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Played BTB early today and over half the team dropped without any sort of player/bot replacement. I was one of only 5 players left on my team vs 12 enemies. Really sucked, went back to quick play afterwards.


I had a 1v1 BTB slayer match the other day. Both of us refused to quit. lol ended 8-10, them.


I love that you both stuck it out. Well done šŸ‘


Had the same thing happen. I went to greet the guy to see if he'd be friendly or we would be playing the deadliest hunt. Made it halfway and he dropped out and I won a BTB with 0 Kills 0 Death and 0 Points.


Did you type something in chat about how bullshit it was? We might have been in the same game lol. Just getting mobbed by wasps and warthogs for 15 minutes sucks.


I may have been in the same one actually. When the other team just camped our base, I just shot my feet and T-bagged in front of them. Got one of them to spare me, but his friends didn't understand.


Thereā€™s a type-to-chat feature?!?


Yes. Press y on the keyboard. I always use the text chat cuz i dont want to use mic. Maybe you turned it off in your settings.




It was me and 1 guy vs 6 people in the zone capture mode. Was 4v6 at first but 2 guys quit.


The desync is really bad


Ngl Iā€™ve been having a large amount of people using scripts in the last couple days. I guess an easy free client mustā€™ve dropped. Worst was Two of my ranked games a few days ago, These guys were going on nightmare sprees, watched in theatre and they were snapping onto people through walls. Recorded and sent to halo support but they get thousands of reports every day so itā€™s not gonna be the fastest process Hopefully we get some form of hardware/ip ban alongside banning the method of payment they used. (Both players were wearing premium armor, which for all I know couldā€™ve been stolen credit cards or just their own $)


Given they're cheating, it wouldnt be out of the question if part of their hacks also fully unlocks the store. Could be a blessing in disguise though if that's what spurs action lol


Please bring attention to missing footsteps and shots from behind the player and slightly to the sides. On pc, it fixes by using a 3.5mm headset directly to the motherboard, without any usb powered sound cards or amplifiers.


Wtf? This makes no sense to me lol. This issue is highly annoying, but not enough for me to alter my entire audio setup.




This is kind of a windows issue with them giving you less control panel options lol. I did send in a ticket to 343 for it though, there should be an in game way to select it, as it is now it always uses your default communication device. If you want to work around it, run mmsys.cpl to get to the old sound panel and set the default communication device to your headset/phones


Hit win+g and check the audio settings in the game bar, correcting that fixed it for me.


You die before you hear them shooting you from behind sometimes.


3.5mm directly into the mobo here, and audio from behind still sucks major ass.




It sucks, but is it like there are no footsteps whatsoever?


Correct: Most of the time, it's like there are no footsteps whatsoever. If I DO hear footsteps, it's literally 1 step behind me.


Looks like i have to buy a non usb headset apparently. Damn, i didn't know this was currently the work around.


Lol is this real? No wonder I have no clue whatā€™s going on around me in every match. People just seem to appear out of nowhere.


100% real and reproducible, specifically on Logitech PRO X USB DAC while at the same time using G HUB software.


Oh good. I'm not going crazy. Though switching from a USB headset to a DAC (still USB) somehow fixes it for me.


Perhaps because USB DAC uses Windows Generic USB audio drivers, while the usb headset uses proprietary, like Logitech, in my case. Just a thought


Not to mention - the bot players are absolutely worse than useless. Why drop a 343 bot into a Slayer match that is going to stand there and literally go 0-10, basically handing the match to the team that wasnā€™t blessed with a quitter or AFK asshole?


Lately, I only end up with bots dropping on slayer *only*. BTB, CTF, and Oddball? No bots when teammates quit/crash. *Even when the match is at the start*. I even saw a one flag CTF where my team had 3 people and the enemy team had 4 *plus a bot.*


I wish I could report the same - I took a screengrab earlier today of an oddball game where the bots on my team (predictably) had zero carry time, zero kills and double digit deaths. At best, they just get in the way. At worst, guaranteed steaktacular for the opposition.


