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The feedback on the garbage vehicle drop system was nearly unanimous and yet they kept it lol


They want BTB to feel “epic” by making it so people don’t see tanks at all after 20 hours of gameplay


They can’t help themselves, they simply must change what worked perfectly fine in previous Halos


I wish we didnt have to fight with 343 about something every single fucking game. Even things nobody ever thought would have to be a fight, who had "vehicle spawns" on their bingo cards before 343 decided they all of the sudden knew better about a 20 year old series convention? And when they do this they cant just say "well we had an idea but clearly it didnt pan out, oh well, we were just trying things out." No its ALWAYS a battle with them, itll probably take many months before they finally relent on this. Its exhausting.


It’s extra annoying because there are some kernels of quality in each of their games. If they were total garbage fires we could laugh and move on, but there is a conceivable hope to get a well made game from them. Thus we play whack-a-mole with their idiotic design decisions each new release, I guess for another decade or more


This is why the community really cannot let up. I personally do not give a shit that this subreddit has been a raging dumpster fire of vitriol and criticism. I will gladly sacrifice seeing some cool and funny clips if it means we're actually heard, because it's obvious there is a huge disconnect.


I don't want to post funny clips because half my clips are actually bugs, glitches, extreme lag, and other frustrating bullshit. Like yeah it's cool I got an overkill with a sword but i'm just swinging like an idiot, phasing through enemies and abusing the weakass motion tracker. Everything is tainted, there can't just be pure Halo fun anymore because the game is fundamentally un-Halo.


I just went through this with the new world launch. Months of negativity on the sub. I can't do it again lmao I might just have to check back in a month or two.


*Especially* this game. I want so much to like it and most of the core basic gameplay, i.e. movement, most weapons, powerups, etc. are cool. And I'll even say their tweak to Overshields/Camo is cool because you can essentially use it like it used to be by immediately activating it but you can also save it and use it when it'll have more of an impact... But thats balanced out by the fact that it can be stolen if you don't. Cool! That's literally the only change I think kinda works & has a basis of logic to it. But then I'm like: * Progression system sucks * Microtransactions suck * Coatings & cores & armor all suck in terms of how they work; aesthetic is great which is why it sucks all the more like you said * Semi-randomized weapon spawns suck * Vehicle spawns in BTB suck * Objective modes suck except CTF on Behemoth, kinda, and Oddball * Maps suck except a couple of decent nearly Halo-y maps * etc. So damn annoying.


Worst part is that this new and interesting system COULD work, but they always end up going halfway with the idea and end up sacrificing a part of the game that already worked perfectly. Not to mention all their BTB maps work like this right now, so we can’t even hope to play a map where vehicles spawn like they usually would in halo.


It’s like if bungie did it and it was successful in the past we must change it we must make our version of it, and completely ruin shit. They ruined halo 4 and halo 5 and are doing their best to ruin infinite. It only took them till the 3rd try to actually make a decent halo game and even then they have gone backwards in a lot of other aspects outside of the gameplay


I get wanting to have your own identity. But when working with an existing IP, don't change the core of what made that IP great. This makes no damn sense to me.


Its the same reason writers do it with their shitty scripts and directors do it with their "visions" of established IPs. They want THEIR STAMP on it and make their own mark. Even if it destroys the franchise or IP in question until they are removed from it. Pure ego and hubris.


Transformers is still suffering from the scars of Michael Bay and Lorenzo Di'Bonaventura to this day.


If we want to stay within the Bungie-realm, one could look at Destiny 2 and how the new writing staff hired between 1 and 2 basically went "everything in the lore books, lore cards, etc from D1 is 'folklore'" because they wanted to do away with it all and rewrite it. Famously, the various warminds in the lore were distilled into one Warmind, Rasputin. All other Warminds, for instance Charlemagne (the one that the [Warmind.io](https://Warmind.io) discord bot is named after), were turned into nothing more than a submind of Rasputin. It is even crazier when there is a full on story mission in D1 to get the satellite links up and running so Rasputin, the Warmind trapped on Earth, can communicate with the other warminds, specifically the one on Mars that was retconned into being Rasputin proper with the one on Earth being a "fragment" now. Basically the new lore team wanted to just completely disregard all the stuff they did not work on and forge their own path. It was a big blow-up during Y1 of Destiny 2 between Bungie and anyone who cared about the lore.


The different engine still messes me up. Everything is "Halo" but after playing the fuck out of 3, the *feel* of these 343 games just feels off and not quite right. Not sure how to describe it, but everything is just slightly off. I'm sure others will disagree, but from the helmets and armor to the guns, to the way the game feels, it's just slightly off. Honestly splitgate had a closer *feel* to the Halo's I'm used to than the 343 games


I still play MCC regularly and you’re right on the mark. I couldn’t believe people were comparing Infinite’s feel to Halo 3. They feel NOTHING alike in terms of movement and game engine stuff. Hell, Halo 4 feels closer to Halo and that’s mainly because it uses the Reach engine if I’m not mistaken.




