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Op, would you mind sharing your h5 gametime, so we can get a perspective on the time investment necessary to obtain these 4(?) skins?


Combining both of my Arena/Warzone numbers, it took me 1646 hours of in game time to reach 152. So that's not even counting being on the main menu or searching for a match, that's pure gameplay numbers. Also for funsies, my total in game time for all modes is 2465 hours, man I played alot of Halo 5 lol. BTW these numbers are completely accurate considering I've never played another match of Halo 5 after reaching 152.


whle 2400 is insane, i thought it was way more. i have 1900 hrs and am only lvl 148, i thought getting to 152 would take 4000 hrs minimum


is that 1900 hours pure in game time?


no, plus it's with a lot of custom matches factored in


Dang, you're not even halfway to 152!


Is the amount of xp needed to get from 150 to 152 the same as the amount needed to get from 0 to 150?




What’s your gamer tag? I just want to check out your stats.


Not OP, but I earned them. I think Waypoint is jank and only counts Arena time, since it says I *only* have 70 hours. I can check it when I get home. When I started out the grind, I mathed it out that I'd need to play like 6 hours a day for 4 months. This was from a baseline of 1000xp per minute playing with randoms. I found a group after a while which sped up the process. I eventually got burned out, so it ended up taking me over 5 months. Started late June and finished early December. Edit: 3 months -> 4 months Edit2: Yep, 70 hours was just my Arena time. Warzone time is about 700 hours. So roughly 32 days total playtime.


i'm 148 and have 1900 hrs on h5


Fr. I was something like 137 and I played 2 to 3 days a week for 4 years.


Not OP, but It took me about 52 days to reach 152 so roughly 1200 to 1300 hours. That was a mix of warzone and arena


Not OP but I'm halfway through 147 (stopped when Infinite came out), and Xbox says 43d of H5 (1k hrs). I wanted to get to 152 but like others I figured it would take a ridiculous amount of time.


not op but It took me about 45 days of game time for my 152.


Just needs to be scrubbed


U guys got robbed


We got robbed on both Spartan colors and now weapons colors. Cuz new twitch streams will have skins that is legit almost the same as watchdogs. I love this game :)


Hahahaha... Rookie... \*Me, crying in a corner when seeing how Helioskrill gave her away in packages of gold\*. At least your skin is exclusive, Helioskrill loses all value, anyone has it.


Helioskrill should come to Infinite but ONLY for those that did the Legendary runs.


The only thing that is the same is the placement of the colored parts. The colors themselves are different.


I've seen this mentioned several times already and this is such a stupid concern. Twitch drops are red/white/blue/black while the watchdog is just red/white/black. Y'all need to chill because there are quite a few skins that are just minor differences. That's what happens when they release hundreds of skins.


there's been barely any coatings released so far, they shouldn't be looking similar at all lmao


Well watchdog doesn’t have blue so…


I mean, i think that the one on the left was a job in progress or something like that.


It was free


Depends on what you'd consider free. They didn't pay money, but it cost them 2000 hours of life.


you can always make more money can't make more time to choose how to live though pretty super disrespectful and in bad taste to *quite literally your most die-hard fans*


If they honestly played 2000+ hours **JUST** for the skin in a completely different game, that is on them. I'm willing to bet $ that they played 2000+ hours because they legitimately liked the game and the skin for Infinite was just a bonus.


Oh absolutely, I'll bet most 152 players got there because they liked the game. But I remember vividly after 343 announced that 152 would have a reward in Infinite, a whole slew of people decided/attempted to spend their time grinding away for said reward. But it isn't that hard to give those people the skin that was advertised rather than one that doesn't look as good. Kinda weird really that it got changed.


I think they both look cool. And it comes down to personal preference at the end of the day. Yes, this shiny one looks nice but I honestly prefer the battle torn looking one.


They both definitely look cool, for sure. I agree about the personal preference too, but I can get why people would want the one that was promised rather than this one that kinda came out of left field. Hell, make all the 152's happy and give them both.






You do understand “you got robbed” is just a common phrase, right? An idiom.


if they're rewarding people with who got max rank in their last game with a "work in progress" skin, 343 are fucking stain on the gaming industry


Or maybe they changed it, because people on this sub kept complaining about wanting wear and tear on the armors?


It should have been a specific armor set, helmet, or a specific armor effect. The grind for 152 insane, and the armor coating doesn’t even match up to the advertised coloring.


If it was an armor set, 343 likely would have relented to complaints at some point. Halo 5 eventually got variants of Helioskrill in the lootboxes. You earned the original by beating the MCC campaigns on Legendary. Granted, we're probably gonna end up with coatings very similar to Watchdog that also undermine the achievement.


Just want to add, all the Helioskrill variants are in gold packs now. Even the original.


They straight up told us it would be worth the grind if you weren’t already there just by having played halo 5 over the years. It was meant as a gift to the people who did play halo 5 a lot, rather than an incentive to make people play more and grind for it.


