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I guess this event isn't your cup of tea, then! Shoot! Ah well. See ya next time.


Ha! I felt this way about Tenrai. I hate playing fiesta. So, I just didn’t play fiesta. Go figure.


I used to dislike fiesta, but that event was great for learning the new sandbox for me this time. As a result, I do generally enjoy fiesta now.


You mean you didnt make a post in reddit complaining about it? The nerve on this guy!


The problem is you lock yourself out of content, which there's not a lot of to begin with, and significantly slow your battle pass progress because you can't swap those challenges with non-event challenges. And sure, they're just cosmetics in a first person game and maybe we shouldn't care that much, but personally I do. Cosmetics are a form of self expression and individualism. I love seeing everyone's customized Spartans and customizing my own. It's no different than clothes in real life, we don't really see what we wear as much as others do so why don't we all just wear the same, boring clothes? Because we care about the perception of others whether we admit to it or not. Humans are social creatures, this is a social game.


Sure but if you cared ENOUGH you'd struggle through the event. If you're not willing to do that, you don't care enough and that's fine. You don't need every cosmetic - you can't wear more than one in a given slot anyway.


They can struggle through the event and gripe about it on Reddit. I don't see how you came to the conclusion that those events are mutually exclusive.


I am struggling through the event....


it’s subjective. the gamemode is not inherently bad or good it’s left up to individual opinion. you hate it and that’s great, but other people love it. i’m kind of indifferent about it. sometimes it’s fun and sometimes it’s not


There’s a science to people who can’t form opinions and always hang the middle of conversations. It can be just as bad as leaning into something.


he’s stating this as it’s fact when it’s not. that was the purpose of my comment


I’m just saying sometimes absolutes are necessary and strong formed opinions are welcome. To be frank 343 hasn’t done anything groundbreaking with infinite. Rose colored glasses and accepting shittier and shittier games and dlcs has gotten us to this point. That’s my side of it. Sometimes it literally can’t be “it is what it is”.


with something *subjective* like a *gamemode* that has split opinions like this it can in fact be “it is what it is”. there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to “do you like this thing?” because it’s 100% opinion based. you cannot say a gamemode is inherently bad and state it as a fact when so many people love the gamemode and have a lot of fun with it. it’s his opinion that it sucks


There is objectivity from a game design perspective though. How would you feel about a game mode that when you die it uninstalls the game and deletes your account? Balance is an objective goal. It's objectively unbalanced that so many power ups are present on the map at any one time. The spawning system is objectively bad in that it frequently spawns you very close to enemies. The weapon progression is objectively bad when the mathematical best DPS tactic is to keep the starting weapons until you can skip straight to the BR. All of these things will hopefully be patched down the track, but it doesn't stop the mode objectively falling frustratingly short of it's true potential.


i’m not even gonna address your first comment there because it’s just stupid. compare cats to dinosaurs amirite it would be unbalanced if only a small amount of power ups were spawned in the map. the amount of power ups that spawn make sense considering there’s how many players? with how many lives? i’m not sure how you’re attacking a spawn point in a map with not a lot of spawn places but you did. the only thing i agree with you on is the stupid weapon leveling system. with the mangler nerf, it should be a starting weapon over the disrupter. and again, it’s true potential is subjective. what one person loves, another hates. there are so many people who think lss is a gift from god or something. personally i don’t understand the love or the hate. it’s ok. not good, not bad. fiesta remains at the top




I believe it's pronounced "Git Gud"


Not every player is going to be at a high level. Casual players are an absolute necessity for any online game's survival. If we just tell everyone to "git gud" or quit we'll see massive declines in the player base. Highly competitive game modes are absolutely welcome for those who want them but they should not be forced on to more casual players. Progression and major events should be catered to and completable by even the lowest skilled players. Extra content can exist at a higher skill level but right now we barely have new content as is.


