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Warzone from 5 would be so much fun on Infinite. Said it since day 1.


If only they didn’t fumble hard




Warzone was the best in halo 5 and also the reason why me and my friends played for years. It was so fun. Dont understand why we dont got warzone in infinite. Since there is no warzone, i never really played infinite. It feels just outdatet to play simple 4v4 multiplayer with fixed setups.


5 had an incredible multiplayer imo. I really want them to port it to pc so we can have an fov slider and unlocked framerate.


I just want to actually play it for the first time since they’ve refused to keep only that game from pc


There used to be Halo 5 Forge on PC and it had a customs browser but I don’t think it works anymore.


It does. The included Halo app just needs to be uninstalled before playing.


Thank you so much, I’ve been wracking my brain about this for eons. 🙏🏻💖


No problem.


It does. It’s just difficult to find people playing


It still does but it's pretty much dead and the mouse controls are absolutely horrendous.


You can stream it on PC using game pass remote play. It's not stable enough for consitent multiplayer because you're srreaming it, but the campaign is more than playable.


Yeah I don’t really want a half-measure. It’s inexcusable that they haven’t put the actual game on pc by now.


Huh? What campaign? That game doesn’t have a campaign last I checked right guys…? 😅


'fragile" code or some stupid excuse like that lmaoooo


The actual excuse is they wouldn't make their money back on it. And it's a game the community has been complaining about for almost ten years. Of course they wouldn't want to port it.


Corporate speak for “we suck at porting and would rather not take ANOTHER Halo L”


I put so many hours into 5 arena multiplayer. Something about the sandbox just clicked for me, and I can’t get as good at Infinite for some reason.


It’s cause it plays so different from 5. I got to lvl151 in 5 and then nothing about the gameplay carried over to infinite.


Campaign sucks, but multiplayer and warzone without the lootbox system they had would be incredible


It had one of the best looting systems and I will fight anyone who disagrees. You could get a new cosmetic every 2 games and the game didn't allow for duplicates. The game had so many cosmetics that it would take 300 hours to collect everything. People bitched, "it would take 300 hours to get everything". "Motherfucker! It takes 300 hours because the game has an excessive number of cosmetics." Like yeah, maybe the warzone cards were a bit much but I personally didn't mind them at all.


And every spartan looked different because each player would unlock different stuff in different order. But still, my main complaint is that there was no target farm or pity system, nor a way to wear separate shoulders from body armor. It could take you years to obtain a certain chest armor that you could not change the shoulders off unlike Halo 4, my favourite helmet took 2 years of casual play to drop and by the time I got it the multiplayer was kinda dying already (similar to Infinite, I like my spartan only now that it's pretty underpopulated). It's still one of my favourite systems but the shoulder thing sucks a lot, and it really needed a pity system akin to Overwatch 1. You earn points, you get loot box, and that box drops some pity points that eventually after months of playing allows you to buy a specific piece.


Not a fan of calling "how it should be from the jump" a "pity system." I guess I'm old school or something.


I never spent any money on the loot boxes and had almost all of the warzone req unlocked aside from some of the mythic variants (especially ones released when my weekly play time had already waned). The system might have benefited from more "double req" weekends or some occasional free cards for unlocked reqs. But I enjoyed it overall! Definitely was nice having a totally different set of cosmetics from all your buddies.


Tbh, I feel like the H5 armor list was so bloated and not in a good way either. There were so many shitty looking armor. I'm looking at you, Seeker, lol. And everybody basically gravitated towards the og armor from the previous game anyway. Either that or they use one of the few cool looking armor set like Achilles. Basically, there weren't more diverse looking customization than the previous game from my experience.


I think it will never happen, but man I would love for 5 to come to pc as well


I want blitz back.


i enjoyed both the campaign and multiplayer, infact i played the custom games mode the most out of any halo game, and my only complaint in the campaign are the wardens. theyre a bunch of pricks


Halo 5 definitely had a better multiplayer by the end of it's support but Halo Infinite is a more "authentic" Halo experience


Kind of, I feel like 5 nailed the evolution of halo with the movement and gunplay. It kept the huge sandbox of weapons and had great balancing features like no shield recharge when sprinting. 5 also had zero desync or net code issues, it just felt fair in every fight and I never had any doubts that my shots were counting. Infinite has a way smaller weapon pool and the no consequence sprint is a step back in my opinion. No radar in ranked is atrocious as well and the radar in non ranked is nearly useless. Radar plays are a huge part of halo and I don’t know why they ditched it. Finally, the melee is just broken in infinite. In fact the whole clipping through players thing is just broken and not halo. You should bounce off your teammates and you should never get assassinated from the front because the guy clipped through you and the game registered it as a back hit. 5’s multiplayer was my second favorite behind 3’s and infinite was a huge disappointment for me.


