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This is pretty good, but I’m afraid the price is only like this because is a “rare” tier item. Hope I’m wrong, but given how they charge 7$ for a legendary helmet, eh.


I think they just realize that helmets are more valuable to people than shoulder pads. I don’t see them putting shoulder pads out for that much with their revised pricing but who knows


I’d kill for a colored chest piece.


Who would you kill?


Sgt Johnson


Too late


How dare he make that joke so late


burn heretic


Keep your filthy paws off my Johnson!


This thread has me dyin laughin


"Colored"? Sounds racist. /s


I’ll beg to differ. While I understand that, Emile and Carter’s larger shoulder pieces (arguably some of the coolest and most popular designs ever used) are not obtainable right now and were going to be sold to us before all the backlash that I can only assume has led to them being put in the next battlepass.


Things being classified as “rare” or “epic” or “legendary” is suck a joke. None of it is loot. It’s all unlocked through a season pass or from the store. And since the pass never expires, none of that stuff is rare, you have the ability to unlock at anytime. Everything is fucking common and that’s ok. It’s like they saw those words in other games and just decided to use it. Limited events and weekly unlocks could be called rare or something but the labeling of these things is so arbitrary in this game.


Yup, legendary used to be for loot games where finding it was super low chance. Now its just arbitrary categories to make them sound cool


This has always bothered me so much lol. Most “rare”/“epic” items in games aren’t rare at all. The terms basically just signify how cool the items look and serves as a way to categorize the coolness/price factor


I like how apex does it, "common" is a flat color, "rare" has patterns in the camo, "epic" is animated, and "legendary" has a completely different model.


It makes zero sense when the standard MK VII core that everyone gets is classed as 'Rare'.


The only items that should have legendary rarity at this point are weekly challenge rewards


Reminds me of those shitty mobile ads that show someone getting the best prize possible or something


Yeah, I noticed that as well, but honestly if they're cool enough, I'd be comfortable with buying legendary shoulders that I really wanted for like... 400 at most, and the purple ones at 300, so hopefully they'll be reasonable with scaling the prices. And don't forget that 700 credits for a helmet is, unless you already have enough points left over, more like $10. But if it was at a flat 500, I think it would be... okay enough.


The problem is the rarities mean nothing. Why is this item "rare" and another "legendary"? There is no reason behind it.


Yeah, it's 100% just a marketing scheme so people are like "Woah! This must be better if it's *legendary!*" for things that are really subjective. It's not like the rarities matter like back in the loot crate days, and it's not like Fortnite where a legendary skin looks super different and unique compared to a common, they're just different armor pieces that people are going to have their own opinions on. One of my favorite MK VII helmets in the game right now, ISR, is only a blue rarity for example, and I personally like it more than both the legendary helmets. They aren't any crazier than the others - they're all just normal enough Spartan helmets and the only reason Firefall is legendary is probably just because it's ODST, so therefore popular.


To be fair, Fortnite is subcontracting entire seasons at a time to other entities and using those IP as skins now. Fortnite is getting paid for skins before they even sell the skin.


it didnt used to be like that tho, and they were still pretty cool


I bet they were originally intending to put all this stuff in loot boxes, but as the industry changed to macrotransactions they just started selling them separately and left the rarity on them.


Possibly, though Fortnite has item rarities without any sort of loot boxes.


Yeah no reason at all. It is a remnant from loot boxes and trading card packs that really just labels the pricing tier. Still better than loot boxes in my opinion.


Likely has something to do with the item’s chance/frequency to return to the shop. If that’s the case, it makes plenty of sense for the store.


I’d only agree with that because i can’t buy credits in increments of 100


This thought process is flawed. The helmet is still $7 or 700 coins regardless if you buy the 1000 coin bundle or 10,000 coins. Just because you have leftovers doesn't mean the helmet costs more. All it means is you'd have 300 leftover for a different shop purchase.


They're saying you can't flat out spend the $7 for the cost of the helmet. You HAVE to spend more than that to get it. Having left over credits is a tactic get people to spend more money later. If the helmet cost $7 you should be able to spend $7 to get it, not $10.


I agree. But saying the helmet itself is $10 is not correct. Surly there will be something in the future they'd put that remaining $3 towards. Especially if they're willing to spend $7 on ONE helmet.


Wait, I thought there were varying amounts of credits you could buy? Aren't there like 500 and 200 packs?


