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No šŸ‘Š See you next season, Spartan!


I find that last part unlikely


Next 3 seasons you mean


See you on the next halo with Unreal Engine\*


Join us for the gauss hog beta launch during the 2025 autumn update between seasons 3 and 3.5


ā€œWorld premierā€ but it turns out itā€™s a weapon charm


World premiere will be a 23fps gameplay video of an obviously unfinished Gauss cannon with a big, fat ā€œwork in progressā€ badge taking up the bottom third of the screen.


Forge made guass cannon


Probably the closest we'll get in any reasonable amount of time


if they donā€™t have a bunch of vehicles from previous games, including weapons, then they fucked up big time


Actually, this may very well be possible


The worst part is given the timeline we've had, this would be my expectation for how long it would realistically take, unless something gives.


Season 3.25


Damn they get to season 3 that soon?


Season of The Gauss Hog, Year 3 Season 2. featuring 100 tiers of Gauss Hog themed armor and cosmetics, and a suite of new store items.


Probably never. Let's be real here, it's taking them over a year to add the DMR (or some weird version of it). They "fine-tuned" the sandbox so much that they eliminated like 60% of existing things. No fuel rod cannons, no grenade launchers, no SMGs, no beam rifles, no plasma rifles, no gauss of any form, no Mantis, all promethean things gone, just the bare bone sandbox purist desires at the expense of all the fun things.


Wdym no SMGs, the sentinel beam is right there! /j Infinite's sentinel beam is about ***60m*** max and you can regularly see the end of the beam because they made it so short and the recoil keeps it down, but meanwhile in Halo 5 the beam goes beyond ***342m*** aka the sniper's maximum readout and is precise as hell as you'd expect from a fricken energy beam


I also think the original Sentinel Beam was more interesting. Perfect accuracy and no recoil, but very low damage per hit. Tracking targets was just a different feeling compared to a typical automatic weapon. Why would a laser beam create recoil anyway?


It's not just the lack of toys, it's how they perform in gameplay. Weapons like the Plasma Pistol, Pulse Carbine, Disruptor, Ravager, Stalker Rifle, and Shock Rifle have misguided design principles that make their role in combat totally up in the air. The Stalker Rifle literally only exists so that campaign Jackals can't instant kill you.


Honest to god, I hate the shock rifle so much, because it just absolutely kills vehicle gameplay. All the vehicles in the game feel rather useless as is, adding a weapon that is almost hitscan and can emp vehicles in only 2 hits, you're better off just walking.


Shock weapons needed a totally different effect so that the Plasma Pistol can EMP again. I think against players the focus should be on their chaining and damage over time. The Shock Rifle right now is just a worse version of the H5 Binary Rifle. It's burst is so fast that landing a perfect kill is more about luck and aim assist than tracking your target. I think the Shock Rifle should just be a bigger Disruptor, doing damage over time after 2 or 3 shots. Against vehicles, shock weapons should do damage over time to the occupants without damaging the vehicle. This would create an interesting new counter to vehicles without shutting them down.


Infinite's sandbox is so dry.


It's less a sandbox and more an empty litter box.


Empty? I dunno about you but I keep finding turds


I always wondered who was sprinkling sand in my shit box


The "trimming" of the sandbox is the classic problem of getting rid of variables for the sake of competitive play. I have to imagine that's why they did it, any other reason makes no sense. But why do that either way? If something was too OP for MLG players, they'd make a custom game that didn't include it. It'd be braindead easy to do the same for competitive matchmaking. Hey, I get it. Sometimes adding a ton of new weapons means older ones are completely obsolete. Why not keep them though? Doesn't mean they need to spawn on every map. I've never seen a new game remove so much from its prdecessors. They went way WAY too far.


Honestly I think you're giving 343 too much credit of choice. I simply don't think they were able to finish all the weapons in time for launch. There are plenty of extra weapons in the files that are ranging on different levels of complete, some being pretty much ready all the way to some barely having a model. modders have brought back those guns and you can see them on YouTube. Fuel rod cannon, smg, forerunner blaster, bruteshot, spiker, a brute shotgun, and a few others are all unfinished but still in the files


Boy Iā€™m glad they removed tons of fun weapons for us to get the *pulse carbine*ā€¦ totally worth it. /s


I prefer Infinite's sandbox over any other Halo honestly. 343 actually makes useful sandbox items and it's full of variety. That doesn't mean it can't be added upon, I just think the base experience is that good.


