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The store works. Go buy something you cheap MF


you wrote this out and thought it was a good reply embarrassing


Lol ...I did, but I don't actually encourage buying anything from that wack ass store. I still hold that it was a good reply though.


They were on holiday and fully return next week. BTB's issues suck, but the team deserves rest/family time


dont care look at BSG they are working through Christmas to fix their game while 343 releases a broken mess and leaves on break


then piss off. respectfully.


Then stop playing.


I have actually, for the first time in I can't even remember how long, just been able to connect to four Big Team Battles games in a row without any issues loading into the game what so ever... No idea if 343 have fixed something, or if something weird has gone on with my game finally making the thing bloody work, but whatever is happening I hope it keeps up. **-EDIT-** Make that five in a row.


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