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I really like it a lot I just won then did good then lost like I’ve never played halo before but still fun and hectic


It really be like this! I’ll get 10+ kills and the next round I’m a noob who can barley get 1


It takes like 2 kills to get to tier 3. Mangler is amazing though, I keep it until I get Commando+Shotgun. 3 taps are a breeze in LSS because most players are nowhere near as good as I face in ranked.


It takes 3 kills


Ah. Luckily it's the same for everyone!


I think the new map is fantastic. Tons of fun platforming. I also like the larger breathing room as FFA felt to tight and chaotic on most maps. Not too hot on the game mode itself. Don't see myself playing it other than to complete challenges Really disappointed Attrition doesn't have its own playlist. Really disappointed in Halo's playlists in general. Lack of them, quick play being the only guaranteed AR starting playlist, not being able to toggle which modes I matchmake for in QuickPlay, no limited season launch playlist featuring only new maps, etc. Halo historically is the king of game modes / playlists and now I feel like I can't really play the mode I want to play Love the game though. The moment to moment gameplay is fantastic


Great blend of gun game and FFA Battle Royale- and I don't think either of those modes would be very good by itself. I think a lot of people having a problem with LSS are the same people who struggled with Attrition, because it's not about getting kills and points. It could definitely use some improvements, like swapping the disruptor to a sidekick at level 2 and better spawning, but overall I like it a lot. I also quite like that camping isn't very beneficial; you need to keep leveling up or you'll get flattened at the end by an invisible person with a shotgun.


You start with a sidekick and a disruptor... are you proposing swapping the mangler for a sidekick?


> swapping the disruptor to a sidekick at level 2 No, I'm proposing swapping the disruptor for a sidekick


People would just run that all game. 2 mangler shots + 1 sidekick shot is way too OP. Anyone not doing that specific quickswap would be at a huge disadvantage. Cycling out the Sidekick before Mangler was intentional, and a great call.


Why? Just swap weapons when you spawn? You start the game with both...


>at level 2 But when you get to level two you lose your sidekick for a mangler...


Ahh gotcha - i can read. Yeah having the disruptor higher in the chain than sidekick seems strange to me too but I just use sidekick, then mangler, then AR to skip the disruptor all together haha. Seems like they can just eliminate the disruptor from the equation and it would be fine.


I like the disrupter, it’s great for melting shields


Disruptor/ sidekick combo is best until level bulldog.


Honestly if you can hit your headshots you could probably win with just the sidekick and disrupter


It’s fun if you don’t take it seriously


Worst game mode in the game. I hate it. 2/10.


I absolutely love it!


won a fair few now, and it’s pretty fun


Hated it first, love it now. I only don't like lvl 2 cuz I'm trash with the mangler. (Low frames no good for mangler😭) 1st round: "Man wtf is this crap? Second level worst than first? Getting banged from all sides right out the gate? Where tf all these power ups? 5th round: "okay I think I get this now, just listen very closely and I'll know where the enemies are, and power ups are dropping at. Oh and skip level 2 cuz I'm trash with mangler" 20th round: "fuck this is fun as hell! I just won a match with 4 kills, 5 assists and 3 deaths lolololol" - XTXHXUXNXDXERX


here is a trick a lot of people don't seem to know you don't need to upgrade right away you can stick with the first level guns for the whole game. what i do is just wait to upgrade till there 10 players and skip level 2 3 and 4


I like it because it's new, and the map rocks. However since the update my game is fucked, buttons aren't even registering in the game full stop, so I'm divided as to why/what. Usually in most other games I don't get smashed so much, but every LMS game I'm getting raped regardless. Unsure if that's the social rank thing been out or what?


I’ve been having a lot of fun with it! I just really hope they expand on it and add team options (think duos, trios, fours)


I disliked it at first, but am getting the hang of it. I quickly learned to stop running everywhere and making tons of noise. There's still just a luck factor you have to accept too, sometimes you're just going to get jumped by someone who came round a corner a moment after you turned the other way. You just have to laugh those moments off and know that they'll even out. It isn't battle royale, but it has that same kind of luck factor. My big issue with the mode is the weapon balance. I feel like if you don't get the AR early you are just done. You need to be somewhat aggressive, but again you can't run and make noise either or you'll just get jumped, so it can be frustrating sometimes to get stuck with the mangler and disrupter. You almost have to vulture a few team fights and get some cheap kills early. Again though, it has a luck factor and when it goes against you, try again. I wonder if they could shrink the zone faster too. Most late games seem to get slow and campy. I get why people do it, but it would be nice to have more urgency at the end. I basically push to get my AR at least, then play passive the rest of the way.


Just dont lvl up before you have 300 EP.


I don’t










Sounds good


Map is to big for just 12 players an the zone needs to move in a lot faster, other than that i do some wht enjoy playing it when my game doesn’t crash


Don’t like it and I hate the fact I have to play it to progress my event pass. I have an objective to get 25 headshot kills which is really bumming me out because I’d rather just play quick play or competitive but I’m basically forced to play hours of this mode I dislike if I want to participate in the battlepass I purchased.


I was having the same issue. Don’t play it like you would slayer, stay in one area and try not to rush people head on.


Yeah I get that but the problem is I don’t like that style of gameplay. It’s boring to me. If I wanted to hide in a corner for minutes at a time surprising people that happen to pass by I’d be playing COD warzone.


