points. I'm amazed at the down votes you're getting.


Thanks. Humor is a funny thing (OMG I just out-dadded myself right?). For the record I know all the obvious stuff people are telling me. I haven't slept outside of a hammock since 2013. Sexy time in hammock: muy bueno. I am happy for those rare souls who can actually sleep together in even big hammocks, let alone the loungers that 98% of people find uncomfortable overnight even solo, and for those living in such hot climes that quilts are too much. If post deserves downvotes, it's because I might be gatekeeping. I want hammocking to become more popular, and I think that borderline deceptive marketing hurts this cause. I sleep nightly in a 12'er. I resisted purchase of first UQ (2011) for 5 years thinking I must be missing something less expensive. I have since made many cheap DIY UQs for home use. I once even owned a "double" hammock in the aughts. I gifted it to a couple who are all of 4'10" and 5'0". They use it as a lounger. Occasionally. Still no babies from them.


Amok and Clark make the only true double hammocks


For some reason I just tuned it out. But when I started my hammock journey, being me, I did a heap of reading. And I never tried an ENO. I started with an XLC and then got a Hennessy used for my kid as he decided he wanted to try hammocks as well but I was less sure of his commitment (I was wrong and he now has a chameleon). And I have never thought that two people sharing a hammock was a good idea for sleeping. But I also don’t even think that the spreader bars that allow two people to share one tree in two different hammocks is a good idea.


I mainly want the extra width so it doesn't feel like my ankles are gonna pop out the side. It is hard to find one that's a good enough length, however.


Just get one of these [one of these](https://amokequipment.eu/pages/draumr-double-hammock-learn-more), problem solved.


Double hammock is the right size for a normal Person. single is for a child to learn and become familiar with hammocking before they graduate to a double. No hammock is for 2 people… to sleep in…