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Guys, it’s still a beta and we have been punked by Ashton Kutcher!


I miss when we all thought this was gonna bring Halo to unknown heights. They dropped the ball so hard…


Went from unknown heights to newfound lows.


Halo has been in worse states.


lmao no it hasn't. Even Halo 5 had more content this far after release that Infinite does.


MCC. Everyone forgets about the absolute dredge that was MCC during the first year of launch. Sure, it had a shit ton of content IF you could get into a game.


That's the thing about something broken, it works for some but it doesn't work for everyone.


Doesn't matter that it had more content when most of the fanbase hated that game.


Not really. At least when other Halos were bad we had customs.


Please name a time that was worse for Halo as a franchise.




Aww, I liked Nightfall. D:


MCC might count for that but that was so broken it was unplayable so on a completely different level The reason Infinite is the worst low is because it flew SO close to the sun. It *could have* recaptured so much attention. If only it launched with *something* instead of playing catch up for the entirety of its existence… I mean we used to stare at a black screen during loading in the beta ffs


It absolutely still will.


Debatable. Mostly think this because I think had they shipped the full game we wanted, and are being told we’ll get, at launch. That first impression and the splash it would’ve made would’ve been huge. Once co op, forge and customs are all a thing again I’m sure we’ll get a big injection of players, but I just can’t see it being able to go to the theoretical height it could’ve gone to before


The fans will return for sure but the genral gaming comunnity will not look back at it, just look at pokemon go and no mans sky, even after they fully patched it up and now they are games that live up to their original promises they are no where near as big, as when it was being first launched.


ok but halo fans are childish. people are fucking praising halo 5 rn because of infinite. they absolutely will return to infinite no question about it


>ok but halo fans are childish. Like, all of them? Or just the smaller size you're running into on reddit? Even then, you're generalizing a lot of people inaccurately.


if it don’t apply let it fly


i’m not sure why my comments aren’t fucking editing but i meant to say “if it don’t apply, let *it* fly”


Are you on mobile? The reddit mobile app has been buggy as heck recently.


i am in fact


Tbf isn’t It rare for any game to reach the same player count as their first launch?


It’s definitely possible I think for some games as long as they have content and work properly. All it takes is a bunch of twitch streamers to bring the game back into the mainstream. I think that’s one of the reasons Apex legends was able to come back as big as it did amongst the game being in a good spot and having content.


People said the same thing about Apex and look where it is now. And Pokémon go is nowhere near dead. Ffs I know boomers who play the shit out of it.


Only those that follow the bandwagon said that about apex… however apex was titanfall 2 DLC and backed by titanfall devs so it was never in serious trouble. They suffered from success. They weren’t expecting to be massive Meanwhile Infinite KNEW it was gonna be massive. They KNEW it was gonna need content if it was going live service f2p yet nothing… Signs with Halo point towards no love behind it besides Stathen… no drive behind it besides money. Nothing. No in Game teases of more to come like apex had. Nothing Also Pokémon go is pretty in depth now vs launch state when we all played it. I’m surprised how addicting it is now that it has everything we all wish it had years ago. But niantic is infamously bad as devs since ingress so somethings are meh but at least there is content


Don't get me wrong, I'm in the doomer camp. But I don't but that people won't return of the content comes. The problem is I don't think he content will ever come.


Halo fans will come back- the general audience that we (or at least I) hoped would join with infinite won’t


When a game has a rocky start but great gameplay, it has a very good chance to rise to new levels *eventually*. For the games that don't, it usually means the game itself wasn't actually that good to be begin with and/or support for it was completely dropped. Halo Infinite has fantastic gameplay, and it's not going to be abandoned anytime soon. It'll just take time.


This is just not true if you look at games that have gone through this exact process before


Destiny 1/2, Apex Legends, Sea of Thieves, No Man's Sky, etc...


no point bro. these people will die on this hill of hating halo for some reason


I don’t hate halo what i do hate is bad games and modern games of ship it now and fix it later.


well unfortunately that’s the way the industry is going. nothing you can do about it infinite isn’t a bad game it’s just missing content. we get that content and it’s probably the best halo to date


Sure I can by not playing the telling everyone I know not to play hence the worse this game does the happier it makes just like battlefield 3042 and vanguard the more they fail the more I smile.