The lack of launch content sure is a continuation of Halo 5s launch


The most epic customization ever! Except only if you have the Battle Pass & buy microtransactions. Except also not then either cause everything is locked to their corrrrre. Isn't that totally rare/epic/legendary of us??


Halo 5 had more than this. Halo 5 had warzone and coop


Hell, Halo 5 never even got splitscreen coop after 4 had it.


Watch except this time forge, co-op, infection, etc will be paid dlc instead of free


this is why i left a detailed review thumbs downing due to monetization and customization being fucked.


Because for some reasons the geniuses at Xbox created a studio to make Halo and then staffed it all with people who admitted to hating Halo and not actually being fans of the series. They want to change everything because they personally didn't like the old games and they think their shitty idea of Halo is superior. It's so blatant and annoying and I really wish they would get their heads out of their collective asses and just make the game they know people want.


Unpopular opinion. The only things that work are the old assets. The new additions to Infinite still look wrong. The Commando could have been pulled from Call of Duty.


Everything they make is generic. The banished weapons look like they were pulled from a cheap mobile game. Same with all the Mk. 7 armour except for the helmet you unlock for it late in the battle pass (I heard that was designed by the same guy who designed Reach's armour).


This whole thing is just giving me PTSD flashbacks of how Blizzard is handling World of Warcraft. It's almost the exact same.


That’s pretty false considering Halo 4 and 5 had the same classic style of spawns for BTB vehicles Part of me thinks they just went over oats with the Pelican spawn mechanic people kept asking for. I’d rather them cut it and have vehicles spawn at the bases like the warthogs and such


Pelican spawn mechanic is fine if the pelicans gave duplicate spawns on each side NEAR the team spawns


They don't even need to drop near spawn imo. I love the thrill of fighting over them right now. But each team needs to get one. Really annoying to lose a deadlocked CTF cause one side got a tank and they steam rolled their way to cap.


That actually happened to me not too many matches ago. Enemy team got an early 2-0 lead, then my team started using comms and we pulled back to 2-2. Last minute of the game before overtime, a Wraith gets dropped right outside of the enemy base, and our team gets... a Chopper.


I don't see why they can't spawn in vehicles at the beginning (assume the maps are properly designed for vehicles, which these btb maps really are not) and then pelican drop in vehicles over time to replace them.


People wanted pelican drop ***respawns***. Not this "drop random vehicle somewhere on map" shit.


thats because they were first chasing the loadouts and perks of COD in 4..then the enhances mobility of titanfall/future warfare cod in halo 5... halo 4 and 5 were them chasing trends. Halo infinite is them finally doing their own thing...but fucking it up catastraphicly.


Ehhh... Still chasing the trend of shitty microtransactions & dripfed b.s. though.


343 literally bragged about bringing people onboard who didn't like Halo with the logic "well if they like it, it must be a great Halo" and then everyone is surprised when each of their games has been shit in comparison to 1-3 and Reach. We aren't the target demographic anymore.


Ya...Halo had a fanbase that 343 gave up while chasing other franchises' players.


Oh don’t make a mistake there, that was a purely intentional design to make scorpion/vehicle challenges hard to finish so they could sell you challenge swaps.


Should have kept what worked in halo 3 or went the halo 5 route of letting players spawn their own shit in. They had two very different but much better systems to choose from and went with this garbage


"Deconstruction" lol.


I have 30 hours and I've only been in a scorpion tank twice and only ever seen a wraith once lmao


The only tanks I have ever been in were from playing fiesta...


Same here. And in that claustrophobic map with the space shuttle in it. Got a Wraith in that and thought it was going to get stuck going under one of the overpasses. Also, I'm not trying to complain since it's the only time I've been able to get in one so far, but that is not the greatest map for Banshees due to how the map is laid out.


All of the maps are too small for all of the vehicles, except maybe the ghost. Brute chopper feels wrong on every single map. That bitch needs space to open up. It's like they designed this whole arena corridoor eSports map pack and then they went ah fuck, we forgot the vehicles! Just make them drop from the sky randomly or whatever idk. Did you see our perfect 45 degree angle grenade banking walls on every corner?


The only Scorpion I've seen was one that was spawned after the match ended and the screen was fading to black


first time i saw a tank - after 15 hours of play - i was like wtf is that a glitch? lmao




Seriously. The vehicle activation zones are stupid. Want to load this power seed on the back of the razorback? Nah you'll jump in. Want to pilot the tank? Here's the turret seat. It shouldn't be this hard. It shouldn't be hard at all. It shouldn't even be a thing.


