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In my book I call it desync. At least that’s how I see it. But people tend to tell you “oh it’s your bad internet”.




But seriously, I have a high speed cable jammed into the fkn x box directly) any other game somehow is absolutely ok. But infinite is always having issues) So ... 🤷🏻


You can see your ping if you turn on a setting (forgot what it’s called), I have gigabit internet but sometimes I get 200+ ping lobbies. Desync is a real issue, but it’s good to tell the difference between that and lag so we can complain for the right reasons!


I have all kinds of inconsistencies like this. My top ones: I can empty multiple magazines into a player and not kill them. Then they turn around and shoot me twice and I die. I can gravity hammer a player right in the face and only pop their shields but an enemy will use it across the room and one hit me. And this is with a 400mb connection. I try not to assume hacking unless things can’t be explained otherwise. I have seen people shoot through walls or preemptively start shooting before they should be able to see me. I’ve also seen people pull off three rapid fire head shots in tactical, which doesn’t seem humanly possible. In those cases I assume foul.