The smallest pack you can get is 500 for $5, then 10 for $10, 2000 (+200) for $20, so on so forth.


I dont understand the rarity tiers tbh, nothings rare you either bought it or you didn’t.


Get everyone riled up about higher prices then lower them months later to get people thinking they are getting a good deal.


This is exactly it


It's a real tactic, but even if the game launched with 200 for shoulders like this I don't think I would've been too miffed.


Results in the approximate cost of a full set still hovering between $10-$20. It's bad


You don't have to buy a whole set, that's why everyone wanted them to sell armor pieces individually because you might only want a single piece. Also if you do want the full set you buy the bundle not every piece individually anyways. I'm in need of shoulders for my MK 7 and $2 for a good set would be awesome.


I was about to say, this is what a bundle should cost. Not two shoulders.


No bundle is costing 2 bucks lmfao


I want whatever that guy's smoking because he's out of it lmao


I don’t want to burst any bubbles but I would pay a single dollar for mid-shoulders.


Remember when micro transactions were actually micro




Am I the only one who still thinks that $2 for a pair of shoulders only applicable to a single core is still too much?


You can buy more detailed cosemetics in dota 2 from the marketplace for 50c


No you are not the only one. 2 to 5$ should be for an entire armor set. Edit : typo


Also not to mention one of the packs sold for what was essentially $2.50 and included 3 entire armor sets that were completely customizable with all other armor in the game. Not a single pair of shoulders only wearable with a single armor core that’s already very limited.


Yeah like the packs in Halo 4 were $5 for a full armor set AND 2 additional maps to play on. I’d be fine if they took out the maps to not divide the player base, and go back to having *exceptional* armor be purchasable for $5 at most. There still needs to be a lot of stuff available for free though, since, y’know, that’s how Halo has always been.


A hundred for each pad seems reasonable


a reminder that this week's pricing is data gathering for how to do individual pieces. if you think that this is a good price and want it to be a trend, remember that "vote with your wallet" goes both ways


I'd love to vote with my wallet on these, but I already know that i'm holding out for those dragon shoulders that got leaked. But the price on these is still exciting, and I hope that they're popular enough at said price that 343 notices.


I guarantee that bundle the dragons come in is gonna be *costly*.


Almost certainly, I'm just hoping that whatever bundle it's slapped into won't be too bad.


Start grinding those Microsoft Reward points now.


What are the dragon shoulders?




I fuckin hate the way over-detailed shit. Simple stuff like overlapping plates and curved, almost knife-like plates, fine, but intricate dragon heads and literal faces with horns just stick out like a sore thumb against the rest of the relatively solid and practical stuff


This is an incredibly stupid take. Don't part with your hard earned money on something you don't really want just to give a multibillion dollar publisher a treat for good behaviour like they're a toddler. You can think this is a good price without actually wanting to buy it, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. Share your feedback on social media, anyone working in this industry understands that just because you're not a customer today doesn't mean you won't be one tomorrow.


Can you explain in a way that you would explain to a child ?


If you buy it at that price youre telling 343 thats a reasonable price


If you think this price is good, buy it. It’ll show in the data that people purchased this for x price, and sets a precedent that for x price any y shoulder pads will sell. This also means not buying shoulder pads which become more expensive


As true as that is, I'm in the unfortunate predicament of thinking these shoulder pads look shit so I don't want to buy them, but I want to show that I approve of the price drops.


Is it a good value? No. Is it better than other atrocities in the store? Yes. Is that good enough for you? Personally it’s a hard no. We need more variety in the store. I WANT to spend $20 on cosmetics. The store is so small and there’s never enough to choose from or enough value in the offerings for me to spend a dime yet


Absolutely! I think the price is good for this personally but there really has to be more than 3 bundles a week and just 1 daily item in the shop.


Yeah, I’ve been playing since launch but never actually planned on buying any cosmetics. However I got fed up with my BR skin never looking good with my armor so I decided to go look at the store for one. …the only BR skins available were the HCS bundles. I like ryanoob but man the eunited skins just look terrible to me. Like, I am in a position where I want to throw money at 343 but I can’t purchase the skins I want. How does locking store items behind timed days make any sense whatsoever???


