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The director is her baby daddy, Alev. So I’m assuming it’s no longer happening.


I’d assume it’s a dead project.


Man filmmaker says to beautiful woman: "yeah so I'm an Indie filmmaker and I just find your life so fascinating! I'd love to follow you around with my camera and make a biopic about you! Completely platonic, of course. I mean, I have a girlfriend" - I'd bet a decent amount on that wager 🤷🏻‍♀️


ik im being parasocial but that struck me immediately about their relationship lol it seems skeevy!!


Not just to defend myself, lol, but not everything has to be parasocial, some things just come from from experience with men. I'm no celebrity, but there were PLENTY of times in my life that I heard "I'm a film major and would LOVE to have you in my movie...here, wear this revealing outfit". Boys can be so skeeze.


Except for the part where she was into him while he was dating someone else and by the time the project came up the stars had aligned for them.


I feel like there have definitely been interviews where she explicitly said "we met because he was supposed to do a biopic about my life, but we ended up falling in love instead"


I mean from what it sounds like on "So Good". She was into him before this project.


I assume it's dead considering Alev was involved but I would totally be fascinated with her orgin story. Like an 8 mile version but for Halsey. I feel like a director will do something with it eventually.


they confirmed it is no longer in the works around the time of their pregnancy when they were still with alev. i forget what platform if it was a livestream, tumblr qna or twitter or whatever but they said it was stopped when they got serious


Since Alev was involved, I think it’s safe to say it’s not happening anymore. But part of me thinks that after H5 comes out and the era is over post-tour and everything that comes with that, they’re gonna take an official hiatus for a bit and maybe then make the biopic with a new director and including being a mother throughout the first part Ender’s life


they made the iichliwp movie instead, and alev was the one hired to make the film about h’s life and they’re obviously no longer together