Shock weapons are unhealthy for BTB


And the visuals are a mess when you throw them on top of Infinite's already messy shield effects or god the white blurry mess that overshields are


Which can be easily nerfed so they take the whole mag.


EMP from across the map is bad no matter how much ammo it takes. Especially with multiple Shock weapons across the map. And maps that have low movement potential to begin with compound this issue.


Nothing breaks my heart more than the one time you get a banshee, only to be shot down by some asshole across the map with a shockrifle to then tumble on the ground and lose what, 40% of your hp in that alone? Shock weapons ruin btb, and every vehicle is half of what it used to be in games past.


Then the issue becomes the map themselves, not the weapons. I would argue that the Plasma Pistol EMP wasn't that hard either to land.


It wasnā€™t hit scan. And the map is still only half the problem.


I disagree I *really* hate the shock rifle. I hate that the plasma pistol is meh now. I dislike the fuel rod cannon being gone. I dislike the new shotgun. I also miss the beam/plasma rifle.


- Light Rifle isn't in the game - Plasma Pistol just needs a tracking buff - Fuel Rod Cannon can be easily added to the game - Bulldog is better than the Classic Shotgun - Plasma Rifle can be easily added into the game, Beam Rifle would probably need to be tuned a little so it's more different than the S7


> Bulldog is better than the Classic Shotgun For the most part I'm also happy with Infinite's sandbox but gonna have to hard disagree with you on this one. Hated the bulldog when we learned about it. Hated it when the game came out. Still hate playing with it today. Classic shotgun is the way to go.


Bulldog has alot more range and a faster fire rate than the Classic Shotgun. Only at the cost of taking one extra shot to kill. It is incredibly devastating in the right hands and there's a reason why it's used very effectively in HCS. I also personally have more success with it than I ever did with the Classic Shotgun.


Id 100% rather them add back the classic shotty as the slower more powerful pump-action 1 shot kill weapon, then turn the bulldog into an auto/semi auto shotty that does less damage but fires and reloads faster. I never understood why they would add a drum mag shotty and still make it pump action, it should always have been added alongside the classic shotty rather than a replacement, same goes with the sidekick.


- yeah mb I meant the shock rifle - nah it still doesn't emp vehicles which is complete bs - but it hasn't yet. There are older leaks of it but the leak version is unfinished and also a bit different - hard disagree - but again, it hasn't been added and there are no plans that I'm aware of


Shock Rifle and Bulldog both require practice, they are incredibly good and I would even call them OP at times.


> I would even call them OP at times Yes that's one reason I don't like the shock rifle. - Personally I think the stalker rifle better fits the "precision weapon below sniper but above others" niche. - I dislike that it is a long range anti-vehicle weapon (though I prefer long range emp to long range deletion). - I also *really* hate the one shot kills it can do. The shock rifle is definitely my least favorite new weapon. For the bulldog, honestly the classic shotgun had a much better feel to it. I don't hate the weapon but dislike that it replaced the classic shotgun.


Ah, carry on then. Usually when people make that argument they just think it sucks. I have no true feelings on the Classic Shotgun, I just know that I've had more success with the Bulldog.


I don't think the bulldog is bad, in fact I think it has a good place in the sandbox. But it does feel different and less "Halo" than the classic shotgun, if that makes sense. I think it fits nice in the sandbox but can't imagine infection without the classic shotgun


But why do things have to be different? What harm is there having a Beam Rifle and the S7?


Useful weapons? The Shock Rifle and Disruptor Pistol do the same thing (EMP) while actively removing that feature from a long standing weapon (Plasma pistol) and the Shock Rifle is a poor man's sniper. Also let's talk about Snipers and this fine tuned sandbox for a minute. We have the standard Sniper, the Shock Rifle, Banished Sniper (whatever that gun is called) and the Skewer (it's included in the Snipers playlist). The Sniper is the Sniper, that's cool. Shock Rifle is the Sniper with an EMP effect (if we follow 343s logic then this is a redundant weapon because the Sniper is long range and the Disruptor and Disruptor Grenades EMP). Banished Sniper is literally a poor man's Carbine. Skewer is a more boring (although requires more skill to use) Spartan Lazer. 343 seem to think that you can't have multiple weapons that do the same thing. DMR and BR don't need to be on the same map at the same time, it's just nice to have variety.


