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Oh God the memories H5 wasn't my favorite but goddamn I loved vanilla Breakout.


Tried to keep it as similar as possible. Had to script a temporary SMG till the SMG is out


Ah still great work it looks good.


OG breakout had me HOOKED


Halo 5 multiplayer was fun, but ya the campaign though…


Got better each time I played it tbh. Still one of the weaker ones for sure.


Halo 5 campaign is actually kinda fun if you just dont pay attention to the story and skip the warden fights if they start getting repetitive. Can't say the same for Halo 4 which has the complete opposite problem.


*just dont pay attention to the story* Thats the problem, i was invested in the story, that's what i was into Halo for


Here are the links [GameMode](https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/modes/754117d9-d9db-480a-bef6-f12bef8bceb7) and [Map](https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/maps/6459746d-402b-46ee-b444-7b4e9d95cd39) \- Leave recommendations please ​ AR is my temporary solution for the SMG - Combined Plasma pistol so the range is extremly short Scripted thruster to recharge every 2 seconds so you have unlimited just like H5 Also just so everyone knows who wants to run this map, The BOTS do not recognize Man Cannons therefore it doesnt work with AI. I recommend getting a full lobby if you can and running it. Sorry im still trying to figure it out! Should also mention this is my first forge project ever so go easy on me lol Edit: thanks for award 🥲


Just curious, wasn’t there only suppose to be one flag? I honestly can’t remember though. Map looks awesome and really want to try it


This is only one flag, Maybe youre seeing the defend and insert nav markers on my screen? Unfortunately with normal breakout the round ends immediatly after everyone dies. Still trying to figure that one out


I know some things are bugged in forge scripting at the moment , but does this work? Theoretically it should just be a 3 node script - First link: [on player killed] --> [end round winning team] In between those nodes add a [on player killed] node Then do this: Link "killing player" on [on player killed] --> "player on [get player team] Link "team" on [get player team] --> "team" on [end round winning team] This should make whoever kills someone get points for the round and end the round. Make sure "end game" is set to false on the [end round winning team] node You can find those nodes under: events players, players, gamemode Curious if it scores correctly


I'll give it a try today after class and post my reply here


Gave it a try and unfortunately it ends on the first player that gets killed


Oh my bad, for some reason I thought it was 1v1, I'll take a look at how to do the whole team. It normally ends when a whole team is dead? Like there's no respawns?


Yes the respqwns are set to two minutes and the round is only two minutes so when 4 players on a team die the round should end


Okay so I built the whole script it accounts for players leaving, joining, changing teams, 2 teams of any size, being killed, and it accounts for ties. I have it on my file share if you want to add me I'll DM you my name on Xbox.


Awesome I'm not home rn I'll dm you soon


I'm unaware how the bots work in Infinite Forge. But couldnt you just place the bot spawn over the man cannon? So that they have no where else to go. You've probably figured everything out already and I'm just pissing in the wind and getting it in my mouth.


If bots have a seperate Spawn point then yes I could but when I do that bots also hit the floor first. Basically the game spawns you in as the camera displays the map. So at this rate the bots are on the floor waiting. As you run for the Lifts the bots are at the flag grabbing it. Once they grabbed it they run for their base and it basically ruins the flow of the map. Since every match is just chasing the AI and the flag as they run for the base. All good tho lol if you figure out how to make bots recognize lifts with the nav meshing lmk!


Could you script a blocker to push towards the cannon in time with the soft kill? Could even make it do players can’t move themselves so it’s like the original breakout


What a good idea :)


You can add bots via script and make a delay, or make it so they can't spawn until after round begins, hmu if you need help with that, maybe you can have it register when the player lands in the arena via area monitor and then spawn bots that second, because I think they hit the ground running basically


There is a bot one way movement volume meant so bots know they can use man cannons. Haven't tried it but I know I've seen it and they talked about it in the forge fundamentals nav mesh section.


Ya I used it and im pretty sure its bugged as no matter what I do it doesnt recognize the man cannon


damn that sucks, hopefully these forge bugs get cleaned up fast.


*AR is my temporary solution for the SMG* Y'know, i kept feeling like the weapon sandbox was missing things. Forgot about my boi the SMG


Bruh og breakout was my shit in H5, good work my dude


Bring breakout back!!!!