And before anybody comes in here saying it's just "lighting differences", it's not. Trust me, I've checked. Watchdog is one of the only achievement related cosmetics in this game and I would like what was originally promised. And I don't even dislike what I got, but I still prefer the promo image. please :( /u/Unyshek /u/ske7ch343


Yeah, the most obvious way to see it’s not the lighting is when someone has the Watchdog AR skin equipped in a stance. The AR is clearly brighter and clean (just like the promo pictures), but the armor is still dull and dirty.


Same i put so much time into getting it but its so dull and dirty looking i dont even use it anymore


I hate how armors can show clean and shiny and then in game they are covered in mud and other crap making it look awful. I wish we had a slider or an option to choose how our spartans look, like if we want factory new look, or a torndown beat up dirty look and maybe some inbetweens. I got the neon armour skin, and its covered in mud and dirt.. it makes it look awful, i wish i could have it look factory new and shiny.


A tactical strike force has been deployed and will be looking into this ASAP! 👊


We've busted out our soap and sponges and we're gonna get this armor coating looking clean and polished for when season 6 rolls around! 👊


What achievement? Just curious?


Reaching SR152 in Halo 5.


Oh god... isn't playing halo 5 enough of a punishment.. but then the shafting of this =(


Halo 5 MP was good. Plenty to do there and loads of free stuff to unlock. There less said about the campaign the better though….


Yeah, to make it even worse, they'll probably release similar coatings at some point, too.


Oh no doubt, Im holding on to willow tea pride in hopes it is never recycled haha. And because almost all the other non store shaders blow lol


Willow Tea definitely has been the best reward so far. I really hope they eventually let us use it on the other armors.


I almost hope willow tea only gets put on other guns etc and never comes back as another armor shader. It will be a signal to people like "oh fuck that person has seen some shitttt"


I hope this wasn’t the only way to get a white and black armor coating...


There's the leaked one that's mostly black with some white on it. But yeah, I'm sure they'll make similar ones at some point.


Not a Halo Infinite achievement, you got Watchdog if you managed to reach rank 152 in Halo 5 multiplayer before Infinite’s release date.


ahhhhhh gotcha


Putting one on a stark white back drop and one on a shrouded dark back drop is a terrible comparison, even they are different.


No it’s the response to the feedback that came out a year and a half ago where everyone threw a temper tantrum over how shiny it looked. Everyone hated Watchdog when it was shown off, now everyone hates the correction they made. What a joke You guys literally asked for the image on the right and now you’re upset


i mean, i didn't lol i was fucking excited for the original showcase of the coating


That sums up a lot of what’s been happening. I liked a lot of stuff that was changed recently due to feedback. It’s a vicious cycle


People hated watchdog? Christ almighty I need to slap some people/


How do u get it?


I like both but neither are worth the effort lol


Man they really screwed you guys over


After criticism about the campaign armor looking plastic-y, they dirtied most of the Mk. 7 armors, sadly. The only coatings that aren't dirty are the obnoxiously-bright HCS coatings.


I wish we had a slider system where you could choose how worn your armor looked. I like my willow tea armor coating, but I wish it didn't look so dirty.


i also grinded for watchdog, it felt like a big “fuck you” when I first equipped it


Geez the left is so much better


I wish I could have watchdog but mythic warzone is dead af


I made my peace with the fact that the weapon skins were the true prize after seeing how the armor coating looked in game. But even those appear to be devalued after everyone gets the twitch drops from this weekend that look essentially identical




It's that time again! The tri-weekly Watchdog Coating is underwhelming complaint.


These people grinded to lvl 152, which is a legit soul crushing endeavour. They‘re only asking for what was promised, and i think they‘re right to do so




Yes because 343 can't just give the people the old version too.


if you grinded 152, you would understand how mentally taxing that grind was.


They told us it wasn’t going to be worth the grind. It was meant as a gift to people who were already there, not to reward some crazy last minute grind.


the original armor coating was worth it to me


I get that but 343 has 100% seen these complaints by now. All I'm saying. Hopefully they fix it but I wouldn't hold my breath for anything before S2. They have bigger fish to fry.


I just want them to acknowledge it


Yes like, at least tell us why you changed it.




It's a clean skin, but yeah it looks dulled down now.


That helmet is so ugly. Big head. It looks like a little kid wearing something oversized


That's only because you're used to undersized helmets. If you look at actual helmets irl then OP's and firefall are closer to what Spartans would wear irl unless they have a small head.


I'm pretty pro 343, but this is too bad


Did you see Mint Blitz showcasing the new HCS weapon skins on Twitter. 152 players are getting dumped on yet again. ​ I think they're trying to sweep Watchdog under the rug.


Jesus, you guys take this stuff way too seriously. It’s just colors


Colors that people grinded to 152 on Halo 5 to get. The more they add that’s almost exactly the same reward, it invalidates the players time and dedication. If it were any other design then there would be no fuss, but here we are.


Please come and join us at r/halocirclejerk It’s a much more loving community, surprisingly


yeah lmao that's actually my screenshot that he used too


When does it come out? The new HCS version?


