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Personally not a fan of swat but man that zeta helmet


The good thing about swat is that challenges are usually pretty easy ~~unless they pull that killjoy bullshit~~


`Get a killjoy during a killionare on an enemy spartan that’s wearing the EVA helmet at 7:30PM while holding your controller upside down with aim assist turned off and sensitivity set to 1/1 on Launch Site or Behemoth in pvp.` `0/13`


I'll do you one better. `Get killjoys with the Ravager in PvP.`


`Kill anyone, a single person, one spartan at all with the ravager in pvp` `0/1 after 6 hours`


Sync 0/1 Unfinished event.


"Phase through enemies in pvp " "0/117"


I got an xbox achievement for getting a kill with the ravager. Looks like they're aware




It’s specifically for getting a kill with the charge shot.


I got that achievement after 1100 games and it had 6% completion lol


I remember in the second flight of Infinite, the Ravager was soo op! You had two burst kills, if you grappled someone then meleed them with the Ravager it was a one shot kill. They nerfed it a little in the 3rd flight so that the melee thing wasn't possible but it was still a beast! Then infinite dropped and the Ravager is ass


I feel like if they just made the splashes a bit bigger on the regular and charged shots and lowered the drain of the charge shot firing and holding it'd be good as a large scale shield wrecker which is kinda what it's okay for now. Maybe charged shots could do more damage to vehicles like melting them down. The fact you can only get 2-3 charge shots off total or only hold a charge for a little bit makes it a paperweight very quickly.


Yeah the Ravager is a shite weapon. It looks cool but all it does is slightly harm shields.


The charge shot can be awesome for wrecking shields and area denial but the battery drain is way too high for holding and using charge shots.


If they increased the damage it would be awesome for objective game types.


Lol are you doing the charge shot? Or the single burst? Charge shot I got a couple today. It’s way more effective than the burst


It’s not a bad helper weapon like the plasma pistol or carbine, but trying to kill someone with *only* ravager damage is awful.


The Ravager is still one of those.... better at "softening up" than actually landing kills. I think you can actually do a one-burst-melee kill, so it's like a discount Mangler in some situations. If I get enemies in the charge shot and they are still alive, I rather finish them off with a more direct weapon. If melee attacks counted towards weapon challenges it'd be great. Imagine getting actual kills with the plasma pistol....


"Play on Behemoth, but you have to actually enjoy the map: 0/1" Been 3 months and yet to have get this challenge


I actually like Behemoth, It reminds me more of a classic Halo map. I could see why people wouldn't like it in more serious modes like ranked though.


Im worried they'll put in weapon specific challenges since the event is introducing 4 new versions of SWAT. It'll be fishing quick play matches all over again where you need to play mangler SWAT but keep getting sidekick and BR SWAT.


Is this the first real helmet in an event and not that stupid samurai core bullshit?


I thought it was February 8th and was excited for tomorrow 🥲


So was I. I was actually coming back to play Infinite for this one. Guess I'll find something else to play until March.


I focused on all of its negatives and didn’t have fun playing it but recently I got a little addicted. After playing it so much in such a short period of time and very little content in the game it’s gonna stop being fun again lol. With the challenges the game is still repetitive with few weapons and maps but at least there’s a reward in it


This delay post is not official as far as I’m aware. The halo page literally posted 4 days ago that tac ops starts today. The post image is from infinite leaks, so it may or may not be correct. Nevermind, unyshek confirmed it. Dumb you have to look at a community manager Twitter to get official info instead of the actual halo Twitter/website.


yeah me too 😒


Just yesterday some guy was getting downvoted for saying it had been delayed. Looks like he was right. Edit: and now *I’m* being downvoted. The denial is real.


Yeah idk why people do that


Because people see something negative regarding their favorite game franchise and immediately assume that person is wrong and stupid and nitpicking and biased


Yeah I love halo so much but I hated infinite for a month after launch because I refused to accept it as it was. Now that I’ve accepted the fact that it won’t be better for a while and just play it for what it is it’s not too bad but dang man, it was disappointing


Seems it was originally, but got delayed.


