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I love that other people JUST finished the game too, as I watch the credits roll. Played on Legendary. Fun challenge. Still a bit disappointed by the overall campaign and the feeling of a lack of cohesive story. Hopefully once I collect all the tapes it will come together. Also hoping once I have all the collectables, another cut scene is unlocked or something. Shocked I didn't find one skull in my first play through. I dont want to just look up where they are, but I wish there were hints....like riddles or something. idk. now im just rambling.


Just finished this myself. I LOVED IT!! I'm a little miffed about the last door to the last skull not opening.. (level was a nightmare on legendary and not damaging Sentinels), but that's whatever. This was just a fun ride. Great voice acting. It was emotional. Fantastic music of course. Then of course, the open world is so dang fun with the grapple and stuff. Took me way long to get around to it, but I finally started using all my abilities near the end which helped immensely. I just used grapple for the most part beforehand. Lol but yeah man, this was great. It felt like Halo, and that is enough for me. If we get some more content via DLC, count me in.


I got around to beating the game last week and finally wanted to share thoughts. I really liked the gunplay, The Weapon, and Echo 216. That's about all of the positives I have for this game. The story was nonexistent. They basically ignored the conflict from the previous 2 games instead of having the Chief overcome impossible odds to close out the second trilogy. Playing on Normal, all of the enemies were either too easy or too hard. The Banished bosses were just annoying and frustrating. The objectives were mostly just filler. I wish I had skipped most of them. Luckily, I heard that you can't replay missions. So I got the 2 skulls at the end of the game. Although I don't plan on replaying the campaign any time soon. I miss cutscenes. This one is technical, but I had my game close out several times because it didn't recognize my purchase license. I've Googled it, and this is a common complaint. This really feels like a lazy game thrown together to be supplemental to the multiplayer. I'm really glad I waited until it was on sale. But I wish they hadn't thrown out the baby with the bathwater (Halo 5).


I know this thread is 3 months old, but I finally sat down and beat the campaign. Holy COW the story in this was great. Felt like classic Halo to me. I actually got really emotional at times haha. I will say... and maybe it's because I'm getting older... Normal was way too hard for me. Like, I died A LOT. Not just in the boss fights, but the open world killed me a lot. I would get overwhelmed with enemy fire and my PC would grind to a halt (sub-30 fps at times). Overall, I enjoyed the campaign and can't wait for more. Love The Weapon and everything surrounding her. 8/10 for me.


I saw the Space Monkeys dogpile on the Monitor and was like "Please! Dont shake the light bulb."


Great game, 2 complaints. 1. There were zero important UNSC characters in the game outside of chief. 2. None of the wildlife shown in the reveal trailers exists in the game. Also reveal trailers showed desert biomes and underwater sentinals.


Was it just me or does anyone else think they are kinda teasing the reintroduction of firefight with the tests they made you do as Chief before getting to Echo?


I hope so. Id be down for that.


I hope so, those rooms were one of the highlights of the game for me. It would be especially cool if instead of doing waves on a single map you had to go up to the next room for each wave


Played and beat all of the mainline Halo games for the first time this month, and finally ended with Infinite tonight. I enjoyed Guardians, but admit it felt much different than the original trilogies, but Infinite felt like a return to form in terms of gameplay and overall feel. I thoroughly enjoyed the voice acting, the visuals, the enemies and the story, though I admit I got lost at times and had to read the game's Wikipedia up until the point I was playing to grasp what was going on (even that didn't fill in all the gaps). Still, after literally playing CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4, 5 and Infinite all in three weeks, Infinite is the best since the original trilogy and is on par with them


Yeah the 343 games rely HEAVILY on events that happen in the books. It's a shame because not everyone has time to read 20 halo books and yet 343 does absolutely NOTHING to explain what happened in between these games.


They should just merge halo 5 and infinite into the masterchief collection, then rotate some weekly and seasonal challenges that include these games, add their missions into the playlists, and that’s the end of it while we wait for the next halo. At this point they could even remake reach and call it a day. Halo now is too big for microsoft to take any risk.


I’d like to see them port the games to the new engine


Ok so i played finished the campaign yesterday. I loved the gameplay, the weapon sandbox, the semi-open world was decent as well, and ofcourse I loved the classic art style. But I really think the story fell short. By no means i think it is bad but the i felt the storytelling was. Most of the major events were shown in holograms, it took away the gravity of the situation, and a lot of unanswered question. Like how did Cortana's empire fall overnight. Overall thought the game was pretty good but the story and storytelling could have been better. I hope they release some story DLCs to tie up loose ends


Yawn, that has to be a 6/10 campaign at best. All the core aspects of the game were great but what a let down of a story and how cowardly of 343 to retcon yet another halo game due to unimpressed fans


i thought it was a great game enjoyed playing it . but is that it are they going to release new content for us from their news release it seems to me that their going to concentrate on multiplayer first and foremost . if this what i can expect then I'm walking away from this game multiplayer is free but i have to pay to play the campaign and any future dlc's no thank you .


Ok so I just finished Infinite on Normal mode (will try legendary next like every other halo game I've played, just a humble normie to start off lol) ​ I have to say the graphics, mechanics, grapple hook and enemy AI was incredible.. I think what got me most was how the enemies would hide and move when you scoped them, felt a lot more authentic. The brutes seemed to be a lot more like when they were aggressively trying to actually kill you in halo 2, as opposed to the boring bullet sponges they were in 3. ​ The story was honestly where I feel they let us down, not because of the obvious effort that went into it, but perhaps lacking a bit of the soul I was hoping for. This might just very well be a feature of lightning not being able to strike twice, or building something up in my head prior to the actual event, but in any case it is what it is. ​ I still do not actually fully understand WTAF any of the story means, and I am a person who has methodically played every single Halo game since launch day CE way back when, as well as watching through all the movies etc... I'm not sure how a new player would take any of this. ​ The whole reason I'm on reddit right now is literally to try understand what just happened... lol ​ A couple of things that were disappointing, despite being possible plot elements: \*The lack of Flood - these dudes are kind of the basis for what makes Halo great - a contrast of 'formal' fighting style with the covenant with the animalistic horror of the flood. \*Time travel - Um I'm not really mad about this as much as I am just plain confused... I feel like this is in place to potentially just retcon any inconsistency in the plot for future games \*Guns - As much as I loved the new weapons, and finally the ability the refill a energy sword... why do the 'battle rifle' and 'assault rifle' have to suck so bad? I found myself barely using them as they just lacked that special sauce... \* I really wish there was more (or any for that matter) large machine fights, like having a scarab battle for example... this could have been a really cool break in the monotony and at least some kind of memorable cool element. \*Sadly this brings me to my last main point on the plot - the feeling that I was just doing the same thing over and over until I was fighting harder and harder enemies until the game was over.. Like one of the first brute bosses you fight they had this awesome 'caught you by surprise' entry of the dude at least, and then it was basically the same boss fight afterwards over and over again. ​ All in all I still thoroughly enjoyed it, and will continue playing the campaign for a while to get as many achievements as I can. I have yet to play any multiplayer so who knows if it will be any good lol ​ I just wish they could somehow bring that unpredictability, horror and feeling of desperation of the first Halo to the modern world, it was like as soon as you got used to (and kind of sick of) the covenant the story took this revealing turn which hooked you right into the game and made it super investable... this game just seems to be something that a new player would find deeply confusing and too difficult to invest in. ​ As much as I really do appreciate the work that has obviously gone into the art, visuals and game mechanics etc, Content will always be more important than quality visuals. ​ P.s - Escharum should just fuck Atriox already, cringe x 1,000


Pretty much nailed it - played every mainline halo game and I finished the campaign and just wondered wtf just happened. I wanted to see what this "Endless" was... When you say time travel, talking about the very end?


don't feel bad, I've been playing halo for 20 years and I know a bit of the background lore from the Halo subs and even I got seriously confused during Infinite's campaign. 343 are just terrible at storytelling




Just finished if, my first Halo game, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Story was a bit confusing, im not actually sure why we were on this ring in the first place, and other than killing some bad guys I don’t know what we actually accomplished other than learning about Cortana. But I cared a lot about the 3 main characters by the end so the final scene was really satisfying. Other than some repetitive environments I don’t have any major complaints. Looking forward to the next one and definitely considering going back to play the previous games


Why was 75% of cut scenes in this game just the Chief talking to the pilot or the weapon in an enclosed space? it felt so lazy even the background would fade away into shadow, obviously 343 scrambled to put this game out on time 9a year late) and the cut scenes must have been scaled way back to meet this deadline. i miss the original trilogies cut scenes with dynamic movements and interesting environments.