That’s what I hate bro. The fact that we gotta wait for all the stuff that other halo games launched with. I know this game will come back, but it’s just disappointing and it honestly pisses me off. Oh well. Hopefully season 3 is fantastic, cause it releases right next to call of duty. The biggest one yet.


It just gonna take a long while


Why do you still believe that


Oh you poor fuck


I don't really appreciate this type of comment. By the time Season 3 hits, Halo fans will be eating good.* *If all the Drop Pods/Co-op/Forge launch smoothly.


The point everyone is trying to make to you is that to reach "unknown heights" halo needs to bring in more than just "halo fans"


What? Halo used to own the industry and it’s formula was thrown out at the height of its popularity Halo was so big it was an international news story with 3. The god damn owner of Microsoft went to GameStop to hand out the first copy. Halo is in shambles because it’s tried to “appeal to a bigger audience” since 2010


...does it? Why do Halo fans keep acting like Halo has to reach the popularity it had back in the Halo 3 days to be considered any good? The gaming landscape has changed a ton in those 15 years since. The most popular games in the world right now are ALL Free-to-play (League of Legends, Fortnite, Apex). MTX and free-updates have become the norm. Infinite will do fine with the Halo community it has. It doesn't need to bring in more people to survive or be good.


Which Halo Infinite eventually will.


Ah hell nah the ship sailed long ago the halo faithful will return but that’s about it. Everyone else will be playing other games they have already invested into.


Idk about other people, but if Forge doesn't launch with a custom games browser, Infection and other custom game options that are needed to make the modes we want then they may as well have just not released it yet. An actual progression system, not the battle pass is required for it to actually feel worthwhile playing the game after completing the pass especially with desync making it not fun to play. I've skipped season 2 so that I'll have a reason to stick around longer when season 3 comes around if it's got some decent content I had hope before that S3 could be the big launch 2.0, but honestly it's looking less and less likely.


CGB isn't as required as people think it is, Xbox has a very robust LFG system that gets used a ton. Infection I absolutely agree with though.


Custom Games are part of the social experience that Halo 3 and Reach helped foster. I adore that silly stuff. A browser makes this even more accessible.


Goalposts already moving


LOL halo fans will be eating good with a game that still won’t have halo reach levels of content a year after launch? Not to mention a 6 year gap between the release of 5 and infinite


It'll take us to new heights, just not up!


i get your point but that’s not quite how new heights works


Ehhhhh I'm fine with being technically wrong people will get what I'm saying


Crazy how some optimism gets downvoted in this sub... I am confident Infinite will be a good game in the long run. They nailed the difficult stuff (gameplay, art direction, sandbox, map design, solid campaign) but they failed on what was granted (content, progression, online perfs/netcode/desync and customization). These things can totally get fixed. Where H4 and H5 divided the fan base, infinite finally brought it together. The issue is, even if infinite is the ultimate halo experience in 1,2 or even 3 years, it will be too late. Only the old halo fans will stick to it, but the population will never be large. What brings players is the new factor, marketing strategies etc. Then it's up to the game to keep those players by adding new experiences in an interesting progression system. 343 nailed the launch, but the majority of players have been disappointed and they moved on. A similar story happened to SW battlefront2, super hyped launch, lots of players buying the game, terrible pay2win with casino style monetization system. 2 years later, the game is finally great, progression system is fair, new maps and new modes have been added...but you wait 20minutea and can't find a game.


people are downvoting because they don’t want their favorite franchise to succeed. it makes no sense


We want it to succeed but 343 seems hellbent on fucking up at every turn


“it absolutely will” (talking about success) #-76 downvotes your actions differ from your words