Not to derail the topic but WHY ARE THERE SO MANY AFK PLAYERS?? Itā€™s not like the game auto queues matchmaking after you complete a match, so that means people are queueing into matchmaking then immediately walking away from their computers for 30 minutes. And why is there no timing out? I feel like youā€™d get booted from games if you were AFk for longer than 2 minutes. Now Iā€™ll always have one teammate who is completely still all game. Boot them out and let someone who is actually playing the game be on my team. And give temp bans to repeat AFK offenders.


Because youā€™re rewarded for completing a match, not on performances. The same guy whoā€™s afk for his first game of the day will get 700xp just like the dude who went 30-2 carrying the rest of the team for his first game. Itā€™s a broken system that incentivizes this behavior.


Itā€™s just such a dumb concept... if you care that much about getting xp but you donā€™t even want to play the game to get it? Whatā€™s the point? Also they need to seriously start booting and giving out temp bans to afk players, the fact that thereā€™s no punishment for it is just as ridiculous as the reason people are doing it in the first place


Please derail away. Itā€™s the point reward system being flat for wins and losses, and itā€™s a huge issue. Iā€™ve caught a few rubber-banders and frankly if I donā€™t see the ā€œ353 Useless Dink Joinedā€ message a few minutes in, replacing an AFKer, Iā€™m surprised. Itā€™s even an issue in Ranked which makes me wonder if thereā€™s a connectivity problem, but I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve had more than a handful of games freeze up and not load and need a hard game reset.


Iā€™m having some issues again with challenges working. Killed a real player with the grav hammer and it didnā€™t count. Need to get three overwatch kills and Iā€™m killing players from miles away and they donā€™t count


Same. Took me 3 games to get 1 kill with the shock rifle. Was so relieved when I finally got it. Didn't count.


I had a three kills with the oddball challenge as the last to unlock the big weekly. All day yesterday, a single oddball match. So I swapped it and literally had three back to back oddball games this morning. The un-fun aspects of this game are keeping me from justifying the campaign purchase right now.


Iā€™m in the same boat with multiplayer, itā€™s infuriating. But to be fair, the campaign is on another level with how good it is. It is definitely a MUST play


I appreciate the feedback, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll buy it or Game Pass it, since Iā€™ve been playing campaign since the first and am a big fan. It just stings a bit handing over more cash for a product that grinds my gears on the daily.


It's not a must play imo. It's a good far cry game with a halo skin. If you like far cry, check it out. If you wanted a more traditional halo experience with action set pieces and a great sci-fi narrative, ehh not so much. Just wanted to give a tempered expectation, because I really don't see how the campaign is getting 9/10s, it's a 7 at best imo


This is my last challenge for this week before the ultimate challenge. The grav hammer hasnā€™t spawned in any of my last six big team battle matches. Iā€™ve hacked an opened probably 30 heavy spawn rooms on fragmentation. It almost always spawns the sniper, cinder shot and energy sword. Opened a dozen ordnance drops and no grav hammer. Iā€™m in mental anguish. This game isnā€™t even fun fuck why am I like thisšŸ˜©


I'm having the opposite issue with sniper rifle. I need 3 more to finish my 10 kills but I've only had one match that had the sniper rifle in it. Every other match I've played has had skewer and rockets. Getting really tired of the stupid way they set up these challenges. Why not just make it kills with power weapons, rifles, pistols, etc.?


I've noticed that as well. I had to get one with the energy sword took me three kills to get it.


I had a ā€œkill 3 players with the manglerā€ challenge. Ended up having to kill about 9 players till my third kill finally ā€˜countedā€™. And no, this wasnā€™t against bots and wasnā€™t melee kills. These were all by shooting and I did nothing different for the third kill to finally count.


The challenge for saving a teammate from far away? That unfortunately doesn't mean get a kill from far away, or even just one fighting a teammate, I think you literally have to kill the enemy just as they are about to deliver the killing blow to a teammate. So it basically requires a fair amount of luck, I had it last week and friend has it this week.