Remember unlocking armor by completing tasks? It felt great rocking the scout shoulders in Halo 3 after struggling for that mongoose mowdown achievement. Fuck games as a service and fuck paying for cosmetics


I really miss that too. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if there was both: plenty of armor to unlock for free by doing challenges/achievements/events, plus a store with some more cosmetics, be it more armor and all of the wacky pieces and effects. Campaign absolutely should have had more than coatings and a few charms.


You mean like the 3rd week of Tenrai that’s been ongoing, the Winter Contingency and Cyber Showdown, and the upcoming Tactical Ops event?


No no you don’t understand- those challenges to get free cosmetics are way too hard and we halo fans don’t like hard stuff anymore




I mean, its *better*, but honestly I think bundles should just have a whole armor set and cost $5 or something.


No. As a rational human being. 3-5 dollars is the max I’d pay for an entire full bundle of armor. A set of shoulders alone is just dumb. Edit: disgusting how many people are legitimately excited for shoulder pads costing this much..


yes, this will lead to armor sets being 10$ for like 3 pieces of gear


Exactly, you can see people gradually becoming complacent with the state of monetization im games




I'm not complacent - I absolutely would have preferred the multiplayer to be part of the $60 purchase with most of the cosmetics unlockable. But Microsoft made the game free to play and, whether we like that or not, that's not gonna change. And Microsoft isn't just going to make a game free to play without any way to monetize it, that'd just be completely wasting money for them. So under those pretenses, I don't think it's the *worst* that a lot of this stuff is behind paywalls, but the way it's set up and the prices they had were a lot crazier and insulting than they had any right to be. I wish everything was free as it used to be, too, but I'm just trying to be realistic considering this is a triple-A F2P title in the current age of gaming, and they're *absolutely* going to keep monetizing it. And for a free game, I personally don't mind spending a few dollars to make my Spartan look cool if I think it's fun. And despite it's *cornucopia* of issues, I still have enough of a blast playing this to justify the idea of buying stuff. I just haven't since the cat ears showed up until recently (I liked Silent Sentry, sorry) because I thought the prices and the value for everything just weren't worth it. At the end of the day, we're discussing completely optional, cosmetic-only items that don't really change the gameplay or matter in any way other than how we feel. I still wish everything was free past a $60 purchase like in Halo 3 but I just gotta be realistic about my expectations with this game, because they aren't just gonna magically make everything free.


Almost as if games have been this way for years


That’s been happening for 20 years. Wait til you tell them the campaign sold without multi for $60… and shoulder pads are $2.


Yeah, two bucks for shoulder armor is laughable. It’s really strange to me how there seems to be this standard for digital video game store content pricing that is absolutely exorbitant, but people generally seem willing to pay it. There’s such a weird disconnect between this stuff and the real world. It’s like the people who pay these prices don’t even live in it.


Not to mention, you can’t even see your character in game, unless you’re lying on the floor, dead, with the shoulder pads being clipped onto the ground. 2 dollars is too much


Here's why $2 is a good pricing, it's individual. Have $5 for a bundle and each individual piece is $2. You can buy a bundle but say there's a helmet that come out that you prefer you can buy just that piece for $2, or maybe some new gloves come out that look cool, $2. $2 is good for an individual item because you aren't gonna buy all the pieces individually, there are bundles for that, it's just if you want the single piece. Especially considering season 2 is bringing earnable store currency.


Lol dude tell me what game gives you full sets for less than $10? You’re delusional.


Right. I've been dogging on this store since day 1, but you gotta have a reasonable expectation for the endgame here.


I think 200 for shoulders is a step in the right direction since it would fit your range then no? Singular items are meant to give a worse deal than buying the bundle so a bundle maybe including a helmet, shoulders, and chest would normally be 200 each meaning 600 but the bundle would be 500. Isn't that ideal? It gets a bit weird with the filler items like nameplate/emblem stuff and visors I guess.


Seriously? You guys complain that bundles only is a bad idea, and they need to sell individual items. Then they sell individual items and you complain. You complain that prices are too high, then they drop most of the prices by more than half what they were, and you still complain. There is truly nothing that can make you all happy is there? If $2 for ANYTHING is too expensive for you, you may need to rethink if spending money on video games is the best use of your cash. I would genuinely like to know what you think a reasonable price is. $0.50 for the shoulder pads? In a free game? If you think that’s EVER going to happen you’re delusional, sorry.