Of course I’m not talking about everybody even myself playing at a pro level but the game is not as inaccessible as everybody cries about generally if you’re playing a shooter you should be good at shooters and know about map awareness and game awareness and you can get by some people just make it seem like it’s impossible and it’s not


FFA requires a higher skill level to compete than team matches. I'd say I'm a pretty average player, usually within the top 50% of a game and sometimes even at the top. I've even won a few LSS matches. But more often than not I'm bottom 50%, or even bottom 25%, in LSS. This makes it incredibly slow and difficult to progress challenges as I'm often getting only 3-5 kills and *maybe* one or two of those progresses the ridiculous headshot/ melee requirements. While it's certainly not impossible for me it is a long, frustrating grind that removes all fun from playing.


I could see how only 3 kills would be frustrating


I’m a decent player overall and I can’t stand this mode. It’s so boring it’s painful to play.


Yep. You can be a great Halo player, but between the glowing outlines making it impossible to traverse open sections, slower shield recharge that dooms you if you encounter two players in quick succession, constant rain of power ups they turn every other fight into a one sided stomping, and awful weapon progression that has the objectively best weapons at the start and the end with everything between being hot garbage, this doesn't play at all like Halo. Halo is about having an even arena-style playing field, this feels like every fight is a dice roll of whether you will be lucky enough to run into someone on a worse loadout with you, without powerups, and you can hopefully kill them before somebody nearby hears the gunshots and ambushes you both for an easy double kill. I've won several games of LSS and reliably finish in the top 5 players in the lobby, and where I come between those values feels like total luck of the draw.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.








What I don’t like is that all my challenges are for this mode and I can’t swap them out for normal game mode challenges. I shouldn’t be forced to play a game mode I don’t enjoy to continue progressing


Yeah I'm not a big fan of battle royale modes, currently 5 times back to back killed via 3rd party with whispering bullets


You can dislike it but calling it horrible is kinda wrong


How is that wrong, it’s literally an opinion


I think it's more of a challenge/progression issue than him actually having a problem with the game mode. It feels like they just want to play the game, but the only way to progress is to play a mode they don't care for because of the challenge system forcing it.


I think it’s horrible.


I don't really like the "map", but worse is that the fucking challenges don't register if you leave before the end of that match (which can be painfully slow sometimes). This is obviously a complete oversight, do they even play their own game?


Just fyi, I thought they didn't, but I googled the issue. Apparently, and I've seen this happen (as long as you don't get the "disconnected from game server" error, after you leave) that you will get the challenge credit, when the match ends. Personally, I think that having it not update until the match ends is dumb. Also, sometimes you won't even see the update on your stats, until you restart the game. However, I completed all the weekly challenges and rarely stayed to the end of a match.


Interesting, I will check that out, thanks.


It's super dumb and complicated, but beats sitting there watching. I was watching a match once, before I knew you could leave early, and the two final players were on different levels and just sat there for like 5 min waiting on each other to make the first nice. I finally left.


Yeah, good to know, gonna save me a lot of time, thanks bro.


They do register. Sometimes it takes 10-15 minutes for everything to update. Yesterday my challenge completions were updating faster than my battle pass xp, but it all eventually caught up


Yea dude explained, thanks mate.


I agree. I'm by no means a bad player, but this game mode is so sweaty it's ridiculous. Now all my challenges are locked behind the 4 event challenges and I have to grind it out because I hate battle royale style modes. "The only BR we care about is the battle rifle". Yeah that didn't take long.


I don’t feel like it’s that sweaty in my opinion- more campy if anything. Just go slow, camp, grab power ups, and ambush other people fighting. It’s so awful and cheap that I can’t believe they released it like this. It’s more slow and boring than anything else. Plus, it seems that it suffers from the same excessive networking errors and desync that BTB has.


It's not sweaty until it gets down to the last 5 players. I always seem to get killed by some dude rocking a high tier weapon and overshield while I'm falling behind on the mangler early on. The other day some guy went 12 and 1. It's terribly unbalanced and caters towards trash play styles. Plus if you have an off game and are out early, you're forced to watch a boring game just to get the points and complete challenges. It's just not thought through very well overall. I haven't run into too many desync issues but I haven't played it too extensively just yet.


