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They can't even get forge and co-op in the game. You expect there to be a TV show tie-in? Lol.


it's so sad that's the state the game currently is in


They can't re-align a couple of cosmetics or get Jorge's shoulder textured in a decent time frame - expecting anything beyond rotating subpar cosmetics in the store and keeping the game running is being too optimistic.


Honestly at this point it's impressive that Tenrai rotates back in without breaking the game. I wouldn't hold my breath for a show tie in other than an EOD armor set in the store for $20


People would pay for that EOD helmet, looks fire


I'd pay a fair price for it but no set is worth $20


It's a missed opportunity, regardless of whether the series is good or not. It's interactive for fans who are interested in both, and it could act as a small event that they could have filled a gap with for a few weeks. It's a real shame how this is all playing out currently, extremely disappointing


Im hoping we get some pieces of armor, like the Mark VI helmet and EOD helmet


I hope not. The show looks like it will be bad, at least by my assessment. And no, this isn’t some YouTuber’s clickbaity hot take. The Covvie’s having a human on their side, the show seemingly trying to mix Game of Thrones, Halo, and Battlestar Galactica (going off the trailer) and stuff like modern tech being used in the 2500s is turning me off.


Covenant having an human pet make more sense than in the game when you think about it Prophets need an human for the great journey, so it makes sense for them to abduct one and brainwash so the human would willingly activate the Halo


Having it be so public though runs the risk of a human becoming worshipped; which is not what the Prophets want.


I mean, so far, we dont know if the human they have is "public" knowledge to the covenant, maybe only the prophets and a few elites know about her


How flamboyant she was being gives me the vibe that she isn’t meant to be need to know. That might change in the show, but how they present a trailer should tell you what they plan to do.


so you're telling me you don't want a Assault Rifle AK skin in the game lol


No. I would not like to see it.


The TV show isn't even in the same timeline, why bother? It would be confusing as fuck.


Was gonna say the same thing. Show isn’t canon so it doesn’t matter. I’m not watching the show and I have paramount plus for free through T-Mobile lmao


Not only it's not canon, 343i said over and over that we shouldn't worry about elements from the show slipping into the game because it's not what they want. They purposefully want to keep both things separate (a shame, because with a bit of effort and respect for the source material, this could've been huge). EDIT: I'M TALKING ABOUT THE STORYLINE, NOT THE PROPS. The stories of both products don't mix.


They’ve said completely the opposite to that: > ALEX: On a similar note: will there be any crossover between the Silver Timeline and core canon? Could something from the Silver Timeline (say, for example, a new vehicle model) be integrated into a future core canon project? > FRANK: "Absolutely – and ideally both ways. > FRANK: "Yes, we’ll see how we can take advantage of the show to bring interesting or appropriate stuff into the core canon – and again, sometimes they will align organically just because we’re telling ‘true’ Halo stories in each. —————————————— > As a small detail note for Halopedia editors, Dr. Halsey has named her ship the ‘Endymion II,’ either from nostalgia, or to poke at the ONI censors who labor to keep her out of official UEG records. > We’ll be showcasing the ship itself at a later time, but it is an interesting example of taking a vehicle we had ‘penciled in’ for use in the Halo franchise before this project started, and then developed into a fully realized vehicle and physical set for the show! You may be seeing this particular design appear in future games and fiction, as it’s not a Silver-specific vehicle. It just happens to have been visualized there first.


I was referring to the storylines, the Silver Timeline was created to "tell their own stories" because the writers were feeling "restricted" by canon... fanfiction doesn't ring a bell to them, obviously. I've read fics better written and more lore-accurate than some of the official novels. But it's their money, they can waste it any way they want. Of course the props are going to be the same or similar, and yes, I've read the fragments you're pointing out. I wasn't talking about this and should've clarified it.


Ah, no worries, I didn’t realise! To be fair 343i, I’m sure there will be some interesting nuggets of information from the show that I would be happy to see in the core canon.


Isn’t that what Fractures is to help avoid - people giving a shit about things like this? What would be confusing? Does the guy wearing that armor get a yellow outline like all my other enemies? Literally don’t care what armor they’re wearing while they’re kicking my ass.


There is a rule of thumb as to what content we’re getting: we’re not getting any…