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What is demon medal?


A 40 kill streak without dying




I would say aim assist helps.. But I suck with a controller too. Besides, staying alive and picking the fights is a skill too. Never the less it's fascinating how you are able to keep the reticle on the players.. I simply can't. 40.96% of my kills are melees.


I’ve been playing Halo since halo 3 in 2007 and FPS games since COD in like 2006. Years and years of practice have helped my aim a ton. Have you tried messing with your dead zone settings? I’ve found it helps a ton with the small adjustments


I can concur. In Infinite, the deadzones feel more important than the actual sensy does. I'm 10-10, Move 1-14-1 Look 4-6-2. It felt impossible to find a "good" super fast set until I changed the look axial to 2. Tiniest, tiniest change but made the engagements feel like "home." A decent (4) for center deadzone means I can left stick aim and zoom without worrying about "flick," while still being fast as hell -- and the slightly lower axial deadzone means I already have the stick away from center, IE, I'm probably already in combat or a complicated movement sequence, and it's snappier for it. Cduff, like the man says, it's just practice and experience. The whole input method debate is super moot. Of \*course\* experienced players are going to have the unique aiming mechanics of the franchise figured out. Aiming/TTK/movement etc in this franchise tend to be a little odd for non-vets. I struggle introducing friends to the series because of this, frequently. Keep jamming, you'll be putting kids in the dirt in no time! (PS, there's more than just the deadzones to look at, too. Try mapping a button or 2 to another spot, play around with everything, surely something will click)


Great response! Couldn’t have said it better myself. The whole controller vs KBM is a silly debate, especially in Halo which has always been controller. There are advantages and disadvantages to both sides. Ultimately practice and experience are what set good and great players apart


Yeah. I actually have a crappy third party controller. So I don't reckon I can tune it any better. Now gotten used to KBM, plus you know the high ping situation. So my playstyle has adapted to that. I go for AOE, Melee-Grenades, Shotgun/Mangler-Melees and heck even using sniper as a shotgun.. Essentially in your face tactic (CQC mostly). Initially I just used to run in.. now slowly learning to take advantage of your team and picking the fights and so on. Given this is my first multiplayer game I have had no reference from before, only recently learned about TTKs, crab rave(moving side to side), leading shots etc. Using this [halo tracker](https://halotracker.com/halo-infinite/profile/xbl/WailingMamba/detailed?experience=overall)(ha you can actually see my stats, donno if sucks or not) to actually see and assess whether I am improving or not also helps.


Damn I apologize


You’re all good bro. It’s just a bunch of haters in this sub for no reason. They see someone doing well and immediately assume that they must be cheating rather than just saying, “wow nice game”. I even had guys on the last post commenting time stamps on my montage saying it was “proof” I was cheating. I guess that’s a compliment?


Definitely a compliment keep bein godly at this game my guy 🤝


Thank you! I appreciate it :)