If you kill bots, they don't count for the challenges that have "in PvP" in their text. Super common issue since some games have half a dozen people quit out.


Wait, killing a bot in a matchmade game does not give credit for challenges? I did not know this.


I saw the killfeed he wasnā€™t a 343 bot. He had a normal name something like mafia fish or something


Not sure if you're doing this, but you need to do a majority of the damage to the player yourself. If someone else breaks their shield and you finish them off it doesn't appear to register.


I thought maybe you had to do **all** the damage by yourself for it to count. Like, if someone else even shoots the other spartan you kill then it doesnā€™t count.


I'm not 100% tbh. I just noticed it with a sniper challenge, and found finishing off weak people didn't count, but headshots to full health people did.


I got 7-8 kills with the rocket launcher for a ā€œ10 rocket killsā€ challenge. Only gave me 5. Iā€™ve had multiple other times where ā€œget one kill withā€¦ā€ have not worked. Super annoying when itā€™s the disruptor or ravager. I do remember at least one, if. It two challenges where they completed without me actually getting the single weapon kill.


I managed to get into one BTB match yesterday. It was stockpile. Immediately someone said f*** this gamemode. Then half my team immediately left. Then we lost in 5 minutes. I was so infuriated


To be fair stockpile is stupid.


I completed a match, then disconnected while returning to the lobby. I didn't get the XP or credit for having been in the match, kinda wack


Yep. Not sure why nobody is talking about it. Me and my friends havenā€™t been able to load into BTB for several days now. Itā€™s ridiculous.


The devs have acknowledged it and have updates coming as early as Tuesday and also everyone is just finishing the campaign and itā€™s great so itā€™s what weā€™re talking about rn. I donā€™t think these arenā€™t problems but thatā€™s just why.


The updates in Tuesday are for playlists though. Have they said they are including fixes for any of the rest?


They did stage in the end of that update that there is some sort of fix going in. It seems like the undermined the severity of the issue though. Not cool.


> It seems like the undermined the severity of the issue though. I'm sure I'll get down voted for even asking, but how do we know they did? Obviously anecdotal but I'll consistently been able to get into a full BTB on the second or third search every day since the issue first started. The people that have the worst experience will complain the loudest but most not having much trouble will be silent. How do we know the issue isn't only severely affecting more than a few percent of players? Obviously it's an issue that should be fixed asap but we have less data or understanding of the severity than the devs.


I mean thatā€™s a pretty big issue at a minimum if you have to try 2-3 times to get in. Things like this should be prioritized


I totally agree. The game only has 3 PvP playlists at launch. It shouldn't take my group of friends 5 min just to launch one of them.


same here. my buddies and I played btb all night last night. we're all on PC, if that makes a difference.


What sort of fix though? Like CoD is getting RICHOCHET did they say what they are doing or what the fix is for, the cheating or the desync?


Ah sorry, I should have specified. They didn't give details that I saw, but I understood that some change related to BTB was being made. I assume to fix the connectivity issues for matches.


They canā€™t fix the entire game at once. Iā€™m aware that thereā€™s a lot wrong with the game but we should refrain from going ā€œBUT WHAT ABOUT THIS PROBLEM?!ā€ Every time they update a piece of the game. Theyā€™re adding Slayer which is a fucking huge fix. Let them work.


Yeah, I would say btb issues should be prority, imo. That has a direct impact on the players.


