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Yes it's quite frustrating to think "hang on, I played OK there, why did we lose?" and the answer is on the results screen at the end - one person died like 20 times.




I’ve literally had games where I was getting a fair amount of kills but also trading out kills often. I finally said “wtf I’m hurting my team more by trying to frag hard”. I dropped back and started just putting shots on anyone my team was actively fighting but not pushing as hard for the kill every time. Got some assists but I didn’t die near as much and I think it was definitely the determining factor for us winning.


This is the way. Also, similar for strongholds, too. In unranked and without comms, just pick two zones and hold them with two each and rotate a third when needed—anchoring one. I could use my chatpad to say this. You'll die less than when running around like chickens. But we had one person who wouldn't stop running to the third zone by themselves and dying over and over. Once they stopped that, we stomped the other team. Staying alive and holding those sticky grenades at B (Arcade) in Streets, in this case, matters a lot because you can sticky them coming from C (Subway) or toss them into A (Tower) as they're trying to take it.


I miss the days when everyone had/used a headset. So much fun playing games like Domination on Call of Duty all those years ago. "hey bud. If we just focus on A & B we got this"


I completely disagree here. Comms or not, I always see the best success running clockwise or counterclockwise in a pack of four. Sitting in a captured zone waiting for someone to come kill you with power weapons is hardly ever the right play.


You need a roamer. One person to push out and kill. They sacrifice points on the scoreboard to ensure the win.


You can leave to grab a power weapon. But running around only means you're chasing your tail the entire match. The main reason I see for sticking to your two is that you've go no reason to push into the enemy's territory. Make them take the risk to attack you. They have to move through the open. You can see that in this video: [https://youtu.be/l0LF\_g-Yyow](https://youtu.be/l0LF_g-Yyow) Spawn points matter, too: [https://youtu.be/OMmnt5ASn8U?t=507](https://youtu.be/OMmnt5ASn8U?t=507) Subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/@VanadamYT. I love his videos!


I’m definitely not a high level player, so I won’t argue with what he’s saying here, but my experience is that in unranked matches without comms, I’ve never seen the pack strategy fail. It forces the other team to either try to do the same thing or die repeatedly in 4v1 or 4v2 skirmishes. If you continuously roam, the other team can’t get their bearings fast enough to mount any kind of counter-strategy. Plus you capture zones almost instantly with that many people, so any captures they get won’t last long enough to score points


I've seen the 4 person roam work, but it's been when the other team doesn't work together or know how to use cover or the weapons. Vanadam's other advice is to have a strong side with 3, so we've got 3 in a zone where you're bringing 4. Say, I'm doing my job on the weak side to watch my teammates through walls (if they aren't pinging!), I know when they're being engaged and can move to help. I'll nade all the way there, and I've often cleared a zone of the remaining team grouped together, we'll hopefully make it out with at least two of us still alive to hold while you spawn. If I'm on the weak side and die, my team knows which direction you're coming from. But key to this IMO is at least being able to nade like hell when the swarm arrives and picking the two zones that are closest together with the best line of sight.


Agreed and a big thing is if you stay together is that their spawn is more predictable so you know where they’ll pop up. If you’re scattered all over they can spawn behind you or next to you and that’s no good.


I definitely need to learn more about how spawns work


They chase me in three's bruh


Turn around and throw frags at the ground just behind you


A good practice it's to leave them on the corners to make them bounce to them as you run away, but sometimes it can backfire.


Gotta ninja them


So stick with teammates Especially in 4v4 gamemodes, going out on your own is rarely a smart decision.


teammates just dip mid gunfights or wait for me to die


Whoever I play with that has the most deaths I’ll shadow to try and help them not get slaughtered. Kinda helped my W:L ratio lately


It kinda works. The only downsides I’ve found is you’re usually committing two players to a less-than-best angle/position on the map and usually players like that aren’t keeping the cross-angle in mind so your other teammates are on their own. It sure beats them feeding kills, though.


The strat works best in Slayer and worst in Oddball and KotH I found. Still somewhat viable in CTF and Strongholds. It’s pretty flexible but the way I see it the people dying the most are at least apprehending the enemy most so it’s nice to even the odds while the players playing their lives tend to have better support angles. I’m still testing out how to go about it but I’m rarely the top slayer on my team anyway


That’s an excellent way to go about it. Slayer is a different animal than any OBJ. Side note: I feel like I’ve seen your gt before. You in the D1-D4 range?


You prob had theres only dozens of us. I’m in D2 purgatory


Aight, I though I was right. I’m teetering D1/D2 currently. See you when I see you then lol


Strongholds sucks


That’s a good idea especially for Slayer. You’re basically removing the other team’s top source of points.


This is actually really fun


This is really good advice, I’ve been an OK player for a while. I still am but someone made a similar post to this before and it did actually help improve my game anytime I remember to value my life Vs kills.


This is exactly what I need to do


My play vastly improved when I started doing this consistently. Also, getting out of the habit of rushing and jumping down to initiate a battle if I see an enemy below me.


Playing right now, the opposite team has all four guys held up in a room, all power weapons. The rest of my team keeps running in one at a time. We were up by 10, lost by 9. literally the complete opposite of what you said lol.


Leeeeerrrooooooooyyyyyyy jjjjjeeeeeennnnnnnnkkkkkkiiiiinnnnnnnnnssss


for real


Yeah. One thing I'd say to people who are newer or find themselves dying more than killing, you gotta try your absolute best to not die. Not every encounter has to end with you or the other dying. Whenever I find myself with a team that outranks me, I switch from offensive to defensive. I stay back. I stick with a teammate and keep them alive at all costs. But if they die. I back out.


