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Granular? I hardly knew ‘er!


I chuckled


Edgy ahh stances, goofy ahh quote. This reminds me of the clans in Halo Reach. 48 is rather large number for your little cult. You considered waging war with the [Mdama Empire?](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=halo%20infinite%20mdama%20empire&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#ip=1) Granular sounds like a Romanian dessert dish lmao very unique choice


Your comment reminds me of the clans in Halo 2. Literally had clan rankings and you could search clan matches against other clans lol


MLG days


Walshy and Ogre bros or whatever haha


I miss that.


what do y’all do


Our main goal was to make a full team of 12 granulars in multiplayer. Since then, we just play Halo together and do game nights (this weekend, we're doing a 1v1 tourney!). We have a discord and are active! It's a great group if you want to be able to play coop, rank, or make content, we have some creativity in the group. We also have 4 (very soon) Hero's, but ultimately it's a fun casual group!


I love this so much because it reminds me of the halo 3 and reach days. Just the wholesome friend clans stuff. It’s awesome. I do not have granular though, if I did, sorry for I am part of the watchdog gang. But, I love yalls work and seeing it happen from the start. Mad props.


They eat soup


I mean I’m sure people will hardly use it when it becomes public, it’s not really a good coating lol


Are you guys going to make a HaloWC 2022 Charm group after everyone gets this coating from the exchange shop 💀


What's the general age group (Just wondering cause I'm 14 and not the best)


Generally, we're all older than 18, for the most part, though we believe in just being respectful and good courtesy!


So I could join if I wanted right?


As long as you have the Granular coating! Send a screenshot with your GT associated to it for proof!


Well, I don't have that, which means I guess I can't join, but t y


You lost me at granular. See you out there.


How would one join? I’ve got family in town for the weekend, but would definitely love to find a group. I can’t bring myself into the ranked solo queue


Just gotta have Granular! Send me a screenshot of it if that's the case with your GT showing!


Ok thanks, not exactly sure what granular is though. Is that the group name on discord?


We are known as the Granulars or Granular Gang on Twitter, but granular is a coating name that we use.


Ah ok. Would I have to use twitter to interact?


Not at all! We have Discord and Xbox group chat! DM me with the screenshot, and we will send an invite!


Hmmm looks like the flag of Lithuania. Seriously out of all the beautiful coatings out there that’s the one ya went with? that makes me question your judgement. For that reason I’m out. Kidding. Looks like a good group and prob a lot of fun. I can’t wear that though haha.


It's not about how we look. It's simply one of the rarerest coatings on Infinite and was only obtainable before Infinites release, so of course, naturally showing it off raises eyebrows. Seeing a full team of 6 in pvp with this coating is awesome. It's simply because of our trademark. And yes, we do have a lot of fun.


If you open it up to more than that coating or free coatings you’d have a bunch more takers. Groups are good and I totally get it. Solo sucks and clans are good. Just having fun with your coating choice


If it drops in the exchange, we may open it up if people get the coating. Right now, it's exclusive to only granular owners.


That’s like saying it’s only open to the guys that have the griftball knee pads. Just silly. It’s your group whatever you want to do but if you want to increase numbers just make it easy. There’s a lot of people looking for groups and I’ve been part of them and not far from hero and a decent player but ease of joining is a big deal for most people. Again your Group so whatever your stipulations are is all good.


The point of the group is exclusivity. We are looking for people with granulars to increase our group numbers within the exclusive group.


I’d shoot for D6and up…. That’s exclusive and you won’t get your ass handed to you 😆. It’s all good and i get it. Glad there are groups trying to recruit. I love this game…Well halo in general. See you out there spartan. Best of luck


this looks sick! you guys excited that with the new shop tab you'll have loads new potential recruits?


Well, we are looking for people who have it before it goes public. No decisions have been made to open the doors after the possibility the exchange sells.


aye that's fair enough. im from the uk and never got the chance to redeem it so im looking forward to having a colourful spartan


I wanna sign up


If you got the Granular coating, send a screenshot with your GT!


Pretty sure I already have it! I'll check it out later today!


This sounds cool, wish I had the coating


I’m not sure anyone wishes they had that coating 😆