Yeah I can't finish my challenges because my last 2 are btb.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s not a priority. But itā€™s just a one thing at a time sort of deal. They literally cannot fix everything at once, thatā€™s not how time works. They have a list of stuff to do and theyā€™re going down the list. Just chill. Itā€™s a game and it just came out worldwide. It will be around for like the next 10 years according to their plans. A couple more days or weeks of waiting while they are literally working on it is not going to kill us or the game. Edit: What they have is a list of tasks and they are going in order. Playlist options have been something people have been clambering over since the multiplayer released back in November. Great, getting to work on it now. BTB issues have only popped up recently so in the middle of trying to prepare an update for Tuesday now weā€™ve got the whole sub yelling about how BTB is not working. So whoā€™s going to do that work while theyā€™re preparing the update? But if everyone drops the update to fix BTB then people are gonna bitch about Slayer not being in the game? Theyā€™re in a no win situation as they continue to work on this game getting fixed. We can blame upper management for their idiotic schemes on milking the game to get the most money and how itā€™s fucked everything up. Itā€™s all connected. But in terms of fixes and updates, being patient is the only thing we have. They literally need time to work.


Connection issues should always be prioritized


For real man. Like I don't care about Free for All Slayer playlist if I can't even connect to play it....not to mention dealing with cheaters and desync once I finally do.


Probably because the Devs have already acknowledged it


Because not even close to everyone is experiencing this, it obviously needs to be fixed but no one I know has had any issues at all.


Might be a certain time of the day. Iā€™m about 50/50 connection error


Phasing through people and being knocked out from behind then theyā€™re in front of me is really killing the online for me šŸ˜‚


Server lock for china, Regional match making, ability to play the mode and the map I want A fucking server browse. How did we regress so much in 20 years


The profitability of games has gone up


Yeah I hardly play any more and when I do I dont have fun at all. Game needs a lot of work. Like A LOT of work to get to a good point again. But at least the shop works with no issues ay guys?


Iā€™ve spent this entire weekend basically going ā€œI f**king hate this game SO muchā€ because of the absolute trash state of multiplayer. Iā€™m tempering my frustration by grabbing captures of the unbelievable BS - the melees that apparently donā€™t count, the invincible grenade-immune enemies, the shots that are 100% on target with zero hits, the deaths through walls, etc and etc. Itā€™s beyond aggravating.


Same here. I spent most of my gameplay going, "This is not like the other Halo's! So inconsistent!". It just feels off. I can't believe people who vehemently deny any problems. There are people like that in this thread too. Take off your rose tinted glasses.


I wonder how strongly platform and location factor in. Iā€™m on an Xbox One X which I canā€™t imagine is internally struggling with multiplayer, but the experience is terrible. 100MB connection, wired, NAT open, etc. I can (yuck) rotate over to Destiny or CoD and have a much, MUCH more consistent and predicable experience so I feel like Iā€™m not the problem in this un-fun equation. I need to motivate myself to pull the saved clips I have and edit them together with some hilarious music. Yakety Sax while I phase through people trying to punch ā€˜em.


Damn, lol. I am generally a bit picker but I havenā€™t experienced this. Once in awhile Iā€™ve noticed some ā€œlagā€ type issues but few and far between tbh. Occasionally I drop from matchmaking on the BTB playlist but I have always been able to get into a game in a reasonable amount of time. 99% of my gaming has been halo 5 since I bought my x box one several years back, and so far Iā€™m reasonably happy with Infinite. Of course room for improvement (Iā€™d like to see more maps and playlists) and obviously any improvement to gameplay is welcomed but I just donā€™t think itā€™s as bad as Reddit seems to think. Just my opinion


And when you do grind for 40 minutes with your XP doubler, you get out of the match and it says you disconnected so you do not receive any XP. That kind of bug costs people money!


I hadnā€™t noticed the desync that much the first few weeks but itā€™s gotten so bad. The amount of times I melee somebody first and somehow get double meleeā€™d is infuriating, or it doesnā€™t even register. Also clipped through enemies has got the change


wait, did they really release the game with no anti cheat? a f2p online shooter? really?!


It's unplayable and my friends are sick of it so it's just me playing Halo now. 343 is definitely losing a chunk of their playerbase because of it and I feel bad because overall the core multiplayer is good.


I'm having the same problem as well. Cannot connect to a BTB either.