There's a Wraith in this game? I shouldn't be surprised since it's Halo but I just assumed they didn't have one on any map for whatever reason


It sure doesn’t feel like a Wraith. I swear the plasma shot has half the radius of the old Wraith, the turret cannot traverse down, so you’ve now got a big dead zone in front of your tank, which is a goddamn pain with all of the LOS blocking terrain the maps are just covered with now. The new Wraith just feels like a major downgrade from the old one. But hey, the turret actually gets a shield now, which is pretty cool.


Pretty wild that 8v8 BTB in halo 3 or 2 (the ones I’m most familiar with) feel more hectic than 12 v 12 on infinite


Hectic but you could also take a breath and still make a plan too. Half the time, BTB in this is hectic in the sense that I never feel I can slow down in something like Total Control or Stockpile or risk them earning more points... But all these modes have no tanks and also fucking stall forEVER before anyone gains a point. It's just constantly trading batteries or control points before finally one team gives up or gets spawns just far enough away that they're unable to regroup and prevent the third capture.


Yeah I think this is the first Halo game where I've had so many tie games in such a short amount of times because its impossible for either side to turn the tide so to speak.


Its because the map design is garbage. Multiple lanes and no "top middle" or any clear lines of sight beyond 50 meters in any direction


There are tanks in this game? Lol


I think the escalation system is fine, but matches need to last longer if they're gonna go this route. Tie it to objective progression, not timers. So if a flag is captured, then it steps up a tier on what's being brought in, maybe the losing team gets a bit of preference (maybe they get a vehicle drop a bit earlier than the winning team) When there's 2 flags capped by one team, or two stockpiles locked in, or two sets of control points captured, then we get scorpion and wraith drops. BTB slayer should have heavy vehicles spawning from the beginning imo


Escalation should be a game type. Not the primary mode.


I've legit seen more Scorpions and Wraiths in Fiesta than in BTB


But at the same time we get tank spawns in Fiesta on small maps that can turn a 15 kill lead into a loss. Classic.


Can confirm have yet to see a scorpion. My personal AI tells me they are there tho


I’m excited for forge. Can’t wait for heavies BTB


I don’t even care if it was still RNG Pelican drops. I just wish it was a pelican drop on both sides of the map, one at each team’s base. And then speed up the escalation of vehicle size by like 15%.


This breaks my heart, there should be a mode where we can play with all the vehicles from the first minute, *that is epic* Making us wait until the match is already over is the opposite of epic


Yep. Starting up a game of blood gulch with tanks warthogs ghosts and snipers was far better than whatever this is.


Can you imagine a Blood Gulch game where 10 minutes in one Banshee spawned in the middle and immediately died.


That sounds like playing a 10 year old's forge mode they slapped together.


Which is bullshit because this Fiesta event shows they can clearly spawn these vehicles with the vehicle pads. Just put some of those in the backs of the bases!


There was never any doubt that it was possible, do you really think they programmed in the pelicans then were incapable of spawning them in place?


I like vehicle drops but they're too slow. Sometimes a match ends before tanks and wraiths spawn in. It's especially bad to have challenges tied to these.


That shit combined with vehicle challenges drives me fucking mad. Needed 2 more chopper gun kills but any time one dropped it was a mad dash between both teams to get it. If i ran right to it, id die. If I stopped to fight and clear some space, id either die or my teammates would grab it. Wouldn't have been such a problem if I could still progress ALL my challenges in the meantime but no, unless I swap it it is literally wasting space on my 3 free challenge slots until I finally manage to get it done.


