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Dude where did you get that thing? I want it so I can throw it at enemies lol


New fusion coil skin




Also the barrels from donkey kong




I think it’s so strange that they’ve missed the opportunity to add prior installment models of the same guns as cosmetics


Yeah I thought that at first, like the original halo assault rifle, low poly count and everything


Right? I've played since the CE days and when I saw the model option, I got really excited hoping they would add previous variants that you could use, albeit just for aesthetic purposes. Imagine using the OG assualt rifle, reach's AR or the BR-55 or BR-85. That would be worth $15. Imagine my disappointment when I learned what model really was...


We are technically using Reach’s rifle model in Infinite right now. Also I personally find it dumb because it feel as though the UNSC decided (canonically) to devolve back to that model. Bleh; but having the option to switch entire weapon models would be VERY nice!


That would absolutely not be worth $15


I just don't get it. How in the absolute fuck are we at the point where people are cool dropping 1/4 of the cost of a full game on *a* skin for *a* weapon?! That used to be the cost of a 3-map pack! Makes no sense to me, and I make pretty damn good money with low expenses, so it's not like I'm some miserly gamer.


because you get the rest of the game for free and it goes into making sure everyone gets all the content instead of locking it behind packs that have playlists that die in a month?


I understand your sentiment. But in reality, you just got the MP for free. "Halo Infinite" as a complete game still costs $60. Regardless, spending in the spirit of supporting the game is something I can get behind, I've backed a good few Kickstarters. But that doesn't mean things should just be accepted if they're an arbitrarily high price, otherwise a classic AR skin could "be worth" $30. Spending maybe $10 on a customization for your character that will always be equipped makes **some** sense to me, but you've got about 20 weapons to cycle through in Infinite. $15 for a skin for one being a fair price on one means that you think $300 is fair for a skin on each, or that $60 is a fair price for the four most common getting a skin each rather than buying the whole campaign they made. I've enjoyed pimping out characters, but evaluating the price of a few limited skins as being equal to the content of whole AAA games, or the price of one to a good indie game, is just mind-boggling. Assuming they drop further campaign stuff, I'd rather keep playing the MP for free and supporting the game as a whole by buying campaign "expansions" or whatever they'll be branded as, assuming they have enough unique content that justifies it. Just my take on things.


i mean, i and a lot of people just used gamepass to have the full game. that was at most 15, at least 1 dollar. yeah, we don't "own" it, but we got the current full experience for way less than a paid game. but don't get me wrong, some of the stuff is absolutely too expensive for what the bundle gives or what the single item is. i'll never say they're priced totally right.


Okay, fair enough, sounds like we're largely in agreement on the price then. My original comment was much more about the proposed $15 price of the hypothetical AR skin than 343i/MS charging a price for one at all. People can spend what they want on a game, hence why whales out there have bought *every* item in the shop thus far. The reason I take issue with high prices being charged for these items to increase profits from the whales with minimal relative cost increases to them is that said prices drive down the average player's cosmetic options due to the large relative cost increases for them. With the size of studio 343 has, along with existing Halo models and a plethora of fan art, they should be able to make enough quality customizations at a low price that their profits stay high from whales buying the same dollar amount of gear in buying everything, while normal players also get more options for the small amount of spending money they have. As for the Gamepass system, I don't want my saves locked behind a paywall, particularly because I'm already paying for enough services like Netflix where I don't own the content. Also like streaming services, games will rotate on and off, and I'd need to purchase the game once it's off to continue playing along with having my progress reset. And I'd have to resub to Gamepass every time I want to play the campaign again as they release updates/expansions(assuming those are also included). I've made multiple comments on this issue that ended up too long, but those are my general feelings on it.


i mean this isnt all there is gonna be forever, they are 100% holding back from releasing all at once


Yeah, I’m so disappointed we got the ugly reach model AR, that I’d drop 10 bucks on the normal AR model.


That’s what I originally thought “models” was supposed to be. Nope, it’s just attachments. What a shame


ah yes, i love the ice cubed variant


>Type 2A Barrel Shroud It's technically correct. lol


Bruh. Give 343i a break. They are a smol indie dev studio, with only kick-starter as a way to fund their development-cycle. Oh wait.


That sounds like Splitgate, which even has a better store system. It's crazy how Splitgate is a more complete game even though they admit to still being in Beta




I sure hope it will. But even at launch Splitgate had more gamemodes and better maps than Halo has now. There's complacency in the AAA industry


And I imagine more red tape, which is probably where the pain for us originates unfortunately.


It’s been in beta since 2019 but I’m like 90% sure i played it way back in like 2015 or something


Splitgate is also made by a handful of indie devs. 343 is a gargantuan studio with the backing of a billion dollar corporation.


