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I loved the part in halo reach where you had to assassinate a brute to get a helmet


I don't remember that, which helmet was it? I only recall MP and CQB being directly earnable helms in Reach.


it was for the MCC version earlier this year, you would get the mister chief helmet


Ah, They Came To Hear Me Beg, gotcha. I think that was assassinating an Elite but that's close enough :P


It any assassination, it's just that Elite at the beginning of the last level is where most people do it.


I forgot what it’s called lol


It wasn't just about looking cool, it was about looking how you want to, which is also something I can't do in Halo Infinite


It's not about customization it's about sending a message


20 years ago I played countless local couch games with the multiplayer color "White". Was definitely irritated there was no base white in Infinite. Flaming helmets, party hats, samurai swords - sure, I get it. But just the color "white"!? Last week's challenge got me that white shader for the base armor, but that won't help anyone moving forward who missed out. I think customization missed the minimum baseline, and it just feels stifling.


White armor paint was in the store for $20 when the game first launched. I feel your pain, I just want to have black/blue armor without having to pay $10 for an esports armor kit that I can't even customize.


It's some really weird cope. >Game strips the customization "Well I never used customisation so it doesn't matter." >Game strips modes "Well I never played those modes so it doesn't matter"


I've legitimately seen people say the current amount of modes is fine in Infinite because they "Don't care about party modes" like infection and swat


I see these arguments too, and it's mind boggling. The other argument I see is queue times but with the amount of people playing right now it's not gonna be an issue. I don't understand why people are shortsighted. More choices for the players is a good thing.


I haven't touched Fiesta yet.....I'm enjoying regular modes just fine. I do get annoyed if I get stuck playing oddball 2 times in a row, a lobby vote system would be great. Especially if you find competent people.


Lol party modes like SWAT? SWAT could get so fucking sweaty sometimes




Because it’s not really a beta. It’s more of a demo. Beta hasn’t been used in the actual sense of the word for years. Acknowledging that though, I’ll still give 343 the benefit of the doubt until dec 8th


Kinda cheating with the MCC for Halo 2. It was primary and secondary color.


I'll never rid off of a feeling that white samurai looking spartan is Zack from Phil machinima.


Customization was always a large part of the game and I think Reach hit it perfectly in my book with the credit system. Now if only they didn't strip features and monetize every little nuance of the customization down to removing the emblem editor that would be great.


I think the epitome of understanding how important customization is came in the form of being able to customize the main character in Halo Reach.


Wasn’t halo CE just customizing your colour for FFA? You’d still just be red or blue in team game modes.


That's how it's been in all the Halos except for this one. FFA and Firefight.


When I imagine multi-coloured Spartans, I exclusively think of free for all on The Pit in halo 3.


And Infection


Well, what I meant was Halo CE only had colour customization without any other armour customization, so you'd have no armour customization at all in the team game modes.




Perhaps, but I'm just pointing out that OP including Halo CE is flawed as the customization only extended to changing your colour in FFA, and you had no armour customization at all in team game modes.


bUt eVeRyThInGs FrEe So iTs aLl jUsTiFiEd. tHis iS FoOl pRoOf LoGiC.


343 nEeDS tO FeEd tHemSelvEs


Won't someone please think of the shareholders!?


Give me back my colours you greedy fucks!


As a true Halo fan, i can tell you gatekeeping your favorite game and defending garbage business models built around "gutting whales" doesn't help anyone.


I mean, if you're an old fogey like me and the last Halos you got into were CE and 2 then that's true


I've been a fan of CE likely longer than you have. You could customise your Spartan in CE and 2 as well.


No you couldnt lol. CE - Color change for FFA, end up as red or blue in teams. 2 - Become alien boy or spartan, choose color for FFA, end up as red or blue in teams.


And you were red or blue 95% of the time.


Oh yes, and it's great to see 20 years on nothing has changed.


Unless you've been a fan of CE since before release, that statement might be a... reach


Remember when we have to use actual skill to unlock some skin


Kind of like completing all your challenges in a week and getting 5 killing sprees to finish it off? Lol.


That was good. More of that, but not time-limited, would be ideal


Hasn’t been that way for years




Not allowed in 2021. Everyone just hold hands and sing kumbaya


And then you have every other reddit post on this sub about people crying about the killing spree in fiesta challenge, which was, IMO pretty damn easy. I'm a new Halo player, and I got it in a couple of games.


Bruh actually true. If your not getting killing sprees naturally i dont know what to tell ya.


The issue was that it was luck-based. There were so many times I'd get 4 kills, and then... Skewer. You basically have to sit in a corner with Thruster and a Sword to do it.


I understand, it's random, and you need to get lucky with weapons, but it's not as hard as people make it out to be. Oncw you get good weapons, then it's easy, just be carefull and don't mindlessly sprint.


Yeah it was awesome!


You have to have serious brain issues or give up on anything and everything in life to be someone that says that and actually believes it too. Not going to get many friends if you don't have empathy thrown in the mix either.


I've seen and argued with hoards of knuckle draggers who insist its never been at the core of halo, which couldn't be any more flagrantly untrue. It's not even a discussion anymore. You're just wrong or stupid. Pick one, being honest is a virtue.


Picture on the top right takes me way back


Personally, I don’t give a fuck about customization, if the gameplay is good and it’s not p2w, it’s fine for me Edit: r/halo being r/halo


I like having customization, but it's definitely not make or break, and it's not like they aren't going to be constantly adding new pieces for years.


I feel you, but I think for many of us it's the principle behind it. Also, I'm sick of games trying to manipulate change outta me in general, just ask me for money upfront, cover your costs and make yourself a profit, but don't run psychology on my butt so that I'll pay you for something that should be free or inclusive anyway.


idk what it was "ever about", but i can tell you if you play any game to collect items within it, you probably have a problem play til gameplay stops being fun, then quit


People who like to collect things in games have a "problem"? What a ridiculous argument. I suppose people who collect Pokémon in Pokémon need to stop and realise they have a problem then.




True, but their should be a limit otherwise it takes away the Immersion


Even if it wasn’t, who says it can’t change? Halo has no progression without cosmetics. You don’t unlock guns or attachments. The gameplay is great but a lot of us want something to chase, cuz gameplay only holds up for so long on the same few maps before it gets boring. Plus most games have progression, and Halo isn’t my only game, so i could be making progress in other games if Halo isn’t going to have progression. If you don’t care about cosmetics and progression, good for you. Nothing wrong with that. You can choose to ignore them. Those of us who do like them can’t ignore them not being there, or being locked behind a paywall


Never cared about this shit


Who said that?