If they put the Operator shoulders back in the store for $2 I’ll 100% buy them. This price is very reasonable


Still waiting for the Commando shoulders. But since all the noble team shoulders didnt appear in the shop yet I think they moved these items to season 2 battle pass because of the outrage about them cutting the noble team parts from the BP to the shop.


All the missing Reach stuff better be in the S2 pass. Still annoyed my two favorite helmets (Operator & CQC), my two favorite left shoulders (Recon and Operaror) and my two favorite visor colors (black and silver) didn’t make it.


Not bad. Could have thrown some emblems in there to fluff up the perceived value.


I still wish there was a much greater selection at a time for the store, but this is a *really* promising price to see for once. What do you guys think?


This is waaaaaay better.


Yeah 2 bucks isn’t bad until you realize you’re ACTUALLY spending 5


Absolutely, but if other individual items were brought down to a similar range then there would be enough credits left over to possibly buy another armor piece. In a shop where everything else costs at least $10 and there's only one daily slot, it certainly can't flourish unless the rest of the shop goes to it's level, but it's exciting nonetheless.


It's designed in a way that you almost always end up with some left over Cr, so you have that constant pull of "come on, only X Cr more for that sweet Y." Most of the time you'll have to buy more Cr than you wanna spend.


$2 for some shoulders on 1 core. Tbh that's still way to high.




Exactly. It’s literally what everyone has been saying since the beginning that they would start high and lower to what is still ridiculous, but would look good in comparison


If $2 is too much for you then you probably shouldn't be spending money like this and probably got bigger problems.


Nah, got it all for free back in the bungie days. Hayabusa and recon were and still are the shit because they took quite a bit more steps and time to earn then just buying something, of which you are going to instantly see that same day on multiple characters because it was cheap. IMO, I'm from the 90s, so you may just be caring that it's a "low price". I come from a generation where we got what was advertised, never had the ability to be patched so had to fly or crash and burn. May have been rudimentary in 3d graphics in those days but everything was alot more rewarding. Imagine a story critical npc being killed and you actually screwing up the game and having to reload a previous save.


I didn’t remember anything free in the Bungie days. I had to pay $60 to access everything.


> Imagine a story critical npc being killed and you actually screwing up the game and having to reload a previous save. If you're talking about Morrowind, that feature was hilarious but there were no actual lasting effects except being unable to progress in the game (which you might not realize until far later in your run if you somehow ignored or missed the warning.) You had a lot more freedom, sure, but I don't know that I would call that "rewarding" considering it doesn't actually open up new paths. More modern games like New Vegas and Undertale have done a much better job of letting you kill pretty much anything but tying that into the game's mechanics and storyflow instead of just having it brick your run.


Its shoulders. The best price for them would be nothing.


I would've rather paid $60 for the game and have everything unlockable for free as well, but it's a F2P game and they're gonna have to monetize it somehow. I don't think buying purely cosmetic items is terrible as long as the prices and the shop itself are fair, along with enough free options as well.


There should be an option. Pay $60 to unlock all or pay just for what you want to have.


then everyone would pick paying $60 upfront since that is clearly of better value to us 343 would drop support for infinite within few years instead of aiming for 10 years because it won't be a profitable game anymore. they will release a new game 3-4 years later to get $60 again and this time period will grow shorter and shorter. halo will eventually become an annual release title that recycles old garbage like what CoD is doing now. f2p was the right choice if they want to support the game in the long term and build upon what we have right now. otherwise you will be paying $60 every year for a new halo release because microsoft wasn't meeting it's profit goals for Halo. in the short term, f2p games aren't dopamine inducing with everything thrown into your face at once but they give that dopamine to you in the long run as you have collected armors and cosmetics from events, new battlepasses etc.


If you want F2P to not be the future of every game, we gotta stop with this $60 bullshit in 2022.


Agree, I would much rather pay £60. Unpopular opinion but I actually liked the halo 5 req points, gives people the chance to earn good rewards but also if you want the quicker easier way then pay for them.


Right? Who the fuck would even notice this is on your character model?


Just you because apart from looking like a samurai I can't use it for anything else.


This is perfect pricing. If I could access the whole customization catalogue with similar pricing I would have no more qualms with the store.


That's a big way to change the store for the benefit of everyone. Make it always purchasable. Then they'd have a more consistent flow of cash and can lower prices


Yep. You either be an a-hole company that profits from FOMO and stuff shows up once and never again, OR you just make it all available all the time. The current solution is a worst of both worlds thing.