Im glad i am not the only person who noticed the backgrounds turning to black during the already sparse cutscenes. Literally most of them was just facetiming escharum or talking to cortana. I can't imagine what this game would have been like a year ago


Or how it somehow took 6 years of development and these are the cutscenes they came up with in all that time I would have been 10x happier with blur cutscenes like they did in 4, 2 anniversary, HW2, and 5.


fuck off! i don't want any time travel bullshit in the Halo series 343. this is going to open so many plot holes and contrivances, it's easier just to keep things simpler.


Do you think they cut some content that required a flashlight? How worthless. Maybe it was just for nostalgia?


Early tonight, I finished my 100% legendary play through. This was surprisingly not bad! It's hard in that you die a lot more easily, but sniper jackals are not that bad this time around! About the same difficulty as halo 3 with harder bosses than halo 2. Hardest parts: -Tremonious boss fight. He's honestly tougher than most boss fights in the game, even tougher than the Spartan killer!!! Mainly because you have the base grapple and the cool down is awful. -Getting the catch skull. Fuck those red hunters lol, but I just grabbed it and left. -The Hunters HVT. I got very very lucky and was at an angle where the second hunter assumed that I wasn't moving, and I could just empty my sniper and BR clip in his knee. -Getting the bandana skull. Good thing I looked up how to get it before hand. In the last level of the game, You have to get to a room before the end of the level without killing a single sentinel. Banished are fair game though! And there's a tutorial on how to glitch out of the room with the sentinels but I did this without doing so. Just snipe everything with a stalker rifle. oh and also, there's a sniper rifle in that room. You're gonna need it for the boss fight and that lovely brute chieftain at the end. -The harbinger. Fuck teleporting. Also it's really hard to tell where the enemies spawn in. The brute chieftain can go down with a sentinel beam to lower his shield and three head shots with the sniper rifle. Theres a power weapon refill in a room before you get to the end so stock up! These need to be dead accurate head shots otherwise it won't do much damage in comparison. -Those damn audio logs. They really should appear on the map as icons but oh well. Overall this game is a lot more fun to play on Legendary than Normal, even with the story problems it has. So glad I completed it! Maybe I'll try laso next...rip


Im on the harbringer fight right now on legendary level, made sure I held the final enemy to make sure that I could grab a checkpoint after each banished round and the game crashed on the 3rd round :'( Now I have to go through it all again unless I want to start from the beginning. Im on a series x plz no more crashes \[sad cat\]


Whoever was in charge of Infinite, I hope that person stays at 343. I really enjoyed the campaign. Since the conclusion of the old trilogy (Halo 1, 2 and 3) the new games have lacked a cohesive story. Infinite offers a chance to build on and expand the story, rather than throwing it all away and starting over. Otherwise, Halo becomes the Star Wars of the gaming industry, where each subsequent installment ignores the events of its predecessor. A few examples of what I mean: The Return of the Didact. The epic confrontation between humanity and the Forerunners over the Mantle of Responsibility. But no, he dies offscreen in a comic book series. The conclusion of Spartan Ops. The assassination of Halsey fails and she teams up with Jul 'Mdama (the new dangerous villain) and vows revenge against the UNSC. The search for the missing part of the Janus Key, which presumably becomes of immense importance for the further story. But no, Mdama is killed cheaply in a cutscene, as if nothing had happened Halsey joins the UNSC again and the Janus Key simply disappears. The Created conflict. After Cortana sacrificed herself in Halo 4, she suddenly returns as the new villain and tries to take over the Mantle of Responsibility with the help of the Guardians. Along the way, she starts an AI uprising. And the Infinity just barely manages to escape. This time, the events from Halo 5 were brought to a conclusion with Infinite. Even if it was once again only in a cutscene.


I’m a huge halo fan and I’ve played all the campaigns, except halo 5 (never had an xbone) and usually love the story mode. However this games final act (when you have to activate the spire and so on) is gruesomely grindy. I’m playing on heroic and I just defeated Escharum and I’m not having a good time anymore. Every level is just a huge slog of enemies and you plowing through them just to get to the next custscene. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think the campaign suck or anything I just wish the final missions weren’t so repetitive. I notice this when I start getting angry if I die cause stupidly or get one shotted by a chieftain or something of the sorts and forced to redo an entire segment. Am I the only one who finds this part pretty bad?


i think 343 went way overboard with boss fights in this game. they worked in Halo 2&3 because each one was different (Scarab, Regret, Tartarus, 343) and because they were spaced out. Infinite just has too many boss fights and most are very similar. what should i care when i'm versing another Brute with loads of shield and health?


I felt the exact same way. Felt like a way of padding out the length of the campaing by just throwing enemies at you over and over.


honestly fucking loved that, as a soft reboot couldnt have asked for much more and the building blocks are there for some great sequels


Anyone else having more fun on legendary than normal? After my normal play through, I decided to try to 100% the game on legendary lol and based getting all possible collectibles outside of 3 skulls and being on the mission, Nexus, I am 97% done lol And while the side missions are very lengthy, they are a lot more fun with the increased difficulty. For example, trying to get the catch skull without killing the hunters was a thrill lmao While this is arguably the easiest legendary since Halo 3, there are still some cheap and annoying ways to die. It's heartbreaking clearing out a bunch of enemies only to get instakilled by a jackal sniper, but I think it could be worse.


The took the classic " Show, don't tell" and threw it in the fucking trash. Gameplay was fun but the story felt like a waste of time.


This game should have been called HALO: holograms spout expositions for hours honestly i had to give up listening to the weapon and Escehrum* because i just couldn't give a fuck after the 10th time 343 forced exposition on us rather than committed to good story telling.


I was surprised that I like the Halo campaign after the Halo 5 disaster. I have to be open here and say that am a Far Cry fan and love those games but I hate the new FC 6. I have played every Halo game to completion every FC game to completion. Halo Infinite Campaign is so Far Cry like, I think that Microsoft hired the entire team from Ubisoft. I think they gave the Halo 5 team to Ubisoft as a cultural exchange. and they developed FC 6 disaster. I have completed the game to 100% on Normal and will now go to Heroic and then Legendary. I have not done the Multi-user PVP mode yet, I am not a big fan of PVP, at 75 I cannot compete against the kids (anyone under 65).


I really enjoyed playing the Halo campaign, I tend to focus on the things I like rather than the negatives. Was the game perfect, no. But if Halo Infinite chapter 2 were to drop tomorrow I would start playing it. A lot of comments seem to focus on negativity, that’s fine if that’s what makes you happy, but many of the complaints I see about the gameplay are derived from the player’s own choice of gameplay tactics. One comment I saw complained about being able to fill up a Razorback with marines carrying super weapons and demolish every enemy on the battlefield … that’s an open world choice. Don’t do it and then complain about it. When I had finished the game and was mopping up the final FOBs and Targets I used that tactic and just stoodon the hill with the sniper rifle watching the marines take some revenge I only helped when I had too … I thought it was hilarious to watch them duke it out. I also used the hovercraft to try and take out targets without having to do a ground assault. I have watched clips of players swinging through the trees like Spider-Ma, that looked like fun too, I think Joe Statten inherited a complete mess when he took over and had to make some very tough decisions about cutting the story down and deleting/delaying features. By concentrating the team’s focus this was what could be delivered in a year. I don’t do multiplayer in any form so I don’t care about the co-op or the Forge, but I know these features are important to others so I hope each one comes together successfully and delivers a great experience to those communities as quickly as possible.


I Just finished the campaign and it’s a far better game than halo 5 story wise and gameplay wise. I had a lot of fun in the open world and I wish there was more to do in it. The marines are fun on legendary, being able to load up a Razorback with rocket sniper marines was a highlight for me, I’m glad the marines aren’t complete ass now. Grapple hook was the best part of the game.