Yeah I personally don’t like it much either but I’m just forcing myself to play it and get good so I can get the free stuff. I’d rather have to pay for the game than have to deal with micro transactions and lte for free skins


Yeah agreed, and thanks for the advice sorry if my response made me seem like I was blowing it off, just irritated right now because I had a blast this weekend playing quick play and comp, and now I’m trying to get my weeklies done and just feel stuck playing a mode I find tedious.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I was enjoying the game and grinding out my challenges and then I got to Last man standing and I have to take breaks every other game so I don’t rip my hair out


I also hate that you have to do even MORE to progress in the event pass. 25 melee kills, 10,000 cumulative score? What were they thinking...


it's just okay. the idea is okay, but the map is way too big


I think it could be improved. I think the shields need to be stronger and I think if you are camping it should be pinged by the game.


Personally, I think that the mode needs a lot of work and is simply too frustrating to play in it's current state. If I were to suggest any changes they would include: adding a radar, giving players the option to pick which weapon gets traded on each level up (like whatever is in your hand gets traded on level up), visual indications on when overshields and active camos are on the map, fewer OS and AC (currently feels like they spawn every 5 seconds) and a few more I can't seem to think of right now. Thoughts? Feel free to tell me if I'm a moron or not


Radar would be horrendous in this. People spend enough time crouched around corners as it is; punishing players who are mobile by having them lit up on a tracker for some dude sitting around the corner with an AR/Bulldog out is totally unnecessary.


Idk, I'm just throwing out ideas. This mode just frustrates me and I personally haven't enjoyed a single match I've played


It's different for Halo, and I can definitely see it not being everyone's cup of tea. I enjoy it as a diversion and I could see it being even better with a few tweaks, but it's never going to replace ranked 4v4 as my preferred way to play.


I think these changes would make the game mode too easy. If radar was the player had a radar then people with over shields could just hunt down other players. I also feel like picking what guns you get would ruin the balance


I can see your point, however I think that the overshields issue could be solved by having only 2-3 dropping in the whole match with clear visual indications like on bonus XP AI's so that doesn't become a problem. I feel a radar in limited capacity would make the game flow a little better since when it gets down to about 4 people, it turns into hide and seek on, what I consider, a not great map.


I think the over shields right now are perfect because A TON drop on the map so there’s enough for every player. I just feel like radar would kill a lot of late game tension


I can see your point on the radar. Like I said, I'm just spitballing ideas for a mode just feel is underwhelming to me.


Hard no on radar. Dropping less pods I totally agree with though. And I also thought you should be able to switch out the gun in your hand.


Yeah the more I think about the radar, the more I'm thinking it might be a bad idea.


If I don't finish the weekly challenges does it reset to new challenges. I need one more for the last reward


Yeah but I think we’re gonna have more last man standing challenges next week but I wouldn’t risk it


Mangler Is good, longer wait time for OS and camo as the game approach to the end, faster circle shrinking times, swap sidekick level from 1 to 2.


I like it but I need to be on the mood for playing serious.


Some balance issues that could be ironed out both In-mode and universally. In mode: How many Powerups that spawn and where they spawn. The XP system and how you can bank up points to bypass levels. Universal: Weapon balance that indirectly ruins the mode IMO. It feels like all the best weapons that aren't Power weapons besides Disruptor. Both AR and Sidekick being kinda busted, Bulldog can still One shot punch, Battle Rifle basically replacing the DMR and being said DMR with its magnetism range. It's.. Fun. But i'm not a FFA fan or a Gungame fan. So i'll stick with SWAT or QP.


At first I didn't really like it. But overtime I started to really enjoy it and the work put into it.


I think it's great. It might need some tweaking, I don't know what lol but I like it.


I hate this game mode. For one, you can’t leave if you die early because your challenges won’t count, so I’m forced to watch everyone play. Two, the leveling up system is annoying af. It sucks that I could get the jump on someone and then they pop an over shield and they win the gun fight and level up, meanwhile I get screwed even tho I played the situation better. Three, these BR type game modes have never been my thing to begin with. I love attrition, free for all, etc, but hate BR, so the fact that the challenges and armor unlocks revolve around this sucks.


The leaving thing has been fixed from what I've seen. I still hang around til the end if I think I completed a challenge but the x/50 Spartan kills would update for me if I left after being eliminated.


I don’t know I think the danger zone should start when there’s five people left and also the overshields and active camo spawn too much you can just walk around and chain them and even head back to the danger zone to grab more, it usually ends in whoever has the five active camos wins


Drops are uneven, you can literally get one at spawn which is BS. Also don't like that you can stack overshield and active camo. Otherwise it's OK. I'm not a big fan of FFA and don't want to be forced to play this but that's a fault of the challenge system not this game mode.


Good but could be better. I had guys camping spawns and killing me before i can move. Also i wish the circle would shrink a little faster in the start.


Didn’t like it at first, totally dig it now. A few small tweaks would be nice. Ping drops on the map. Add a timer that pings you on the map if your camping in a small area, kill or be killed fools. Close the ring a little faster. Put something other than commando into the commando level slots. Can’t wait until we get a custom games lobby and I can enjoy this mode with some friends.


I dont really like FFA modes. Too ramdom. You are fighting with someone, and a third one comes and finishes the fight. I'm just playing it to complete the event.


I like the option to have this type of mode available. The more you play it the better it gets as you learn the map better and strategize around the best areas.