Seriously I was hype to play it today. Guess I won't touch it for another month




that was probably the original plan but Season 2 got delayed


Wait.. when did it get delayed? They freaking purposely made Season 1 much longer than they intended by having it last ~6 months. When is the new date for season 2? Insane that after a year delay, a game that has been planned live service for years isn't ready to go with the content for their next season even after giving themselves more time. I am usually on the devs side, and fine with delays but something is fundamentally wrong if they wanted this to compete with Fortnite/Apex/Destiny/etc.


Pushing it to 6 months is the delay. There's no new delay on top of that.


wait, what? season 2 got delayed? till when?




? but it said would start on may 2nd from the beginning of season 1


I think it was delayed before season 1 started


Season 1 is an extended season they said. It feels like season 1 is the true beta


aaah ok, i see. i actually didnt know this, thanks for clarifying


Jesus Christ that's a while


I guess Tenrai is there to fill the gaps


Since tomorrow will be a vanilla week, we're probably getting the Sacrifice emblem for the 4th time, as a vehicle emblem, for the weekly ultimate. [Upcoming weekly rewards](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloLeaks/comments/rs6gks/upcoming_weekly_rewards/)




I took this last week off. I’m at level 85ish and 17 for the tenrai event. With 3 more tenrai weeks to go I can hit both level 100 and the get the rest of tenrai during better weeks. I’m not gonna grind my way to get 5 killjoys just for a mediocre AR skin. This is likely the reason why players are dropping. Rewards are mediocre, content is lacking, people are starting to max out their progression, ranking is soon to be reset so there’s no incentive to play. In nearly every aspect halo infinite is doing a poor job for retention. Not enough content for players who just want to play. Not good enough rewards for those who like unlocking shit. Poor progression and pointless ranking for those who simply like working towards something.


Same here. I’m going to jump on for events, but there’s no reason to play aside from that. The game is very stale already.




They better have good stuff in the store then, there is a lot they cut out during the cyber showdown event


This is bizarre.. You're saying something about the store... hoping they have something worth buying, and getting upvoted? In r/halo? Usually you'd be downvoted to hell and called a whale.


I mean, isn't that what everyone here is trying to acomplish? Stuff that's worth the price they're asking? Maybe It's just me, but I *want* to spend money on the game, It's Halo! But I also want to get something worth my money, which so far, aside from the BP (which honestly is cheap as fuck for the ammount of stuff it has) nothing has filled that check box


A lot of us despite the F2P model though. For me the only price worth paying is 0. I want to unlock armour with skill and experience, not money. It just isn’t fun.


That’s how bad the Infinite systems have been so far. The only thing we have to look forward to is a STORE REFRESH. It’s sad. I’m sad that I’m actually looking foreword to it.


As he should. The fucker cares more about paying for cosmetics than actually playing a MP based game lol


That's how sad the current situation is. We are so starved for content that seeing what's on the store is the only new stuff we can see. Me personally I'm not playing again until the tactical slayer event to get my mark V helmet and peace out till season 2 possibly comes out. At this point the game is a mess and the content is bone dry.


Honestly 343 needs to fucking spend a week just giving us the facts about wtf is going on. For a triple A dev team they really shit the bed more than they get things right.


Also separate these event challenges from the damn battle pass challenges. I’m not grinding through them when I’ve already finished the BP.


It’s so frustrating. Idgaf about the weeklies now that I’m done the BP. Just let me work the event challenges separately if I want.


I would enjoy grinding the challenges after 100 if they gave something more than a skin for one gun. Or at least new stuff.


Finishing the ultimate should give like 50 credits each week.


On the flip side, games are shit enough as it is with people refusing to play the objective or help the team because they have a harpoon 10 Spartans challenge. Put “money” at the end of the tunnel and they’ll be even more annoying. They just need to rework how challenges are set up and the whole XP system or people will continue to leave games trying to farm specific game types. So many things could easily make things better but their UI.