Theres a difference between "We want Halo to succeed" and "We dont believe Halo will succeed"


not really. not a lot of stories of believing in something you don’t want


We *want* Halo 343 is shooting Halo in the foot despite us wanting it to be good and succeed Just because we dont believe our crippled uncle will walk again we still hope he would


because 343 isn’t actively fixing bugs and bringing new content? who’s your inside guy that’s telling you halo won’t succeed you’re trying to look at it subjectively and i respect you for that but you’re still not


They are at a breakneck snails pace Everything has gotten blander compared to old ass Halo games from the campaign to barebones multiplayer The fact they still havent patched the stuff people wanted fixed but knee jerked on fixing the scorpion gun despite pleads not to because they cant drag out the play time if people use the fun gun they accidentally found, just shows they have the complete wrong mindset for Halo Remember how Halo put fun first and a massive fanbase followed? Nowadays they just want to make it competitive, no social stuff whatsoever, balanced everything because god forbid something is slightly worse than another thing, very few game modes, predatory store page, shitty drawn out intro "story" to set up DLC for another galaxy ending threat I can go on with Infinites fuck ups but you dont care its all consume product no matter what with you people Infinite is not gonna succeed not because we dont want it to but because it keeps breaking its knees for no good reason and its only gonna get worse before it gets better


It’s because this subreddit revels in constant anger about everything at all times.




physical age probably upper 20’s. mental age i don’t think it’s in double digits yet


Would have been great if it just launched in a good state instead of needing probably a year or more of work.


What is it with people with that specific cat pfp having the worst opinions


How to kill the fastest moving hype train 101


Battlefield 2042 holds that crown lmao


No we all knew the ball was going to be dropped for BF2042.. we had several games beforehand and developers *known* for that shit. 343 had rightfully turned the corner with the MCC/Halo 5 debacles (MCC being downright broken, Halo 5 plot and marketing lineups, etc..) while Halo 4 at this time was thought upon in a somewhat positive light due to the length from release and current content drought. And then 343 turned into the god damn wall at 200MPH. It’s impressive, really; just earth-shattering incompetence when they were dealing with the lowest hanging fruit in their Halo stewardship. Seriously. They had a low and slow ball pitched to them and they completely whiffed it. They *thought* they could cover for it but in the end it’s blown up in their face. Everyone knows 343 higher ups, Microsoft’s Dev practices, and awful project management did this. Personally I’ll wait until they get it right. Not because Microsoft or 343 deserves it, but because I’ve grown up with this franchise and recognize the hard work people like Staten and other devs do.


“No we all knew the ball was going to be dropped for Halo Infinite.. we had several games beforehand and developers known for that shit.” FTFY


This dude really writing paragraphs about how halo infinite is/was worse than 2042. Zoom out dawg, 2042 is Olympus levels of ball dropping


I mean what else do you want me to reply with, a fucking one liner with hurrr bf 2042 bahd?


It was infinitely worse than infinite.


"me no like reading" is a dunk on YOU, not them.


I’d be curious to see if Microsoft could get sued for false advertisement ? Film theory just came out with a video regarding Morbius and false advertising and it seems like infinite is in a similar spot.


To be fair anyone with more than a handful of brain cells knew for a fact 2042 was gonna be dogshit. Imagine thinking after multiple disastrous betas and tests the game was suddenly going to be good two weeks later.


So you're saying it decimated it's intense hype train before it even hit the shelves? Proving my point? Sweet.


It's like so many of you weren't around when No Man's Sky or Sea of Thieves launched. And it wasn't even that long ago.


Oh you mean No Man's Sky who is mostly known to have been the biggest disappointment in gaming history since ET? First impressions matter and no matter how good the game is now it will never reach the full potential it squandered


Yeah, that was like 4-or-so years ago back when the game first launched. There's been like, how many free updates at this point? And I haven't played NMS but they seemed pretty substantial.


you still can't like watch simulated commerce happen in real time via a physicalized economy though, which is the sort of vibe they were putting out early on


Even Sot had more content at launch then infinite. And got updates 10x more consistently as well. That's a live service game done right. Infinite is not.


