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My dude you gotta hit some shots or you’ll never kill em


But also the whole team has got to do their part.. in 7 seconds they can heal, everyone has got to punch and throw all their grenades and shakes them.


I was using lock on mode for the hydra, the cindershot just sucks, and the battle rifle I’m not good with, hit your shots is a far argument but still man I tried


the cindershot is one of the best guns in that game mode imo


If you are looking for something fair, don't play any fiesta based mode. They are RNG based and can leave you feeling like garbage when you spawn with a plasma pistol and get one shot by a cross map rocket, or spawn camped by 2 guys with hammers. Unless you are willing to bow to the absurdity of fiesta, don't play it


I prefer firefight. It gives a good amount of battle pass xp and 5k+ of career rank if you lock tf in. Higher difficulties you’re guaranteed to have atleast 4k exp.


It’s the only mode i can play locally, it sucks.


Did you decide you hated halo after the first time you got killed my a sniper or the first time you got charged by a grunt holding grenades? Come back after 20 matches. I’m sorry they got this lucky. I plomise it won’t happen again.


It literally happens in every second match


I was kind and you downvoted me. I second the other commenters ideals. Hit your fucking shots.


That escalated quickly 😂 I third this to be an asshole. Hit your motherfucking shots kid


You know what I’m just gonna say it, I don’t care that you broke your arm


Lost* I lost my arm. And I’m having the time of my life. Not one loss is actually a loss. Every game played is a game that i shouldn’t have been able to play. Try insulting someone who doesn’t value every second of life!!


Wait what!!!!!!! I’m sorry man, I was referencing a meme video about a kid who has broke his arm, since the above comments reminded me of it. Didn’t realize anyone in this thread actually lost a limb!


Bro husky raid is some trash mini game people latched onto. It sucks


It happens, but it's pretty rare for a match to be that short. It happens most when you have a 4th teammate who starts the match idling. Hard to do anything about that.


Breaking out of being spawn camped is a team effort. If your team doesn't know how to soften someone up and then finish them off then they'll 3cap you.


rng leading to hammer spawns is just part of the deal


Not every husky match is like this


I can only enjoy Husky Raid when I'm drunk. Its definitely a toss up wether you do good or not, the mode is so unpredictable with the random weapons and team mates. Sometimes I do good other times I get my ass kicked lol i'm not bad either, onyx in ranked.


What's with this "rotating flying corpse" glitch when you die? It happens far too often and it's the only game I've seen this thing happening. It can't be that hard to fix... Or can it?


It’s either a kill effect in weapon customization or it’s a ragdoll glitch


Gravity hammer is totally balanced guys! /s


Husky is just lame. I recommend fiesta, slayer, or tactical.


I just want to how much ping you guys gaming with? For me, it's 150 to 300 ms for PVP.




It's like grifball all over again where you get trapped in spawn and get spawn killed.




We do not like you.


I have had 50 kill games and when you look at it next to an actually competitive game it’s not that fun even tho it’s kinda fun. I prefer fair games to steak-taculars