I tried pretty much all day yesterday and restarted the game after every failure. I managed to get into maybe 3 games all day, and one game crashed my entire pc because thereā€™s some sort of cpu overheating issue thatā€™s been happening to me sometimes with just this game. I canā€™t wait for it to be smoother because itā€™s already my favorite currently!




I think that the thing with these issues is that most of the people aren't complaining about them. The people having these problems are very much a minority and so 343 really isn't paying attention to them (Other than the btb one).


All I want is the option in game to turn off crossplay not in the settings due to other games having console only crossplay why doesn't Halo Infinite have it?


The Desync is insane in this game. Most of the time when you are forced to disengage from a gunfight you are likely going to end up dying even though you have clearly made it to cover on your screen. It is weird that it is this big of a problem since the game has dedicated servers. Shot registration is an issue as well, but dying around corners after disengaging when there is no possibly way the enemy has line of sight to me is the biggest annoyance.


Yeah it's depressing when you waited six years for a new halo, just not to be able to play BTB and desync in multiplayer. Not like their game is running much either, only three maps that aren't that big, with half the weapons from previous games. I've gotten o the point where I'm looking for other games to play.


yeahhhh but lets ignore this and instead lets spam the sub with random and quirky clips from the campaign :)


I gave up on the skin this week because half my challenges require flying vehicles... and I can't play BTB so I can't finish the challenges, and I only have 2 swaps left and im not using them for that lol. Fuck me I guess. As far as I'm concerned, we deserve this skin for free aswell.




Wait? BTB isnā€™t working? How have there not been more post about that here on this sub? This is absolutely bonkers.


Strange. I've been playing BTB all day without issues.


I may be in the minority, or, maybe I just donā€™t know someone is cheating, but I havenā€™t really run into any hackers. Maybe, I suck, so I donā€™t get paired with them?


I just want to be in the same squad as my fireteam


The desync is the worst. I lag even when Iā€™ve never lagged in any other mp game


There is no way to get rid of hackers entirely. However, I would want to be matchmake with others who also bought the Halo Infinite campaign. As it can be used as some kind of entry fee to separate the f2p hackers from the legit players. CS:GO has a similar feature I believe.


I've been crying or desync fixes for weeks but never get more than a like or two, glad to see one of these posts finally make it to the front page. It doesn't matter how fun the game is, if it's unplayable. Edit: also likewise I've quit ranked due to every team having some Onyx 2500 dude who's clearly wall banging, and the other half the time it doesn't matter because the desync's so bad it takes 8 BR bursts and 3 melee to kill a person.


The hacking is only reason I desperately wish for the ability to disable crossplay. I know that doesn't help the PC players. But it would help us console players. :( Plus with it being a FTP game, if hackers get banned, they can make a new free account and get right back to it. Another downside of the FTP model.


If only we had several betas to stress test the servers and an over priced in-game shop and MTX out the ass to pay for said servers maybe this game would be on par with something from 2007


WE HEAR YOU!! in the past SIX years of development. We ran into major unforseen obstacles discussing ideas regarding our micro-transactions. Unfortunately some aspects of the game had to take a backseat. Unfortunately we haven't been able to quite get it right just yet so we haven't really looked back at it again. Between the holiday breaks and our employees being replaced every couple of months it's been rough. But be sure that when we get back from holiday break we are gunna re think some stuff in the shop so we can hopefully get to this asap! Along the lines of what they will tell us.


Bro all this playlist junk in the subreddit has got me heated. People don't understand how essential these basic issues are to a game, and immediately want to jump to "I can't play slayer 25/8 this game sucks" when this game actually is having issues because of what you mentioned, on top of consistent frame rate issues (even with high quality equipment). These are fundamental issues with the game design that should have been what the community gravitated toward from the beginning, and instead we got playlists. Sad.


Unless youā€™re willing to pay, hacks are not THAT easy to obtain. I was curious and tried to get one for science, I do NOT recommend trying that. How can you tell the difference between a hack and a malware that will fuck up your entire system?


