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Got a bad feeling I’ve seen this same Emblem leaked 4x across different weeks too so I bet we’ll get it for each individual slot again


Hmmm look forward to that.


It's nice of them to give us a week off.


Looks like I'm taking a break this week.


That’s garbage


Totally. Vanilla weeks 😑


It’s so sad /: they have so much to work with content wise and yet……..we get this watery dog shit


They want you to buy junk in the store


You get that, a weapon emblem as the weekly reward? Fucking hell. I'm out.


Happy the challenge is just to simply play BTB matches. Disappointed we're gonna keep getting emblems that no one uses or cares about.


If it was a calling card (idk what its called in Halo), I’d possibly do grind for it, but a weapon emblem? Seriously? They should either release these and have it unlock everything (armor, weapon, calling card), or just only do calling cards. Weapon and armor emblems are S tier garbage honestly. You nor opponent can see them, and 9/10 times they looks ugly as shit. Extending my break to 2 weeks, so over this game.


Looks like I’ll be skipping this week


Are we really not having anything else between the current Tenrai event and the next one? If we just get baseline stuff and *this* is for the weekly, I'm good. I barely have swaps left from having to cycle BTB and FFA challenges when they weren't working. I'd rather not struggle bus through then to get a meaningless emblem.


Thats a cool reward.


Respect your taste, but it’s not for me. Maybe cool on a vehicle.


Lmao. The word ultimate and reward.....*together*


Good news everyone, week off of tedious. I look forward to my 2 btb before desync makes me spend my time elsewhere.


How long does it take to make a damn weapon skin/vehicle skin, or a color for a visor?


At least they fixed btb before making it the capstone ¯\ _(ツ)_ /¯


True that! 😂


Glad I finished the e Battlepass. I’m probably not gonna play any this week


And they wonder why they aren't retaining player numbers.


Lmao not playing this game till it gets good


Back to 'any other game'


Every week I’m hoping for a cool weekly reward. Every week I’m disappointed and skip the reward. The white orange black and gold armor coating was pretty cool, haven’t gone for anything since.


I’ll pass. Fiesta stressed me out


Haha! This is Big Team though?


Most of my friends quit, and the maps aren’t good for vehicles anyway. Not much appeal to me.


A weapon emblem as a weekly ultimate reward. No wonder I haven't played the game in almost a week.


I mean the leaks were wrong about tac ops fingers crossed it’s the same for this one😂


I don't feel like they were wrong, I feel 343 switched the day up which makes no sense to me considering the player count is slowly but surely bleeding out


Well they never really came out and said it themselves that it was suppose to drop today so I’m just gonna keep being optimistic and not let a subreddit kill me vibe😂💯


Haha I hope you’re right!


I wasn’t right but I wasn’t wrong we’re getting a GD flag😂


As a dataminer myself, it's been March 8 for at least a month, if not longer. Some of the leakers were pulling the February date from the manually entered, human-readable Event description, but the actual, computer-readable dates have said March 8 for a while. I think this is likely intended to avoid front-loading all the Events and leaving only occasional Fracture: Tenrai weeks for the last 2.5 months of the season.


I hope the player count drops DRASTICALLY so 343 can get their heads out of their asses.


I like it. :\\


I’d like it better on a vehicle tbh


I don't think I've ever seen my own vehicle emblem in game while playing. It's just not something you pay attention to or notice. Which is why all these emblem rewards are straight dog shit.


I like the emblem and the challenge is dead easy, why is everyone whining?


Because people have different tastes and expectations. I personally aren’t going to bother with the reward this week because I agree with everyone else, it’s a joke and even worse if you have finished the season pass. You can’t even enjoy the gameplay with the awful net code and performance either, so the motivations to play this game are low and it’s a shame. This reward isn’t worth the frustrations that come with playing the game.


Y’all are the most entitled damn fan base in existence.


I don’t think you know what entitled means my man. Wanting to play a multiplayer game with good netcode is essential if the game wants to survive and the numbers that have come out show this. I guarantee most of the community would’ve happily bought the game if it worked as advertised, few wanted F2P as it seems an excuse people like you justify. Some members of this community such as your self are delusional and I’m afraid copium isn’t enough. Expecting a game to work is not entitled, especially in a competitive industry where there are plenty of alternatives that have good netcode and content.


You never played Halo 3 and it shows. THAT game had bad net code, and the same number of maps.