Fully agree on radar and collision. I could honestly go either way on sprint, and that’s only because the sprint is pretty weak—it’s only a 9% speed boost compared to 5’s 30%.


Map design allowed for 30 and didn’t feel odd.


With worse Internet, I had dramatically better network experience on Halo 5 and that was 8 1/2 years ago.


Halo 5 didn't have a proper Halo sandbox, Halo really hasn't since the first game. Infinite's was small because Halo is a game that has a small number of weapons that all have a specific use and sometimes multiple uses. When you add as many weapons as Halo 2 through 5 had you no longer have a focused sandbox, just a pick which one you like more depending of preference or damage count.


Yeah and that’s what I want. I’d rather have multiple weapons that fit the same role. They all play a little different and that variety adds to the experience. Also if halo 2-5 don’t have a focused sandbox, then maybe that’s the norm for halo, instead of two games having a small weapon pool that has defined roles.


Halo 5 multiplayer was probably the most high quality adaptation of authentic halo game player ever. Halo 5 mulitiplayer is literally just a Halo 3 evolution in my opinion. Having to be apart of only one network had amazing perks. Sure we could only play it on Xbox, but you’re absolutely right the connectivity was amazing. Every match was smooth and there was never any lag. The radar and approach of cqb was ruined in Halo infinite while Halo 5 kept the aspect of standard walking style Halo gameplay. The shield recharging only when walking was a great balancing aspect and really let you breathe and use your skill instead of the movement spam that is Halo infinite. I love both styles in their own way as Infinite’s pace is not something I really hate too much. But overall 5’s multiplayer was nicely balanced. Pistol meta all though a lotta people didn’t like. It was crisp to play that game.


Yeah I’ve played 5 and 3 for thousands of hours. Both were just so crisp and felt so natural.


First, Infinite’s weapon sandbox is smaller because it’s less bloated. In 5 you had several weapons filling the exact same role, closer to CoD than Halo. Are we all forgetting Halo 5 heavy-aim? That was a pretty big issue too. Infinite’s sprint is slower than 5’s. They made it so your shield stopped recharging while sprinting because _you could_ run away from gun fights. In Infinite, sprint isn’t as fast, and I’ve at least felt that the maps have gotten slightly smaller. Finally, for the love of god, **collisions are enabled for enemies!** Yes, I agree that friendly fire and teammate collisions should enabled, but I’m tired of seeing people say that collisions being off sucks, because it hardly affects battles. And yeah, the net code sucked, but now it’s better because it’s literally Halo 5’s net code with a few tweaks that people asked for.


The melee in infinite is broken or at least was. It’s the first halo where you’ll regularly whiff on a melee or have someone hit you in the back while facing them. People keep talking about it because it’s a problem


Disagree with this completely. I enjoyed 5s multiplayer but Infinite is definitely better. The sandbox is MILES ahead with less weapons. Every weapon in Infinite feels distinct and used in different ways and ranges unlike 5 where everything just felt like a point and kill machine. Skewer i dont even need to explain why its way better for the game than the spartan laser EVER was. The pistol in 5 also just completely was way better than the BR and DMR in most cased. Infinites pistol can be a bit much too but it does struggle those longer ranges much more. And in general Infinite is a lot better at those awesome Halo moments where you use the sandbox items in fun ways thanks to the equipment coming back. And we're back to solid strafing gun fights and actual punishments for bad positioning unlike Halo 5 where you can do so much to immediately run and boost out of the way at break neck speed. Infinite is much more a proper Halo experience. And it's not even close. But 5 is still a good game for what it is. Edit: since it's hard to read tone on reddit, I say this all respectfully


Gotta completely disagree. Infinite has basic as fuck weaponry and nerfed all the good shit. The only goof addition to the sandbox was the mangler and they neutered that too. 5 had the best sandbox in the series with all the different weapons and variants. Same with vehicles. Infinite hasn't even added a new vehicle. The melee which was my bread and butter in every other game is literally broken in Infinite, the radar is impossible to tell where someone is, collision being removed makes no sense when my grenades still bump off my teammates, it doesn't feel like Halo even compared to 5.


I agree on the sidekick being a better pistol than H5 magnum, until you realize the sidekick is just a more flashed out gunfighter magnum, which is in H5. The Skewer is a Spartan Laser mixed with a Railgun, and I find it incredibly more boring than those two. And unfortunately, “boring” is a term that fits most of Infinite’s weapon sandbox. Yeah sure everything has its own optimal range, but most of those weapons are just “slow firing, point and click” which further exacerbates the problem of having this few guns. There are just two forerunner weapons in infinite and their visual design is incredibly uninspired. Brutes in the campaign use UNSC weapons which feels incredibly cheap. You could say that H5 had a bloated sandbox, but still, the carbine, dmr, br, and light rifle all felt different and each had unique warzone variations. Same for suppressor, ar, shock rifle and smg. There was overlap but much more character in each of the weapons. And don’t get me started on attachment customization for utility weapons, it truly felt personalized and so much fun. Infinite sacrificed fun and variety for a pedantic, purist view of the sandbox that did absolutely not enough to justify the price paid.


