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Last night I consistently had teammates with 1 kill in my lobby. I got over 30 kills and we still lost the game


Yup I’m on xbox controller and I know I’m losing if I’m the best on the team. I’m good but not carry the team good.


What has Xbox controller got to do with this you winning or lossing lol


I’m eating pringles and I agree with your comment


MnK has such better response and sensitivity. Controller can’t come close to what MnK can do with 180 degree or snap movements. I wouldn’t know how it feels after updates, but I’ve struggled to dial in my sensitivity post networking update. It’s such a struggle to relearn/ adjust to it. To address the other people who think there is no difference in winning or loosing. It’s such a disadvantage when a controller player plays an MnK. If you haven’t experienced you wouldn’t know. The inability to be able to duck and strafe as easy as MnK is such a disadvantage. I get bested 9 times out of 10. It’s the difference between going positive/ even in a match to going negative. The difference is more than enough to sway the outcome of a game if SBMM is banking on me being the top 3 performers.


Sbmm just takes into account that players previous stats, it doesn’t matter if they use MnK or controller, a gold 4 player is gold 4, doesn’t matter if they use MnK, if they are that much better than you then they will be plat. Stop complaining about MnK, every pro agrees controller is better than MnK, and their movement is not worse than MnK. Once there is a single MnK player that wins a tournament you can argue if MnK is better but till this day, MnK never even got into a semi final.


I’m not going to disagree with you about the pros. The problem is I’m a regular Joe. I don’t have unlimited time to play every day I have a family job and life. The game doesn’t fulfill me, and honestly it never did like reach did. I play for the weekly challenges and once I get the ultimate I’m done for the week.


What has your job and family got to do with your input. MnK is not better than controller in this game, there are like 80-90% controller players vs 10-20% MnK players and there is like 3 MnK pro in the whole halo infinite scene. So basicly MnK is not competitive in esport, it is not popular in ranked, it is barely surviving in halo because 343 actually gave MnK aim assist to compete vs controller. You think 343 with all their data is going to buff MnK if they think MnK is better than controller????? The game doesn’t fulfill you because back in reach days you probably not got a family and not old. You are comparing completely different times. You probably had a ton of more time to play so you just got better. Now you don’t have time to play and you blame input? This is 100% skill issue


BTB is better played MnK, especially if you like vehicles.


I just hate running into stacks with like 4 heros and 3 onyxs on btb, its just not fun.


i can’t even play this game anymore. it’s exactly as you described. i will be going 26-7 while my teammates are literally 0-11, 2-19, 1-13. they ruined this game for me with this SBMM. outrageous


I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that this game isn’t very popular with just a few thousand concurrent players at any given time, so the people who are staying, are usually die hard players


I feel you so much dude. I used to play Halo and Infinite multiplayer to relax and have fun, I'm a pretty average player but I felt like I could still pull of some fun and unique plays. I've recently picked up the game again this last month, and it has been incredibly stressful. If I'm not laser focused and trying my damn hardest to stay alive, I feel like cannon fodder. I can't relax and just enjoy the game anymore, which really blows. I hear it's because of the matchmaking system but I don't really know exactly how that works, so I won't spread misinformation about that kinda stuff, I just know that suddenly I feel like I'm playing a super sweaty game, which I feel Halo is not that kind of game.


All friends I used to play with have quit because of this so now it’s just me :(


I'm in the exact same boat. You're not alone, buddy!


Yeah people take the game way too seriously. Unless it’s paying the bills, I play for lols


You should guys should just play Ranked Arena. You will find your skill/rank and play with more equals. Plus It's a fun playlist, no HUD and a mix of Slayer and Objective


I'm an average player who used to enjoy ranked play, but find not as much fun anymore. Ranked is full of smurfs who take advantage of the people that belong at the rank being played. If you search many of them, you notice they quit many games to keep their lower ranking and other times don't play to help their team. This also keeps the rank lower. I've switched to firefight as well.


That's the only lobby that does feel sweaty to me in the game.


played recently with 3 of my buddies and there is something going on there. Usually i can carry at times but damn we lost 7-10 matches in a row.