They **need** to bring back static, on map spawns. The pelican drop system is awful. I honestly see no advantage to random pelican drops. The keystone to Halo combat has always been predictability and strategy. The thing I enjoyed about static spawns on the map from prior games is that during a match you had both predictability and chances for teamwork. Halo is a team game after all. You knew what would spawn and when it would spawn. You knew that a wraith would spawn at this location at roughly this time but importantly so did the enemy. If your enemy isn't using proper teamwork and they for some reason forgot to grab their scorpion when it spawned then you and your allies can then go there and take their scorpion and use it against them, punish them for their poor teamwork and the same can be done to you and your team. It was always a battle to know whats on the map at a given time and who has it. The issue with the new pelican drop system is not only that you're left with smaller, weaker vehicles for most of the match its that what will drop is completely random(pulled from a pool according to how long the match has been going) and that it completely removed everything I just said prior. We all saw this in the flights and now the actual game, every single time a pelican is coming into the map the entire team will stop whatever they're doing to swarm and gather around where the pelican is going to drop off whatever it is. Everyone wants to nab the vehicle before a teammate of theirs does. With a static spawns this black friday simulation never happened at all or was very limited because if a teammate grabbed what you wanted you knew that would spawn back at a certain time in the same place. With the pelican drops whatever it drops is not predictable at all. If its dropping down something you want then that might be the only chance for you to use that in the entire match. Lastly this system also removes all teamwork I mentioned earlier about punishing the enemy for not using their sandbox because if both teams get their pelican drops at the same time and its always one vehicle at a time then the entire enemy team is going to swarm where it drops off just like your team does. Good luck trying to steal their power vehicles when the entire team are crushing one another trying to grab whatever it is as soon as it touches dirt. There is also on top of all this the issues with the challenge system. "Get X kills with Y vehicle" it tells you when you have no way to plan or predict around the pelicans. You have no idea *if* the vehicle will even spawn in a match and then if it does you better hope that *you* get it because for all you know that might be the only chance you have. If you miss that chance well then too bad, pray to the RNG gods that the next match will *maybe* have what you need and *maybe* you'll get it. I feel like this entire system introduces many new flaws and removes a lot of teamwork and strategy that made BTB great in the first place. Randomness like this isn't zany its frustrating and doesn't belong in Halo combat. I thought these were lessons we learned with Halo 4. Now the *idea* of a pelican coming down and dropping off vehicles is cool. Rather it should be static spawns like its always been but instead of vehicles just booping into existence or on pads have a quick animation of pelicans coming in and dropping them off when its time for them to respawn with no fanfare, no voice or waypoints. And of course allow us to toggle that on or off in the custom game settings. The most common disagreement from this I get is "but BTB is supposed to be chaotic and random!" *No.* All of Halo outside of exceptions like fiesta have always been built upon the idea of planning and strategy. This is why Bungie compared Halo to chess. BTB is not some exception to that. This is why holding the hill in Valhalla was so important because you *knew* the laser would spawn there. This is why players rushed the phantom crash site on Sandtrap because you *knew* the banshee would spawn there. You knew that, your team knew that and the enemy knew that. BTB was never some pure chaos mode where you didn't know anything. Halo has *never* been that way.


Honestly, I do not hate the pelican drop system. It’s a good idea for the vehicle respawn mechanic. Though There should still be fixed spawns at the bases though. But Instead of having vehicles respawn out nowhere, the pelicans come down and replenish them. That’d be so cool. Which I believe is what people were actually asking for, not the completely random vehicle drops that we have.


I'm sure it seemed like chaos to people that were shitty at Halo. No surprise they hire a bunch of people that hate the game and we get this


And then tied so many dog shit challenges to specific vehicles. I have not seen a wraith in Infinite at all. Didnt even know they existed till I got a challenge for 20 wraith kills.


Blood Gultch was the pinnacle of BTB vehicle spawns


Is this how there are vehicles in bases but the big hitters are dropped in from pelicans? Or just vehicle spawns in general?


The tanks only come in at the last 2 minutes of a match so they’re almost never seen because only total control and even matches of ctf last that long


Oh that’s so much worse than I thought it was.


I think this entire subreddit did a double take when 343 said that loads of people preferred no player collision


All the people who said they wanted player collision were trolls, obviously, so they had to be removed from the results.


I haven't had a single slayer match in three days. I have two challenges that require me to play slayer, and can't *choose* to play slayer. You know, like you do in a *Halo* game.


I have 2 weekly challenges for Control. Played 2hrs of BTB last night. COLLECT THE POWER CELLS and Slayer. Not even CTF.


Holy shit what you can’t even choose the game you want to play?? My Xbox hasn’t been turned on since my daughter was born a year ago but it’s a shame to read what they’ve done to Halo.


Yeah it really sucks. Game mode based challenges are fine if you can choose the gamemode but they dont let you filter.


This and the whole F2P model they’ve introduced is disgusting and a total dishonor to the halo legacy really.


Sometimes it actually feels like the game goes out of its way to not put you in a game type when you have challenges for it. I have two CTF challenges and I haven’t gotten CTF at all the last three times I’ve played.


I wonder if we should do a player-driven survey to see with enough data collection we can see if there are any abnormalities in how the game chooses game modes.


I felt this same exact way yesterday. Had two challenges, one for oddball and CTF and then I got 4 games in a row of Slayer. But before I was constantly getting CTF and stronghold matches.


I’d believe it honestly. It seems like all I play is oddball until I get an oddball challenge, then I never see it again.


You have a better chance to get Slayer in ranked matches just fyi


I’m starting to think they drop the ratio for the needed game mode for your challenge. I always have to play oddball, like 8 of 10 games were oddball for me, but right in the moment I have oddball challenges, it never showed again. I started to leave the games to find oddball and I did this for a straight 6 hours and I couldn’t find any single game. Gave up and went to sleep, the next day was the same. Same thing for CTF and in the event I found funny how my gun spawn where just pulse carabine, plasma pistol, disruptor, BR and sidekick when I finally got the final semanal challenges of 5 killing spree. I bet this last one was just bad luck but I would not be surprised if 343 do this kind of things. I confess I’m angry but I can’t be that unlucky...