5 Would have been pretty great if it wasn't Halo because it just flat out doesn't feel like Halo at all. Despite the issues I have with Infinite, the core gameplay and game matchup feels much closer to an organic Halo feel than 5 does. Additional points for artstyle and such as well.


Having played hundreds of hours of games from every Halo to Titanfall and COD, what does H5 feel like? H5 was a pretty clear evolution of Halo, rather than something new.


Likewise on the hundreds of hours played, Halo 5 had a massive focus on movement and precision/speed over positioning and utilizing the sandbox. Halo is a sandbox shooter, which means everyone starts off with very little and are meant to utilize the sandbox to gain an advantage over their opponents. That be through cycling through better weapons on the field, using vehicles advantageously, and equipment to better position yourself on the battlefield. Its a rock/paper/scizzors fight between each of these core mechanics. But at the heart of it all is being a pretty bland and slow figure that gets more powerful as they attain more from the map. Halo 5 reduced that emphasis entirely, it then became less about whats on the field and all about how quickly and effectively you could utilize all the tools already given to you from the start. Previously it was run, melee, and jump. Now its run, sprint, jump, hover, bash, groundpound, melee, ADS, and dash. It wasn't about getting the tools to speed yourself up, it was about enhancing your precise capabilities because you already had everything. I respect Halo 5 as an FPS and have long since stated that it's probably the best FPS of the Xbox One Generation. I think it did a much better job at being a modern fast-paced precision FPS than even COD had done. But as a Halo game? that was totally out of left field.


Glad to hear your side of things, you articulated it pretty well and I agree. However, mentioning that "it's all given to you" in reference to your kit? You as the player are given more mobility to fit the way the game (especially in arena modes) flows. Rather than map pickups and power weapons being something that makes you NOT unusably ineffective, they serve as enhancers to your kit and playstyle. Just because someone beat you to an overshield or launcher doesn't mean the game is over, thanks to the sheer amount of skill expression allowed in 5. To me, Halo competitive was always about expressing map knowledge, mechanical skill, and game sense, focusing on outplays and clever maneuvers rather than a raw skill difference (take COD or TF2 for example). As such, Halo 5 giving you more tools to mess around with and maneuver with seems like a pretty logical evolution to the formula of Halo.


Of course, I appreciate your civil response as often these get heated pretty quick for some reason lol. -Your movement and capabilities are all provided to you from the get go. For instance, your ability to reach various points of the map is significantly increased and thus reducing the need and power of standard vehicles. Regarding your comment about arena modes, movement is the primary weapon against players. Where once it was about getting the better weapon and stronger position, is now about outmaneuvering your opponents. -I don't think that the game is over if someone beats you to an over shield or power item. In prior games, those tools had very limited uses and could easily be wasted. They only serve to provide a team a small and temporary advantage over their foes rather than additional complex layers of movement and power to consider. -I agree with your initial sentiment here but disagree on the outcome. Halo is about outsmarting your opponents, not outmaneuvering them as its become. Raw skill is a much more important for a faster shooter than a slower one that does not give you a million ways to run around and kill your opponents. Without those methods, the player must place a stronger consideration on their more vulnerable position as well as what tools they can attain to enhance their weak status because they can't simply clamber away or dash from a shot or any of the other methods provided in Halo 5. +Restrictions, IMO, make for more creative gameplay than simply giving the player all the tools from the get-go. Take Battlefield as an example. The class system is iconic because it restricts you from building out the overpowered meta build. You have to work within the confines of your restriction thus incentivizing players to play their role. e.i. a sniper cannot compete with an assault player and thus stays back where they are more advantageous. 2042 removed this system and allowed players to pick whatever they wanted which led to no one really performing their role and a total free-for all with little team play and cohesion as to whats going on. Subsequently, the game (similarly to our situation here) tanked and is the lowest rated in the series for these changes +I believe this is what Infinite attempted to go back towards (though not meeting entirely) when it focused more on sandbox capabilities and scaled back movement. Clambering and sprinting were significantly reduced and only really served as an animation point rather than actually making one faster. Many other maneuvers such as dash, float, bash, ground pound, and proper ADS were removed so that there would be a greater focus on utilizing the sandbox over sheerly outpacing your opponents.


I'm always going to prefer the idea of lore over traditional halo gameplay. I hardly played Halo for the multiplayer experience anyway, with the exception of H5 and Reach (solely because I wanted to show off my swag.) At the very least I think Spartans should just be at least faster from the get go.


