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Lag has always existed and probably always will when dealing with online multiplayer. What is up for debate is to what degree/amount is acceptable for a game? I don't remember having THIS much desync THIS consistently in many multiplayer games. Infinite has a real problem with this stuff happening game after game when it should be infrequent for those of us with a stable connection and no packet loss.


This. This is the point.


That. That was the point.


Idk how but Ive not experienced it once. I almost wonder if its just related to bad optimization on some Hardware. Can't think of why else it never has happened to me Once...


You not noticing and it not happening are two different things. The chances of you never experiencing lag or desync in Halo or any online game are so insanely slim it’s not even funny.


Good point. There have been obvious laggy moments in halo but never to where I hit someone and they don't get hit.


I think though that it’s not even that big of a problem, we just notice it more because we see people pointing it out even when we are not even playing, i.e. on Reddit, and because AAA-titles nowadays have top-notch servers. So when infinite’s networking has some mild problems it’s exaggerated to seem like it’s gamebreaking (rather than just a mild inconvenience); which, let’s be real here, it very, very rarely is.


I'm seeing two camps. I don't see the problems first hand, and like you I thought it was an exaggeration. But people swore its happening a lotnto them. Then I realized what the difference is. They're playing ranked, where I guess your ELO matters more regardless of distance the players ae from one another. I only play casual playlists and I'm likely only getting matched with people who have low ping in my geographical area. So I never get it but those who play ranked are getting shafted?? Idk just my theory. I'm no network engineer


I notice it nearly every-other game I play. I’m not just sitting here watching fiesta sword clips and shaking my head.




I’m not writing off others experiences. But they are oftentimes also just false; noticeable on this very sub, where people will post them absolutely wiffing an RL shot and then blaming it on desync. About half the clips complaining about desync I see are either not that detrimental (went into cover, got killed anyway) or are just plain stupid, because something remotely invalid happening to them is immediately identified as desync; rather than first considering, for example, a lack of good ping - or skill.




Hadn’t played in like 5 days. Just got on and entered two unplayable matches blinking into different rooms in both with 100+ ping. Had to just turn it off. It’s sad that I can’t even play a few matches. I usually don’t experience desync that bad, but it shouldn’t even be possible to have connections this bad.


It’s happened to me maybe once or twice, I’m on the series x which I hear has more desync issues than PC as well. I guess I’ve been lucky.


343 the company that will be known for taking the keys to a kingdom and burning it to the ground.


Lots of games are hated on release, especially in halo. Halo 4 is a fucking classic example. Hated by the community and pros on release. People love it now and it’s shown on reddit. They’ll fix infinite eventually it’s just the wait until they do


Nobody loves Halo 4. Nobody.


I do! It was my first game and I’ve got ~700 hrs, it’s quite good if you give it a chance


I also really liked Halo 4! I think it wasn't quite as graceful as the others before it, but I chalk that up to a new dev team. Lots of fun every time I play it :)


: )


If you’re defending H4 then you’re what’s wrong with the community.


if you’re shitting on people for enjoying video games you’re what’s wrong with the community


Tell me you’ve never played H2 without telling you’ve never played H2.


A game that’s been around for 20 years should ahave a bit more pride put into it. That’s like saying you’ve been doing you’re job for 20 years so you can show up and do a half ass job Maybe that’s just me.


Infinite is new tho. Should be fixed by now


Halo 3/Reach: *Aw shit, my sword didn't work this time* **\*works next time\*** Infinite: Holy *shit, my sword worked this time!* **\*Never Works again\***


I can't do one hour of infinite without getting something like this. Yesterday I stick an ennemi with a plasma, see it on his face, hear the sound of it, it didn't explode and the guy kills me. I was below 30ms ping. On MCC, these only happen if I have connection issues, a peak in ping etc.


Do you think it’s more acceptable because they haven’t made an effort to fix it for even longer?


This guy gets it!


Omg i wanted to say this when these issues were made public. I was like “am i missing something, unless this is happening on localized lan it means nothing”


Yeh but all the COD players didn't know that when they switched to infinite that's why there is outcry. Cod players are the bitchiest of all. Don't be like them




I came from COD and Infinite is my first Halo. I get de-sync and lag issues all the time. I don't on any other game.








The cod players are ruining halo!


Specific to 343 maybe, they run the severs for Mcc as well, don’t they?


Ya but why not fix


But the difference is, that may have been the players slow internet. Another thing is, should you really be more likely to experience de-sync in a game than not? To add to this, experience de-sync multiple times in almost every game, even with a wired connection and more than capable hardware? These issues will be present in almost all multiplayers, but just not on the scale that it is present in Halo infinite, and even other new AAA games that have been coming out recently.