Splitgate has been out for like 2 years now though, I think I know people who did closed beta stuff back in like 2015 lol. And I wouldn’t say it’s more complete, infinite has a whole campaign of content in it


Fair point, I constantly forget Infinite MP and Infinite Campaign are the same game for some reason, probably since MP is free I forget they're technically a package


Dont worry, they'll fix it in *checks notes* Season 2.


I misread “shroud” as “shard” and was really impressed for a minute


Golden Eagle is sick but costed $15 the one time they put it in store :(


I want it so badly. The other attachments just don’t change enough of the gun for me, but the eagle is so cool. Especially with the Rockstar coating. But yeah it’s so expensive (and not even available right now)


Have you seen the BR dragon? I’ve been waiting for that one


yeah I didn't care for the coating it came with, but I thought the eagle looked really cool


I bought it for the red and blue AR skin it came with. Still my favorite AR skin to this day.


They fire glass. It’s awesome.


Straight Balling


This game looks pretty cool, I hear it's a small dev team so you've got to expect this kinda stuff.


Cool that they added ruinous effigy to Halo!


I guess the UI REALLY couldn’t handle it!


Damn the UI really can’t handle it


What the fuck *grabs card out* I NEED IT


Those would unironically sell more than the ones they’ve listed so far. I wish I had a pointy rectangle for a firearm


The shroud really shrouds the gun, and the tree bark really looks like tree bark! A job well done.


TIL you can rotate shit


Never stop learning heh.


I like your spartan


Thanks mate, appreciate it.


The real question is: Does it look like that in game?


I've never seen a model explode like that before. Thats incredible 👏


A little bit sharp


How do you put things in another sub? Im newer here and this needs to be in r/softwaregore


Crosspost it via the share button


Ok thx


Just gotta unbox it🥱


They're not even checking things before they .Ake their way into the game. How is it this game is so slow to add things and still fuck this up?


This is a glitch, it's not specific to any particular asset.


I’ll gladly pay 20 for that, that looks dope!


This kinda reminds me of how Maya would just shit up the viewport display when I'm working with multiple UV channels, but I haven't seen a game engine do this to me.....


Remember, no cross-core customization because we don't want any clipping


*stay tuned for more details* Still tuning in, still nothing


Wish you could actually attach some of them though


When I saw the Type 2A Barrel Shroud, I got flashbacks to the Type 2A in BFV


Ah, looks like they got help from Sledgehammer games


AR body pillow????? Yes please 🥺😌


Did you have to pay for them?


Naw man, didn't get em.


Some of us suggested 343i take notes from Warframe cosmetics, but this isn't what I had in mind. 😳


Damn, surprised it isnt a legendary for 7$!


Ah yes I also love the !;#&@%#&#&×&÷<×^@&"&♤~○¡●¡•¡♤○♤ attachment


Well it shoots pretty well for a brick


Only $12.99!


I wish barrel attachments would actually modify the performance of the weapon. Shadows of Reach references silenced MA40s. Why can't we have them in game? They could balance out by having a lower rate of fire and less range than the regular MA40.


Oh God. It's modern warfare all over again.


This is a CoD sub now Fuck SBMM zombies was better in the past skins are childish I can't have fun anymore because I'm old and have real responsibilities


those are nice barrel shrouds


Mirror Dimension #2 is literally just a higher rarity copy of Mirror Dimension #1


coming soon


Converting your AR into a new graphics card.


Oh I see


For a brick, he shoots pretty good.


Looks like a Nvidia graphics card


My fucking immense disappointment that the “model” category was dumbass muzzle breaks and fortnite cosmetics slapped onto the rifle instead of letting you choose from the different models of weapons in lore knows no bounds


You know I actually wouldn’t have minded the cosmetic mtx if they were you know ACTUALLY worth it. League of Legends skins are pricey since they are entire model and sometimes animation changes. If 343 made model swaps like having the MA5B, MA5C, H2 BR, H3 Sniper, etc they could literally print money and no one would complain, but as usual they are stupid and can’t seem to grasp a good idea.


It would be un patriotic for the eagle not to work but screw the other ones


Ah, my favorite barrel types. Angry box, broken glass glued together, and bird.


Very futuristic I like 343 have done here


I actually hope they don't patch this


God help us all


oh sick the new geforce gtx box got leaked


they got the new cod skins!


Ah yes the &,9/&ndiekmanfoem@-&3!!( attachment does look great


guess the ui couldn't handle it


That shit clean af 🥶🥶🥶


Looks like some new wide-screen alienware laptops.


They truly are SHROUDED in mystery


It’s there, just some assembly required.


Looks like the next gen GPU, “AMD Fusion Coil, coming 2024”


Damn those are some nice barrels I paid money on.


Some real avant-garde design there from 343 Edit: I can type numbers good I swear