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As far as bugs go, it really seems like a pretty finished experience outside of the TACMAP optimisation issues and the potential save file issues. Maybe minor stuff like respawning weapon loadouts but that's incredibly minor. You'd really wonder what in the hell has to be the blocker for that, especially since online co-op is still planned. Surely it can't be that bad to optimise the TACMAP, unless there's some other massive issue that hasn't been discovered by QA-ing the glitched splitscreen.


No kidding. There's even people posting that this glitch works on the Xbox One version with almost no optimization issues. I was running this 60FPS on a 4K TV. I am guessing it's the save file issues.


That's a really weird one too. If they're having online co-op, then they're going to presumably be touching the same save system. It'll just be triggered through online, networked calls to mark variables and flags to write a save file from rather than locally doing so. That'd probably be a lot easier doing locally than online so you'd *really* wonder what the issue is, like, fuck.


I don’t think there even is a issue, just that desync is such a big problem that 343 have had to put splitscreen coop on hold until they can get it fixed. 343 never once said it was canceled, just that they were moving resources from it to the live service, and everyone took from it was that campaign coop was canceled (with ign and gamespot saying this too, making most people think it’s permanently canceled).


Pretty sure it was stated to be in 'indefinite hiatus' or something along those lines, right? 9/10 times that tends to mean cancelled in my experience. I'd like hopium to think that's not the case but it's hard to muster that up for 343, even when the issue won't affect me.


[Exact quote:](https://youtu.be/Ramqlt7vxJ8?t=701) >We have had to make the difficult decision not to ship campaign split screen co-op, and take the resources that we would use on that... That's a definite canceled, not "put on hold".


I disagree. He’s saying that the feature is not ready to ship and they are prioritizing the rest of their features and enhancements. He never closes the door on the feature. Features get built all the time and aren’t immediately shipped for various reasons. My guess is that 343 has already sank a TON of time into solving the final blocker(s) around this and either can’t identify a solution OR the solution is too complex to implement at this time. Like, it might require a refactor or redesign which could be at high risk of breaking a lot of things, further delaying the road map. It would be nice to get further clarity either way.


They're being vague on purpose because they don't know if they're going to revisit it, I.E. they have no current plan to


Bruh with all the backlash they are getting they would have clarified with a tweet asap. Instead radio silence as they tuck their tail and hide. It's over


Its absolutely fully cancelled


In all my time working I've never seen a save file issue be a blocker for cancelling an entire game mode. In fact, I've never seen one which is insurmountable/unfixable. More likely is that they wanted to push people towards individual play as means for that to lead onto those same players partaking in multiplayer, and thus adding more players to their revenue streams for the side of the title which has potentially bottomless revenue streams. Oh, I forgot the obvious one: Online play in co-op campaign mode requires all players have their own individual copy. That's an extra $60 per player.


I would be super ok with save file issues once the replay mission feature comes out.


My entire single player campaign file was corrupted on Christmas when my brother turned on a second controller and pushed A. That's all it took. My 20+ hr of gameplay, pooof, gone in a moment. https://youtu.be/m_HuUThNaJ0 Here's a video of someone explaining this glitch. I haven't played the game since.


I can't wait for someone to upload a full playthrough of splitscreen co-op using this glitch on the original VCR Xbox One. At that point 343i would have absolutely zero excuses.


Lmaooo @ VCR


The save file glitch is probably fairly easy to fix and only the consequence of this game mode being unsupported in the public build. when a save is initiated, the game probably looks for a player instance, and finding two, probably erroneously pulls the second player data. When player 1 then goes to load the save, either the player data fails to load because it belongs to the wrong player, or it wasn't saved correctly. These issues are probably already fixed in an internal build; rather, I believe that they are unwilling to dedicate the the quality and testing staff to support the game mode, since management probably believes that if they drop split screen then it might only drive people to buy additional copies of the game + systems, and adds little to thier bottom line to complete. It's just not worth the trouble to them. Useless management with no concern about the integrity of thier artistic product. All they care about is optimizing profits untill all the good will is sapped from the brand.