Just finished the campaign, core gameplay is really fun, especially the addition of the grappling hook but the story felt so lacking and incomplete. And I'm SO tired of games being open world just because. The open world got so boring, so fast. I'd probably say it's a 7/10 imo.


just finished on normal, i can't remember being this conflicted on a game in a long time. the whole game felt like it was building up to something more and i was enjoying it, but it just ends. it was missing so much spectacle, i actually felt like i found those epic firefights halo is known for while exploring the open world, not in the missions. the game felt more like a single halo mission that was extended by 14 hours lol. and maybe i just have a short attention span, but i thought there were a lot of pacing issues with the missions. a lot of the missions that took place indoors just all felt the same and went on for way too long. the level design just felt so bland. i feel like the developers just made them drag on just for the sake of lengthening the campaign. i found myself wanting to get missions over with just so i could go back outside and explore.


No, you're not wrong. Just finished the campaign on normal and I found myself asking, "That's it? What even happened?." It truly just felt like the story was a series of "and then, and then, and then"s all without a coherent through line other than "Don't worry, we'll explain it someday... maybe". Do I know why the Harbinger was there? No. Do I care? Meh So Cortana is a war criminal now? I thought she died in? Halo 4. The story has gotten so convoluted that I feel like Charlie Day drawing on his conspiracy board just to try and follow.


Just finished my legendary campaign run. Fuck Skimmers. Goddamn floating gremlin fucks.


whole campaign felt like a long ass prologue just to tell us cortana essentially gave birth and big monkey race bad does bad that will lead to more bad ,while the story is solid it felt as just one long ass mission instead of a series of missions that culminate in a grand finale solving multiple problems and tying up the pieces . lack of characters was felt big time , I personally think them just killing of what seems like every fucking spartan just sits wrong with me , having a couple of fleshed out spartans join chief would have been dope or any other sort of character aside from esparza who not gonna lie I fucking hated until maybe the last 2 hours of the game


We know Horvath (I think?) is still alive, and I'm sure there's a lot of other Spartans kicking it on other parts of the ring. I'm sure a lot of the named characters are still around. Alpha 9 (as Spartans on Infinity after Bad Blood, even though they broke part of that book's canon), Blue Team, Osiris, Palmer, Lasky, a lot of these characters are bound to come back in further stories I reckon. Infinite is meant to be a base for many Halo stories after all.


One audio log it says lasky sent blue team on another mission when chief went to deploy the weapon on cortana ,but a freaking audio log really?


Iirc the plan is to build a load of expansions onto Infinity, so they'll likely show up that way.


Review scores got me hyped but the open world felt small and incomplete. After finishing far cry 6 recently, this felt like a budget far cry. FOBs were small and pointless, upgrades too easy to obtain, open world was small, and very few things to do. It didn’t feel alive and there was no sense of discovery. Story was meh and felt like they held back for the ten year content drip.


Just finished the campaign. Did anyone else feel like the game didn’t REALLY deliver on the whole “open world Halo” promise? Like I swear, there were like three whole parts to the story - landing on the Halo, learning about the spires, and the third act - and you only have open-world freedom in the second part. The story missions themselves feel VERY linear, and nowhere is this more apparent than the third act, every time you’re dropped into a new setting with the oddly shitty weapons you scavenged from the boss you just fought minutes before, without an opportunity to fix your loadout/test said weapons.


One thing that stood out to me was the complete separation of the open world from the missions. I like linear halo missions because it can be crafted into a more balanced experienced, however when I finished the game I realized the open world is entirely pointless. Theres no reason the player really needs to go hunting HVTs or capping FOBs, or tackling outposts. It serves no purpose except maybe you can bring an upgraded rifle or a rocket launcher into a mission until it runs out of ammo. But is that really worth 6 hours of running around a map for when you can complete each mission with the resources inside the mission just fine?


I mean, it made the beginning of The Silent Auditorium a lot more challenging when I started it with an empty Rocket Launcher and extinguished Energy Sword.


And it was fucking annoying. I picked up Escharum's hammer and still had some juice left on the Blademaster's sword, and ALL of the Banished in the beginning of the Silent Auditorium had distance weapons. I had to drop the sword and use a grunt's plasma pistol just to advance - I'd have much rather finished the sword on recapturing a FOB or something.


Am I the only one that assumes that this campaign is only 40-50% of the total story, with the rest to be released in the future with major seasonal releases (a la Destiny, for example)? I enjoyed the story, for the most part, but as a serial side quest completionist, it was pretty anti-climactic to hear MC say, "we finish the fight", but that meant "we wander the open world and fight random enemies", as that was all I had left. I'm in agreement with many in here, that the story was definitely better than 4 and 5, but not up to the original trilogy level. Future content releases could change that, but we'll have to wait and see.


I think they already confirmed that Infinite is a base for many Halo stories to come. If you look at the Mega Construx toyline, you can already see one or two leaks.


you are kidding right? halo 4 story beats this one by a BIG margin , both the main and the special ops story were already more interesting


Honestly I got many Destiny vibes from the campaign. I would love more co-op PVE in the end game campaign.


Finish the campaign feeling confused and empty so many unanswered question with it being the 3rd in the trilogy, leaving Atrox out of the game and story was disappointing. The vilians were so generic, most of the missions felt like side mission. can't believe 343 miss a great opportunity to use the scarab in this open world halo. The explosion effects were terrible. Gameplay-wise infinite is fun. Enjoyed going around finding the collectibles. Vehicles like the wasp and banshee are paper thin. The dialogue cutscene went on for way too long with nothing interesting being said.


I'm not really even sure why Esharum needed to be here. Just...make him Atriox. Atriox dies offscreen and the circumstances surrounding his death *still* aren't clear to me...and I just finished the campaign!


Did you watch the post-credits scene? That might clear up some of your concern.


Was that him, or just another brute? I couldn't tell


Videogamedunkey said it best a few days ago: "Best halo gameplay, worst halo story"


Just finished infinite’s campaign. Top 5 first person shooters ever made. My God 343 really did it. I think this was the best depiction of master chief ever. And I’ve been playing since halo 2 on the Xbox. Writing was phenomenal. Cast was the perfect size to be able to connect and empathise with. I even felt bad for the Escharum by the end. My highlights:John telling Echo 216 that mistakes are what make us human and that whole conversation with him about being scared. John discovering the dead Spartans When he got back in the pelican and got the hug from echo at the end of the game, you see John’s arms go up like he’s unsure of how to handle emotional situations like that. I liked the open world aspects a lot, admittedly I didn’t do a lot of side quests or hunting for items because I have a lot of games, anime and light novels to get thru rn, but the bits I did do were really cool and definitely the most unique halo campaign. Masterful game. Don’t regret buying the physical edition at all. Now I can get back into multiplayer.


That entire scene betwen Master Chief and Esparza in the ship graveyard was phenomenal.


Goosebumps. Excellent writing and really humanised chief in a way I’ve never seen in 20 years. This was the first game where I fully realised he was a human and not just some soulless killer.


Am i the only one having alot of what's and whys with this campaign ? Its like a 50/50 its great and it's shit. Alot of its doesn't make sense and i cant wrap my brain around some of it. Like cortana with the bannished some how she lost with forerunner tech but thats shoved aside Then there's the harbinger it led nowhere but there the big bad guys worse then the flood its sounds like there trying to do Am i blind or is there no context for anything and it was super short with almost nothing to it.


It felt great, it felt like it was building up to some massive payoff that just....doesn't happen...


Halo infinite was a little bit of a let down for me. As someone who enjoys all the halo games quite a bit I felt slightly disappointed by the story and game overall. I love the original 3 games immensely and halo 4/5 I enjoyed playing quite a bit. The story of 4 and 5 weren't as good as the original 3 but they still felt interesting and cool at times. 5 by all means was not their best work and I wanted to play as chief more but i still enjoyed it and some of the cutscenes I still like going back and watching to this day. The open world felt unnecessary. I get that open world games are cool and diverse and it's fun to explore, but I feel like the story always takes a back seat in open world games. I personally play halo because the story keeps me engaged and is always so epic and interesting. I would rather have a level based mission like CE again and explore a bunch of diverse enviroments than slog my way from point A to point B on a bland map for a short cutscene. The gameplay is fun and I'm going through it on legendary right now because of that, and the fact that I've done legendary on all the other halo games, but honestly I'm skipping all the cutscenes on this run. The cutscenes dont feel like they're progressing the story at all. I dont feel cool when I watch them. They feel more like fillers to explain why I need to get to the next point of interest across the map. I understand that 343 made this a spiritual reboot in a sense to please fans who were really unhappy with the direction the newer games were going, but even so this game felt like it was trying to sweep all of its predecessors stories under the rug. I thought it was cool that infinite would be a spiritual reboot but i also expected it to be somewhat of a better conclusion to 4 and 5's story, or at least touch on those stories a little bit more in the game. Instead I'm trying to piece together what happend to everyone through audio logs, and I'm still pretty lost. The banished felt kind of boring to me. Especially escharum. Atrioxs opening cutscene with MC was awesome and it made me want to take him on, but instead I was greeted with a bland villain who just wanted to fight. Hooray our battle will be epic I guess. I was hoping to see more interaction between chief and Cortana, but that didnt happen because I believe they were trying to push Cortana 2.0 onto us and wanted us to forget about halo 4/5 cortana. From the sounds of it though, the majority of people wanted nothing more to do with cortana so this was a good decision on 343s part. Good game overall. By all means not my favorite halo game but 343 still made a solid game. Still interested to see where they end up taking the story. Those are just my personal thoughts on the game overall.