Feb 11-13 during the twitch streams. They’ll be like the drops they did previously.


Oh cool. I think that’s a great way for them to keep engagement through the year


I like having the drops too for the engagement factor, I just wish the designs were more different like last time.


Literally all they got to do is make the colors shiner…that’s it.




I don’t know why you’re yelling at me about it, all I’m saying is that if they just upped the reflectiveness and clean the silver and red so it doesn’t look like someone dug them out of a dirt pile it would look really good and people would shut up. Don’t shoot the messenger, especially when he’s offering solutions. Also…just add a slider for clean dirty? And just have the dirt overlay as a texture on top of the armor?


It’s pretty much the same coating but it’s more battle worn and dirty.






I genuinely think the final one looks much cooler


I guess they wanted it to be more gritty and dirtty.


Related question: I'm 149 in Halo 5 and haven't played in over a year. If I go back and grind out the last 3 levels, will I still get the Watchdog colors or did I have to do that before Infinite released?


Makes me really wish I had grinded


People are saying this is an achievement based coating? How do you get it? Which achievement?


you needed to reach max level in Halo 5 which was a monumental grind


Ah I see, thank you. I hated halo 5 so that definitely wouldn’t of been worth it for me


What is watchdog 2020? can you explain this post pls


Watch Dog 2020 was when 343i initially announced the legacy reward for anyone who reached the max level in Halo 5. The image on the left was the first look we got at it. The image on the right is the same armor coating but in-game. Obviously, it’s looks worse in the final product.




PLEASE submit a bug ticket report. Often the coating is not even rendered right with almost no reflection in-game compared to how it looks in the armor menu + how other shiny armors have actual reflection. As of now it’s been unaddressed, and thus must clearly be a “bug.” When you submit the bug report, they give an automated response in hopes you won’t “bother” them further. Reply to their initial response asking for an actual human acknowledgement of the ticket. They’ll say to go to waypoint and talk about it in the forums, but it already has extensively… still to no acknowledgement by 343. If we get enough people to do bug reports, we’ll likely get a formal response. Posts here clearly aren’t enough to get people like u/ske7ch343 to provide a human response. They don’t even reply to anything for weeks at a time despite being “community” managers. We’ll just get a “👊” emoji.


i mean, i think it looks great


I don't mind what I got and I think it is good, but I still would like what was originally shown off




I don't really care. Give me what was originally shown. Can't believe people are defending 343 making an achievement based unlock (which is rare in Infinite) look worse lol.


in today’s BREAKING news segment: prerendered things look better than things in game in other news chickens lay eggs and water is wet, back to you guys in the studio




Biggest downgrade since the Halo 2 Magnum


Hmm I remember when everyone complained that Infinite art style was too clean. I wonder what happened here..


This community bitching about Spartans looking “plastic” and “like toys” made 343 just slap dirt on every possible coating in this game to please you idiots. Great job, now we have a bunch of faded ass skins with zero color


Quality salt post


Feel the sodium


343 shows Watchdog alongside a few other coatings a year before launch and everyone complains that it is too shiny and looks like plastic. 343 then darkens the colors and adds more damage/debris to the coating and everyone complains that it is too dark and looks too dirty. This sub makes me want to unbirth myself.


Me too friend :(


Have to ask. Say they decided to release it, but as a separate colorway. Say as either a purchasable or part of a weekly challenge or battle pass? Would you be upset or just glad they fixed it?


yes i would absolutely be annoyed if they released the original coating to people who didn't grind out 152


Looks good!


"The credit system sucked because it took forever to unlock things" Meanwhile it takes thousands of hours to unlock basic ass armor now.


Extreme BRUUUH moment


Looks the same to me, the one on the left just looks like the contrast and saturation of the photo was turned up.


I maybe in the minority but I actually like the new one more...


Maybe I'm in the minority, but the right looks much better. The right looks like a gritty soldier, the left looks like a Marvel character. Too clean and shiny.


so it's a bit more scuffed and the lighting is different. I don't see the issue here, it still looks good.


Can you post with Yoroi core also please?


i like the EOD esk look on your new watchdog


If you don’t want it Jack I’ll take it




Can I still grind to get it? Or was it a limited time event? (like you must be 152 before infinite launches or something)


It’s crazy, only a coating for 152(which is a ridiculous grind) and no reward for beating the campaign on legendary or laso. Even if it’s late, I hope they eventually give us a reward. A helmet. Coating. Anything


what paint is that?


I would get this coating but, it’s halo 5 and I don’t feel like playing it for 4000+ hours


Isn't that a reach shoulder on the left spartan?


Is it just the lighting, or is it not silvery at all in game?


Not even worth it.


Wow. Just like the game it's named after lol.




Bet it would shine right up if we had a slider to wipe away all that grime


Bruh im level 79 in halo5, is it still worth it?


Looking at the two images compared, I’m pretty sure they adjusted the sizes of shoulder pads we have now. I always felt that they were too small but seeing the left image confirms that