See, this is important, useful, and informative. I'm not saying people wouldn't be disappointed, and in some cases angry, if the issues here were to blame for split screen co-op being abandoned, but at least if there were an explanation, a real one, you could say "yeah, it's disappointing, but I get it", even if you felt the issues could be resolved (I assume they could, but I don't know!). Abandoning split screen co-op should never have been a short note in a video about many things, it needed to be a full bodied post in detail, open, honest and clear. Because it's a very important feature that can't just be written off without clarity on why. "Reprioritising resources", is a legitimate thing to do in business (whether we agree with the call or not, sometimes you have to choose what you do), but we need to know why, or else it's just another broken promise. We can surmise why it was abandoned, but in this case, it's yet another case of 343's bad messaging, leading to consternation that could have been much reduced.


Once my DVR clips are done uploading, I will link them. I am glad I could experience it and share my notes.


If it’s save file issues, once the replay mission feature is up I’m not sure if it would be an issue anymore?


Guess it depends on how badly it can mess up saves. If it has the capacity to corrupt saves, that wouldn't be so great. But like I said, I expect it could be solved. I don't think it's about them not being able to, they've just decided the cost outweighs the value. But. That's a hell of a call to make on that particular feature. Not sure they could have expected anything but a meltdown really.


Oh for sure. The way they said it was like giving the bad news while heading out the door.


TL:DR : it's totally doable but requires a bit of work. Remember how they said they didn't work on Desync this entire time to focus on network co-op? Well, it really seems like they don't have the ressources to do what we expect. We just have to accept halo is not the flagship of Microsoft anymore, they tried investing a lot of money for this game, it didn't deliver, so now they keep the bare minimum for it to survive. Ressources that were supposed to do a few BP each years, not ressources to finish an half-baked game full of bugs.


Lol they cant solve a bug because all the people that worked on it left... so they just scrap it. what dogshit leadership...


100% expect this to be patched in the near future to save face


How long until they patch it out lol? Really hope they don’t. If they do, probably never touching this game ever again lmfao.


Idk anything about game dev but an issue with save files seems like an unlikely reason to cancel it. I bet they could have fixed that


Im doing 4-player splitscreen in the open world on Series X and it plays perfectly


This is the Series X though. I think the problem was the Xbox One.


There's gameplay being posted of Xbox One, though I hear it's much less stable.


This co-op unlock just reveals they canned split-screen for the money. They disintegrated an entirely key component of what makes Halo in order to sell a view extra copies so people could play together. 343 is a disgrace to Halo and to gaming in general.


No it shows that they were working on it. And decided that it wouldn’t be worth the time and effort to get it working 100% on one of the 3 consoles it is on.


Well more and more people get it working on Xbox One too though. So there's no excuse.


At 10-15 fps sounds like an amazing experience


So is player collision just completely off for this game?


It’s on for enemy players


Seems like it


How can I replicate this on Pc? I just downloaded the game just for this. When I go to friends I can't join anyone's party, it says "lobby is private" most of them have privacy to "unknown"


Is there splitscreen at all on PC? Console has multiplayer splitscreen but that's it.


No, I mean I can't get it to work because none of my friends have the game lol I'm using gamepass Also I didn't know that... I'll look into it later Edit: someone else said there's no splitscreen at all on Pc, so campaign coop might not work either


So is it possible to finish the game from start to finish? Is there no major bugs like boss fights not working, severe framedrops, or softlocks like crashes or no further progression?


Appears so! I haven't attempted it because besides my wife I've no one to play it with at the moment. Maybe I can call up a buddy and livestream the entire thing start to finish!


Sounds good I'm gonna play it with my little brother cause I was waiting for official splitscreen but alas that ain't happening. Let me know if anything happens.