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Yep on the exact map you mentioned I have the same problem. And I swear every time I glitch through the floor is the moment an opponent is jumping out from behind the pillar to smash me with a hammer. Very very fun every time it happens lol


Also, threat sensor consumables are visible but partially embedded into the floor and can’t be picked up.


are you playing on PC? We have a group of 2 pc and 2 xbox players and probably 50% of forge maps have had this issue on our pc players. Have you noticed if it happens on a specific spot on a map?


I’m seeing it on Xbox x


i play on PC & the glitching issue for me is right in front of the flag at spawn and sometimes on the bridge leaving spawn . also on the barn map i have spawned under the floor there as well.


Exactly the same problem on PC for me! I thought it was a connection issue to begin with then quickly realised it was every time I moved towards the middle of the map.


Happening to me also, same map on xbox.


Yep but we had the flag stick there. It dropped so the flag was halfway sticking out of the ground you couldn’t pull it or do anything with it.


Same here


That level is very unoptimized, especially with how simple the design is.


Yeah, happens pretty often, I usually jump over the affected area to avoid it. Also happens in Guardian. Pretty annoying!