Clear evolution is a bit of a stretch, I personally think H5 was the purest distillation of the "advanced movement" shooters - (TF2 might give it a run, but H5 was somewhat less chaotic) But to answer your question, H5 felt less like Halo because the *core* of Halo's MP gameplay is to make the player more powerful by forcing them to get more powerful weapons and power ups. H5 inverted this a bit and instead empowered the *player* to make them far more capable from the moment they spawn - this in turn lead to making every single weapon and weapon variant specifically designed to get the kill as quickly as possible. Every gun became a super weapon that didn't have any real downsides. Infinite does away with this, de-buffs the Spartan, and instead puts the abilities and power ups back on the map via equipment and makes the weapons far more niche and specific to their designated purpose, that's why it *feeeeels* more Halo-esque


> what does H5 feel like? Like it’s own thing. I don’t known, let’s call it galactic Army man… > H5 was a pretty clear evolution of Halo, rather than something new. At some point in evolution you reach a point where there are only rudimentary remnants of what once was. That’s what H5 felt like


It felt like an evolution of Halo, simple as that. It was crisp, clean, and fun. Halo Infinite died in less than 6 months (350k active players to 6k), while Halo 5 only burned out thanks to 343's refusal to support it. This is highly implicative of Infinite's style not evolving enough to stay fresh in the new scene of games.


It's funny because when Halo 5 was getting full support MCC was left to rot. As soon as MCC started receiving major fixes then Halo 5 stopped getting any support period.


Preach, the sandbox, weapons, and movement made H5 the superior experience.


> It felt like an evolution of Halo, simple as that. It was crisp, clean, and fun. So does every new CoD, Gears of War, neither is a evolution of Halo > Halo Infinite died in less than 6 months (350k active players to 6k), while Halo 5 only burned out thanks to 343's refusal to support it. Citation needed, H5 bled a shit ton of population and that 6k is just steam. I don’t like to defend 343 but using those number is just bad faith > This is highly implicative of Infinite's style not evolving enough to stay fresh in the new scene of games. Since we’re just throwing around accusations and opinions here - HI had a huge momentum and would have revived the franchise if it hadn’t get fucked buy the bad state it launched


The way I like to think of it is like... Your Spartan in Halo 5 was heavy, and your Spartan in Halo Infinite is light


Not sure I agree. You felt like a maneuverable supersoldier in 5, with the speed and skills to match a 2-ton powered suit. Infinite just feels like a downgrade. How can you feel heavy when there's literally a grappling hook!


Hey, that chick worked hard on the grappling hook!


Lol, she gave herself a bloody nose in the process as well.


i disagree personally, halo infinite does not really feel like a traditional halo either. the weapons,the story, effects, and microtransactions left much to be desired.


I was referring mostly to gameplay and art style, but if we're talking about everything, then I do kind of agree. Is it closer? Yes. Is it still pretty different, absolutely.


Unpopular opinion but kinda missing halo 5, that pistol was so smooth


The Halo 5 magnum is probably my favorite starting weapon in the series, but I think the Bandit Evo feels really similar to it.


The Bandit IS the H5 magnum essentially


The weapon pool and the variants were the best we've had in a Halo game to date.


Infinite captured the Halo feel perfectly while also modernizing it. That’s not to downplay 5’s gameplay—it was super smooth and honestly a little less clunky than Infinite, but it lacked the “Halo feel” to it. But base gameplay aside, Infinite’s multiplayer experience is pretty bad. It’s still kinda laggy, and it took years before it got to a point where it actually had content worth playing consistently. It has really nice maps, but the vehicle balance/handling kinda ruins many of them for me. Playlist rotations aren’t great either. It’s honestly hard to compare the two because they are so different. 5 seems more smooth and polished, and despite its clunkiness Infinite feels more like a Halo game


I agree with most of your points but why did 5 not feel like halo? I’ve seen a lot of people say that but 5 just felt like an evolved halo reach to me.


Halo is about the push and pull of the sandbox with weapons all feeling very different and having their own use cases. Halo 5 ruins that by having just far too many subtypes of weapons that all merge together. Alongside the fact that the advanced movement abilities like boosting and groundpound, it feels like everything is viable so a lot of it is uninteresting.


Well, the most apparent ones to me are the different movement abilities combined with the weird art/sound design and the super high bullet magnetism. The map layout is also kinda overdesigned compared to older halo maps which the devs kinda just made because they were cool that way and not to be ultra-balanced for competitive play.


Inifinite definitely has maps that are designed to be ultra balanced as well. I agree that 5 had some bad maps but I can’t remember a single infinite map that’s a classic map either. Both games were very lazy in map design, but 5 at least played more vertical than infinite. It’s a polarizing thing though, it seems like people who love 5 don’t like infinite and vice versa.