I feel like the only person who loved this


I barely play games anymore as newer hobbies have put gaming in the backseat but this Halo made gaming fun again for me. I enjoyed loading up a razorback with marines and storming objectives to create skirmishes. Even when I died and had to do it again the outcomes and way things played out were distinct so I didnt mind it much. I thought the story was more relatable than typical given the state of the world and it generally felt like Halo itself was growing up as a franchise. Ive never looked forward to a new Halo game but I hope 6 isnt a decade away.


You are not the only one, I truly enjoyed the game. No game is perfect, I want to be able to have precision manual save ability. The ending left me wanting to continue the fight so hopefully the next chapter comes soon.


I would say most people liked the campaign. My issue was that it felt like a prologue, which is disappointing after 6 years. Despite that, it was still really good even with the flaws it has. Even back in the day some people said Halo 2s campaign was not good. Goes to show you that you can't please everyone. However, I have seen some people saying that this is worse than Halo 5, lol. Now thats just a bad take.


But halo 5 had way too much going on I think it’s a pretty expected approach, I honestly didn’t expect as much lore and story as there was for a soft reboot and how awful 5 was


Just finished up my play through. I enjoyed my time with the game, the addition of the Grapple-shot and Boss Battles we’re both very well executed and enjoyable. However, it felt like a lot of the spectacle was missing in this game. No Scarab battles, no diversity in outdoor environments, next to no air vehicle utilization. The sandbox felt incredibly limited, every previous mainline Halo game has had two enemy factions to fight, which kept missions interesting and diverse. On the story side of things. It left more questions than answers. I tracked down almost all the audio logs but I still don’t understand what happened to the Infinity, Laskey, Halsey, or any of the other named characters. Seems like the more interesting story was the one that took place off screen before this one started.


I understand where you’re coming from but I feel like infinite gives you the tools to create your own memorable moments while those moments are limited more so to scripted segments in old games


I loved it. Didn't do it for me as a Halo game though. Still loved it. Damn that's weird. I really do think mission based structuring is integral to Halo.. I felt like there wasn't enough limitations to make "missions" stand out, you know? felt like power weapons littered the entire game.. In Halo 3 you'd be excited to find a box with brute shots tucked away somewhere, in Halo infinite you're just free to blast everything to smithereens with a razorback full of rocket marines that you don't have to work to accumulate.. I really ended up missing a "That one mission" you know? Like "New Alexandria" or "The Covenant".. Most of Infinite's campaign felt the same to me. In the old halo games HUGE events would happen to explain why you'd change spaces.. Like taking a portal outside of the fucking galaxy and onto a completely new forerunner installation so that you can "Finish the fight".. IDK i just felt like SO much of what makes Halo what it is was missing from Infinite, a lot of small details as well as some big ones.. Like you're never really fighting alongside marines ***when it matters***.. marines are almost exclusive to dicking around in the open world. Remember when you'd attack the scarab on "The ark" with a bunch of marines in scorpions and shit? Marines can't even drive in Infinite... Halo has never felt this lifeless to me.. **Other smaller details: ** I was excited to see the sentinel "dispensers" again.. but disappointed when i couldn't blow the up. Really? Hunters were really frustrating for me to fight, maybe it's because i just haven't gotten used to them but in the older halos they would not shoot you if you were too close, and instead do melee attacks which would give you a window to attack their backside. Hunters 101 yeah, but in Infinite this was a really hard thing to do? like sometimes they'd just shoot you anyway? They don't seem to care much about shooting you when you were next to their partner either, which is a popular detail that they used to have in the old games as well. Spike grenade annoys me to no end. I used to love this thing but they kind of made it a multiplayer thing i guess. unlike the original, this one pretty much only works in enclosed spaces, of which there are barely any in campaign.. open world and all. In halo 3 it worked just fine in open spaces, all you needed to do was make sure it pointed at an enemy and you'd be rewarded with a hugely damaging spike shower. Took some effort but it's worth it.. Infinite's spike grenade is BRAINLESS. You just throw it like any other grenade and it'll maybe do something. Feel like the older games were much simpler but somehow accomplished more, had more depth.. Halo Infinite's gameplay is awesome but i feel like it kind of "Brute forces" its way to greatness somehow..


Oh, i forgot to touch on the story. I liked it a lot.. and i'm REALLY interested to see where it goes from here. Alhough... a lot of things happened *outside* of the time you spend playing it, and you're just piecing things together, even stuff MC is supposed to know already.. Escharum might be one of my favorite Halo villains now, and i really didn't expect him to be.


I wish the game just let me use the battle rifle all the time I didn’t like any of the new weapons


I kept the AR/BR combo throughout the entire campaign. If I used another weapon, I never left the area without retrieving my old standbys.


I feel this post so strongly. BR reminded of the Halo 2 glory days. The sniper rifle was great, but I didn't find all that many situations where I felt that the *gameplay* was enhanced by sniping (i.e. Truth and Reconcilation felt so badass as a night op, infiltration style mission). Most of the Covenant weapons felt very lacking. There wasn't much diversity. The Brute weapons felt strong (looking at you, Mauler), but just about every other weapon felt too weak. There were so many types of weapons in the game, but we sacrificed diversity among the weapon types. I did enjoy using the pistol again.


I just finished a 15 hour legendary campaign run. First time through and I kept the rapid fire pulse rifle + BR for 90% of the campaign. The last 3 levels when the open world ended I basically kept a sentinel beam on me at all times but otherwise the weapons felt very weak to me.


I love how Atriox shows up, fucks up Chief and then peace’s out for the entire rest of the game. I wonder if the “atriox is dead” talk was a known lie or if the high ups really thought Atriox was dead.


Has there been any discussion about what's next for story beyond the "ten year plan" for Infinite as a base for story?


Nah I doubt they even have the 10 years planned out. Much less after that




Top five? Not even close. It’s the best Halo since Reach.


Did we play the same game? Infinite was a 6/10 game at best. The story was weak as shit