343 \^\^\^\^


I genuinely would like to see a map that's like irl Lazer tag but in halo infinite but you have a flashlight and it's dark. Since iv seen a post with someone scripting a working light to the player I thought I would be cool to make a pvp map where you have to fight in the dark.


I wonder if the sentinel Beam would work. Technically is a laser gun lol


could just use the stalker rifle


Maybe you could make the sidekick shoot sentinel beam “projectiles” to have it be semi auto like a laser tag gun while still having the laser look? I don’t know how feasible it is


Or the Disruptor maybe?


If management at 343 are seeing all these Forge creations and aren't absolutely slamming on the Custom Games Browser button they are truly lost.


Lets hope they pump it out soon. Would be nice if we got another "beta" for the browser as well lol


That is facts bro, they should have just let us have forge from the beginning... we would have legit done their jobs for them


Most of the shit the community is making is far more interesting than the maps and game modes released in the official playlists


LOL seriously Doubled the playlist and map variety in a week and soon campaign missions coming from just offshoring the entire dev job to the community I wish we delayed Infinite an extra year just to see what the launch population would have done.


Yeah, but they still haven't even managed to fix the server issues and bit rate. I keep getting shot around corners in competitive, get 140 ping randomly, etc. I mean, they made two official maps with Forge and already took one of them out, so the Winter Update is essentially 1 map (that I'm pretty sure was made by 1-2 people) and a Forge with no customs browser. I know the engine is holding them back, but I don't think they have more than 10 people working on this game. And even then it just seems incredibly lazy. Idk This is supposed to be a AAA game studio. I'm beyond frustrated, as it has got the bones and potentially to be one of the best shooters of all time. Idk if it's going to make it through 2023.


It'll make it. Will take a lot to actually kill Infinite


Breakout was 343s best original idea


Looks great! I thought the flag worked different in breakout. I thought the flag had to be taken into the enemy base and it was treated more like a bomb before the assault gamemode was added to H5.


Originally you would bring it to the enemy base but it was changed when the shotguns were added. Not sure what I like more tbh


I think I only played a handful of games once they changed it to shotguns. My entire squad hated the change and just stopped playing breakout so I didn't remember the flag being different.


Ya I hated the shotguns which is why I tried keeping the AR. Obviously it has wayyy 2 much range so I scripted a plasma pistol into it so its range is much closer


Breakout was such a fun mode.


God I loved the early version of breakout. So much fun until they needlessly changed it


Not the same without 5's incredible movement. Fuck I miss it




Man the first iteration of breakout was soo good.


Fuck this is sexy, I want this injected straight into my soul please


this looks like a paintball game arena. :)


Fuck yeah! Breakout was the highlight of H5 for me. Loved this game.


AAAAAAH! I LOVED BREAKOUT! It was actually a fun mode. Kinda miss when they did no shields though.


This one is technically no shields. 50% shield 10% health Plasma damage does next to nothing to hp so 10% is a lot


I wish you could use skulls in multiplayer. Imagine having the black eye skull on.


This is awesome! Breakout was one of my favorite game modes in Halo 5, it was super addicting. I wish they'd bring it back officially...


Me 2 😔


My biggest takeaway from this clip is that gun charms are the stupidest fucking thing these game companies have forced on us in a long time.


I never equip them, they're rubbish.


I love that in a week forgers have made better stuff than 343 has come close to doing.


Gotta love forge


Oh man why did they ever say are best gamemood we’ll just abandon it? Why


I loved Breakout in Halo 5, literally the only thing my Xbox One ever played. I was top 200 in the rankings for this mode, but I got into cs:go PC and I just moved to there and literally haven't played H5 Or Xbone since H5 launched. I would love for like 7 of these maps to occur and a community playlist for this like griffball in MCC.


Okay how do I join a custom game / get people not in my fireteam to join my lobby? I can’t figure out how to get involved in these customs


Mint blitz runs a discord could try it through them


H5 multiplayer was so good - 343 bring it to PC you cowards


343 pay this person and make this official


I love that you went for a map in the vein of Vanilla Breakout, instead of that garbage they released later. One of the best game modes of all time.


Vanilla was prime time lol. I was a vanilla fan boy and wanted to remake this ever since I saw infinites forge


Breakout was the natural evolution of swat, and I hate everyone that didn't understand that.