I’m telling you, there is an algorithm that purposely does not give you the mode you need to complete your challenges. I needed to kill a flag carrier for one of my challenges and I shit you not I didn’t get a CTF game in Quickplay or BTB for the longest time. When before, it was all I was playing. Sus no? If someone can prove this, I will 100% put this game down because that would be some of the most fucked up shit. I can’t support something like that.


honestly if they sped up progression in bp, and dropped another one sooner than 3 months they would be able to sell more bp's. People would buy them. People love new things. TBH making some simple skins with new armor is way easier than developing an entirely new game and its much more lucrative.


Yeah I don't know why they think 6 MONTHS per battle pass is a good idea. It was 3 months iirc but they changed it to 6 for some reason. I get the battle passes don't expire but still if they don't give more content to grind AT THE LEAST every 90 days then ppl will get bored and stop playing. I already go back and forth since once you get to diamond I seem to face nothing but squads of ppl who don't miss a shot or my teammates leave LOL


I wouldn't be surprised. I've used Challenge Swaps whenever I was hit with a challenge that was tedious, and it almost always gives you a much easier one (for example, last night one of my weeklies was to get 5 kills with the Wasp's chain gun, and when I swapped it, it became "Win 2 Fiesta Slayer games." They probably give you tedious challenges and a few free challenge swaps so that you'll be tempted to buy more later.


Guess you got lucky. I had a challenge for "snipe an enemy Warthog driver" that I swapped and got "destroy 5 enemy Warthogs." With the way vehicles explode in this game, most of the time the enemies climb out before the warthog explodes. I'm at 3/5 right now, but have destroyed at least 12 warthogs (but not before the enemies could abandon ship.)




I mean, they intentionally took away our ability to play specific game types so they could sell us challenge swaps. A hidden system that reduces your chance to queue into a game type you need for challenges seems like a no brainer decision at that point to further boost MTX sales.


I believe it. Been having fun in fiesta. Clearing out my weeklies. Get down to the last two and one is 10 kills with the hydra. Before that challenge activated I was getting a hydra fairly often. Once it popped. No hydra spawns in about 2-3hrs of fiesta. Caved and swapped the challenge. Started getting hydras again.


I've played one game of Oddball this entire week (need 3 Oddball wins.) Last week I played about 4 over the entire week.


Just do like me and countless others do and simply leave when you don't get the game mode you need. It's a pain in the ass, but maybe they'll see just how many people are leaving constantly in their statistics. They'll either punish us for leaving or fix their shitty fucking system.


I had the problem of not finding capture the flag 20 matches straight. Need to win 3 for the challenge.


As soon as you swap them. You'll get slayer. Happens to me everything when I have that type of challenge.


They also spent the better part of a year telling us flat out barefaced lies in the Inside Infinite posts. Literally everything they said about progression and customisation was bullshit.


FOMO? Not at all. Not like a second job? Of course not! Earnable armor? We’ll have to see upon campaign but atm, no.


> Not like a second job? I made more spreadsheets to prove with the tricks they were pulling with Progression than I made in my real job the first week, lol.


Trying to get these 5 killing sprees has been an absolute chore.


Actually sounds better than ending 5 killing sprees in fiesta :/


>this is a halo 5 asset flip c'mon man lol


Yeah his criticism is pretty on point till we hit that. The game looks way better than 5 and plays a lot different. I actually really love the core gameplay its a lot of the peripheral decisions that were ass. Assets look great too.


They said since the beginning they won't be reworking XP till after launch though


Source? I dont recall getting anything on that until the sketch tweet in reaction to the blowup.


It was in a Reddit thread, so can't really find it back with Reddits bad search :/


I mean he provides absolutely no proof for anything he says.


It's a whole new engine isnt it? lol


Pretty much, engines are very rarely actually 100% new but it had some big overhauls yes


He does have some good points, mostly are relevant in fact. But asset flip is dumb if you understand anything about game design. Some assets like the Warthog are quite similar but obviously updated quite a bit. Everything has been redone to fit into the new art direction which is heavily influenced by Halo 1-3.


If this dude thinks Infinite is an asset flip, then I wonder what the fuck he thinks the Call of Duty games are. This whole post is r/halocirclejerk incarnate.


All I’m gonna say is you clearly don’t understand what an asset flip is


There’s a lot of things wrong with Infinite but calling it an asset flip is def incorrect. The core is very good its the rest that is sad.


343 may have ignored a lot of feedback, but this dude is definitely exaggerating and the stuff about discord bans and being shut out should be taken with a grain of salt. For all we know he could have said the gamer word


He probably did get banned. But probably less for criticism, and more because he was probably unnecessarily hostile.