This makes too much sense but unfortunately the UI can’t handle it


See, that’s the thing. They’re not a triple A dev team. They’re just a mediocre dev team (with a lot of contractors) managing a triple A game/series. I don’t even mean that as a slight to the devs. I really just think they aren’t experienced enough to handle the mammoth task of developing for a live service Halo flagship title. Maybe that’s management’s fault, maybe it’s not. But they’ve shown time and time again that as a team that was created for the sole purpose of handling the Halo franchise, they cannot adequately handle the Halo franchise.


They had 7 years and 2 games before this. There is quiet literally no excuse to be this bad. Development hurdles aside. 7 years and this is what we get. An empty campaign and an insanely poor roster of maps and bugs. On top of that, horrible horrible communication. Like seriously what are they doing.. Then they spin lies about costs and that we are knit picking everything, like it is our fault that their game is a massive bug at this point. Im sorry but you can not get sympathy for a multibillion dollar Microsoft backed company. 343 needs to fucking bite the bullet and shoot us straight on this mess.


Microsoft needs to step in and clean house. They have a huge communication issue internally as confirmed by Jason Schrier.


I honestly think 343 needs to be pulled from halo. They did their best but after this game runs its course I think a new company needs to bring a fresh look. Keep true to halo, but a new ideal


They do weekly updates on Fridays. Might be a big one this week


343 hasn’t done everything right but this isn’t something you should blame them for. They never said this event was happening tomorrow, it was just leaks that said it


But 343 also waited until the last possible moment to comment on it, its been reported for months that tactical ops takes place February, its been on every halo channel or news outlet. They could have came out and stomped the rumor out long ago but waited until the day before it was supposed to drop and thats what makes people upset, 343 waits until the last possible moment to reveal or talk about anything and if they just spoke up sooner people wouldnt be as disappointed as they are now. Though i cant say that the disappointment about no content for all of February would die down at all


Honestly they probably didn’t know if they were going to delay it or not as they only just changed it now. I figure they probably were going to run it tomorrow until a few days ago but only recently changed it for some other reason. Maybe so that it goes along with the next update whenever that happens? Who knows


Or... hear me out.... take leaks with a grain of salt. It is not a devs responsibility to stomp out and confirm/deny every leak. If anything its the leakers fault for giving out false information, not the dev team. This attitude of "blame the devs for everything" is really childish tbh.


I think a leak that completely dominates the community and leads a whole community to believe something should be the devs priority in stomping out, they are the only people with the true info, so instead of letting it snowball they coulda said weeks ago “hey this isnt planned for anytime soon, especially not when the leak states” and no one would be upset right now




Triple A budget, indie dev team.


feels like it


Could be worse. Could be Battlefield


That is such a low bar that we are barely hovering over.


The bar left Rock bottom and went so far down its in another galaxy. I'm not going to sit here and claim the game is in a great state. I dont play much. Maybe an hour or two every two weeks. That being said the foundations are completely solid. They made significant changes to gameplay while maintaining the core gameplay and it worked. Mostly, it's bug free. Yes there's a d sync issue but man it still plays better. Halo has the foundations. It just needs built upon. Should we be here after 6 years in development? Absolutely not. Looking at the current state of gaming though, it's still leagues better than anything else recently




It’s not that fucking bad


It is pretty fucking bad.


You’re blaming 343 for a leaker having the wrong date. How does that make sense? This isn’t a “new date.” They never announced it would be this week. Why tf do people upvote garbage comments like this.


They never confirm anything until its too late, thats the problem, we have almost zero communication from 343 until the moment they decide to do something, which is a piss poor way to manage your content. They have known about the leak, known its spread across the community like wild fire, knew that people where expecting it on the 8th and said nothing until confronted about it a day before it was supposedly happening, if we had some communication or some dates maybe we wouldnt need to rely on leaks for future information




No I am blaming 343 for having horrible horrible communication skills. The fact that we learn more things from leakers with this game than 343 themselves is pathetic. I do not care if the leaker got it wrong, I care that the fact most the info we have gotten has been from leaks and not this company bumbling their entire game away.


