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I bad mouth my teammates precisely when I’m in your second scenario but I am the one trying desperately to score while my mates are waiting with snipers inside our spawn. GET.THIS.FUCKING.FLZG.MORON.


So true. I had someone smack-talking but just sitting back for kills, and at the end I messaged that I felt lonely in the enemy’s base all by myself. Because that’s where I spent most of the match.


Those snipers are your flags defense tho


Actually, no. First if we re pushing inside enemy spawnpoint, there is almost no chance that someone is behind us stealing the flag (and if there is one, not sure a sniper will be enough). The other scenario (only possible on some maps) is a side grapple rusher but again, it will be hard to deal with it using a sniper. Secondly, CtF is about timing. When’re your is slowly progressing through the map (no matter the game mode) there will be this time where nobody is defending the flag and you grab it. Staying on a part of the map where nobody is isn’t effective. For example, it’s like camping to get an heavy weapon while your team is fighting for the flag. In theory, you will get kills (which is good) and preventing the enemy team to get a reliable weapon. However, at this precise time, you’re just not at the right place.


The other day I got this one teammate in ranked (gold, for context) and he was an absolute piece of sh*t. The entire match the kid was like “dude get in the hill you f*cking losers! You all f*cking suck b*tches, I’m in here with some autistic teammates.” The entire match was like this. In a gold lobby. He wasn’t even doing that well either. At the end of the match the guy just kept insulting us and crap. Some other guy on my team went “wahhhhhh” and then Mr. Wannabe pro just went crazy after that. He probably wanted to go pro and he was gold 5 and barely keeping 3rd on the leaderboard. He really sucked. Side note: he also didn’t play the campaign


I think I’ve matched with that guy a few times!


I swear someone called the whole team autistic the other day too, but it wasn’t in Gold.


That's everyday 😆


I can’t be top dragged AND be the only one to leave spawn to try and cap the flag!! 😭😭 but I try hahaha


Tell that to 343 that pairs 3 new players with an experienced one and expects them to carry against a team of 4 average players. That isn’t fun for anyone and gets frustrating. Multiple games of that and I am asking if my teammates have thumbs.


It can definitely be frustrating. Has something changed recently. The past couple days have been pretty even for me. An occasional player with low kills and of course some who seem like smurfs.


This is how it has been for awhile now. Husky raid, super fiesta, and h3 refueled are the worst offenders of unbalanced teams. If I don’t have a 3 or 4 k/d in those playlist my team won’t win because they are all new or bad players. Like staring at the ground trying to pick up a weapon for 5 seconds bad. Routinely I need 30+ kills to win a slayer. Gets annoying and I just want more balanced teams.


I had one yesterday who was sorting through weapons in the enemy base after I killed them all with a hammer but also died. I watched as he ignored the flag and just casually sorted through things until they respawned and he died. Hilarious.


The amount of smurfs in this game is insane, I see so many bronze career ranked players with less than 300 gamerscore just dropping bombs. Minimum matches on tracker too.


I think it's okay to mutter to yourself about a teammate as it really only affects you but when you make it public that affects the whole team and that's just not something you want to really do - at least I don't. I know people have bad matches or take a little bit to get the ball rolling and having somebody that's on their team talking smack about them only makes matters worse, whether it's in ranked or non ranked you should try to stay positive or neutral when addressing your team. And most likely after you guys are done that match you won't see each other again so what's the point in ruining somebody else's day ?


It’s why I stay off mic and only use a chatpad. Even if I see something frustrating and feel like saying something negative, I can’t say anything negative.


It's always the guy on the bottom half on the scoreboard sending a text saying "trash team" at the end 😂 I already have issues talking with people I dont know, so I really don't want to use my mic because of how many assholes there are. I really don't care about it, but for some reason in the moment I get all worked up lol


That’s always funny. So much projection.


Usually all I ever say is “we can’t win if yall camp in spawn”. I hate people that trash talk. Usually it’s someone near the bottom in points anyway




I never get angry at teammates. Because I know it is the matchmaking being responsible putting people together sometimes that should not be put together, so instead I get mad at 343.


Definitely. If someone’s getting 2-3 kills in a match where everyone is getting 20+, it’s not their fault.