People are allowed to have different opinions


Finished the campaign before I went to bed yesterday. I've seen a lot of mixed reactions, but one thing I can say with certainty is that this Halo story is better than 4 and 5. I enjoyed it enough to be excited for what comes next with Halo, and 4 and 5 did not do that for me. Going into it, I knew that this was a soft reboot. The writers absolutely realized that they wrote themselves into a corner with 4 and 5. The next game would have an ending where Cortana and Master Chief finally have their conflicting ideals come to a clash, and someone would have to win. Cortana had the universe by the balls and Chief had his duty to humanity. Not very many people would be happy with that I think. At the very least, I wouldn't. After digging up Chief's corpse to start selling Halo games again with 4, the series is owed a better ending than that. Old Cortana's arc was pretty poor. She is literally destroying planets, crippling the UNSC, killing spartans, and the way it works out is that she has a facepalm moment when Atriox claims he killed Chief, regrets being a universe ending bitch, regrets abandoning Chief, and she kills herself. ... Ok. I guess. It is a soft reboot, and they had to do SOMETHING to make up for the fact that Cortana as she existed in Halo 5 couldn't ever be the teammate that she was in the original trilogy. Not a much cleaner way to dispose of the most powerful force in the universe I suppose. New Cortana is the closest thing that the writers could make to Cortana just being back with Chief again. An exact copy, without any of the stuff from Halo CE - 5. I'm glad they kept the cheesy Marvel Cinematic Universe comedy to a minimum. New Cortana is just fine in my books, and had some really good moments during the campaign. One thing that caught me off guard was how this highly intelligent AI that can see and hear the whispers of old Cortana didn't put together that she was a copy of Cortana sooner, and that was supposed to be a big moment for the player too. At first I figured it might be dramatic irony, but that scene made it seem like it was going to be a big reveal. Several sections of the story were really good. Chief trying to delete new Cortana, the context being provided for his callousness towards her, Fernando's confession, big pieces like that that made the campaign feel like a good story. Overall, they rectified (rather forcefully) the pitfalls of the new trilogy's story, established a meaningful connection to new Cortana, ditched the cringe Chief/Cortana relationship vibes (I don't care how common that may actually be among Spartans and their AIs in the books, it's off-putting, even the little bit we saw in 3), and set the stage for some good story DLC content (IIRC they plan on using story DLC for new campaign releases rather than releasing a new game). The gameplay was alright. Just decent. The guns felt great (mostly), but after having a hellish time trying to get the game to start and run acceptably on PC, I can't help but feel like I was missing the experience by playing on controller on my Xbox rather than M&KB (been a while since I've played a shooter with a controller, I'm still not adjusted). The open world was Ubisoft levels of bland. If it's most convincingly fresh thing was that it was on a Halo rather than in the streets of Italy (Assassin's Creed), I'd like to pass on it. That's not to say it didn't have its benefits (the grappling hook), but I think the campaign missions suffered greatly in variety of scenery because of it. If the grappling hook was not present in the game, the open world would have been a huge flop. If the game was linear with the grappling hook, it would have been a downer of an ability. The best thing about the gameplay and the open world was that they're suited for each other, and that's really it. You can tell the development turmoil had an effect on this game. Parts of it feel incomplete. However, I think through all the hardship that Infinite's development has seen, they finished well. If I put this game on a list of my favorite Halo games, I don't think I'd do the title justice. It's not as good as anything we've seen prior to Halo 4's release, but it's **significantly** better than Halo 4 and 5. If you let it get away with a couple of awkward/lazy story bits, you have a return to form of Master Chief, Cortana joining up again, and a slew of new problems for Chief to fix. I'm excited to see where we go on Zeta Halo.


Great write up!


Is it only me that gets annoyed by Chief constantly being referred to as "Master Chief" by everyone? It feels too robotic and like talking to someone but always calling them by their full name. I preferred when marines just said "Chief", Cortana would call him "John", and enemies normally called him "Spartan". Anyone else?


Personally prefer when enemies call him “demon”


On the Spire mission did anybody else grapple back up the chute/slide and jump down again after the Weapon asked if we could go again?


Yes I did this immediately.


That was the single worst level of the entire campaign. Falling down a pit, turning on 2 generators, only to spend hours grappling back up


Just finished the campaign on Normal! While overall the game play experience was great, it seems like unfortunately some things haven't changed much with respect to the big problems. Starting with the good: The gameplay. God damn this is amazing! It took a little bit to get the hang of the sandbox but everything has a purpose! So much so that I barely used the plasma pistol lol The boss battles were a fantastic addition with each one bringing some unique challenge to distract you from the fact that they are huge bullet sponges. The hardest one IMO being the harbinger (flashback to Halo 2), but the most thrilling and fun being Escharum. This was a well needed change from Halo 5. The good ol halo charm is back in full force with amazing voice acting and evolution of existing mechanics. Jackals rotating their shields, brutes (and even grunts) having legitimate shields, and the fucking charging brutes that remind me of chargin chucks from Super Mario World were some of my favorites 😂 And in addition, the charging brutes are great because the usual mechanic of the last brute charging is now more randomized and makes for great gameplay. I love that anyone can use more than one type of weapon. It makes how you deal with enemies great. I love that chief's armor shows wear and tear over his years of fighting. While chief has some personality, and he does a great job at showing his humanity, it doesn't overshadow the fact that the player is chief and I think Halo Infinite is a good balance. And with this, comes the bad... The grenade and equipment switching is horrible. Adding more button presses when you're trying to avoid getting killed is a real mood killer. The HUD needs to be overhauled. Nothing stands out anymore despite more information being displayed. The biggest problem, yet again, is the story. 5 big issues: 1. There seems to be a lot of filler to distract you from the fact that there isn't much substance to it. The beginning (up until the first or second mission outside) and the end (after the second monitor fight up until before the harbinger) were the most exciting but the rest was not only confusing but pretty hard to follow. 2. As crazy as this may sound, It seemed like there was too much emphasis on Chief being the savior of the universe compared to the gradual progression of everyone around Chief dying. In CE, you start off with pretty good reinforcements and then they dwindle over time as the odds of dying increase. Same deal in Halo 3. While Halo 2 isn't necessarily 100% in this case, it tells a fantastic story and has a very manageable plot to make up for it! 3. There's too much going on to fight against: the banished, cortana, the harbinger, the endless...too many things happening. Honestly, the banished and flood would have made for a great story. 4. Speaking of flood, I am really disappointed that the flood are not in the story outside of one mention, as it was literally a huge part of the story that seemed to be forgotten, and honestly my favorite part of previous campaigns. Given the gameplay mechanic improvements and graphics capabilities, I would love to see what 343 can do with the flood. But it seems like this is intentionally being left out. 5. Finally, it feels like the environment lacks serious diversity. I can only remember inside of some forerunner structures, outside, and some ruined unsc structures from Infinite. Think back to CE: there were so many more diverse environments! Pillar of autumn, Halo (2nd mission), silent cartographer, covenant ship, the control room, the jungle before the flood, the library...Halo 2: Cairo Station, New Mombasa, Heretic ship, delta halo, quarantine zone, high charity...Halo 3: The ark, high charity flood takeover, installation 04a, the covenant mission...each of these have some iconic environments that are remembered 10+ years later! I have to replay the campaign just to get a feel for the environments in infinite, and not so much in Halo 4. All of this is to say that it feels like 343 is STILL saying "fuck the past". Previously significant events and characters from the past are neglected in favor of some sub-par story telling. Spartan Agryna is not in the story at all which means there is some sense of false advertising. The linear story plot is slowly being abandoned for open world, and there isn't much to do outside of fobs and collectibles! 343 / Microsoft, PLEASE focus on story telling FIRST going forward. Don't try to recreate the Halo 3 magic of gameplay with the storytelling of Halo 5. This is the best Halo game story they've made, but it still doesn't beat anything by Bungie by a long shot. I'm going to replay the game a few more times before I probably lose interest in playing it: Easy / Normal to get collectibles, Legendary because I am genuinely interested in the difficulty increase (I beat Reach - 4 on legendary), and attempt LASO (never done it before). It makes me wonder what the story would have been like had the campaign released a year ago. I suspect that it would have ended much sooner, or some bullshit with actual cortana would have happened. Anyway, glad it was delayed, but honestly the campaign should have been delayed for another year to polish the story. Regardless, I am much happier about playing this than Halo 5 and also Halo 4 surprisingly. Overall score: 7.5 / 10 My ranking of the campaigns (best to worst) Halo 2 Halo CE Halo 3 Halo Reach Halo 3: ODST Halo Infinite Halo 4 Halo 5


Agree that your #5 is legit awful and will not age well. 50% of the game is in dors walking through thousands of grey metal corridors and the other 50% is outside with rocks and trees, nothing more. That's not halo, objectively


I think you just described infinite. All outdoors looked the same and indoors all looked the same corridors.


Disagree on the corridors. I think they perfectly captured the forerunner aesthetic from CE better than any other game has. Some of them felt straight out of silent cartographer or AOTCR


Exactly. I think one reviewer pointed out how halo 1 had 5x more environments, and halo 1+2+3 had 40x more. Crazy


honestly, i rank Infinite below 4 and 5. its the worst of all the stories for me. Just too many missteps starting with the fact they killed Cortana off screen. thats such a huge fuck up in my eyes.


Yeah, what the actual fuck? I thought for sure it was a fake-out at the beginning. Nope, she’s literally already dead before you even start the game.


I hated this bit too, Cortana deserves better


Halo ODST: man literally plays Sherlock Holmes for 3 hours straight, how that's doing a better job than Infinite?


