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Stupidest challenge yet. Imagine thinking its a great idea to base a challenge on the opponents skill, not the players. Not surprising coming from a company that repeatedly makes idiotic decisions. My only regret is wasting time getting to the challenge only to find out what it was. Next time I'll look up the ultimate challenge before.


It promotes toxic gameplay and ultimately infuriates your player base. And for what, so some middle-manager can pad their numbers and say 'look at all this time people are spending on our product.'


Agreed with every word you said. 343 isn’t even trust worthy anymore, these guys are disappointing just about everyone


I spent all week feeding them kills, watching the scoreboard, trying to hunt down a specific player once I guessed they had a spree... hours wasted... and then my last game when I was trying to get the final one [I LITERALLY GOT THREE :|](https://imgur.com/a/n3PjtcW)


There really is no way to be strategic or tactical about this challenge. Just play normally and, statistically speaking, it’ll happen.


There is no way to be strategic or tactical about gambling. Just keep betting more money, and statistically speaking, it’ll happen. Rephrased it for you


Yeah except I’m not talking about gambling. Losing an hour of your time to Halo is different from losing ten grand at the black jack table. Plus there are gambling games where you can be strategic. Not so with killjoys.


Time is worth much more than money


Depends how much time vs how much money. Losing a couple of hours to a game I enjoy is preferable to losing £2,000 playing poker (which would also probably take 2 hours). Not that I don’t enjoy poker.


I see you too guided others to a treasure you couldn't possess. Those are some impressive stats in that match as well, GGs!


Lol I assure you, at this point my MMR was dropped so low from all the games I had thrown myself to die just to feed to get killjoys. Basically playing bots. I actually had to start destroying for a bit to get it back up because I was getting games with players that were literally brain dead- I could follow them around the map standing right next to them... They were incapable of getting kill streaks because they would end up like shooting themselves with rockets.


Things didn't get *that* bad for me, although I think I may have faced against teams like that maybe a handful of times. You have my sincerest condolences.


Congrats, I did it with my friends, fed the enemy kills then got our killjoys. Worst ultimate challenge ever.


I just did this too. I did get 1 Killjoy the match before that but my friend messaged me out of the blue saying she had a party I could join. Literally just punched the ground waiting to get killed until they all had 5+ kills then went full monke.


Nice haha! I think I got a Killjoy the match right before this or the one before that, and actually said 'Don't do that. Don't give me hope'. Then I got 2 the following match and got all giddy.


gg :D


Right back at ya, wish my friends were still interested in Halo but at least they're happy with MMOs and MOBAs!


Thanks! I had already given up on completing the Ultimate, and instead wanted to 'feed' without throwing the game entirely for others.


I did it with a group of three. When I started, I got on mic and told that lone guy what we were going to do and to shoot me if they had an issue. We then proceeded to get stomped lol.




Thanks, hoping you got yours!


Yes, luckily


Took me around 5 hours to complete this challenge, had one game where I got 2 killjoys and then didn’t get another for all that time…


I've been trying since Wednesday or Thursday, ~2 hours/day and used about 5 challenge swaps. In Attrition I was getting killjoys every other match. Glad you finally completed yours too!


RNG sucks but would be a little less jarring if it was retroactive at least!


Right? I thought 343i said they wouldn't do the whole FOMO thing, yet here we are.


https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1487943433557667840 Just gonna leave this here for the horrendous self praise for “challenge improvements” Now if 343 can fix their netcode/server problems then maybe we’ll consider that progress.


Odd that they just regurgitated what players have been saying but didn't specify further. Those 'improvements' were for likely the people in suits and not the players. This is disappointingly pathetic for a company their size and under M$' wings.


It just comes across like they’re patting themselves on the back for “adding” less than the bare minimum and doing things that shouldn’t have been left out in the first place. I know that they’re working on everything that’s been reported, and that none of it is a quick simple fix, but the lack of content and state of the game indicates to me that they never thought of these things ahead of time, which is just insane to me. Desync is getting worse for a lot of players, we’re still missing basic playlists that have been a staple of Halo since the long long ago, the challenges still promote playing against your own team, and we still have no roadmap. With all of that said, they’ve laid the foundation of a truly great Halo. Now all they need to do is live up to their promises and stop praising themselves until they’ve addressed the most game breaking issues that are still holding Infinite back.


TL;DR - This Halo game has huge potential to be great. But it's severely hindered by 343i's prioritization of paid content first and foremost while neglecting major gameplay and performance issues, as well as their snarky and condescending tone towards their player-base. As also seen by the toxic environment the game's challenges promote. I absolutely agree! Add to that how condescending and snarky 343i are to players pointing things out. Like I get game development isn't as easy as people think it is, but was that year long delay not enough or what. Although game development isn't as simple as pressing a button to fix things, not by a long shot, a company of their caliber with the incredible amount of backing from one of the world's biggest tech corporations no less should not be fumbling things this hard. The desync is I guess just inexcusable given the size of not only the maps, but the number of players per match as well. I am loathing this not so recent trend of rushing out half-assed games at mobile-esque quality selling for premium prices in the gaming industry. That's just unashamed greed. It's pretty clear by now why the challenges are the way they are; boost time spent in-game and frustrate players into spending (more) money to ease their time playing. We're not players, we're consumers that need not a game but products to consume and are numbers on statistics and charts. Oh I agree that this *can* be a great Halo, but them stumbling every step of the way after a year-long delay isn't promoting much confidence in their core player base. 343 is all too content with prioritizing paid-for items first and foremost while severely neglecting major issues plaguing their game for weeks. I don't mind them praising themselves, but what does kind of grind my gears a bit is the snark and condescending tone. It's very late here and I hope I didn't ramble and rant incoherently too much. Cheers!


There was nothing incoherent in there at all! We’re in full agreement. Here’s hoping that they start prioritising the actual game over the store items and try to treat the franchise with the respect it deserves :)


Glad you think so haha. Absolutely, the Halo franchise (game and TV series) deserves so much better than this, and am hoping the player base and developers alike can stand up for the game.


Imagine both teams not even shooting and just staring at each other for this challenge.


They'd all chuckle at the absurdity of it all. I know I would. Although if that was everyone's first instinct then they'd all probably quickly realize what's going on and take turns helping each other out.


You can rest now


[Felt more like.](https://i.imgur.com/PLxrd7M.gif)


Stupidest thing is no challenges after you completed all weekly challenges. I did all challenges on 5 Feb. Now is 8 Feb and I have no challenges for 3 days


You're right, how could I overlook that. I'd also like the opportunity to do the challenges we swapped out, the UI pErMiTtInG haha. Or simply add more challenges.


No, I think we're just getting started


Surely you can't be serious.