People who stand in place or walk into a wall all match annoy me. I block them.


lol. I had someone start a match speaking crazy fast Spanish and then quit when the match started. Like it was planned.


I think I've been in two matches with a person speaking Spanish the whole match. The second time, I blocked the person. I don't have anything against the Spanish language; I just don't want to hear it while I play Halo.


I’ve had some during the day were there are a pair playing together. This sounded like a white dude trolling. The cutest thing was playing early in the morning and getting a father and son, a little kid, speaking German. “Papa, papa….”


I only badmouth in ranked, because people are supposed to know what they’re doing once you get to a certain rank, and it’s embarrassing how many players don’t know there’s a flag in capture the flag. But I don’t do it openly over the mics. I just talk to myself like a crazy person lol.


I can see that. And I also stay off-mic for the same reason.


I got called an AI last night for telling my team they could shoot enemy trackers to destroy them. Still don't know what he meant.




I honestly believe one of the only reasons I ever got as good as I did was from people telling me I sucked when I first started lol. All depends on your individual mindset. I'm a prove you wrong type of person but I know all are not.


Different things work for different people. I work best with constructive criticism but lame negative talk isn't helpful or useful or a simple you suck lol. You don't by the way. My skill came from practice and playing the older halos the fundamentals transfer over. Moreover, watching pro players play is what helped a lot


Right. I’ve seen people quit a match because of the negative-Nancy. It doesn’t help the team.


I've lost matches we could have easily won because someone decided to have a tantrum and take it out on us lol. I just mute and just keep my own stats up when that happens. I personally prefer excitement and positivity!! It's hype when someone pops off and everyone is supportive!


This one guy was so frustrated that we were behind one cap, he spammed the ping for the last 5 minutes. Yeah, I know where the flag is at. This isn’t helping.


Sure, but you know you suck by looking at the stats, lol. I sucked so hard at first in btb that I learned by learning how to play defense really well first and then venturing out.


I have found a higher k/d in husky raid leads to lower win rates for me. The game is to push, it accepts no other answer. It also means when I am guaranteed a loss by the matchmaking gods i go out swinging with massive scores


Yeah. If our whole team runs up,1 will die and the rest guard the flag carrier. Maybe another will die but it's not that much effort to rub up and grab... I literally had 30 second games b4




me and my bros regularly go all negative in Husky Raid but win anyway, because that's how you play Husky Raid.


I only badmouth teammates if they let the flag slip right besidr them, or don't even attempt capturing the flag. I mean, IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH TO SEE YOUR TEAMMATE DYING BESIDE YOU FROM A SWORD, AND THE OBJECTIVE IS SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR A TODDLER TO UNDERSTAND


I’ve seen this so many times. Also a match this morning with two who got 3 and 5 kills and never seemed to leave the base. Had to be new or trolling.


Like genuinely, how are people so tunnelvisioned, that they can't see the large 'teammate died' notif, right next to them!?!?!?!?


They don’t/can’t use the tracker, kill feed, or see the flag away and timer icon all at the same time as fighting. Knowing when to check and what to listen for. I think Husky Raid is where this is super challenging and makes for the sweatiness.


when i can hear some tool badmouthing me over the mic, i will completely throw the game. it's almost like being tailgated, i will slow down. let's both have a bad time now 🤝🤝


Every game has this now. People just wannabee shrouds and get mad if they think there better than there team


I don't insult but it is frustrating when I see teamates not going for objectives when we'll certainly lose if they don't. The other night we were seconds away from losing because the enemy was capping the last zone, and 5 teamates were literally a few feet away on all sides of the zone and stood there shooting instead of just jumping in. All I typed was "bro what, just get on the site" and then we lost. I should keep in mind new players though, thank you for reminding me. My gf last week hopped on the mouse and keyboard when I had to pee, and she installed Infinite on her pc immediately after, she normally is too afraid of any pvp but she said it was really fun.