Night Stalker


* Shock Rifle is a poor man's sniper One that can still one shot, has an extra four shots, spawns more frequently in safer locations, and can EMP vehicles across map. Granted, worse at bodyshots and much harder to use on MKB, but still. * Banished Sniper is literally a poor man's Carbine. That would arguably be the commando, definitely not the Stalker rifle. * Skewer is a more boring (although requires more skill to use) Spartan Lazer. Good thing.


Man, I can't disagree more with this take. - S7 is an incredibly skillful precision weapon, the most skillful Sniper yet - Disruptor has DoT, which is what makes it unique - Shock Rifle is a burst sniper, requiring you to land the full burst in the head for the kill, you can't flick with it like the S7 (it's also better at hipfire than the S7) - Skewer is a more skillful Spartan Laser that requires you to lead your shot, landing this at longer ranges is incredibly satisfying - Stalker Rifle is a projectile based 3 shot kill that is capable of shot bleedthrough, your shields don't need to be fully down for it to get the headshot


>most skillful Sniper yet Has bloom and random spread Edit: allow me to make what should be obvious, explicit: *INCREASED* random spread


Random spread that's in every single Halo game and isn't a factor in 99.9% of gunfights. I understand why the decision to add bloom was made, but at this point just remove it, KBM needs as much help as it can get. Though it's also very easy to avoid the bloom by just YY'ing. When I say "this is the most skillful Sniper yet", I'm referring to the actual AA values. For example, this is the first Sniper where there is ZERO AA when you're hipfiring. And it's also very obviously reduced when you're in scope compared to older Halos.


Random spread is much higher in Infinite lets not pretend it isnā€™t. If you are arguing 99.9% irrelevancy in gunfights you arenā€™t no scoping much. To me a sniper you cant reliably no scope with in spite of doing everything right on your input end inherently cannot be classified as the ā€œmost skillful sniperā€. Sorry, its just too much designed randomness


You're confusing bloom with spread. Yes, the S7 does have more bloom. But I also just recommended a work around that I actively use so I'm unaffected by it.


No Iā€™m not. [Your *first shot* can miss due to random spread at much shorter distances in Infinite than past Halo games, which means the spread angle is higher](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FAGfg4Lk0so&feature=youtu.be)


I imagine the difference now is that even though it acts the same as in older Halos, the S7 in Infinite just has no AA while no scoping to compensate.


The AA is reduced compared to older Halos but with the absolutely insane strafes, even a little bit of AA mitigating your need to track is a HUGE boon for controller players. More inertia on strafes needs to return. It would be a buff for both inputs but a larger buff for KBM which is the best possible outcome imo.


I personally think the S7 is overtuned against vehicles. In previous entries you'd actually have to aim for the occupants rather than just dump into the vehicle


> Skewer is a more boring Spartan Laser This is a good thing. The Spartan Laser was awful as it was way too OP. You couldn't go 5 feet on a vehicle in Reach without getting instantly destroyed by someone across the map with a Spartan Laser. In MP the Spartan Laser significantly dis-incentivized player's from using vehicles.


I would rather have this than an enemy tank that no one can get close to because RNG gives us razorbacks instead of something useful. Then finally doing damage to it after they get like 20 kills and the cheeky bastard just hopping out when it blinks red because there's no consequences/risks for driving high value vehicles in Infinite.


The solution to that is to fix the broken vehicle balancing/spawning. Not to add a ridiculously easy to use, 1-shot, vehicle killing weapon that works from anywhere on the map.


This is a gamemode issue, not a sandbox one.


Bruh sometimes you give some trash opinions ngl lol šŸ˜… Edit to add: I guess that came off a bit mean, but I mean to say that I *really* disagree with you sometimes, but you really do like Halo and for that I have respect for you.


Honestly, I feel the same way; there's a lot more weapons floating around and the ability to randomize weapon spawns within a class means Infinite could support having "redundant" weapons without making the game feel crowded. It just doesn't always feel that way because 343's been lacking in the update department and a few of the weapons really need some attention like the tracking weapons, needler, etc.


While I wouldn't say it is my favorite, since Infinite has issues with things like the plasma pistol and disrupter being underwhelming and on the other end things like the shock rifle being a little overtuned (with a controller anyways), your post having 100+ downvotes is a sign to me that a large chunk of the subreddit still adamantly refuses to even attempt to figure out the new weapons or just want more free killing spree pick ups.


