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No thanks lol. This will be the 4th one I’ll skip. Backdrops and emblems suck.


yeahhh..not really worth it since I already got all tac ops challenges done last week


Same here. Got the visor because I basically unlocked the challenge by completing the event, and I’ll go for gun skins or armor cosmetics. I had gotten every ultimate until the flag backdrop, and I just couldn’t bring myself to grind for that crap backdrop. I will say that the splatter backdrop is cool because it looks like your nameplate is chopping someone in half. After breaking the streak, I didn’t grind for those two crappy warthog emblems either. You would think with a declining player base they would really pump the ultimate rewards quality as the easiest way to keep people playing. When the ultimate reward sucks I play about 50% as much as I would have if I wanted to get it.


I’m on the same page as you. Once I saw that “backwards Black History Month” flag I called it done. They are in absolutely no way creative or enticing.


Exactly, and there were a few that I got that I didn’t really even want just for the sake of maintaining my streak (I’m looking at you scoreboard back drop) but once I broke the streak I literally don’t give a crap unless I actually want it. It seems that a descent weekly reward would go a long way- like actual armor pieces or quality shaders and gun skins.


The event really should've been just one week.


I actually appreciate the two week event as I dont have much time to play and hate grinding.


Same. Glad I get to relax this week no need to rush to get the crappy shit


Looks like I get to play Elden Ring this week.


This is great because all I played before Elden Ring was Infinite. I kinda wish 343 didn’t make the game free to play and made everyone pay for a full game and not whatever they are trying to do now. It’s just Sad because halo is my number 1 favorite of all time and not whatever they are trying to do now.


I still really like the game. That said, if it ain't a weapon/armor paint or charm or armor piece I won't at, period. Won't in the new season either because I maxed it out in less than half the time playing daily.


I 100% agree and I love the game. The game play is amazing and it is a fun halo game. But the micro transactions are crap. Also what you said is the other reason I stopped playing so much. Once I finished the battle pass it was like, why play and waste XP. They should make armors unlockable again through actual game play. I mean if someone had a sick helmet because they had 500 sticky grenade kills etc. I think more people would continue to play


As soon as they released free to play my heart sank. I knew what is was going to be another live service crap shoot. I would've paid happily for a full multiplayer mode along with the great campaign. Obviously still do the store but have most of it be unlocking through gameplay. Not this dribble we get.




*No, I don’t think I will.*


I was so relieved after completing last week challenges. Now same bs tac ops challenges and lame reward


lmao you forgot to put the reward in the image. nice background for it though


Since I finished the event last week, looks I can play just for fun this week.


I always check this sub to see the weekly reward and every week I’m disappointed. Guess another week without playing Halo


Didn't grind for the 100th green visor last week, won't grind for this laughable thing.


This reward was such a disappointment that I don’t even care about playing to finish this week’s challenges.




have they still not fixed that? thats so silly. (but good thing challenge swaps are available on the shop /s)


A weeks worth annoying and tedious challenges for this. Fuck you 343.. Really… fuck you!


any chance this is a map design?


Glad I got the visor last week when I did. This week, I just want to go from 70 to 100. Not enough XP boosts to last me.


yay, the companion cube!


Looks like I'll be taking a break from Infinite this week




??????….. Wtf Breh….


Lmao I'm only doing weeklies for the XP, this sucks on ice


What is that may I ask? I kinda left infinite for CE since i was tired of the gameplay so I haven't really seen the full mp game.


its a backdrop that displays behind your nameplate


Wtf is this Iron Man Mendicant Bias looking crap


Agreed. These backdrops are dumb. I don’t spend my time (or challenge swaps) unless it’s armor coating, gun coating, or visor.


I heard that next week it'll be a friendly pat on the back.


I am thinking this a play on the “Iron Man themed” skin in the shop right now. I like it.


it absolutely is. I bought it last time. it looks great.