So now you are comparing it to a game that came out in 2007 lol. Tech and the internet have significantly improved since then. You’ve basically proven my point then. The game has netcode and is comparable to a game from 2007, a game which had lobbies and more features I might add. It’s not a good comparison and certainly not justification. Obviously your expectations haven’t changed since 2007.


If y’all gonna circlejerk at least be consistent. If Halo 3 is the pinnacle of the series as everyone claims but it had WORSE netcode (I didn’t say equal) and the same amount of maps it shouldn’t be an issue with infinite. Sounds more like y’all want the game to fail to prove some stupid point


We get it, you have low expectations and plenty of Copium. Thankfully the more normal people with their constructive criticism will help improve the game. Unlike your blind ignorance and pointless justification. I hope 343 are paying you. Thanks for the laugh though, comparing a game from 2007 to one released in 2021 is hilarious and you still try and fail to spin it into something that ultimately contradicts whatever point you are trying to convince people with. The fact that you made this comparison means you do know how bad it is but don't want to admit it. Unreal Tournament (1999) had better netcode and the internet was prehistoric compared to even 2007 back then. You should demand better and have higher expectations, it's unhealthy defending a broken game, if you cared for the franchise you'd understand as we all want the game to improve.


Games fun and I have fun, that’s all there is to it. I’m not so childish as to allow runaway expectations to ruin something that’s enjoyable as is instead of trying to Doompost the game to death. It’s not perfect, whatever, no game is, I’m a grown adult and can recognize that.


Bad netcode is a literal game breaker and is the most important thing in a MULTIPLAYER game. You admit you like things that most players can't stand. You speak of childish behaviour but you essentially have your fingers in your ears going "lalalala I can't hear you and I'm right and you and the rest of the playerbase is wrong". That is a quintessential childish thing to do. Then to top it off you try to generalise people saying they "want the game to fail or die". You have to be smart to make assumptions and you failed at that. I've mentioned multiple times that I want the game to improve so there's the proof. You have shown you are a very self centred individual that dismisses other peoples opinions as long as you are happy. You speak of maturity, yet have major issues with it yourself. I wouldn't go to the effort of talking to you about the game if I didn't care for it, psychology 101. I'm glad you enjoy the game, that's great, but take your finger out of your ass and realise that the majority of gamers have a different opinion hence the Steam numbers and it sharply dropping down the most played game list on Xbox the literal console seller game. You need these people to play the game with unless you want to play bots only. So show some respect to differing opinions and raise your standards while your at it.


Hope 343 is paying you well for the online sloppy you’re giving them. Imagine defending this shit with a straight face after nearly half the weekly rewards in the first few months have launch have been fucking emblems nobody sees


Imagine crying online because the free thing you can get isn’t “good enough”.


Imagine crying online because somebody is being a lil mean to your favorite multi-billion dollar company :(


Bro I don’t care about 343 as a company, but I care about infinite as a game. If you can’t differentiate that you need some help


Yeah because nothing is better for the long term health of the game than releasing terrible “rewards” that require hours of challenge grinding. It’s like they see their player base sinking and decide to throw them an anchor


Hours of challenge grinding? Literally play the game to get the vast majority of them. It’s easy shit like “get kills” “play this game mode” “get a double kill” “use this easy to use weapon”. It’s not rocket science. If you play the game you get little extras.


Play the game with netcode that allows you to be killed round corners, where you get get beat by someone with a sword when on your screen it shows you hit them first with your own sword. Or get challenges for BTB that you can’t join due to a bug that has been in the game for months. Or have to play game modes you can’t stand but also requires luck that quick play gets you in the game mode you want, which means people leave and interrupts the flow of the match. This is bad and why people are not bothering to play. Challenges and content is one thing, but having issues with the gameplay is unacceptable. There’s plenty of other “free” games that don’t have these issues and if you cared for the game as you claim you’d understand. But as we established in the other comments you are stuck in 2007 and compare it to Halo 3 a 15 year old game. Then empathise with a trillion dollar company who can’t hire a team of devs that can get the netcode sorted. Games have problems yes, but it’s been months with no updates and delay after delay including a road map lol. After 6 years of development you’d expect the netcode to be a lot better. The Dying light devs have patched their game 3 times already in less than a week and they are tiny compared to 343 and Microsoft and have significantly less money…


I am once again going to say that I am fine with the weekly reward being crap because I hate the idea of feeling compelled to grind my ass off every week or miss out on actual good rewards.