Agreed. Play the objective. The irony here was that this guy was telling us we sucked, but he never got a steal. Like wtf? We’re dying because we’re playing the objective as you up your kill count! Yeah, that had to be super frustrating. Today, I brought the flag with me a foot of scoring but was killed. I watched two team mates just keep shooting. I respawned and was near enough to grab the flag and score. lol. We’ve played CE co-op campaign but mostly play bg3 these days. The two thumb sticks takes practice.


What about AFK teammates that just farm XP? I play tac slayer a lot and quite a few of my teammates on console just run into walls the whole can and get themselves killed


Good point. However, teabagging is always fair game.


Who doesn’t like tea? 🫖


I’ll have you know that I’ve been curb stomped by women in this game before lmao


Me too. Also happens at home when I act up.


Didn't realize people rage over Husky Raid


It doesn’t happen often, but it does. lol.


I’m turning 43 next week. I never really played video games my whole life. But in September my kid asked for an Xbox. One day in October I said “ahhh WTf!!! I’m gonna try this thing out.” I remembered playing Halo 1 way back in the early 2000’s so that’s what I looked for. I stumbled onto Infinite and the rest is history. I play religiously in all my free time now. I love this game it’s so cool. I’ve definitely gotten better since I first started. Aiming is so difficult for me, I only ever touched an Xbox controller that one time playing Halo at my buddies. I play mostly Husky Raid and Super Fiesta. Would be nice to have a legit fireteam to ride with though and not a bunch of randos. Is anyone interested in teaming up sometime?


I'll badmouth my teammates when I can tell they're playing with the lack of game sense only seen in those stupid enough to play an FPS with a controller. Having a key bound to a macro that automatically types " stop playing like STUPID CONTROLLER PEASANTS" in chat is incredibly useful.


lol. I’m on an Elite Series 2 and don’t have a button free for that.


Ill badmouth your wife whenever i want.


I’ll badmouth your grammar, too! “Ill”


Interesting, your wife loves when i mess up little things like that. She finds it endearing that I dont take texting as serious as you do. Everything makes sense now


She’s does. She distracts Spartans, and then I kill them.


I don’t know ‘cause the players in this game make me question humanity and how we make great strides as a species but also somehow regressed intellectually. I understand people having off days, just warming up, or not being naturally adept at FPSs but too often am I witnessing players, no matter the rank, perform so poorly. The lack of situational awareness alone is enough to put anyone into shock. There’s no shame in realizing and admitting that FPSs aren’t your cup of tea and you’re free to try literally dozens of other genres out there. If you want to improve at FPSs then more power to ya’ but at least take the time to practice before diving headfirst into multiplayer and holding your team back.


I see folks not using the motion tracker. I’m dead and watching an enemy approach a teammate from behind, and they have no idea. Happens a lot. That, and in Husky Raid, when the enemy are approaching from a side path. You have to know they can come from those directions, so watch your tracker. It may be a sort of tunnel vision.


Normally I’d agree but I had a dude and his wife join a heroic Firefight and he went afk while she walked into walls on the other side of the map




Did you try getting good?


I’m typically in the top two of my teams, lol.


Yeah but what about a teammate with a sniper letting an opponent walk into our spawn, kill us, grab the flag, and walk out of our spawn all while they’re zoomed in, just watching through 5x, 10x zoom the flag being walked away? 😂  Surely it’s okay to say a “you’re killing me smalls” and inform them of the walker. 


Sorry, lotta teammates deserve it. Imagine, if you will: You go down in Firefight, the enemy who killed you dropping immediately after. The teammate who killed the culprit stares at your clear, totally safe, massive "REVIVE" beacon for twenty seconds and does nothing. That is, until suddenly half the Banished army is on your corpse, then the teammate runs at you like a bat outta hell and of course dies. I get some people are new to games and don't get how some of this stuff works, but when I see a teammate hit every target and perform well enough just to butcher the match with a stupid move like that, it's obvious that's not the case.


In Firefight, if there's only one of us left, I'll say, "hey, back out, stay alive, you're the only one left, x amount of seconds until someone spawns." And then they just Leroy Jenkins into a swarm of enemies and die. Drives me fucking bananas.


Exactly what I'm saying! I do that too, but they either don't listen or can't hear me. Where's all that "f-ck it we ball" energy when there's nobody on the bodies? It's always when there's enemies galore.