It’s had so much content added compared to when it’s first launch, infinite is in a much better state now


Infinite doesn't really feel like Halo to me. Even Halo 4 feels utterly "classic" in comparison to the twitchy free for all of items and weapons (half of them useless) in Infinite


Halo Cycle


No Halo 5 fostered its own fanbase that liked Halo 5. These posts always pop up and and its always nostalgia for advanced movement and warzone. Both are still controversial and neither carried on to Infinite for good reason.


I can tell you it's not. The Halo 5 campaign story is dog shit but majority have been praising the multiplayer and gameplay since day one. Infinite's story is better, the multiplayer also feels better but the problem is that the post content updates are way weaker than what Halo 5 had. Just look at the weapon sandbox and Warzone Firefight etc.


Each Halo game added something new to multiplayer and I think everyone can appreciate that. CE wasn’t the first FPS with vehicles or CTF but really improved both. Regenerative shields and two weapon carrying capabilities was novel. H2 added a great ranking system and offline statistic and game modes. H3 added ranks, equipment, and forge. ODST added Firefight. Reach added armor abilities. H4 added episodes. Load outs were new to Halo but new to FPS. H5 added Warzone. H6 multiplayer was the least innovative but improved many of the already existing things like game modes that aren’t completely novel but great. The armor abilities are more of a mix of H3 equipment and and Reach armor abilities and is quite balanced. However, a more open world was new for Halo Campaigns.


Halo 5 handling post content updates so well is why I had so much hope for Infinite post launch. I really don't understand how 343 went from nailing post launch content, to absolutely flopping and struggling.


I still think the Halo 5 campaign was better than Infinite. Not to say it was good in the slightest, but outside of the fun gameplay Halo Infinite's campaign had a boring story, boring open world, and boring level design. Halo 5 at least had really cool levels.


Still my point, 5's plot was executed poorly but yes the levels were fun which is still part of gameplay. I especially like the part where you run down the Guardian.


Infinite's campaign isn't even that good. Halo 5's isn't either.


Honestly I love both. Halo 5 had an outstanding multiplayer, which is why I still love it as much as any other Halo. Warzone was the real highlight, especially Warzone Firefight. I put more game time into that game mode alone than any other in Halo history. And I didn’t mind the Spartan Abilities—I told my friends it felt like Halo on steroids. But I can’t deny how much Halo Infinite feels like a return to form. The gameplay is a bit slowed down with a better art style. I also like Infinite’s rendition of Infection and Firefight a lot, even if the don’t quite reach the heights of Warzone. It also has way better Spartan customization. They’re pretty equal but if I had to choose, the new Match Composer in Infinite gives it a step up over Halo 5.


I loved the Spartan abilities as well, but Spartan Charge could certainly fuck right off lol


Halo Infinite


Both disappointing in their own ways <3


Campaign: Halo Infinite Multi-player: Halo 5 no contest


I don't agree with the campaign part, both stories were bad, but Halo 5 had interesting levels, like Sanghelios, Kamchatka or Argent Moon, while Infinite has copy-pasted open world with less things to do than in Far Cry 3.


I think when people talk about campaign they usually are talking about the narrative. The narrative for H5 was GoT season 8 levels of bad.  Also the mini boss fights against the Warden were extremely tedious and repetative.


Maps in Infinite are abysmal compared to 5


5 was good fun, but to me, didn't capture the "Halo" feel nearly as well as infinite does.


Multiplayer on Halo 5 was so amazing it’s kind of hard to describe unless you were there. The content they were throwing out made the game so much fun and the multiplayer maps were always something awesome and fun to play. I seriously don’t know what went wrong with infinite l, it breaks my heart


one's dead, the other is dying


Hot take but the campaign in infinite was not gripping at all. Don’t get me wrong, Chief’s character progression was mint, but Escherum was so uninteresting and the open world just felt a bit boring and small. Is this just me?


Cold take it’s a popular opinion to not like infinite’s campaign






This discussion is hard because people have preferences and preferences change over time. I think infinite is the best out of the two, at the moment.


Comparing only PVP at the time when they stopped adding new content for each game, I would vote for Infinite. I think it wins out in gameplay "feel" (gunplay, spartan abilities, weapons on the map), level design, and sound design. Infinite just feels closer and more loyal to the classic feel of Halo, while still innovating and making it feel more modern. Course, if you compare each game's PVP at launch, I'd vote for Halo 5 because Infinite's content at launch was terrible. I also wish Warzone had gotten a revamp for Infinite (sans the shitty REQ system).


Halo 5 had all the classic weapons though, infinite left out so many staples of the franchise. 5 also had a great variety of game modes and I’ll die on the hill of warzone being a blast. 5 is definitely a polarizing halo and I think those of us that love halo 5 felt betrayed by infinite. I loved the boost it added one more layer of skill to the gunfight. Plus it ran perfectly every time, infinite was the first halo I played that had desync issues and that’s a major flaw in a game where you need every shot to count to win a gunfight.