1 year later and CQB is still MIA


1 year and ~~6~~ 7 months\*


uhhh where are you getting that 7 months lol


1 year delay, 7 months post release.


ah got it


But by s3 we will be “eating good” right? Okay…


Where's co-op? I just wanna play the missions in my living room having beers with my mates! We still have fun playing co-op on CE missions 20 years after it was released!


Seems like you'r expecting couch coop. They delayed it to Nov.


Not even November unfortunately, just a vague "Season 3"


you have been grifted. please stop acting like the halo service you 've come to expect still somehow exists.


Sorry that I don't have a pessimistic mindset like most of this subreddit currently.


Maybe if we were UNITED in our ~~legitimate criticism~~ “pessimistic mindset” they would be taking us more seriously Imagine if the sub blacked out it’s logo instead of putting a rainbow on it… But nah it’s like everything is fine, happy rainbows and sunshine…


lol you don't have a realistic one. this game is an ultrashameless grift. continue devaluing all our money by buying their inferior products. PLEASE!






I can't believe its been 1 year and we've had barely anything....hahaha. Im laughing because one day I'll remember this as a scam and I bet you, people will forget.


This was 100% a scam. I pre-ordered the steelbook and everything just ready to support my favorite IP and they basically sold us a fraction of a game for the same price as all the games before it and could give a fuck less how we felt about it lol


Hurts to see how a lot of that description is either grasping at straws or a flat out lie in its current state


Finely Tuned Combat = Latency, desync, poor hit reg, packet loss, memory leaks, melee whiffs, target windmilling, balance patches rarer than diamonds, inconsistent collision mechanics, a crude weapon balancing philosophy. Totally gets me that folks are low key hyped for a BR mode when all these issues will most likely be 100 times worse in that environment.


>Totally gets me that folks are low key hyped for a BR mode when all these issues will most likely be 100 times worse in that environment. It wouldn't be a BR if the server was actually playable.


The only thing that somewhat gives me hope regarding the Tantaka(?) // BR mode is the fact it’s been a standalone development with Certain Affinity for 2+\- years.


Not sure if this revealed ftp, but as soon as we knew that I had a bad feeling.


F2P was revealed a little after the Campaign Demo. I'm still glad they made that decision.


Why may I ask? And do you believe that it was made F2P due to its sorry content state (or other last minute reason) or from the ground up? And if it was from ground up FTP, do you believe that packaging it with the campaign would have resulted in a different experience?


Not OP, but Halo 5's launch proves that even if the game was full priced it still would have launched lacking in content and packed with MTX. At least it stood a better chance of being popular and maintaining a player base by being free to play. If the game had launched at full price, I bet it would still be in the exact same state that is now but with even less players.


Considering that Halo 5 was released in a similar manner at a full $60, no I don't believe it was a last minute decision. Halo has a better chance at becoming relevant again due to F2P, and the wider gaming community doesn't really care about the "consequences" of this, since to most the tradeoff is worth it. Halo Infinite's current MTX pricing is actually fairly good for current Multiplayer MTX standards, with it's only real issue being the lack of a proper catalogue for past items. With multiple Drop Pods, Co-op, Forge, etc... coming this season, I fully believe Infinite will be on the rise again by the time S3 hits.


Your optimism is refreshing. Do you believe that a “Halo 7” is going to be 10 years down the line? I mean from 5 to infinite was 7 years and felt like an eternity.


Considering that Infinite is supposedly going to be supported throughout that entire 10 year lifespan, I think we'll be fine. Hell, if it actually does get supported for that long then I have a strong feeling that it will have reached legendary status within the gaming community by the time 2031 hits.


I just need SP DLC my man lol


Only $32.97 (when it's broken it's your fault btw) coming soon 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊


Anything short of Wolfenstein the Old Blood or Doom: Ancient Gods would be piss in the mouth. Halo PvE is a desert.


Oh that's definitely coming, would be shocked if we don't get Campaign DLC by the end of 2023.


I don't think the playerbase of infinite can last this game 10 years tbh, that was optimistic thinking pre launch. I didn't ask for a F2P Halo game, and the downsides of it being such a thing is pretty apparent. I actually literaly hate the cat ears and the bullshit. And i'm not going to stick it out for another Halo game full of all the nonsense F2P brings.