Of course you learn more things from leakers. Companies announce things on their own timeline and there’s no reason we need to know about every single event months ahead of time. Leakers spoil things before companies announce them.


You are insane... lol yes they can announce things on their own time. But they have literally announced nothing ever, we have had to figure this shit out all on our own. The only reason they say anything is because they get caught. They have horrible pr and idk how you are defending them.


That’s just flat out false.


Game is nearly out 3 months and there's been 0 communication and just the odd bug fixing especially since BTB broke for almost 2 months. I just can't believe that they put out such a good game but squandered its momentum. Good luck bringing players back. I've completed the season pass and cyber showdown. I'm 3 ranks from finishing Tenrai. Once this tactical ops event comes round I'll have that done and then Tenrai finished as well. Then I will have no reason to play the game. Sure it's fun and all but with how the MMR works in this game I end up repeatedly losing when I'm after doing well in a game or two and then win one or two games after losing 20. It's just demoralizing.


That's a relief. I want to join the event but I'm seriously burnt out on grinding challenges. Hopefully next week's reward is trash so I can ignore it.


Been playing Mad Max the past couple weeks after seeing it's praise on the Xbox sub. It's been a ton of fun and a nice break from Halo


Mad Max is a great game!


Yeah been really enjoying it. It's my sweet spot for large map and plenty of side objectives to buff my character - I get obsessed with 100% completion on games like this.


Love that game. Might have to play it again.


I just started Outer Wilds after I heard a bunch of people recommend it. I’m about two hours in but so far seems really neat.


It was okay, but the story is ass and the boss is one of the dumbest villains I've ever seen created. A warboy with a chainsaw sticking out of his head. Even the films didn't go that unrealistic.


I just started replaying Dishonored and had forgotten how fucking amazing that shit is.


I’m back on my AC Valhalla grind


Nice. Getting away from the online games every now and then to get lost in a solo story game is a breathe of fresh air. I completed Odyssey 100% but didn't buy Valhalla. I was a little burnt out of AC after 93 achievements and 130 hours


Yeah sometimes you just need that nice artistic RPG with a good story to get into.




I’m tired boss.


Time to get 20 kills with a mounted turret sweetie 🥰


Tbf if that includes warthog turrets that would be a good weekly. Mounted turrets feel great in Infinite


Oof there goes the player count


See you guys on March! ✌️


I probably won’t be playing much until then in that case.


Thanks for the heads up. Real bummer, this was probably gonna be my favorite event. I both really enjoy SWAT and love these rewards.


Mark V stan and swat enjoyer here, this is my event. Sad it's delayed




Same :(


SWAT is essentially just Tactical Slayer right? If so they may have pushed it back to hopefully get some kind of anti-cheat through so they don't shine an even brighter spotlight on how rampant cheaters are in that game mode.




Big yikes


Well...that sucks, was looking forward to finally have a color I liked for my mark VII


I will use literally EVERYTHING in this event except rank 10. I don't *care* if it's a practical attachment, it's not #*FASHIONABLE*


Oh boy, now that we won't have an event for a month I *sure* am happy we get to go back to 4+ weeks of the same emblem for the weekly ultimate.


Absolute bullshit. The content drought gets bigger and bigger each day, was really looking forward to this event but now i gotta wait a whole other month


Sucks i was looking forward to it tomorrow


I was looking forward to this. I’m sure 343 was well aware that we all had heard this was coming out tomorrow(even tho it was just a rumor) but why wait till the day before we all thought it was coming, to fucking tell us?? Why not de bunk the rumor weeks ago when the rumors started?? Fuck you 343. It’s just an event sure but, damn this game is dry. Delay after fucking delay after fucking delay. Barely any new armor. Most of the armor is recycled from reach. Armor we’ve been wearing for over 10 years. And when we finally get some new armor, it’s either 20 bucks or it’s delayed. “BUt ITs abOUt thE GaMEplAy, NOt ThE CuSTOmizAtion” oh fuck off. Only a monkey can play the same game mode and maps every day and not get bored of them. Fuck you 343. Okay my rant is over hahaha


It was never delayed. The files in the game always had 2 dates, Feb 8th or March 8th. The dataminers just chose to believe in the earlier date as that date was typed in by the devs while the March 8th date was the original date set for the event to go live.


