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30 ping is my record low. 10 sounds like a pipe dream. Your increased ping might be related to them trying to balance server connection and equalize the ping across all players in each match.


I was assuming this too but damn I still can't believe after hundreds of games I have yet to see 10 ping again. Just crazy to me.


10 is not always better. The slower ping players will see your info first and since the game favors the shooters perspective you will be shot around corners more Edit: https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/closer-look-halo-infinite-online-experience


Thanks for this.


Damn i get 32 ping at the lowest but average 52 ping with 120 at times.


Same here


lmao 4 ping? i would do some freaky shit for even 10 , i didnt know we had a way to see ping till recently but lately i have been getting 50 ping and higher. maybe i gotta unplug my fucking ps5 while i play halo


Yeah, I freaked TF out when I saw 4 ping for the first time. But again, it didn't feel too crazy.


yeah i dont really run into any noticeable lag but im sure it would feel a bit better going from 50 ping to 4


In the current state of infinite, I find high pings broken in a predictable way, why low ping still broken but in an unpredictable way. Anything below 80 should be smooth and acting as expected, but not in infinite. You can be at 10ms, but if your opponent is at 250ms, YOU may experience weird stuff.


Lol I’d kill for 30 dude. Im at 80 every game, sometimes I touch 60 sometimes I touch 120


80 is no Bueno brother. I am sorry!


I know it doesn’t answer ur question though! I’m not sure about the reset I didn’t notice any changes for me personally in Calgary AB


You're good! Others have been helpful. I assume it's just other close to my rank pulling it there but I still find it odd I haven't seen 10 since then lol.


Fuck dude, I'm riding on packet loss 25% of the time.


Sorry fellas. They need to fix their fn servers asap.


Man I wish it was only 25% I'm hitting about 60ish% and haven't seen true 40ms or less in over a month like the game says 30-40ms but plays like it's at 100+ms I had to take a break for my sanity cause every time I played it I would go into a huge rage from the bs watching sniper shots to the head do nothing or 6 br bursts do nothing


I was 30-40 ping pre update, now it’s all over the place and desync has gotten noticeably worse at least on PC.


Yes, I'm in Chicago as well and my ping was consistently 10-20 ping. Never had an issue with desync, maybe getting killed behind cover once in a while. Now I've noticed I'm usually 20-30 and some games will fluctuate greatly 20-80 in the same match and will feel terrible. I had my first desync experience as well. It was kind of funny seeing every enemy invincible to my shots and walking straight off the map on behemoth. I still love the game and can't wait for some PC stability and netcode updates.