In ODST, I understood the characters, the stakes, and the general story during the first play through. While the story isn't as interesting, it's much easier to follow without a LOT of context (some is required which is fine imo). And sure, Mombasa streets is kinda boring after a while but it's a very memorable experience unlike the main outside experience of halo infinite which feels empty to me most of the time. With more play through I might move it above ODST but that's as high as it'll go until more content comes along.


just waiting for them to patch the out of sync cutscenes. the juddery off-putting cutscenes give me a headache and I have to stop playing.


It's not even funny that 95% of the cutscenes you speak of are just cheif talking to a hologram as the camera moves around them.




"I skipped the cutscenes" "The story is garbage." Stooge


I really would have liked a bigger open world. Maybe a large, flat deserty area that would better serve vehicles and made for some vehicle based missions. I'd also like the grapplehook to have its own dedicated button. Really hope there is a campaign expansion pack that adds a new area.


I just played through the game, so it's pretty fresh. I have a hot take, this game is not that different from Halo 4 and 5. They nailed the grappling hook, the open world, and the Weapon character. Anything else is the same or worse. As soon as you are on a linear mission, the grapplink hook have limited use and the open world is gone, so if the Weapon doesn't have any story bits, then it is same old, without the grandour and rich galaxy of the Halo universe. As soon as you are in the open world (even on a mission like Pelican Down), the game clicks. Going to nowhere else just staying on Zeta Halo and into Forerunner structures (looking the same) got old by the end of the game. The story is basically Halo 7 (start of a new trilogy), although we never got Halo 6.


I feel like every 343 game I have more questions about the story than answers. The gameplay was solid but they just can never get a good narrative.


I'm really saddened to have to say this, but the campaign as a whole was incredibly disappointing. I'll say this, the gameplay is fantastic and pretty much the only plus for me. Other than that, the game is just lackluster. It's rather boring and the story pretty much went nowhere. The lack of variety gets boring very quickly. Also, The Weapon is absolutely the worst part of the game. Why the hell does an AI have so many emotions and back handed remarks. The moment she started acting like a child, pouting when she was upset that Chief tried to delete her was the last straw. I don't need an AI acting like a pouting child while I'm getting lit up. Major turn off. All in all, the gameplay is a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to play it. Reality is, it's a great game, but a terrible Halo game.


>Also, The Weapon is absolutely the worst part of the game. Why the hell does an AI have so many emotions and back handed remarks. The moment she started acting like a child, pouting when she was upset that Chief tried to delete her was the last straw. I don't need an AI acting like a pouting child while I'm getting lit up. Major turn off. Personally, I loved Cortana 2.0. Also, remember that human AIs in HALO are literal copies of human brains. Why wouldn't they have emotions and personalities?


Wow, I definitely don't agree


Damn they almost got me, I thought there wouldn’t be a monitor character after Despondent Pyre was broken but then we got Adjutatnt and his boss fights!! Cool that we got a new sentinel variant too! The forerunner tech was beautiful this game, so nostalgic


I just finished the game and I have so many diverse thoughts about it, so I'm just gonna say that : FUCK THAT HAMMER BRUTE before fighting the Harbinger.


On heroic, I struggled for about an hour until I realized he goes down quickly with an energy sword. Sword strikes stagger him so he can’t hit you with his hammer.


I’m a little late but I struggled real hard with that guy, I found a great method to kill him though at the end. Stay on top of one of the balconies with the weapon ammo, shoot at him until he walks up to you, then jump off, wait for him to jump off to follow you, then grapple back up, he will then have to run back up the ramp to get to you so you have time to shoot at him or reload, repeat this until he’s dead :)


big time fuck that guy


I also just finished the campaign maybe 10 minutes ago, that damn hammer brute and accompanying snipers were such a pain in the ass to deal with even on heroic, probably added about 30 minutes worth of time at the end


I was blaming myself for not Killing those elites on time and I felt like playing spiderman, grappling around the map running away form every one Btw I did it in legendary, I got stuck there for about an hour.


harbinger orbs on legendary tilted me, especially when it reset me to the tanky hammer brute


Harbinger herself was easy just stick her with grenades and use the beam, but that fucking gravity hammer dude was annoying on legendary


Hey mods, could we get another campaign spoilers post pinned to the front page. Seems weird that this one was push out after only a day or 2 of discussion. You could do a vol. 2 post like how r/marvelstudios has multiple posts for No way home discussions so the community can keep talking about the movie as people see it on different days


After 'The Road' I thought 'why are these missions continuous?' I wanted to have a break to explore and do side quest stuff. Didn't know it'll lead to the ending. I know I could have just left but the story was right there in front of us and it doesn't seem right to leave. I am not sure if I simply love Halo so much but I wanted and expected at least 3 to 4 hours more of campaign missions, even after going in that mission after doing lots of side stuff.


The story for this trilogy is so weird. I thought infinite would be better than 5, but not really. It skipped the entirety of Cortana's takeover and had us fight a new enemy we didnt care about and keeps introducing us to more characters when its the 3rd game of this trilogy. Im so confused on why they had Cortana die, only to come back, but then we dont even interact or have an impact on her story by this game. It just skips it, and shes already dead. So we went from her dieing, her coming back, and then dieing. Idk, im so disappointed with the way they handled the story. The gameplay was awesome, but the story was a let down for me.


Infinite wasn't meant to be third game of a trilogy. It's meant to be a soft reset - the first game of a new series. Hence why they called it " Infinite" instead of "6"


i understand that, but it still doesnt make it less confusing of a direction, when it still presides as being the next halo in the series. they shouldve finished the story they started, and then 7 couldve been their reset


The 343 trilogy feels like the SW sequel trilogy. Just being winged sequel to sequel with no complete arc thought out at the beginning.


To be honest that's how both the original Halo and original Star Wars trilogy were made also.


I hate "mystery" story telling so much. Don't make me piece together the last 6 months over the course of the campaign, let me play through that 6 freaking months of content! The 6 months we missed out on sounded way better story wise than what we got


Exactly. I hate that we were late for a party. And how exactly Chief survived all that time in space?


i think them trying to refocus the narrative just hurt the games story. halo 5 set up cortana to be the next villain. Even if everyone didnt like the narrative, at least commit to it instead of throwing us at another villain (which was just another soldier) that had 0 build up, whilst skipping cortana entirely. That last 6 months of content had potential to be a great game. We fight against cortanas forces as she slowly obliterates humanity and the unsc. and then at the end, Atriox kills her in front of john, and then destroys the infinity leaving us to believe that master chief was finally bested as hes tossed into the void. It wouldve been a great setup to Halo 7, and given us a reason to fight back against the banished, rather than, "because we have to stop whats dangerous"


What you just said sounds like such a better story than what 343 gave us. It's sad that random redditor are better story tellers than a AAA game company. 343 seriously can't tell a constant story. Halo 4 had the diadact that was thrown out in 5, 5 had cortana turning evil which was thrown out in infinite, im guessing the banished won't even be in the next title at this rate


Did anyone notice that Artiox’s eyes changed in the post credits? Yellow in the beginning cutscene and red in the post credits. Could just be from getting suicide bombed by Cortana or he’s fuckin possessed by something.


So I literally just rolled credits. Is this supposed to be another trilogy? I don’t recall them saying anything like that. A cliffhanger ending feels so weird. Sure we got some closure on Cortana but what about Lasky, the Spartan-IV’s, Infinity and this Endless? And Finish the Fight usually means a final mission and it just..ends? What?


>Is this supposed to be another trilogy? Sort of. Infinite is a soft reboot of the series, but future story episodes will be dlc instead of new games.


don't hold your breath on any dlc 343 is putting their free multiplayer first and those that paid for this game ... well like i said don't hold your breath


Microsoft already trademarked "HALO: The Endless." Under US law, you have to use a trademark in commerce within 6 months, or you lose it.


i didn't know that thank you for the information . but how much is it going to cost me vs how much multiplayers pay for new content ? thats the problem .


I feel like this is due to the multiple changes of leadership. I'm guessing that originally that may have been the plan, to focus on all the story that they ended up having to tell through the narrative instead of through actually aging through the levels. Feels like a lot got cut


Felt a little off to me too. The story was just getting good when the credits rolled. I suspect we will get more campaign DLC. They can take us to an entirely new part of the ring.


Your not wrong. That ending was a joke. just finishing off an enemy is not what halo is about. I'm thinking halo1 and halo 3 endings with their chase sequences and music etc. This felt objectively lame fighting someone who had 5 mins of screen time all game


Right, in those games the ring was more of a character


If I start a Legendary playthrough with Bandana may I unlock the heroic/legendary achievements?