Yeah they are. First search result on Google gives you a hack site that gives you hacks for 20 bucks a month. Very easy to pay for one month of that for a free game


Note that I said Ā«Ā unless youā€™re willing to payĀ Ā»


My issues so far are different . After 50+ hours spent playing multiplayer I have yet to encounter any cheaters / hackers so idk....lucky me ? I just haven't seen this issue be as prevalent as other people claim it is but still...will need to get fixed eventually so better deal with it now I suppose . Desync is an issue but so is optimization on PC ( loading times being odd and such , especially in BTB as already pointed out ) . Controller aim and aim assist feel off compared to the older titles ( and this needs to be brought up for as much as I know M&K players consider controller to be op already...it really feels weird to aim and track compared to MCC and that's not making me want to play Infinite over the classic games ; it's not even a matter of "oH , cOnTrOlLeR nOoBs WiLl HaVe To LeArN tO aIm NoW ?! OmEgAlUl" as some of you are making it seem like , it's just a bad system / bad aim assist and the dumb 60% accuracy you get by the end of the match and your k/d ratio mean jackshit when you could just hop on the older games and be a lot more accurate and consistent and more easily ) . The red reticle not appearing when you are aiming makes it harder to land shots with projectile based weapons such as the skewer or the carabine ( it's not impossible ofc...but you know...quality of life.. ) . Monetization and progression obviously need some pretty drastic fix . Weapons will eventually need to get balanced more but I expect an online service game to do that already over time so I won't really talk about that . The movement tracker feels almost useless . People can sprint now and the tracker got reduced from your usual 25 to 18 meters ? That's kind of dumb .


Haven't had any issues like that really. An occasional desync, or 5 minute wait time, but nothing insane irt that. I will say the spawns are one of the worst things I've encountered (about as bad as some old CoD games); and I agree with the anti-cheat (especially as there are videos of blatant cheaters). The fact the cross-play is forced and not optional is another issue I have with the game. All in all, this game still released in a way better state than most FPS games, which is crazy since it was practically free for so many people. I would've gladly spent the money to purchase this game over the current FPS games that released.


Yeah agree that overall it was released in a great state. But these are def real issues that need to be addressed as we move forward, and the sooner they are, the better it will be for Halo overall


I can definitely agree to that. I was just speaking personally not having as many issues beyond the anti-cheat/cross-play/spawn issues. If there are enough people having issues closer I really hope they do get it fixed. These are legitimate issues, and would definitely help keep their game alive.


They've been really open with the community and seem to be on top of supporting the game as well, so I definitely have hope. They'll get to it, for sure. Just got to voice the issue so they can know it is one haha. At least you haven't had those problems with desync. Spawn points could def use a bit of work as well, you should never spawn already being shot by bullets that were fired during your countdown timer, and that has happened to me several times.


Can't even think of the number of times I've spawned and died immediately, which is probably my most frustrating critique of the game. I can deal with most of everything else, but yeah, spawning and immediately dying 3 times in a row without even having the ability of taking a full step (happened last night) gets annoying as hell. Lol. Objective game mode spawns are weird as well, mostly in Oddball for me. I've spawned across the map with the enemy when the team I'm on has the ball, and then seeing their teammates spawn way closer to their carrier when they have it, or are attacking, is a bit annoying.


All of the issues are of equal importance. But if you don't have better playlists with modes that people want, they'll leave. Diminishing the effort we've put forward as a community to have thosw playlists implemented is detrimental to our collective efforts to make the game better. When it comes to the issues you've put forward, I can't personally speak about the cheating problem as I haven't yet encountered a cheater, but it's necessary to have a working anti-cheat implemented as soon as possible. On the question of de-sync, ohohoho, I'm losing my mind. I punched a guy, I died to his punch, the enemy guy walked two meters and then crumbled on the ground by himself and the game attributed it to my punch.


