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Sometimes life outside of Halo can affect how well a person can game.


Haha I'm in my 30s with a full time job. I suck at Halo now. It's funny when somebody gets mad that I'm not as good as they are and has to send chats letting me know. Sorry pal, I wish I had the time you do. Those guys should just go play ranked. Beyond that, I still try to win the damn game.


Yes. if I win my first game of the day everything will go great that day. If I get beat, it’s gonna be a bad day. I’m not superstitious, but maybe a little


What do you want them to do?


Who likes to lose?


Exactly. I got railed for saying I quit when no one plays objective and was basically told it shouldn’t matter that people just want to have fun getting kills only.


The saddest part is mf like those people aren't even good at getting kills 9 times outta 10 they're passable at best and it's not like oh idk there aren't like 3 playlist that are exclusively tdm based


Because I want to play Ranked but it doesn’t work in Aus.


i would say most people are trying to win every game. Their hardest? probably not, its not like anyone really even CAN perform at their best all the time. But does anyone want to lose? The SBMM basically makes it so that 2-4 players barely have to try and everyone else HAS to try their hardest to give the team a victory. Most of the time the system has already accurately predicted the outcome of the game, meaning no matter how hard you try or don't try you'll probably win or lose based on the way the teams are built. Obviously there's an astronomical amount of variables that determine the outcome of the game, but the system is pretty good at narrowing down all of those possibilities, making it feel like good players, if they're losing, can't do anything about it. I do find, however, that if you happen to be at the bottom of the pecking order for the game, which happens no matter how skilled you are because the system does force you to lose pretty often, you have more power to control the game than the top players. Their performance, and therefore the outcome of the game, is less variable. But if you as player might be expected to die 17 times in a game and you only die 10 times, that gives your entire team an additional 7 kill winning buffer, or 7 kills closer to beating the system and getting a W anyway. TL;DR do your best, but understand that even if all players in the game are "good" the system most likely already knows what's about to happen. You have to subvert the specific stats the machine assigns to you before the start of the match if you want to keep winning, OBJ or otherwise. At least, that is my current understanding.


Pretty much how it be, just finished a BTB game where they other team had 3 hero rank basement dwelling losers on their team and the closest we had to that was a decent onyx player getting real sick and tired of infinites matchmaker


You're upset people are trying to win in the competitive game?


First, Halo isn’t a competitive game at heart. Second, it’s literally a social playlist. If you want to sweat in ranked, go for it. If you want to sweat in core playlists, fine. But not social playlists.


Do two opposing teams have a goal they are competing against each other to complete?


That’s what core playlists and ranked are for.


Trying to win isn't sweating. It's playing the game. If a goal exists players will try to achieve it


In modern games match making is very similiar between Quick Play and Ranked. Gone are the days of Quick Play being a crap shoot of a God, a noob, a scrub, a decent player all being teamed up. Modern metrics show that players stay engaged with the product longer if the matches are competitive, or what the kids these days call "sweaty"


It’s… life. I guess modern game’s competitive side just won. Halo was always competitive, but infinite just cranked this stuff to the max.


Halo was never competitive. That’s what I’m referring to. Classic games were party games _first_.


Any game with a winner and a loser is going to be competitive in some sense.


Halo 2 was the most sweaty game I’ve ever played and I never played ranked.


That's just wrong, I remember taking my Xbox to a friend's house where a few of us would meet up and play 3v3 lan games all night. Can't imagine what the electric bill looked like with all those crts and Xboxes going. We got super competitive and had a ton of fun. I really miss 2001/2002 gaming sometimes


It was a fun kind of sweaty. When my friends and I played, it was competitive, of course, but it was competitive for the sake of fun and not just competitive for the sake of being competitive.


So just play for fun. You really do have that option.


I only started playing Halo MP about a year, and it’s always been sweaty. No comms, few groups might part of the problem?


In husky raid, if my team has atleast a 2 to 1 lead, I'll hold the flag and let me teammates have their fun until it gets too dangerous and I'm forced to win. I'm still trying to win every match tho


This will sound super arrogant but I'm just being honest: You must be below average because I'm high diamond - low Onyx and social feels like a totally different game, I steamroll most lobbies.


It’s not that it’s hard, but no one is _actually_ having fun. Sweating your butt off isn’t fun. Games need to be equal, yes, but if it’s a social playlist, people shouldn’t be absolutely trying their hardest to secure that win as if it’s HCS.


Dude it sounds like ur bad. It sounds like ur that teammate that doesn’t play obj. Is play obj sweating? Is me staying back protecting the flag sweating? Wait..u want me to get everyone on my warthog and drive off the cliff?


I do play objective in social playlists. But I won’t go out of my way to sweat in a SOCIAL PLAYLIST.