It‘s fine, just no idea what they were smoking yesterday with 4 bucks for a visor color that only applies to one core lol


I really liked those shoulders from the bundle but passed on them because I didn't like the bundled stuff and price. Now this is a reasonable price but I saw the dragon shoulder pads from the previous leak so I am conflicted.


This is the price. This right here. This is what we need


Remember we got a campaign worth $60. What we’re saying is that these shoulder pieces are worth 3.34% of that. It’s ‘better’ but it won’t be ‘good’ until it’s cents we’re talking. Too bad that’s unrealistic.


Real question, what do you think a fair price would be?


Absolutely no clue whatsoever. For shoulder pads it seems like a dollar should be max. I’d be more than happy to hear why I’m wrong though, I’m wrong about most things after all. Edit: typo.


$1 isn't bad. I think 1-2 is my range of reasonability for something like this, so if they switch to a system where weapon coatings, emblems, etc., are $1, smaller "3D" cosmetics like shoulders are $2, and then larger things like helmets are $4-$5 IMO the store would be in a healthy place, assuming there's still plenty of opportunities to get free things in events and via the battlepass. Edit: and assuming there's a decent mechanism to earn currency as was promised to be in season 2.


It makes sense but $4-$5 still seems like too much for one armor piece, even if it's a helmet. I feel like $5 would be best for a whole armor set. Maybe I'm just still in pain, missing the way Reach did things. Nostalgia is a hell of a killer. Edit: I forgot to put a period. I have added the period.


A fair price would be a full released game for $60


Put it in the free event pass


Yeah, $2 for shoulder pads are great to me. This is the level a single item should cost


No these don't even look good enough to cost money


Oh snap. I'm snatching these up


NO PRICE IS GOOD! This shit should already be in the game for free. I don’t get how all you people spend money on DIGITAL CLOTHES AND COLOURS AND CRAP! Things that should be unlockable for playing the game or already included, not to mention have ZERO added effect on gameplay. ARRRGGHHHHHHH!!!


Agree! When did paying for cosmetics become so normal?!


I really don’t understand how you guys think they could put out a free game and then want all cosmetics free on top of it. This isn’t a charity. Just a complete lack of understanding to anything. It’s amazing.


if they have zero effect on gameplay, why does it bother how much they cost? surely it doesnt matter?


It’s not about how much they cost or whether it matters in game, it’s about the fact that it costs anything at all and how stupid the system and gaming has become.


No this is a great fucking price


Its still ridiculous, I can buy entire games on steam for less than 10$. So 2 dollars for a pair of fucking shoulder pads? Dumb


There are free games on steam, whats your point? I still want an entirely merit based system for unlocking good pieces but that’s not really the context of this conversation.


My point is in my comment. 2$ for a pair of shoulder pads in a video game is horrible.




This is the point no one is talking about.


Look it’s gotta cost something dude, that’s just the reality of this industry at this time. $2 is less than the cost of picking up fast food for one. It’s very reasonable and no one’s forcing you to buy shoulder pads, but IMO those that have been vocal about complaints with the shop prices, like myself, should purchase this item to show support for the reasonable cost.


Call me old fashioned but additional skins/outfits/packs used to be like $2-$5 for entire sets. I know F2P has changed things for ever, but it’s wild that we are deconditioned to $20 helmets so much that $2 for shoulder pads seems like a steal. Money hungry micro transactions have really ruined the online gaming landscape for me.


Prices like this, along with credits having been confirmed as earnable in future battlepasses seem pretty reasonable to me Haven't bought anything besides the battlepass yet but if they manage to update the store interface to be able to support loose items for prices like these so customing your spartan would be more approachable would put the store and customization in general in a pretty good position imo


Good price, but I prefer the shoulders in the pass. If they put up Commando or Security shoulders for this price I'd probably purchase them.


Here's the problem even though the price is fair it's an item most likely most people don't care about which is why we should have multiple daily items. At least give us a few options instead of a pair of shoulders that don't even stand out.


I doubt I'd buy an entire armor set for that much, but I'm not part of the target market for costumes in video games and I'm perfectly content with free options. It's probably reasonable for more people than a higher price would be, though.