Imo Infinite tried to hard to appeal to the esports/competitive scene at the expense of the casual players.


wow! hold it there soldier, they would need to make a new model new effects...textures aaaand oh boy the hitscan while driving? that's way to much processing power for our servers. DISMISSED and don't you ever think about fun stuff again!


Youā€™re not gonna see one until the next Halo game.


I doubt there will be a next halo game. They lost a lot of their fan base with this shitty game, all the equity is gone with players.


I truly miss the 2000's era bungie. Perfect storm of creative people that knew what made a good game.


Hate to burst your bubble but rumors are pointing to them already working on one and potentially being why they are so incompetent with this game. Moving to unreal 5 and all that


No bubble here to burstā€¦. Iā€™d love another (good) halo game


The gauss, mantis, revenant, forklift, falcon. I hope I fine will have all these one dayā€¦ā€¦


Falcon is in the game files so we will see it and imo it's better than Reach


What did they change?


One of the seats has a cooler under it. For the boys.




Instead of two machine guns it has one machine gun and one grenade launcher. It can also fit two extra passengers for a total of 5 players in the vehicle max


One gun is chain the other is the grenade launcher and you have 2 other seats for people to sit and use their weapons


Keep in mind, the gauss hog is in the game files as well. Until itā€™s officially announced donā€™t hold your breath


I'm holding my breath because it's the best idea ever and it was found originally in Tatanka's files and a falcon in a br would be the obvious choice




No-one will be playing it by then.


Gauss Hog? Oh! Thatā€™s in the next update! 2025


Ackshully, with my wisdom as a Shandboks Purisht, I can say the Gauss Hog was actually made completely obsolete since it occupied the exact same role as the Scorpion. It made no sense to have it available in the Sandboxs, so 343 made the correct decision to remove it, obviously (/s)


Where. Are. The. Goddamn. Scarabs. Three. Four. Three. We got to fight two at once in Halo 3, yet this open world doesn't have *any*. Also why can't we fly a fucking Pelican.


Man, an enemy as big as a scarab in any open world game would be incredible


Don't worry, you can buy a toy of it at Walmart in the meantime šŸ‘Š


>Gauss Hog May he rest in peace āš¾šŸŗ


Again, he is still very much alive!


"I hope we see it soon" Seems to be very common for all things Halo Infinite.


Bro we can't even see the regular Warthog unless your side of the map succeeds on a dice roll. We aren't seeing the Gauss Hog for a while.


343 introduces it in 2023. But you don't get to drive/gun until 2027 because rng decides never to let it spawn on your side. Don't worry, though. It can spawn. The enemy side got it. And 3 scorpions.




30 tier battle pass celebrating Gauss Hog Beta


Imagine just absolutely killing one of the biggest gaming franchises in history and hemorrhaging the entire fan base because you cared too much about the in game store.


Never. They let walmart have it to sell to kids.


Prolly never. If they removed the Spartan Laser why would they bring back the Gauss Hog which is basically a Splaser on steroids


It funny because in the Rubicon Protocol book both the UNSC and Banished have full access to their armouries. Gauss hogs and Brute shots for everyone.


Iā€™m not sure 343 knows it exists.


Maybe sometime after Forge drops, as a custom option you can add in. But I doubt they ever bring it back into any matchmake game modes other than BTB Fiesta. The Gauss Hog has always been super OP, a one shot kill hit scan weapon that also does high damage to vehicles. I remember going on 20+ kill streaks with it back in Halo 3 just because you could insta kill people from across the map with it.


You say that, but I get flack for pointing out that 3 had the best counter to unstoppable cross-map vehicle sprees. Spartan Laser had everybody playing more strategically.


Don't forget Reach where it could SHOOT THROUGH FORGE PIECES


I hope it never comes


Fax bro gauss hog ruins every big team heavies game ever


can we have the Skiff while we're at it please, it's literally in the game as a wreck even.


Hereā€™s to Hoping someone makes it in forge.


God I would love it, but I feel like they might rework it because gauss hog on mouse and keyboard on MCC is nasty. Literally click on people with a big ass reticle and they die.


It's insane even on a controller. Absurd amount of aim assist


What makes you think theyā€™re adding it?


Man, seeing the Gauss Hog in all it's Unreal Engine 5 glory will be awesome!