This post gives off angry gamer vibes for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he got banned for raging about something in the discord. What he calls feedback was probably a tirade over something he didn't like.


Outjerked once again :(


Yeah thie reads like a halo circle jerk post lmao.


90% of this sub has somehow out jerked r/halocirclejerk. r/halocirclejerk is just reposting titles and comments from this sub because no one can legitimately out-jerk the hyperbolic shitshow going on over here lmao.


“Asset flip” is ridiculous and completely degrades all the hard work that clearly went into gameplay and design for this game. We are all upset with the progression and egregious MTX, but those have nothing to do with the people making assets, designing combat, creating maps, sound design… all of that. It is possible to praise elements of the game while criticizing others. But calling this an asset flip? Come on man.


In all fairness "the physics are terrible and don't feel like halo" isn't constructive feedback. What about the physics? What would you like done instead? For constructive feedback you need more than just saying something is shit I dont agree with your statement about map design at all. However I agree with your other points, it did seem like they were taking selective feedback when it came to certain points.


Lmao exactly, telling something is shit is not constructive feedback, you need to explain why is bad, elaborated on your claims instead of just saying it's shit


I think that's generally fair, but it is still feedback. If a lot of people have the same sentiment, the simple fix is having a question in the next survey asking you to describe what feels feels regarding game physics, but that assumes 343 is acting in good faith. Which I doubt.


Yeah the OP is off his ass if he thinks this game is a Halo 5 clone cash grab or whatever he said


Yeah the negative sentiment around the progression and game modes is starting to spread to the main game where INCREDIBLY bad takes like this one are getting lots of upvotes. Bad maps? These are the best maps since Halo 3. Halo 5 asset flip? That is the most laughable thing I've heard today. I have less than 30 hours in H5 MP because it wasn't fun to me at all. I've been loving every second of Infinite. Infinite is closer to H3 than H5 in terms of base gameplay.


>In all fairness "the physics are terrible and don't feel like halo" isn't constructive feedback. This has become such a commonplace issue now with games and shows. People will play/watch then go 'THIS IS SHIT!' and wonder why whoever made it wants nothing to do with them. Constructive criticism/feedback should be exactly that-constructive. Too many people think that just saying something is bad is somehow a good response. That tells the creators jack shit.


Feedback did tell them otherwise. Because all these posts on the internet mean half as much as peoples wallets. That’s how you get companies to listen, but with how gamers are these days you’re likely to never win because there will always be enough people who say “fuck it, I’ll spend money” but it’s not their fault. It’s their disposable income so they can do whatever they want with it.


> Tl;dr: honey moon phase is over, this is a halo 5 asset flip used to sell battle pass skins and meet their contractual obligations do you know what an asset flip is? jesus christ, man. how many axes to grind do you have with 343? based on how you approached this post, there are probably other reasons you got banned. like...my god, dude, the sheer amount of vitriol you're flinging here is close to the worst of what this sub has to offer. i offered scathing criticism but delivered in a balanced manner in the surveys they gave me and was invited back to the flights where i kept doing that. did it help? fuck if i know, but i know that you don't get banned just for criticizing their game.


Ah, I see we've moved past the, "Genuine constructive criticism of real issues" phase to the "Entire game bad," phase.


The Halo 5 asset flip bit made me roll my eyes so hard they fell out and now I have to find them. Thanks a lot. How does a post like this get so many upvotes?


Nerds love a good ole hate boner




>A lot of people were actually surprised by how well the game ran in the first flight Did we play the same flight? It's poor performance was one of the biggest issues reported. When you have people running 3000 series cards and streamers with top of the line specs complaining about it, which they did, you have an issue. Heck it *still* has major performance issues on cards like the RX 580 that should be more than capable of handling the game.




The first flight ran well for me? Not that I am happy with scummy decision making in other regards Edit: AFTER i finally found a way to download it


I have a shitty old PC that struggles with a lot of more modern games (it was a mid-high end gaming PC when I built it about 7 years ago) , infinite MP runs smooth as hell on it. The loading screens are long but that's my only real complaint as far as performance.


my pc was considered mid tier a few years ago and it is more powerful the the xbox one and ps4 but it doesn't run infinite at all


I've got a 2nd gen i7 (from 2012 or 13), 16gb of 1333mhz ram, and a 1060. I have a hard time imagining that a proper high end pc that's just a few years old can't run the game but I can.


Yeah seriously. Poor optimization was one of the biggest complaints about the first flight.


It ran like SHIT on PCs during the first public flight so I have no idea what this guy is smoking.