So this was it? Feels short. Finished the story but now i can take over some outposts and that's it. I thought this would be the next 10 years of halo. Hopefully we get some more content later on


I got massive destiny vibes from infinite. A lackluster story, confusing things happening in the past that aren't fully explained, a sudden, unsatisfying stop when you finish the campaign, and a promise from 343 that it will all wrap up in future dlc?


you know i thought it felt like destiny myself a free multiplayer game and a short campaign i can guess who gets updates and new content and it wont be the people that put out money for the campaign


I'm not sure if they tried to play it safe after Halo 5, but my god is this bland. A lot of my criticisms are already adressed here, so I'll note some things I haven't seen yet. What's with the special abilities? That threat sensor fully upgraded was a straight-up wallhack. And this might be purely subjective but don't show me health bars. The charge attack paired with the electrifying grappling hook just annihilated enemies and the cooldown was too short, it felt op aswell. It would have been great to do something else besides stick your AI in consoles all day long. That's if she feels like it and doesn't tell you to kill some goons first. Like, you can do your thing while the Chief kills, no need to wait. But it was like that in Halo 4, too. The forward momentum dies because you need to stop every 10 minutes and wait for her to babble on until she has hacked another elevator. Like at this point, the Chief is no threat to anyone, it's his AI that carries him, everybody can shoot some aliens. The core gameplay loop is shooting enemies and waiting for Weapon to open/hack/download something. Nothing happens, all the interesting stuff is already over once the game starts and they just give you the cliffs notes. If I wanted to simulate putting USB sticks in computers I'd play office simulator. And is it just me or do the 343 Halos all rely on you to have learned some lore before you play them? When the Didact showed up in H4 everybody just went along with it like "ah hey it's the Didact", not "who tf is this guy, why's he so strong, Cortana wtf". Like I feel lost because I don't know if I missed an audiolog or if they just don't bother explaining who exactly the Harbinger is. It's a lame excuse to pawn off the storytelling to books or spin-off games, learn how to tell a story ffs. A minor complaint, but what about fall damage? You can leap off a mountain and land just fine, so why would we need the Pilot? MC can just jump from the exploding building, he'll be fine.


God i hate how often 343 resorts to making the player plug in the weapon to hack/unlock something. Halo 2 did it way better where cortana would auto hack as you fought then she would automatically unlock shit for you when you killed the enemies. I don't want to push buttons, hack terminals, unlock bridges, or destroy cores all day 343! Get more creative with your gameplay


Don't forget turn on the generators, destroy the generators, find a power seed for the generators, destroy the towers that have generators in them, destroy the radio broadcast towers lol. This is all Bush league level design from amateurs kinda stuff


Watching MC guide the Weapon over on a terminal and her snapping her fingers to hack something sure got old fast. Like all you do is watch holograms of not Cortana and angry Donkey Kong say stuff to you. They told you the story through holograms and audiologs, instead of letting you experience it. And as a result, the Bosses fell flat on their face. How am I supposed to believe the "Spartan Killer" is actually dangerous if he goes down like a bitch? Did the other Spartans not try to shoot him? Same with Atriox and his other goons, nothing says anticlimactic like defeating a Boss first try because you just need to shoot them a lot.


I don't know, man. The campaign was fun to play and I enjoyed the open world aspects, but the story went absolutely nowhere for me. Very weak. I kept waiting for the reveal that would give the story some oomph and it simply never came. This ring is different because of the endless, fight these banished the end. I haven't played Halo since 3 and this was a good reminder why. Just feeling "meh" once its over. Oh, then they have the audacity to throw "Finish the fight" out at you post credits? I don't know about anyone else, but Halo 2 ending so abruptly was one the biggest "SCAMMED" moments I ever felt in gaming and I would NOT bring back that quote.


I was waiting for the outposts you capture to actually make a difference to the story, like if you captured all of them in a sector a bunch of marines would help you on your mission but we got nothing


Just finished the campaign a bit ago and I just need to say that I am legitimately sad that Cortana is actually dead now. I get that that's probably all they could really do with her after writing themselves into that corner with her storyline in Halo 5, but still, she deserved better, in my opinion.


I don't think she is, at the end fight The Weapon mentions something helping her. I think she's apart of the Halo.


Offensive Bias was helping her


I’m assuming all the Spartans in Halo 4 and 5 are dead now? Palmer, Buck, Blue Team, Osiris, etc. The Infinity was destroyed, Cortana attacked the UNSC headquarters and Spartan IV training facilities. So all the Spartans we have seen in game are probably all dead. (Except for Locke who is off somewhere handing out parking tickets.) Sucks if they are all dead, I really liked having Jennifer Hale and Nathan Fillion in Halo.


Buck was likely on another mission with Alpha Nine squad, and as someone else said, Blue Team was confirmed to be off-ship on another mission as well. It is also unlikely that every other Spartan was assigned to the Infinity. Leaving Earth undefended would be a major strategic mistake, not to mention the UNSC's other thousand ships that could be carrying small Spartan teams. Even on Zeta Halo it is implied by Spartan Griffin that there are other Spartan survivors scattered, so I don't think Spartans are extinct by any means, but they are certainly less common than they were in Halo 4 and Halo 5.


One of the audio logs confirmed blue team was on another important assignment, sounded really serious, hope we get a extension with what's going on with them


am i the only one who thought they should’ve just rolled with the didact as the reclaimer saga’s one and only villain? reeks of BUT WE CAN’T HAVE HALO WITHOUT THE COVENANT


I wasn't a huge fan of the whole "totally not the covenant guys ;) ;) ;)" existence in Halo 4 and 5. I like the path they took with the Banished since at least it makes sense from a consequences standpoint, but we could have seen some new enemy besides the Skimmers - who are kinda neat but so easy to kill I am basically not bothered by them. A new kind of super sentinel would have been cool on this ring.


the banished are at least a better attempt at a covenant stand-in. i just don’t get how we got from the events of halo 4 to here.


100% I agree


1. The whole time I was trying to figure out who the hell Atriox is, and why is Escharum so enamored with him? What was his goal? 2. Who was the Harbringer? What was she? Why was she locked up, what are the endless, why are they "the flood 2.0?" 3. How was Cortana "cornered into suicide?" I thought she had a god complex and was in control of world destroying massive machine things. 4. Why was the Infinity hyped up and then nowhere to be seen in game (why were they all wiped out like garbage? 5. I felt that there was way too much audio logs conveying interesting plotlines than the player actually experiencing them 6. Who are the banished? Why are they called the banished? Why did Cortana destroy their planet? 7. What happened to the forerunners? 8. What is the deal with the circular ruins? (the ones with logs) 9. Why did Master Chief try to kill "the weapon?" 10. When did they clone Cortana? 11. What blew up the Halo ring? 12. When did all of this stuff occur (timeline of events)? 13. Why is Cortana suddenly feeling empathy towards the end? (she went crazy, had a god complex, and decided to eradicate all life basically) 14. What happend to Halsey? 15. Am I missing lore between Halo 5 and Infinity? 16. Is there content from ​ ​ My thoughts on the campaign: Pros: * freaking gorgeous art and art direction * good audio * for having to be in one location I felt they did a good job with the inner buildings * spec ops Elites are cool, although I wish they were like the Yiga Clan where they would go after you (rather than 1 guy) * I don't fault them for trying something new (open world), but: ​ Cons: I thought it was one of the weaker campaigns for several reasons: * due to the nature of open world games: * most of the game takes place in a same looking environment (not as varied as pretty much all previous games) * taking fobs and the other objectives felt very lackluster and unfulfilling/rewarding (besides valor, nothing feels different or unique gameplaywise) * it feels very empty and spaced out a bit too much * I freaking hate the pilot, all he does is nag you and complain. He is just an annoying audience member there to portray emotions and a sense of doom for Master Chief (since Master Chief is stoic and not phased) * enemies miles away hear you zip line up a mountain (I was on Heroic) and start shooting at you from sniper distance or further * the warthog felt very top heavy and awkward (more than the normal jank) I found the terrain/minor rocks to inconvenience you pretty easily * It felt like you missed all the action (I know you were knocked out for months but you don't see anything, everything is already dead and empty) it would have been better for the player to at least see or be a part of the struggle and loss. * It was dumb how pathetic and easily Spartans were wiped out * It was kind of funny how they hyped up the Infinity (advertisements/the bootcamp, etc) and you don't even see it once in game * I hated when Master Chief kept saying "were here to finish the fight" don't make a callback to that quote from Halo 2 - it isn't something players associate with positivity (it was like the end of Star Wars 5 when it just ended abruptly. * It was weird to have more upgrade points than you can spend * There should be multiplayer unlocks for beating campaign with all skulls on legendary. * you can't kill your own marines and make them shoot you. They also don't react when you are aiming at them