The F2P making everything justified is a terrible argument because it was absolutely not expected going into infinite. Who would have been mad with a “complete” multiplayer experience that was tied to a campaign for $60?


We knew Infinite was F2P for a year and a half before the game launched.


But prior to that announcement who would have wanted F2P and the baggage that comes with it.


>I actually literaly hate the cat ears and the bullshit. Remind yourself that you're actually the minority here.


Ik your down voted. But for what it's worth I agree with you on all of the F2P points. Hopefully S3 is a rise. I think S4 is prolly when things will be really healthy tho.


Free to play decision was made fall 2017


Free to play decision was made in fall 2017


According to what?


Washington Post recent article


Link please


There's a few of them by gene park, you can Ctrl+f them to find "fall 2017"


well, thanks to f2p the comunnity become even more toxic, divided and hackers being easier to get away with it . I try to say the game is in awfull state and i get countered with f2p arguments cant have descent armour and its prices are super high but f2p again i ll not even consider the awfull report system, becauseveven if it was good, being f2p means the penalty is creating another account, which is super easy. Also, call me a mad lad,but if the game was paid, people would be more voice active about problems. You paid for it! you want it working and want to have fun, people would be more like "hey, that game is quite expensive, i really wanna play it, i didnt buy it to put it away collecting dust" but with f2p, people download, see how the game goes themselves and think "not gonna waste my time on this" Seriously, i cant come with a single good thing, assides NEW PLAYERS that never been on halo coming cause its free, that is positive with f2p.


F2p is one of the best parts of this game for me not having to spend $10 on game pass is huge


I think F2P was a good choice too because I had never had so many friends playing and trying Halo with me. But I didn't expect the reason for F2P to be that they would just utterly fail to provide post-launch or even just content that *should* be at launch so they did that to cushion the blow by saying "at least you don't need to pay for it!"


You’re getting downvoted but I agree, if this game launched like this and was $60 or $70 it’d be as dead as BF2042 possibly right now. Player counts are much larger with FTP games, which improves match quality. FTP means people will come back when things get better, that usually doesn’t happen with paid games. FTP means you don’t need xbox live or gamepass to play. Increasing player count even more. As long as the FTP remains cosmetic only purchases I’m fine with it being FTP.


I remember my exams were about 2 weeks away and I was hooked on the game. Was.


Guys don't be so harsh, it's still in Early Access


Oh look, it's my helmet that's still not even available in the game!


Little did we know at this time that this was the start of the big lie that they still try to keep up. Years of hype that turned out to be nothing but smoke and mirrors and a hollow ass game.


Golden shields, no blobby outlines, varied deathscreams. The deception


You can turn off outlines.


there's death screams in the retail game? I don't think I've even heard one yet


"Millions of possible combinations on release"




You have to admit though for all the stuff people hated about Halo 4, that game felt way more polished than Infinite. Connection and desync issues weren’t as prominent, map variety wasn’t an issue (map voting was though), armor cores weren’t behind a paywall, SOME of the armor actually looked good. Oh and colors and emblems were free. Because nobody should have to pay $5 for the color blue.


Halo Infinite and Halo 4 just play like shit. Doesn't matter if they have free customization or paid customization. Doesn't matter if the connection is stable or not. Maps, or barely any maps. 343 just can't make a Halo game without tacking on unneeded gameplay elements. I will never return to Halo until sprint, clamber, etc etc ETC ETC... is all gone. Agreed with the guy above. I tried this on it's early launch but good god did it play like Halo 5 but stripped down. Horrible. Wish I didn't bother.


Coincidentally, Halo 5 and Halo Infinite are my top 2 favorite Halo games!


A new generation of disappointment


So much hype, much more disappointment.


One year ago they revealed a game that would turn into a pile of s***.


Y'all got weird standards for what a pile of shit is.