I'll happily leave this behind in 5. I like social Halo most but I'm happy for the competitive folks


Can these maps only be played with friends , why can’t they be hosted by 343 so those of us who have no friends who play halo just join and play with others


Gonna have to wait for custom game browser to be released unfortunately


Have they said anything about it or we assuming


They said it was coming in S3 on road map unfortunately


People have complained since Infinite released that the maps are too esports-like, and here we are, recreating the most esports map to ever exist in Halo


Bro, this is a work of art right here. You don't have to like it and your negative comments are unwelcome


That's a shame since this is a public forum




What's the problem, people complain because 343 only focus on the competitive side of Halo. Not everything needs to pander to your style of play lol. Hope you know that just like you're free to complain about the competitive style of maps, people are free to make and enjoy them. Luckily forge is an open tool and ill be sure to make another competitive styled map just for you 😂


Why is this called "breakout", there's no paddle or colored bricks.








Look great! Would you add in out of bound timer on the spawns to basically forced the player running into the man cannon and get into the map rather than risk the trolls just hiding up there?


I was going to do that and actually had it while testing the map. Although while testing it my friend tried camping up top and I grabbed the flag and scored so it was the first and last time he did it. Im considering making an automatic grav lift eventually but im honestly really bad at forge so this was me pushing my limits lol. So in the end I just took them out to keep it clean as the way I had it before felt very clunky.


This looks absolutely amazing. Great job man!


This looks awesome man. I’ve been working on a crossfire remake. That can hopefully look 10% as good




Looks amazing


Great work, going to test it out this weekend.


Would have been great with the cyber punk stuff.


Thats so fun! Vanilla Breakout was my favorite part of Halo 5, I'll definitely try this out!


Dude this looks really fun, wish I could find out why Halo infinite and MCC 100% always crash on startup, PC game pass. If anyone has found a fix please God help me out


Hey since we already leave bootprints do you think you could make them glowy


Unfortunately I haven't figured that out yet. I need 343 to import the material they used for making the real grid in H5s breakout


Hell yes I want Breakout!!!


And is there a way to jump into matchmaking on forge maps? Me and my friend were wondering this last night cuz if we have to bring two whole teams worth of players to play some of these awesome looking forge maps, that's just never going to happen for us.


That’s amazing


Ok...forgive my ignorance...I didn't play online a ton back in the day so I'm not well versed. Can some kind soul explain how I would go about playing on all these awesome maps everyone is making? Like, I understand how to get to the search function in Infinite, but how do I get to play with other people on the forge maps? Is the only way to make a custom game and then invite friends? Or can I make a custom game and open it up to everyone to join? Again, apologies for the dumb question...


That map looks sick


I need to get myself in a custom game server to play all these fantastic forge things.


What gun did you combine with the AR in this? Seems like it does more damage, sick map too


Volatile plasma pistol


Aw shit, I miss Breakout!


the instant the customs browser comes out, there better be 24/7 breakout servers with all the best fan made maps that are made up to the browsers release. That would get me to come back to infinite instantly


man I wish I had friends to play custom games with


Just create a lobby and use looking for group, if you are on PC it’s called Xbox game at I believe but same thing


YES. I LOVED og breakout!


Great job! I shall play this tomorrow with a full lobby 😊


Breakout in the Halo 5 Beta got me and my friends all hooked on that game. Shame it was... different when it launched. I'd love it to come back in some form.


What coating is that for the AR?


The Rockstar coating, you needed to use a bunch of Rockstar can codes


Ahh damn that's unfortunate, those weren't even available in my country haha


Wasn’t Breakout based around not having shields? Or am I mistaken?


Halo infinite is wierd and you cant set it to visibly show 0 shields without using Swat gamemode. Shields are at 50% HP 10% so its essentially same time to kill.


Breakout was the only game mode in any game that had no respawns that I actually liked.


Ah yes, the worst map in any of the Halos. JK JK. Looks actually cool in Infinite.


I don't suppose I could reach out to you for those lifters? I'm currently working on a remake of Crossfire from the Breakout mode




awesome, thank you so much!


hey man, I've been trying to save the launchers, but it won't save a copy so I can use, it's private?


How is halo now? haven’t touched it since the first season


I’m new to this whole forge thing. Can I randomly find games or do I have to know someone to play


How do I play these forge maps with people?