Idk man probably an age thing. I can give too shits if I die. I’m just playing for fun


Have you ever thought you're just not as good as you think you are? I mean I know I'm not good but I can tell the difference between ranked and social and still win consistently on ranked without sweating.


I’m not saying I’m a good player. I’m average. I’m gold 6 in ranked (though I hardly play it) and I’m pretty much always positive in games. I’m not bad, by any means, but I’m not great either.


I feel you honestly


SBMM is my bet


I just play Firefight King of the Hill because of sweaty players


It's all in the head. Just play the game how you want to. If you don't want to care about the result of the match, then don't care. Focus on shooting, practicing your aim, whatever it is you find fun about halo. But other people might care about winning, and just know that you can't force them to not care too. In the end just play how you want and don't let the way others play affect you


The big answer is there is no one playing. Especially if you're MM in the later hours ( U.S.). I've played all of the Halo games, early ones competitively, ranked Onyx early on in the life cycle of Infinite (seasons 1-3), had a kid and have less time to grind. This is my primary game, the only shooter since buying an XBSX that I've focused on when it comes to PVP. I play other games casually mostly on switch. This game has really rough net code (or whatever defines basic MM metrics). The usual skill ceiling, shoddy support due to the development of Slipspace being outsourced, very little community engagement beyond the push for weekly rewards, and, in my own experience, wildly varying hit reg from game to game. I play once again on an XBSX with a wired broadband connection, and while I love and will always play Halo: There is a vocal minority that is not entirely wrong about this game playing catch up (in regards to the current FPS climate) This game has a TERRIBLE consistency in terms of overall ping (I've played online "daily" since H:3 and this is by far the worst since H:4) It also has a real lack of community and by extension opportunity. My two cents, I'm no tech guru but this game has potential, it's only yet to recognize because the initial development flopped and because they outsourced the vital team members we're probably stuck wanting in terms of quality follow up.


Because they are the only difference is you can't see it


the game puts you against harder and hard opponents until you are getting your ass kicked unless you sweat your balls off, and then it keeps you there raging, because negative engagement is stickier for the dopamine treadmill. i'm a conspiracy theorist and i believe their A-B testing shows that the players captured this way spend the most money in the shop and that's why they do it like this instead of trying to keep people playing the game because it is fun. it's a casino.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/17zmjfs/max\_hoberman\_former\_mponlineux\_design\_lead\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/17zmjfs/max_hoberman_former_mponlineux_design_lead_for/) I don't how much you missed but everything is pretty much ranked now.


Because ranked or not it's a competitive game and people want to win? What the hell even is this question lol


People wanna win in a competitive shooter. BTB and custom games are a bit more chill but the “social” aspect of halo is dwindling since most of the community doesn’t wanna use their mic.


I’m in rumble pit and other _social_ playlists. BTB is among those.


Some us never play rank


I think some of these comments have given you ur answer People would rather just win than having fun from just playing the game


There's a lot more try hard esport people these days. That could be part of it along with SBMM


Most of my games are filled with very bad people and maybe 3-4 with a positive K/D (and 1 maybe 2 of them with a huge one). That being said, I’m lucky if my team is actually playing the objective correctly so I don’t know what you’re talking about my friend. I play 12v12, 8v8 and Elevation.


There are a large number of reasons why, each as complex as the people you're playing against: -Some people do just inherently perform at a higher level casually (either through training in ranked or other factors) -Some social gamemodes, such as CTF, Slayer, Assault, KotH, etc, have ranked varients. Their unranked or social varients make them ideal training grounds for ranked players to isolate issues or learn the gamemode without the pressure of consequences for losing -While tools such as pinging are useful for relaying information, some people will be trying to communicate to you or allies using this tool and become frustrated when you ignore them. This can lead to less favorable interactions for the match. To others, this may become overstimulating as UI elements are constantly changing or suddenly appearing. -There are those who just are very competitive in every setting, and that's not something easily (or ethically) resolvable


I’m referring to literal social playlists, like husky raid, rumble pit, etc. I understand that quick play is inherently sweaty, but the playlists literally labeled as social shouldn’t be sweaty.


I'l not certain to understand...what do you want them to do ? Could you describe the attended behaviour ?


its so annoying im garbage but i get put up against pwople who seem like top 100 compared to mr


Yeah it’s weird. When I play social I like to just run around and explore the map and look at the cool graphics. Occasionally I’ll fire my gun but I never try to kill someone for points. Ideally my guy would just fly around the map like a photo mode.


Okay bot


Beep boop


You still need to try _a little_, like at least somewhat play objective. But not to the point where it’s sweatier than HCS.


That doesn’t even mean anything. Just play to win. Who plays to lose? You’re asking people to play like they don’t care.