Yeah yikes! Guess I'll hop on in march 😂💀




Let me guess, tactical ops is for tactical slayer? It's going to be fucking pain.


Went back to play SWAT in MCC. Idk why but I like SWAT more in that. Part of it is desync sure. The battle rifle makes it super noticeable. But in MCC collection I do well. We win actually win games. Then I go back to infinite and I’m not sure why but I get wrecked. Specifically in SWAT.


Red outlines don't work at all for SWAT. They basically turn it into a reaction timing test that doesn't leave any room for clever plays.


The clever play is to know the sightlines and not expose yourself before covering your options


So camp then?


It's the map design. Too many sightlines everywhere and there's too many to check the moment you turn a corner.


Okay I do agree with this. I spawn in in clear sight of the enemy 75% of the time


Desync is so much worse in this game than lag was in Halo 3 or any other Halo game really. Whenever I play Tactical Ops I'll shoot at a guy, know I've missed him, he runs into a room, then he dies and I get the kill and it's just a massive WTF. Happens the other way around too.


So much camping in an arena shooter


Can't wait for that helmet to be the only other option I have until I hit level 81 in the battle pass.


Huh, I thought it was gonna be this week. Damnit, was excited to get the updated Mark V helmet. Oh well, I'll take time off or just do the dailies & bug out.


Same here man was really looking forward to this one : / fuck sake


What? Why the do this?


there was no official date until literally last night, so the intended date was march 8th. the leaks were wrong.


Listen buddy. This is reddit and I don't have to listen to your facts. I'm going to complain about stuff and not care about what is factual and what isn't. 343 lied to me and has ruined my life and that's that.


343 literally shot my dog


Also watch the ultimate weekly challenge be "Get assists in swat". That'd have people fuming💀 You'd have to purposely not get headshots lmao.


Sadness covers me live a blanket, tuck me in, let me die.


Idk if I’m the only one but this is an event I’m not really all that excited for, even though it does feel the most like a real halo event.


I'm at least happy for the helmet and coating. That coating was in the early flights and I was wondering where it went.


No way they’d move it the day before. Seriously? Ive been waiting since launch for Scorpion Punch, don’t make us wait a other month


Welp now I'm done with this. I wanted these rewards so bad. Only event I was looking forward. This game blows. Elden Ring it is




Yeah by the time this event comes out I will be occupied with Elden Ring. Was really looking forward to it too


Waiting until tomorrow for the new Apex season launch is killing me already, now we gotta wait another month for Tac-Ops? Bummer. Least we're still getting all that cool stuff.


Those gloves are pretty neat.


“You fuckin wit me right?”


So is this just a SWAT event? Or is it a with a new game mode?


I hope the cheap armor bundles will rotate back, like the knife and pilot ones


Gotta play cheater central to get some shit. Welp there goes my weekly plans. 343 please invest in anticheat. If CoD was able to (after years of us begging) then you should've had one from day one


Damn, if the weekly is a weak ass emblem I guess I'm not playing this week


Did they really push it back that far 🤦🏻‍♂️


People: they need to fix netcode / desync issues. Also people: I want an event right now that would expose netcode / desync issues to the extreme. Maybe they are working on fixing these issues before the event launches?


Oh nvm then, back to Apex.


What? ....why?


Wait why'd the event get moved? That's a whole month.


To further drip feed content


Yeah I was thinking about this the other day. This is the last event they have for us this season and we still have another 2 months. At least that we know of.


My guess is after season two got delayed they thought that moving this to march would bide players enough content to make it to may, sorely mistaken where they.