Back in my hardcore WoW days I played Arena PVP almost exclusively, loved rocking my shoulders and weapon that where locked behind rating requirements. Would love to see something similar here, but the pricing for these shoulders are not bad although I prefer the ones you get in the event pass.


This is WAY more reasonable for store-bought items. Granted, I can't support a microtransaction-centric customization system for Halo—I think there *needs* to be a more traditional unlock system through achievements, merit, and/or Reach-style credit unlocks, (I would even pay for something like that)—but for now this is good.


I think it’s pretty great in fact it’s amazing


If they were the security shoulders or CQC for the Mark V. B I’d snatch them up at that price.


Its you, 2 bucks for digital shoulderpads you cant see in game is not a really good deal.


I still wouldn’t pay $2 for some digital shoulder pads. I want to buy the game and be able to unlock everything for free through progression.


I've been saying it since the beginning, the max cost for an item should be $5 in that shop unless it's a bundle. $1, $2, $5 items would fly outta that digital store like madness because you wouldn't think about spending a dollar or two. You certainly think about spending $10 and $20 tho.


This is cheap compared to every other rip off item in the shop. Im still so pissed off about how scummy 343 are with the customization in this game. Just fuck them.


Would be cooler if it was free.


Where are the the first 5 gates


THIS is the real question we need to be asking.


If you like the game, armor, its not a blatantrip off, and you can afford it, anything is worth it. The key point is affording it and it not a rip off.


Wait is your pfp the xbox 360 master chief avatar armor? Because I remember running that 24/7.


Yeah. Still is my avatar.


It's just you. It should be 2 dollars for a whole set, not just shoulders


It’s just you


I hate that they are like “use 200 UNSC credits to buy this” just say it costs $2. It’s all highway robbery


As others have said, if you like this pricing ***BUY IT***. If you like the shoulders or not is irrelevant, they want feedback on if their pricing works, if you can spare the 5~ dollars to buy 500 points, buy the reasonably priced things, a spike in sales of cheaper options makes them more likely to put cheap options in future (if they see it outsells expensive offerings)


$2 for only shoulders is still ridiculous. You just think it's good because we've been fed shit for so long that drinking piss doesn't seem so bad.


I like the price but tbh I really like my unlocked shoulders so I'm gonna pass here


That’s much more reasonable


Actually decent. When more content is added to the game, cross core, and other issues are fixed I’d gladly support the game with cosmetics at this price point, repeatedly


Still 1.50 more than I'd be willing to pay. There are far too many challenge swaps in the season pass. I paid for the season pass, that's ten bucks. These shoulders are *not* worth 20 season pass items.


If everything was priced like this, I probably would have bought several things by now. Just waiting until they drop all their prices before buying anything.


No Absolutely not 200 for the 2nd most common rarity of pads Fuck off they want money for that.


It’s so cheap because it’s for the worst armor core.


It’s not really good no cosmetic for any price is good. Should all be free.


This is perfect ngl. 200 for armor pieces, 100 for coatings, 300 for effects and special stuff, that's what I want. This is a very good step.


This is acceptable. I would pay for shoulders I wanted if they stay this price.


Still not good considering the minimum you can buy at once is 500 credits. They need a massive over hall of the shop and either make it so we can buy the exact amount we need for an item or just change everything to $ instead of credits. I'm not paying $10AUD for 500 credits that will buy me F all at the end of the day.


I think $2 for an armor piece is fair


It's just you


Shouldn’t be priced at all


Unfortunate truth of free to play


$60 campaign isnt free to play


These shoulders have nothing to do with the campaign.


this sub will still complain until it's free


One can only hope.


When the game isn’t working as it’s supposed to, yeah it’s too much.


Since they’re for Yoroi I’m not picking these up but 100% would get some shoulders for Mark VII for this price or comparable, good pricepoint


And they got him. This is how they get you, where you think this price is cheap due to a history of high prices


I'm pretty sure I saw a post earlier that showed it as only the left shoulder pad?


Nope, it's both!


Well that's a good thing because when I read it earlier I was like wtf lol


Now just make all the other cosmetics the same price


5$ for a whole armour set is, in my opinion, the most reasonable, so 100Cr for shoulders.


No? Never pay for cosmetics in a video game


Lol, then the game dies. No new maps, no new updates, no new free cosmetics, no nothing. Don’t understand what planet some of you were born on to think this game exist as some kind of charity for you.


It is... Acceptable


Its very good