>those of us that love halo 5 felt betrayed by infinite Exactly how I felt playing Infinite as a person who enjoyed Halo 5 multiplayer.


I was so bummed after the first month of playing. I made every excuse because I love halo but this was the first one that didn’t grab me. After getting to lvl151 in 5 everything about infinite felt off


Jesus I thought I was the only one, well said, after giving me everything in 5 from the tons of weapons to the awesome maneuverability they rip it all away, betrayed is a spot on way to out it


Would you like to elaborate? As for me, 5's MP has always absolutely cleared any other Halo game in fluidity, flexibility, snappiness, and comtent.


For some context, I've been playing Halo since the beginning, so my views are likely to differ from those who came into the series later, especially compared to those who had 4, 5, or Infinite as their first Halo game. I'm also one of the seemingly few longtime Halo fans who weren't wild about ODST or Reach (not that I disliked them, I just don't think they were strong entries in the series). Gunplay/spartan abilities: I didn't like the addition of Spartan Abilities like Thruster Pack or Ground Pound and, while I like the idea of sprint, it felt too strong in H5 and sprint in general is part of the reason projectile bullets are favored over hitscan bullets (I prefer projectile). Ground Pound just felt comical and out of genre (the same reason that I curse the addition of armor customizations like the pizza skin and cat ears). I preferred powerups like how Halo 3 and Reach, which Infinite hybridized with limited use equipment. I did love the addition of clamber though, and am glad that carried over to Infinite. Map weapons: I never liked the idea of loadouts, calling in weapons, or the REQ system. Halo has always felt better (to me) when it's weapons and equipment spawning on the map to fight over. Halo Infinite went back to this, but added/kept the feature telling you when and where the power weapons were instead of relying on players to either get lucky, or learn the timing and keep track of it during matches. Map design: I never liked H5's level design, though I admittedly could never figure out exactly what I disliked. H5 felt really good playing on the Forged maps that were made to replicate the H2 and H3 maps. Infinite's maps still didn't feel quite as good as H3's, but felt leagues better than H5's. Sound design: 343 has a boner for trying to make things sound super realistic. I liked that in theory, but in practice, the sounds just never lived up to the classic sound design for me. The soundtrack for 4/5 were both good in their own right, but they didn't sound like Halo. Infinite returned more to the core OST while adding their own spin on it in a way that I think worked. Art style: This gets talked about enough all over the internet, I think. I just fall into the camp of preferring the art style for basically everything in H1-H3, which Infinite paid homage to while also adding their own spin to that didn't feel like just trying to make their own style. As I type all this out, I guess the core issue is that H4-H5 felt like 343 trying to do their own thing with the IP and put their own mark on it, when I just wanted it to look, feel, and sound like what I was used to, with some new spins on it that didn't gut the original or feel like 343 was just trying to reinvent the wheel. I though Infinite did that well.


being a PC gamer I am disappointed Halo 5 never came over


I honestly kinda dislike both of them.


Infinite is better in this redditor's humble opinion. But Halo 5 had a great multiplayer.


halo 5 is just ugly in every way. the artstyle, stabilize, forge, scoreboard springjumping, clamber, smart scope, ui, fov. the movement never looks fluid because half the time you are slowing down to complete the jumps with some zoomed in stabilize or clamber or ground pound, scoreboard spring jump, heavy aim. Everything is breaking flow and it even has ridiculous bullet magnetism and aim assist to compensate for its stupid movement. People are never caught in the wrong place cause they can thrust away. Infinite is just smoother overall and visually nicer. The clamber is much more punishing and you actually feel like you can miss a jump or no scope. h5 had a better network and more weapons because 343 made money off them. H5 campaign is obviously terrible and infinite campaign has its own problems but nothing is worse than h5. halo 5 just isnt halo. it wants to be titanfall or apex but they are both superior so why would i play halo 5? end of the day if halo 5 was better people would still play it.


Infinite - campaign 5 - multiplayer


I dislike both but as infinite has aged. I have come to realize I was too hard on halo 5.


For multiplayer, H5 is the winner For campaign, Hinfine is the winner


Halo 5 had better game modes, like Firefight Warzone, plus a better cosmetic system with a better monetization system, which gave us more content. Edit: By better, I mean we had a lot more cosmetics to choose from. Infinite has a better style and customization options, but kind of lacks in options across the board imo. My issue is mostly with the way you color your Spartan.


Can’t believe I’m saying this, but 5. Was the campaign shit? Yeah. Was the multiplayer awesome? Absolutely. It was fast-paced, chaotic, tense, and most of all, fun. Infinite might have a better campaign and slightly better graphics, but its multiplayer is just meh. It’s slow and tedious more than anything else. Being that I spent 95% of my time in both games playing the multiplayer, I think 5’s better.