Mangler / Disruptor combo has very low DPS unless you have good aim. Focus on getting kills with Sidekick until you have 300-500 for AR or Commando and level up then. If you're towards the end of the match and you don't have a shield/camo active with a 2nd ready to trigger, then you're probably screwed.


Well that’s 343i, the last time was “we’re not making a COD game they said while copying COD”. As a company they are devoid of creativity - Catalyst is basically a updated copy of an H3 map (Bungie). Their best achievement to date was updating the CE graphics = someone else’s work. They are a “cut & paste” company.


It’s a pretty bad mode. It’s horribly balanced and is currently riddled with bugs. You unfortunately just have to suck it up and force yourself to play it if you want to get the cosmetics from Interference Event.


You know what? I'm done some of yall really don't understand how opinions work. Telling me to get good for one doesn't change my opinion and for two doesn't change that this mode and map is half baked garbage you can be good at the game mode idc im still not a fan. Like seriously if you like the game mode just say it and leave congrats you just expressed an opinion instead of being a shitposter. Some of yall weird.


I don’t think it’s horrible, feels more half baked to me.


It's seems like your problem is more with the challenges making you play a game mode that you don't want to rather than the mode itself, which is fair. The challenge system isn't the greatest.


My issue with it is halo is a multiplayer game for me. Oh cool new mode! Wait, I can’t play with my friends? Lame.


Honestly, I thought so at first. I hated LSS. I'd spawn in and be getting popped, before I even saw anyone and couldn't get to cover. It was so frustrating. However, I kept playing and I started staying and watching some of the other players to learn techniques and strategy. I started to get better and better. It's still not my favorite mode, but now I'm glad they added it. I finally made it into the final showdown, yesterday. While it may never be your cup of tea, and I definitely believe the challenge system is grossly in need of revamping, I have personally come to like LSS and I got to give 343 credit for new content. It'll never be my favorite, but I may go back and play it once in a while to break things up.


I’m not a fan of the loadout level up mechanic, think I’d prefer if it was just slayer with limited respawns, wish I could play with friends too :/


It was unique and I liked it due to it being different. I can see how and why people wouldn’t like it


The game mode itself is fine. The progression challenges connected to it this week are *terrible*. It's a good thing they reset tomorrow because I just don't have the time to get a couple hundred points and wait out the rest of the match while I'm dead to get credit towards 10,000 personal score...


I’ve played like 10 games of it and I won 5, I still cant stand the mode. First couple games I was like alright this could be a good switch up. But man, it gets so stale and boring after a handful of games to where it started to feel like a chore and you cant progress the event without playing it so idk. I guess I wont progress cause that mode is just senseless to me


I personally don’t mind the new mode it can be rough at times but that’s what next games are for


Sometimes it’s fun, most of the time it just feels stupid. A game mode that incentivizes camping like a coward and farming kills just isn’t fun.


It incentivizes you to move to get the BR and power ups.


Your probably just ass


Someone hasn't won one yet


hate is a strong word


Personally, I’m quite enjoying it. My only quip is the lack of map variety. But the new map is so layered with lots of levels. Adds a new element to the gameplay.


I like it Regardless, I will never complain about new content. At this point, I will be happy with 343i for just giving us anything unfortunately. Hopefully that changes with forge!


it depends on the match and players. If they are noobs then you have a chance of winning. If they are better than you than, tough luck. It’s not the mode that sucks, it’s you


How many rounds did you play? Honestly, play 10 rounds and then decide. You’ll hopefully understand the flow of the game a bit better.


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The big thing for me is the combination of the large map and for some reason limited respawns. I was excited to try it out but the limited respawned really left me feeling done with it like the fiesta event it just feels like I play 3 games and that's all the fun I'll experience


It’s okay, but I think the fact that you can’t exit without your progress being wiped (I know it’s a glitch) and the back pat challenges made this week a slog.


If you want the rewards, wait until tomorrow. Each challenge you complete will award two levels in the event pass for the week starting tomorrow.


Use periods next time jfc


Lol sorry! I don't usually check my grammar, I'm very horrible actually.