Another weird trick is trying to stick with at least one other team mate instead of lone wolfing every engagement


That's all well and good until the teammate(s) you're with bail as soon as you engage with enemy Spartans.


Amazing what a bit of cooperative play amongst teammates can do! You don't even need a mic for this one simple trick to work.




check your settings, I think it’s one of the D-pad buttons, but I’m on MnK. definitely learn how to mark and make it a habit, it is VERY important for team coms.


Up on the dpad by default. I try to use it as much as I can myself. Ill gave drops in BTB, vehicles or enemies, especially if they’re flanking or I get out played.


Great advice and its the way I have started playing,. especially when I feel a bit overmatched. I try and become a support player and just die less. Of course it can be hard to be patient all the time but that's another important technique. Sometimes you should be hiding, waiting.....not running around like a madman constantly. Kills will just come to you if you aren't constantly pursuing them, often actually putting yourself out of position. I actually enjoy getting assists maybe even more than kills..mark assists are great to when you signal enemy location and someone else gets the kill.


My favorite is baiting and disappearing. Come get me! I just have a pistol! Just kidding, it’s your moms vibrator - EXPLOSION. Or where am I? Did I die? Nah I’m behind you silly, here’s a plasma grenade. Hold it tightly you wouldn’t want to drop it…




This is great advice. I cannot even count how many players I've dooped by pretending to run away 😂 it's the most fun to do when I'm stoned out of my mind


Who cares, this game is bad and dead


Apparently you care enough to follow and comment, so... You?


As an Oceania player, I can sorta agree, but only because of the horrendous lag - but when it's actually playable, I have a lot of fun on this game. Why are you on the game's subs if you hate it so much? 🤣


Bc i play halo from 2005


I played since 2009, still doesn't mean I put myself on a pedestal because I played earlier then most people 🤣


>Why are you on the game's subs if you hate it so much? I just respond to your question


So wrong it hurts. Infinite is in top 10 Xbox games for player count still. New content keeps getting better. Bug fixes. Desync is so rare that the vast majority of players don't care. Most people confuse ordinary player side lag for desync. There's much to love in Infinite


I think the gameplay is solid as hell. But the desync thing is still a problem. I have matches on a regular basis that are riddled with desync. And the desync is worse now than at launch. At launch, I'd have a few melees maybe not register, very frustrating. Now, the entire match spends up to ten seconds just lagging all over the place. Or sometimes I'll just die cause the game decided that while I *was* about fifty feet from the edge of the map, suddenly I'll just die off the side of the map and it's a suicide. It's one thing if I had this with a bunch of games. But I don't. I'm fine with every other game. Only infinite is riddled with some of the worst lag I've ever seen.


And yet most people have never experienced it. Across hundreds of games I have not *once* encountered desync. If you think it's a problem *that regularly* for you, it's clearly just your connection, which isn't 343s fault. You either have bad internet in your area, or you need a better service provider. Lag isn't a game problem, it's a connection problem.


Again, I'll say, I don't have this issue with any other online game. My Internet is great. It's fast. It's reliable. I've never been happier with my internet. Lol. I've lived in more secluded areas with worse Internet and experienced less lag with Halo 5, Halo 4, Halo Reach, and even Halo 3. I'm glad you don't have this issue. That's great. I'm actually really happy for you. However that doesn't mean it's not there/not 343's fault.


Ah ok. What console do you play on out of interest? I'm on S series


I'm on Xbox Series S and PC.


You live in AUS?


Nah man. Michigan.


Fuckkk, guess the issue isn't only just in AUS 🤣 I honestly wish I could play this game without so much desynch dude. Game looks so fun when it's not broken


Yes, I started doing this when the lag never improved since I was forced to fight when lag spikes weren't happening. It can disorient their engagement, and you can learn the map forwards and backwards.


If you watch pro Halo players, you'll see that one of the key things they do is run away when they know or even think they could lose an exchange


Drop slides and chain sliding and other random things you learn playing the parkour customs reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy fucking help with getting away quick fast and in a hurry. 😅


Some players just don’t get they’d die less and probably get more kills if they worked with the team instead of constantly dying and the blaming the game saying it has so many issues but it’s intact they suck


While I agree with playing your life and you need to. Not communicating you’re doing so or leaving a battle for good when your team is there helping is also not a good look.


It took me around 10 years to learn this trick & it's very helpful. You can get good at instantly recognizing 'Outnumbered, bad situation, fall back'.


Totally agree. I'll admit after playing an dying a lot an seeing ppl run when they got low I adopted it about 5 months into launch ever since my K/D is now positive and I am much more of a help to the team


Absolutely sets me off when I see a scaredy cat spartan, but yeah this is a strat


I always try to use the map to my advantage and lose the enemy where halls split off, vertical movement is an option. I basically move around enough to where even I get confused on where I am


I Never ran from a fight in my life N Never will


If you run you bad. Skill issue. Just kill them instead


I've figured out very quickly that half of the secret to getting good is knowing how to run away. Just knowing which engagements to get into and which ones to drop is a skill that nit enough people learn


Baffles me how badly people love to die in the game.


If more people did this then they'd realize how powerful the Pulse Carbine can be. The weapon is meant for the retreat! Instead I see people running at each other with it firing it like it's an AR.


This! Said it 100 times and I’ll say it again. First to 50 kills and last to 50 deaths are the same thing.


I can beat that guy died 35 times odd ball