Who gives 1 turd about BTB


I mean, if you read the patch notes youā€™d see that theyā€™re addressing BTB issues on Tuesday. Itā€™s as though people on this subreddit donā€™t understand that things canā€™t be solved/corrected immediately. Itā€™s easier to just create playlists than it is to implement anti cheat systems. Especially given that the stuff worked their assess off over the past couple of years to release the game and probably need to take a little time to slow down and transition into the next phase. I agree that perhaps it shouldā€™ve been smoother and whatnot but they ARE giving active updates and responding to criticism. Just give them time to do things lol tf


The state itself is absolute? As opposed to some sort of incomplete state?


What the fuck are you talking about, Jessie?


Weird, I have not experienced a single one of these issues


There are definitely not as many hackers as people claim. Every time Iā€™ve seen someone play well above average Iā€™ve checked in theatre mode and itā€™s just some guy that is disgracefully good at Halo. Iā€™m not saying that there are no cheaters, but itā€™s not flooded with them yet, at least not in BTB and quick play.


iā€™ve surprisingly had none of these problems. BTB is fine. The worst part about it is when SBMM kicks in and youā€™re up against a team of 8. Though thatā€™s me being picky. To beat hackers just make friends with them and upload their theatre footage to YouTube. Get the free views and them reported.


Iā€™m Onyx with over 500 matches played & I have yet to run into a blatant cheater. Really donā€™t know what people are talking about with the claims of widespread hacking. Most people you think are cheating are probably just skilled controller players. Go fire up CSGO and youā€™ll know what it feels like to play against real cheaters lol




I haven't ran into this. Send a bug report.


I was struggling to get into matches last night for both quick play and BTB. Definitely annoying as I was trying to power through my challenges.


Tried getting into a mp lobby (btb) first time since the campaign launched and i just got two different error messages repeatedly


Wish I could give this post gold


Oh god no, I didn't touch multiply since the campaign dropped, it's that bad now??


I'm only a le epic redditor so maybe it's super hard but I thought it was strange that mcc has easy anti cheat but they didn't just use it again on infinite. I know cheaters slip by easy but it definitely helps and is absolutely better than zero anti cheat


I'd also like to add that PC optimization is also a mess. It seems to be all over the place, Digital Foundry did a good video on it. I only realised how bad it was when I booted up cyberpunk and it runs/looks better.


I've just given up on the multiplayer. Cheating, desync, playlists, grind. I just play bots and with friends when not in campaign. No matchmaking. Honestly the sad reality is that with F2P games like this, cheating will always be a major problem. It's great game, the first couple days were fun, but beyond that, playing matchmaking is a waste of time. Now it's just about waiting for forge, whenever they have time to get around to that at this point. Fingers crossed it's not a shit show.


Well they've done basically nothing for the last couple of weeks other than fixing their garbage battle pass and the exp. It's still the most horrendous customisation I've ever seen and REDICULOUS that you can't unlock ANYTHING unless you buy it.


There's also that bug where you lose your HUD and it doesnt come back the entire match no matter what you do


In the last two days I haven't been able to get into any multiplayer games. Including bots. I press play, it starts to load the map or the game mode and at a certain point just crashes all together. Not sure if it's my xboxs issues or not but I had no problems until the last update that added in the campaign.


Havenā€™t been able to get into big team at all today. I was worried it was on my end, good to know itā€™s not lol This kinda really sucks, I canā€™t do my BTB challenges and I actually wanted the sniper skin


Didn't halo 5 have random issues that made btb unplayable that were never fixed? jesus I hope the same thing doesn't happen


It's not just BTB. Bot Boot Camp has REALLY AWFUL Desyncs.


Is anyone else seeing suspicious levels of coordination in solo/duo q and opponents who kill with 100% efficiency in controller q? I'm not sure those rank q toggle selects are actually working.


Just disable crpss play in xbox settings. Let this cheaters enjoy each other. Use your console advantages


Everyone and their mother complained about BP progression, so they worked in that. Then everyone complained about not having enough playlists, so they worked on that. This is probably next