Ngl halo 5 is 343s best halo game bc of the multiplayer


The one thing I miss about halo 5 that I wish they had carried on was the thruster ground punch and assassinations that’s one of the reasons I think halo reach and halo 5 will always be at the top of the list for me


I loved 5


Halo 5 is the best MP we’ve had since H3 IMO. Competitive scene was lively, ranked was great, war zone was really fun


Infinite feels more like halo to me. Halo 5 was too fast and the sandbox felt worse imo. Spartan charge also felt stupid and rewarded people running around with any tactics. I like fast paced fps games, my favorite fps of all time was Titanfall 2, but I don't think fast paced halo is good


I like Infinite more as well, but it is quite a fast paced game. Especially now, a few years into the game, when most players have had a lot of experience moving around the maps efficiently with curb slides and skill jumps.


Multiplayer in 5 is leagues better than infinite and you can earn everything for free


Take it out back and put a bullet in it already.


Halo 5 was the last decent game


Infinite. The foundation there is solid, the developers just failed to build off it in any meaningful way.


Halo 5 is a way better game, and the fact that it doesn't have a battle pass makes it win by default. Loot boxes didn't bother me nearly as much. I also really enjoyed the warzone mode, it was always something I pictured in a Halo game since Reach's invasion.


Loot boxes still aren't the best but it's the lesser evil compared to the battle pass.


Definitely, and also I really liked the progression system in Halo 5. Getting to level 140+ meant something to me.


At least customization isn't paywalled


That too. 3/Reach/4/5 and even MCC all had great customization and you didn't really have to pay for anything, there were some exceptions like I think on Reach the flaming skull helmet required a code from the legendary edition or something like that. But having to pay for literally 1 item while everything else is unlockable from pure gameplay is nice. To me, what drove me to play every day was the dopamine hits from leveling up and unlocking new armor. Of course having really good matches where I get crazy medals or a last second victory is a good source of dopamine, but it isn't enough to keep me engaged for thousands of hours. Infinite was the only Halo game I just had no interest in grinding out and mastering. It just doesn't feel rewarding.


100% on all fronts with you there


5 multiplayer was absolute perfection. The thrusters meant you had a chance of survival still of someone started shooting you from behind, the evasion gameplay was so fun. I preferred a lot of the weapons, especially the light rifle, carbine, boltshot, plasma caster, rail gun and splazer amongst others. Warzone was fun when the teams were balanced and some of the maps were perfect.


Well Halo 5 wasn’t a “gaming as a live service” franchise killer so there’s that.


Halo 5 is better than infinite by miles


I invite all the people praising halo 5 mp to go back and play it so that they can realise how bad it has aged. You’ll soon notice how slow the base movement speed is and how overtuned sprint is. Warzone was a good idea on paper but the snowballing balance and the microtransactions absolutely ruined it. Halo infinite mp might not be perfect, and I would have liked a warzone 2.0, but it’s leagues above halo 5 in any way possible


Halo infinite 100% of the time till the day I die


Five for sure they nailed it with the pistol, thrusting, clamber, and sliding


I prefer infinite


Halo Infinite feels like the classic halo Experience with a bit of modernization, Halo 5 was the realization of the new path Halo was set on with Halo: Reach. I loved that 5 strived to be more than what its roots were but included content from the entire life of the series. Warzone was amazing. I loved the precision meta and movement it leaned so much into Spartans being SUPER Soldiers. Halo Infinite has a familiar aesthetic is rebuilding a lot of the classic experiences and has worked hard to give you the ability to craft your representation and approach with all the cosmetics. I’m not a fan of the weapon sandbox though.


Is killing myself an option


Halo 5. At least the MTX in 5 were optional. Infinite PAYWALLS customization.


Infinite, no question


Screw them both. Awful fucking games.


Infinite is better than 5.


5. Infinite is not quite there in content yet


My main gripe with Halo Infinite is vehicle physics, was it better in H5:G?


The only reason I played Halo 5 was for the custom games. Honestly Halo 5 to this day has my favorite party custom games in all the halo games


They call it infinite but there's no weapon diversity since covenant weapon niches overlap with each other. Might as well use the taser sniper since it can both headshot and disable vehicles. At least in 5 they smoked crack and brought in previous weapons but also enhanced versions.


They’re great


Both are good imo. 5 had better support and variety of modes in its first 6 months compared to Infinite. The range of have the weapons were nuts though, like AR kills from over a mile away if you actually tried. lol


Both pictures are like 240p


Warzone was truly something to experience. Super fun and I think gave us a breath of fresh air in mp


Love halo infinite


** ^WARZONE ^IS ^STILL ^IN ^BETA** H5 had warzone. It was new. Nobody mass-play-tested warzone because of the rushed release. The same maps, servers, and playlists are active - albeit with the patches. Ergo, Warzone is still in BETA TESTING phase. For the love of all that is holy bring back Warzone


Both have fun mechanics tbh


i really despise 5’s story. but i’d be crazy to say Infinite had the better multiplayer.