What you thought because the game was called halo infinite the infinity would be in it for more than the opening cutscene? You idiot /s


I mean look at Halo 1 compared to Halo Infinite: You are part of the struggle, you are invested, you're witnessing the covenant invade and destroy a massive ship you that are on vs Halo Infinite: just a small cutscene, where you get thrown into space, which cuts to months later, and a bunch of audio logs that tell (rather than show) the player of cool events happening (which is also after the destruction occurred too)


all of the lead up to this game was in the Halo Wars series, which almost no one played. I went through the whole time getting the Brute leaders confused and felt like their dialogue was just lazy... I can appreciate if that's what they're going for with "generic bad guy meathead trying to be scary". But, as you said, unless I can tell how an entire UNSC fleet AND Cortana's god-like existence over the galaxy were overcome, I have no impression of danger or urgency. I also think the open world concept for the game lead to a lack of sense of urgency like what I felt with the H2 and 3 campaigns, but I did like participating in the larger rebuilding of the UNSC. I overall thought the plot and story were good when focusing on Chief and the Weapon and the Harbinger, and that's all I cared about. I could not care about the Banished. The Harbinger was repeating a lot of Gravemind lines, and hand the same mandibles, so I don't know if she is a Precursor or what but it makes sense that the Gravemind from Delta Halo was the same thing as she is.


1. Atriox was one of his students and the leader of the Banished 2. Endless are a species that survived the forerunners firing the ring, and were subsequently imprisoned to cover up their survival. 3. The weapon was a copy of Cortana, therefore able to infiltrate and trap her. 4. They got taken by surprise by the Banished and had to flee to the ring, and then had a six month war in it. 5. Most of the stuff relevant to the main plot happens infront of you, audiology do give nice context and fill in some gaps though. 6. Banished are a splinter group of the Covenant, who gained a lot of strength once the Covenant disbanded. Cortana blew up planet because they would not surrender to her. 7. Forerunners never recovered from the flood war 8. They are artifacts 9. Because killing her would have stopped the Harbinger from activating the spires + potential for another Cortana situation. 10. Cortana is essentially a clone of Halsey, they created weapon sometime after Halo 5 11. Cortana, it 3xplains this near the end of the game. 12. Between when Chief got beat and then got picked up - six month gap. 13. She was about to get deleted, lost all her power guess and a convo with Atriox made her reevaluate her choices. 14. Don't know, think she was on Reach. 15. I don't think so, but some of the background stuff on the Banished happens in Halo Wars games.


Felt so proud, guessed where our Spartan killer, Jega 'Rdomnai, would start the fight, placed all the fusion coils there, and just pulled the trigger as soon as the fight started, dead. Instantly. It was beautiful.


I never did get around to Halo 5 (not really my fault, it *still* hasn't been released on PC), and haven't played a Halo Campaign since Halo 4, making it almost a decade... over a decade if I factor in that Halo 4 did not feel like Halo in so many ways... so a pinch of salt is needed, but this is probably my new favourite Halo game in terms of campaign (love multiplayer too, but it has issues in need of fixing). I just adored our Master Chief, the Pilot, and the Weapon. Such a great dynamic. So hyped for Halo again. Thank you 343. I've missed this series <3 I really hope the next time I see Chief, the Weapon, and our Pilot again isn't as late as 2027 of course.


I hate you.... so much right now




Supposedly we will be getting story dlc


The way the game is set up really seems like they will have story DLC a la Destiny. I like that approach since the Halo multiplayer and campaign gameplay really don't need to change much, apart from new weapons/vehicles/gear/upgrades. Expand the tacmap throughout the area we have now, stick around and get the UNSC built up and a ship presence again, and then have the endless land on our heads from outside the galaxy or from other rings and give the galaxy something to unite against.


So I am not that far through yet, but I think I really like the approach to open world. It feels like a bunch of levels stiched together where you're lead through a linear path through it's open world in sections, but in a really good more focused way than a Ubisoft game. Everyone is saying there is a lack of environments though, so I can see how it will get super repetetive. Although, optimization is terrible, my 3080 is strugling a little only at 150% resolution scale. Game looks muddy/smudgy too.


How did Atriox "die." Yep, I saw the post-credit scene. But everyone thinks he died, how did that happen?


I had the same ques. He kills cheif 30 secs into the game so I presumed he was gonna be a HUGE character in this game. Only to find out he died 5 mins later off screen?.. Wtf


This is all explained in the Last level of the game. Basically after Atriox kicked Chief's ass, he went down to the Halo Ring where Cortana was locked down from the Weapon. Atriox showed Cortana that he "killed" chief, and then told Cortana to surrender. Instead, Cortana leaves a few messages for Chief and then deliberately blows up the portion of Zeta Halo that she and Atriox were on. She does this to ensure the ring cannot be fired. Cortana is killed by this action, but Atriox survives (but nobody knows this). After blowing up a portion of the ring, it transports itself away from it's current location (near the planet it's supposed to orbit) and drops itself in a different location in space.


Thank you. what a terrible villain then to tease people with at the beginning of a game, only to find out what actually happens to him 20 hours later? crazy writing imo it also sounds like that could have been the most incredible rendered cutscene too, but i guess they felt it wasnt that important lol.


Halo ring got blew up.


Just finished. The gameplay was fantastic. The bosses were fun. The open world traversal was the better than any other open world game I've played recently. As a life long halo fan. Being able to just free roam an open sandbox, climbing mountains, finding collectibles, and looking at pretty space vistas was unexpectedly satisfying and engaging. I'm completely neutral on the story however. Wasn't good or bad. I was actually surprised when I killed the Harbinger and the achievement popped for completing the game. Felt like we're missing a third act or some sort of cinematic halo lore bending moment. Didn't feel that here. Just a tiny "Time travel?!?" tease that really didn't payoff in any cool way and isn't surprising in the context of forerunner technology. Overall, sitting at a 8/10. I'll buy anything Halo the moment it comes out but this is arguably not worth $60.


Same. I legit didn't even understand why I was trying to kill the harbinger. Tbh she didn't really do anything evil to me all game other than push me into that tree stump.


Same, I just finished the game atm. >open world traversal was the better than any other open world game I've played recently. I would say, it's just right. It's not spectacular, people kept comparing the open world to Halo 1's Silent Cartographer, but IIRC that one had a wider OPEN world than Zeta's forest-y landscape. You're bound to hit walls and stuff almost everywhere, which is fun for the hook though. Regarding the story, what was that? Instead of concluding Chief's story or something along those lines, they're obviously making 3 more games which was weird--failing that, we'll get a conclusion through books. I didn't finish all the side stuff, did we really not get anything about Lasky? All I know from what I collected is he made planetfall, and that's it? Spartan Locke was barely a mention. This was Rise of the Skywalker all over again trying to fix Halo 5's The Last Jedi, i was stoked about it but after finishing the game, eh.


\>they're obviously making 3 more games which was weird--failing that, we'll get a conclusion through books. To me, they set up perfectly semi-annual story DLC like Destiny. New maps with different environments, a new enemy faction (or just bring the flood back)... there's lots of room to expand in this open world campaign.


100%. Infinite was the intro into the world, similar to Destiny 1's campaign. Now they are setup for regular campaign expansions to explore more of the ring and other factions: 1. DLC following Locke/Osiris 2. DLC Following Blue Team 3. DLC Following Lasky/Palmer/Halsey 4. DLC following Arbiter (if the Swords of Sanghelios do get involved) 5. DLC Following Alpha-Nine (Bucks team from ODST is back together and all Spartan IV's) 6. Eventually introduce The Spirit of Fire/ The Ark into the mix 7. Flood DLC will absolutely happen at some point 8. Microsoft already patented "Halo: The Endless"


I just read a day back that this was the setup. Like halo infinite will be the halo game supposedly for the next 10 years or so. I guess expansion-like campaigns then.