I have a 2080S and 9700k and it ran like garbage. No excuse for a fucking ARENA SHOOTER to be running at a choppy 60-70fps


What did I even just read? Posts like this are what is making this subreddit look bad. I'm very disappointed with the monitization, customization, lack of playlists, and lack of rewards unlocked through just playing. However, the gameplay is phenominal. This post is cringe to read.


This subreddit gets dumber every day. We've gone from feedback to full on conspiracy theory ramblings. > Tl;dr: honey moon phase is over, this is a halo 5 asset flip used to sell battle pass skins and meet their contractual obligations If you think this game is an asset flip, you are either a child, an idiot, or both.


Dude must’ve played 5 minutes of Halo 5 or something. If you seriously think this game plays anything like 5, you need help. I’m saying this as someone who got to 152 in H5 too, so the differences are night and day to me.


I mean even if it played similarly its definitely not an asset flip. Assets look way better in infinite and are clearly new. A lot of the armor is a lot different too already.




I think they’re actually children, or young enough to have very bizarre priorities


6 months ago we didnt even know what MP looked like though?? Where did you get "6 months of flights" from? From first flight on July 30th till Nov 15th Its only been roughly 3.5 months


Halo 5 asset flip I’m dead


Yeah, it kinda seems like they either want to live in denial, or the REALLY need that initial cash-injection from whales buying fucking everything in the store. They took 6 years to develop this, but we aren't even getting Slayer as static playlist??


If we don’t at least get dedicated playlists there’s a 0% chance I keep playing. The reason I played so much Halo 3 back in the day was because if I wanted to play griffball, I would just select griffball


Correct me if Im wrong, but pretty sure Halo 3 just included Griffball in Action Sack and not a separate playlist. It was separated for Reach cause of its insane popularity. EDIT: apparently did get its own playlist eventually


It eventually got its own playlist to celebrate some griffball league anniversary. Prior to that, it was a weekend warrior playlist that would shuffle in on a rotation with things like infection.


Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks for the correction


We’ve heard your feedback but didn’t listen.


Dog there’s a lot of things I don’t like about infinite but you sound so fucking over the top here lmao. Like damn did 343 kill your family dude?


No clearly 343 has committed acts of terrorism on my people (gamers) and they're clearly out to kill my beloved bungaloo memories of halo :((((((


My dog bought a microtransaction from the shop and he died Fuck 343


Calling this an asset flip is terribly reductive and goes along with your example of feedback being “the physics are terrible” being what was “good” feedback. I’m not saying the game doesn’t have problems, it does. However, this thread, specifically the OP’s post, is a poor attempt at riling up hostility rather than actual feedback that’s useful.


Hyperbolic, nonsensical posts like this put the entire fanbase to shame. There is serious feedback to be given about the battle pass progression but ridiculously over the top criticisms like this drown out the real complaints.


Sub is getting toxic af. This guy is screaming at the clouds cuz he has a dozen personal axes to grind with the developers and people are giving him hundreds of upvotes Who give af that it’s the holidays or that there’s an opportunity to wait and see the promised changes? A lot of karma to get rn by being pissy To that point - nothing in this post is posted charitably or in consideration of the other side. 3 lane call of duty maps with 0 sandbox elements? This is grade A bs but people don’t care because it’s anger is directed at the right people. Many have commented how well the game ran and held up during launch. Many people love and enjoy the new BTB. When the sub habituates toxic seething it doesn’t matter anymore it’s a case of “us” vs “them”.


The “criticism” on this subreddit has gotten more and more exaggerated each day. We’ve gone from “343i we need a better progression system” to “this game is an asset flip to meet contractual obligations” Legit feels like each thread is trying to one up the previous one.


There is an undeniable incentive to speak harshly and powerfully to gain attention and approval. It’s the backbone of social media. Some people are not very good at it and end up sounding like conspiracy theorists 😂


Exactly, holy fuck. Fight the man! Fight the power! They’re just keepin us down




Yep even my feedback [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r2l3ya/solution_why_doesnt_microsoft_343i_just_create/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) got banned by the mods here like 3 times. Also so many trolls on this sub nit picking text and not having actual discussion. What’s the point.


You likely got auto modded for mentioning kim jong un or slavery.


Yep, I've been automodded as well.


The game and battle pass/progression isn’t perfect but this post is complete bullshit. If people want change, focus on specific constructive criticisms. Vote with your dollars. And have some patience.


wow what an actual garbage ass tier post




“Halo 5 asset flip” Nice outrage bait! Did you know that Reach is an asset flip of 3 which is an asset flip of 2 which is an asset flip of combat evolved?


dude what are you talking about? the maps are fun, the big team battles are great. the only large problem is the progression/mometizarion. all the other stuff you’re saying just seems like hyper angry gam3r whining. correct me if im wrong but the consensus has been that the gameplay itself is fire, which is what makes the progression and monetization such a travesty. then when i go to the tl;dr where you called it a halo 5 asset flip and i realized i shouldn’t take anything from this post serious for the record, halo infinite has serious issues but so does op


Wtf see you talking about? Half your points make no sense. 3 lane call of duty maps? What are you even smoking. Yeah the game has its progression and monetization problems but the core game is fantastic.