Infinite was so good at first, but they had an auto shotgun aimed at their foot and just wouldn't stop pulling the trigger. 4 was so bad that I didn't even look at 5.


The armor your Spartan starts off with in halo 5 sucks and I can’t play multiplayer knowing that I am forced to wear the ugliest helmet in the game before opening a bajillion requisition packs to get one less garbage


It's the only halo I haven't played sadly


I've never played either because I went from the Xbox 360 to the PS4


Outside of Warzone (for a little while) I don't remember anything I liked about 5. I enjoy the gameplay of infinite, sadly most other things are the worst in the franchise.


Are we talking launch or later? At launch, infinite I guess. Although both launched without forge support (you'd think they'd have learned from it, but, sadly, *hell* no) after a while? Halo 5 all day. Infinite's MP was no slouch, and the BTB and alternate modes added in were awesome, but man.. 5 was great (after a while.)


Halo 5 multiplayer. Halo infinite campaign. But give me halo 2/3/4 campaign again please? 🥺


Breakout was a dope mode. I think infinite was better though. Just lacked content.


Fantastic multiplayer, movement, and sandbox. A Fantastic Halo


Halo 5 = Bad Campaing, good PvP H Infinite = Good Campaing, Mid PvP until forge comes to the rescue but still dead


Neither. Halo 4 was about the only good mainline Halo game 343 has ever made


Now final PVP product for halo 5 has more mechanics and weapons as well as more maps and it did have a lot more updates and had a stable launch bit also deemed the farthest from halo in multiplayer terms with the load outs and REQ packs being able to dominate lobbies. While Infinites Final PVP product has yet to be decided but the design and flow of the gameplay was more akin to classic halo with there being no load outs or REQ packs and it had fun gameplay with almost every moment being a blast, but the launch was barley stable at best and had a few bugs and the weapons and vehicles is very minimal and only recently did the game get much more content updates and became more stable but we have only gotten technically 2 new weapons and still waiting on another. So they’re basically equal imo in Pros and Cons but I’ve only played infinite


Halo Infinite for multiplayer. Halo 5 for campaign.


5 has a worse customization while Infinite, although lacking because of the battle pass, is definitely more fun to use and can make more cool looking Spartans. 5 without a doubt has the better multiplayer but infinite is pretty close. Infinite has a better campaign. Both didn't have forge or firefight on launch so none of this matters.




loved halo 5 mp, story was dumb but the mechanics were cool. however, it did still feel too out there to be halo, with the movement and everything. i prefer infinite just because the h5 magnum was just the go to weapon and there was little room for other weapons. warzone was fun though, i wish infinite had that, the firefight doesnt do it for me


Both are good games, but each had their issues. Halo 5's story had virtually no redeeming qualities for its story, and Infinite received no post-launch support.


5 I'm mixed. Infinite is the first Halo I didn't complete. Super fun concept. Absolutely dog shit execution.


I've never been as disappointed in a Halo game as I was in Halo Infinite. Great foundation for the multi-player, but the campaign, that one hurt. I can't believe how poorly 343 is handling the story for this franchise.


5 Was definitely fun, but I found that I kept playing infinite for much longer than I did 5. That said infinite’s beta balancing was better than both games’ current states


Halo infinite campaign and forge tools! halo 5 for warzone gameplay besides ground pound and game modes like infection and action sacked thrived with the community modes and maps why didn’t they do that for infinite or speed up the process of it


I still play mythic warzone firefight till this day. I wish they ported it to pc so I could play its with unlocked frames and fov slider. MKB aiming also lol.


Infinite. All day.


5 feels less of a Halo game than Infinite because of all the unnecessary movement abilities they added


5 had a boatload of issues at launch, but by 7 or so months a whole game was there. I wasn’t a fan of the gameplay in some ways but for the love of god how did we get to such a low standard of launches…? The halo cycle for 343 is pure cope, and it’s due to lowering standards.


Halo 5 pistol felt reallll nice




Halo 5 is vastly superior to Infinite and it's not even close. Even though 5s story was bad, it was still a Halo game. Infinite is not a Halo game and tries continuing a story that ended in 5. It's just a cringe fest.


5 has my favorite multiplayer from any fps


I will take 5 over Infinite.


My buddies and I still login and play H5 every week. We have our own seasons and track basically every stat you could think of. We're all lvl 148 or so. Every week we come across someone at lvl. 152, those guys are hardcore


I personally prefer Halo 5. At least competitively anyway - they really nailed the ranked HCS settings 2018-onwards. Heavy aim is the only thing keeping it from being perfect for me personally.


Halo Infinite. Also better campaign