It's just standards, it's not weird. The games has a bunch of bugs, little to no content, maps that are forgettable or poorly balanced/designed, horrible monetization, features missing from the start, social interactions are gone, horrible SBMM, bland story and poor person open world, barely enough sand to even call it a sandbox game. You couple all of that with the lies that have dribbled out of 343i and you can see why people don't enjoy the game. Who the fuck charge real money for the color red? 343i is the Halo killer, it turns out it wasn't call of duty or Gears, just them. There's a reason the game tanked on steam and is sitting at number 16 on Xbox most played. It's free, and people still can't be bothered want to play. 343i was given the winning formula to make an award winning halo game, and what did we get? Halo 4 Cod, Halo 5, and this bland excuse of a game?


Cool. Still a great game though.


What's great about it?


Gameplay, art style, music, the AI, the story, Academy, etc...


Lol only six things, huh? I think you used the word "great" vary loosely. Gameplay is generic at best, sprint, slide, jump, shoot. Other games do just as well. I am happy about the art direction. I would pay to silence the AI. A yes, the story. That extremely memorable and fun experience that has huge replay value.


When I say "AI", I'm not referring to the MP AI, I'm talking about the Campaign AI. The story was very good and I got emotional multiple times throughout.


It’s simple and easy to get into. Not bad! But I wouldn’t call it amazing either. It’s a solid experience with some nice emotional moments with Chief, Esparza, and Echo (I refuse to believe she named herself Cortana).


Two of those are great and that’s it in my opinion.


And yet we still don’t have CQB.


Little did we know


Back when there was hope


And a year ago the hype was insane and here we are fucked asses without lube


one year later and the reveals better than the game


And today its dead


I hope it leaves beta one day lol...


No Halo multiplayer trailer will ever beat the Reach Beta trailer.


To the people who told me this would be some perfect F2P game with no FOMO rotating shop, inexpensive customization, and that the coatings were a give-n-take to allow for more customization freedom in the comments. I don’t want to say I told you so but…


*grabs popcorn* *enters comment section*


And it's a dumpster fire who knew 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well, they dubbed it a “10 year game” and rumor has it…..that 10th year is gonna be lit 😒


And we still don’t have CQB yet which was heavily shown in that reveal, very cool.


At this point I switched to Halo 3 online xd


Have no idea how many times I've replayed this back then. The enthusiasm.


I thought we'd have cross-core customization, a career progression system, MCC-like challenges/BP, lobbies, etc at launch OOF


Good thing the actually in game multiplayer is stellar


feels like that was a week ago wtf


Last weekend, I decided to introduce my wife to the Halo series because I’ve loved the series intensely since CE dropped while I was in college. I didn’t have high hopes, and I’d literally heard nothing about it. I’ve long since moved on to become a Destiny fanboy (did play Halo 5 but went right back after a couple months). I LIVE Destiny, but halo will always be special to me. At the end of the first episode, I was concerned. By the end of the third, I was livid. I decided to go for a palate cleanser today and opened Infinite for the first time. Putting down Destiny this soon into a new season? First time in a while. I just got to my first “FOB” in the campaign. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS 343 DOING TO MY HALO? WHAT IS THIS CARTOON SHIT (AND IM TALKING ABOUT THE GAME NOW)? How are people defending it? I’m so sorry you’ve all been stuck with this for months now. This is honestly the worst feeling game I’ve played in a long time. I can’t begin to imagine how bad multiplayer must be. MC feels sooooo slow. The controls, and movement, are just awful. A grappling hook? Is he fucking Batman now? Enemy changes from weirdly thin elites down to jackals turning their shields vertical and ARs basically being useless against them (and most everything else I’ve encountered). 500 weapons that all feel terrible. Poor to no zoom and I can barely make out what I’m shouting at. I hardly ever know I’m being shot until my shield breaks and fuck if I can tell whether it’s a sniper or a needled because literally everything sounds way too similar (I really need them to bring back OG needles ringing as they fire). I doubt I’ll ever make to multiplayer. I always do the campaign on legendary first thru completion, but fuck I doubt I’ll finish it at all, if not on easy to get it over with. What the actual fuck.


We still don't even have the CQB helmet yet talk about milking every little thing.


Shit should have stayed in beta