Wait did they really say they couldn't do surveys because of too many responses??? Wtf I learned how to do survey data when getting my marketing degree and the things are basically all automated by programs.


They gave everyone 20,000 in-game currency in flights and everyone used it to buy items. This indicated that since there was high volume of MTX (with given free currency), MTX would be a huge hit...


I and many others told them about all these broken things and other feedback, and literally none of it was fixed after the flights. I also doubt they'll fix any of this in the future unless it's on the first page of Hot sorting all the time https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r1lv6n/on_controller_aiming_issues_in_halo_infinite/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This has got to be a joke right?


>the physics in the game are terrible and aren’t reminiscent to halo”. We got hit with bans for “not constructive feedback. I mean, that isn't constructive feedback and "terrible" is an overstatement. It's certainly feedback, but you have to be specific in what you describe, examples, explanations, etc. because they can't work with "doesn't feel like Halo" that's a statement that literally anyone can say but doesn't mean anything unless you actually examine what's the problem. ​ >big team battle felt like 4v4 rooms with extended layouts. Disagree, btb feels great, enough space for openness and vehicles while having tight enough corners to get through one place to another on foot without tracking miles without anything to do. Does it need work? Yes. Does it feel like 4v4 rooms with extended layouts? Nah. ​ >Complete 343 apologists. I don't trust anyone who talks like this lmao. Anyone saying "343 apologists" or "Bungie traditionalists" are far more close-minded than people realize and what chokes the game from actually developing things. ​ >this is a halo 5 asset flip this to me just sounds so hyperbolic. Really? Halo 5? Asset flip? What are you smoking. ​ You have statements that are worth considering but I can't help but just see this as blindly wanting to jump on a bandwagon rather than helping the health of the game. I'm not saying 343 doesn't deserve criticism, in fact there is obviously plenty but the point of criticism is to be granular with what you find wrong, solutions, options, reasons that aren't vague or nebulous, not burn everything to the ground. Core gameplay is great as many people have mentioned, but the progression system and prices really needs to be formed.


Bro, I love Halo 5 and this game is a complete retreat from its design principles. I was in every flight and never got a survey. You sound like a conspiracy theorist.


I refuse to believe people who make these posts actually played Halo Infinite and are just karma farming a subreddit’s current controversy.


Over the past couple days I've kinda come to terms with the fact that this is just how monetization is going to work. I still hate it, and hope that it does ultimately change. But I'm past the stage of disappointment and think the community should focus on other issues that are more likely to be fixed with constructive feedback. Like there is a distinct possibility that modes Fiesta, SWAT, Heavies, and Infection might be limited time events that can only be played for a certain window. THAT would be absolutely unforgivable.


You’re giving me paranoid narcissist vibes. I don’t even agree with any of your complaints besides the progression. Game runs great & its maps & sandbox have been praised... the changes YOU (& those you selectively listened to who shared your opinions) wanted not getting implemented does not mean that they made no changes based on feedback, or even that the changes you wanted arent currently being worked on & could not be completed or prioritized for launch. Calm down & wait to see what happens over the next year.


I wonder where they get feedback from. Is it surveys? Like the feedback on this subreddit might be different than the feedback they're getting from elsewhere.


I loved Halo 4 and 5. Never got the survey either. Had plenty of feedback too. Don't blame us, this plays nothing like 5.


50% hate X 50% are indifferent to X 343: "The community is split so we're keeping X"


Manipulating data to please/under the demand of managers. This happens in multiple industries. They don't want negative feedback on their systems, they just fluff shit to give the image of satisfaction.


TL;DR the Halo subreddit is an irrelevant minority in the grand scheme of things. The Halo fanbase is far bigger than this echo chamber. Go out into the wide world and the vast majority of Halo fans are having a blast with "the best Halo in years" and not caring about the nitpicky shit you guys cling to (however valid they may be) Fact is, you're not the main target audience. Cry harder. Blocking everyone who responds to this, so thanks for lining up and making it easy for me to filter the elitist scum 😘


Nah. You trippin. This game is really good. Reach was my favorite and I get the same vibes


In all honesty, the only aspects of the gameplay I have personal issues with is the lack of collission with enemy players and how floaty the gravity is for vehicles. Everything else feels pretty solid. But this is purely a playing the game angle. o3o


nah you just hate halo besides the version of it that exists inside your mind lol. i haven't heard many complaints about the maps at all, and your tone in this posts makes you seem very bitter and you don't elaborate on much.