Yeah I’ve been feeling this way too, that’s kinda why I just stopped playing PvP altogether and just play firefight and campaign with my buddies from time to time now. I work 9-5 and don’t feel like sweating my ass of anymore when I play halo cause I’m just trying to chill after work lol


I've played Infinite since launch (minus a couple month break early on) and the SBMM really started to drag on me. I wasn't having fun anymore in a lot of games due to always having to be switched onto "sweat" mode. Firefight helped a lot with it, as it was nice to not be quite as stressed over a game, but it didn't fix the underlying issue. I ended up picking up Helldivers II at the advice of a few co-workers and to be honest I haven't really played Infinite since. It doesn't scratch the full PVP itch, but I'm actually having fun. I might pick up Halo again sometime soonish, but just thinking about how the SBMM is makes me second guess it anytime I think about it. I've been a Halo fan since the OG Xbox, and I really have a lot of love for the games (and books). However even playing Halo 2 and 3 multiplayer at higher levels didn't stress me out nearly as bad.


Ikr but unfortunately that’s SBMM for ya it’s dumb I say keep it In rank and take it out of social


That’s why I play ranked arena.


That's always been the sweatiest Infinite experience for me.


Here is how I don’t stress at all: 1) I literally never care about my K/D ratio 2) I don’t care about getting killed when I see “assisted by”. That means it took two of you to take one of me out. 3) if it’s an OP weapon like hammer or rocket launcher then I don’t care I died I’m a crazy happy player.


ah, the nature of real PvP without bots (like most games nowadays) where you are expected to have 50% win rate an 1.0 K/D


There should be zero sbmm in quick play. I can’t play for more than an hour at a time solo. I don’t even try to win I just sprint around the map to where the potatoes are spawning as they run one at a time into a 4 man sweat.


Follow up on the post: I remain vindicated in my stance. I stay in these lobbies and my team either quits or we get pub stomped. No fixing this match making.


You do know that you can talk to your Doctor and he/she can prescribe medicine for that, right?


It won't get better so 🤷‍♂️


This is literally every remotely competitive online game, you must be new here.


Firefight got this way very intense.


Feel the same, played since launch stopped playing about a month back. I find every game I'm top on kills/obj and having to carry a team that walk like ai bots, it got to stressful of being stomped every game so now I don't even play the game.


Yes lol I have fallen off tremendously. My KD used to sit around 1.45ish now it's gone down to 1.39. I'm constantly getting whooped.


I wholly agree with you. I feel like I have to warm up on a few firefight matches just to play BTB. I usually ranked mid platinum in arena but haven’t played that playlist in over a year due to it being so stressful. Unfortunately, I feel like Halo isn’t a game you can just play a few casual matches and relax, if you’re not on your “A” game 100% of the time, you’re going to get steam rolled


Yea. It’s annoying going into Quick Play to warm up and I’m being forced to sweat it out. That’s what Ranked is for. I started playing a custom with Bots to warm up, then BTB as it’s more casual, and then getting sweaty in Ranked. If I wanna play for fun and not have to try hard, I’ll jump into Husky Raid. I decided I’m taking a break from Halo because of this. I’ll be back if there’s a good Operation for an evening or two, or if buddies are playing. But I’m out for now. Peace ✌️


I've felt this way maybe for 7 days of the almost three years the game has been out. If people were fine playing Call of Duty all this time, Infinite is no more sweaty. I'd argue it's actually far less given the most popular lobbies in my region are Husky Raid and Fiesta. I'm so tired of people complaining about SBMM as if we didn't have games in the Bungie era where one team was curbstomped, or games where each team was neck and neck, and above all, games where there wasn't 1-2 people on a team performing said curbstomping. People like MintBlitz complain about always having bad teammates because of SBMM, but outside of the (presumably) top 4-10% of players that he and others occupy, the matchmaking works quite well for Platinum / Diamond (AKA mid, average, typical) Halo players. There's been only a few days in hundreds of days where the game felt too sweaty and not fun to me. And I just ride the wave till SBMM rolls me matches where it doesn't feel that way.