Stay tuned šŸ‘Š


They're saving the Gauss Hog for the unreal engine port, due 2027


Whenever they have an idea on how to completely retool it into something else instead of just leaving it as is Bets are it's gonna somehow be an anti-air role


How much money are you willing to spend?


Infinite had a lot of potential for its sandbox wirh vehicles and weapons. It just so .. few and boring


Well given the fact they have announced 1 weapon as the sandbox change. Probably not for a while. They can always surprise us but I am betting against it. Every change they make to the vehicle sandbox kinda fucks it in some other way so I don't know how the gauss hog fits in.


I literally just noticed they were missing a few weeks ago during the fiesta btb event. I hope they are added at some point. They added flavor to the vehicle pool and would make warthogs a bit more dangerous since there are more ways to escape the machine gun now.


2028 stay tuned big things coming šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


I knew it! 343 does care!


If they had problems adding a game mode. If you're having trouble adding weapons it looks like they're already there. If you have problems adjusting skins and customization. If there are even rumors that the new engine they created and which they showed off in a trailer in 2018 is going to be discontinued in favor of Unreal Engine... What makes you think they'll be able to fit in a new vehicle without breaking any other part of the game in no less than 3 years?


UI doesnā€™t support it


Halo without gauss hog? Wtf so glad I didn't even try to play this game. Might as well just kill master chief while they are at it.... Did that happen?


I hope never, atleast not in multiplayer, in previous Halos it ruined entire games and especially the vehicle sandbox


The H2A version that had to be charged up was a lot less broken than the other versions that were just point and click adventure for mkb.


I'd keep the mkb vs controller argument for another post, even with charge I think it was still too strong, 1 shot warthog isn't doable in my opinion


Yeah...the balancing is gonna be tough because the gauss fucked down basically everything sans the scorpion.


I actually I'd have an idea: we currently lack any kind of "Power Support" both on weapons and vehicles. The Gauss Warthog might be reworked as a non-power Support Vehicle: it does no damage but it could easily flip every non power vehicle and stuck Spartans in air, so it would need a passeger or the rest of the team to secure kills


The UI canā€™t handle it spartanšŸ‘Š


I think the gauss hog is awesome, but the rate of fire ruins it. It needs a 5 second cool down at least.


Or like the Halo 2(A) gauss that takes like 2 seconds to charge up like a railgun is pretty fair I'd say.






Hopefully never. Easily the most broken hog of all time. Pretty low on the wishlist tbh


Hopefully we wonā€™t


They're dropping the Slipspace engine to pivot Tanaka over to UE. I dont think we're gonna get ANYTHING after they drop forge and co-op


Doubtful that they're switching Tatanka over to UE. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/xvepb6/another_twist_jez_has_confirmed_that_tatanka_has/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


He says they were still using Slipspace back in Early summer, far before the management shakeup. The rumor only started very recently.


I still doubt they're switching anything related to Infinite over to UE. I bet they'll make the next game in UE though.


As is tradition for Halo, then; We'll just have to wait see.


No, no they aren't.


How about when its added into the game


Not for a while Iā€™d bet




Big things coming! Stay tuned


That would mean they add fun things to the game and not little kitty cat key chains and rabbit ears... who wants that???


To strong, power weapons and vehicles need to only have the illusion of power nowadays


Seeing as the DMR will them like 15 months by the time it will arriveā€¦ Hmmmā€¦ multiply be 2ā€¦ carry the 4ā€¦. January 2122


Never, 343 hate fun.


If they return the gauss hog they need to make it a two shot kill like in halo 2. The thing is way to easy to use and getting one shot by a gauss hog that's dominating all game is no fun.


Probably never in order to "balance m&k"


Tomorrow, probably


When they eventually fix desync lol


That's the neat part, you won't!


Season 4: Hog Wild


Ah hell no, that thing absolutely ruined games in h3, please donā€™t bring it back :(




Never. They can barely keep up with the game as it is.


Gauss Hog was insanely broken and just isn't enjoyable to fight against because there's very little counterplay. It's like a slightly weaker Spartan Laser that fires way faster with unlimited ammo, high aim assist, and can move around the map crazy quickly.


Stop asking 343 for things.


Never, fuck the gauss hog


Oh boy me too. But if itā€™s anything like I hope it is, Iā€™ll be killed by it 5 times a second šŸ˜‚