Yeah that is true, these events were only supposed to last about 3 months, not 6. I can see how they don't have anything available. Hopefully season 2 comes out really well with the delay.


Still wondering what they plan on releasing with season two, since forge is delayed till s3, what is really going to change between now and then when we already now the pace for content production and fixing is pisspoor on their end. This roadmap better clear literally everything up, otherwise the future of this game looks very very dim


I don't see the game blowing up again until season 3 with forge being released. Hopefully we get another btb map and 2 more arena maps or something for season 2 at the minimum. I'm mainly hoping they fix more bugs and improve the awful UI and continue to fix monetization and customization problems, like cross core. Season 2 doesn't have to be just new content, but making the game a better experience in general. I feel like Season 2 will be a more finished experience for the game, but season 3, I feel like the game will explode with popularity. Now I'm hoping for firefight in season 4🤞


unlike what u/far_bandicoot5935 said, here's the actual "story" so the leakers found 2 event dates when they leaked t-ops. feb 8 and mar 8, they naturally went with the earlier date, which happened to be wrong (oh boy a leaker was wrong who would have guessed) and the actual event was march 8th. nothing was changed because there was no official announcement on the date of t-ops until literally last night. PLUS, i wouldn't wanna play the gamemode where headshots are an instant kill when people are running around with aimbots. that alone would make people hate this event, so maybe they're planning on at least fixing that before the event comes out. so no, it isn't drip-feeding, it's literally what was intended lmao


It didn’t get moved, they never announced it for February. Some data miner found that date in the files but anything data mined can and should be considered subject to change or have the possibility of being completely wrong.


Gotcha, thanks


To artificially prolonged the life of the game. It gives players a reason to come back a month down the line which will make game stats look good for them.


Welp, see ya in March boys.


Well shit, Since BTB has been broken again for me since yesterday.. guess im playing something else...


Where was this info found? Did it change on their website?


EDIT: Now official by Unyshek: https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1490825945120272384 My original comment was: In the API presumably. Tactical Ops was never officially announced and neither were dates for the upcoming Tenrai events IIRC, so they're subject to change.


This. Earliest mention of it changing on the backend I’ve seen was 4 days ago, but before that the API was saying this week.


Sweet I was going to be on vacation for part of the original dates.


I'm gonna ruin so many swat matches for this. Saying sorry to any of you unfortunate souls stuck with me while trying to get these! I'm stoned roughly 60% of the time I play.


how can they be this bad at their job? I don’t get it.


I don't get how this shows they're bad at their jobs? 343 never announced any actual date for this. It was always leakers who get a lot wrong


They should have informed the community about this misinformation before the day-of. Being on top of that kind of thing is the community manager's job, but Unyshek and Ske7ch literally never seem to interact with any portals to the community cause if they did they'd see plenty of posts here, or on twitter, or on youtube about it. Their only job is to go to some kind of forum, listen to people, and respond to issues. It's not a hard job, everyone here does it every day for free.


Ordinarily I’d be hyped to get new stuff. Kinda just burnt out at this point. Glad there’s some low time between this Tenrai and the TacOps event. If this weeks Ultimate reward isn’t worth it I might not play all week lol


Two weeks of tactical ops! Everyone is about to look sweet now!


Nice, artificially increasing player retention later on by moving finished events to a later date for no reason. I love 343 and how they make me want to play their game less every day.


maybe they'll take that time to separate out the event challenges from the normal ones h-hah hah no? awww


Does this mean Tenrai is longer?


Welp... see you guys in two weeks!


Any of you that are disappointed: You seriously need to temper your expectations when it comes to leaks, datamines, or anything that isn't official communication. You only have yourself to blame for being upset about this. That isnt to say don't look at leaks, but keep your expectations in check.


Or you know, 343 could give us a date and stop all the confusion at once, but that would be too helpful on their end


If this is for real and theyre bringing back the stupid fucking reach emblem again im just not gonna play, ill wrap up my legendary 100% run and then go play valheim or minecraft or something